Absolute S̵̯̱͐̄ǫ̶̹́͗͘l̷̏͜ǘ̶̟͖̈́t̶̤̟̱̽͊̿ï̸̢̟̈́̿o̴̡̪͆n̴̫̫͒

Death is the Only S̷͈̿o̷̬͝l̸͉̏u̴̹̇t̸̖̿ï̶̫ò̶̳ṋ̷̓

There's a nice beach screen saver on a computer monitor in an office. The lights suddenly go out as a Worker Drone, Drone 029, hides under the desk. She peeks out to see the paralyzed body of a fellow drone stuck in a boot loop.

The Drone crawls slowly to her colleagues as a claw emerges from the shadows. She doesn't notice this, however, as she finally reaches her fallen friend. A blue light flashes and she drags the drone by the foot.

She stops to resume her hiding position, until she works up the courage to finish dragging the drone. But before she can reach it, two creatures, Sentinels, grab the drone and tear it apart, oil spilling out everywhere.

She quickly resumes hiding when a blue light shines before her. A Sentinel has found her location. As she tries to escape, the Sentinel flashes a beam of light into her eyes, boot looping her. The Sentinel crawls down and feasts on her.

All of this has been captured on a security camera.



When we last left our heroes, they had just encountered J, Doll, and Tessa.

Y stares at Tessa in shock, as his right eye glitches for a second. Izy looks at Tessa, and her visor glitches yellow for a second.

"T-Tessa...?" N questions.

Tessa hugs N. "N, you remember..." She begins to cough. "Tall, handsome... Air's toxic..." She then notices Y, who's staring at her. "Y!" She rubs his cheeks. "How's my tall strong Drone?"

"T-Tessa?" Y stares down at her with hollow eyes. "I thought you... I thought I..." His visor glitches as he looks down at his hands, a warning symbol appears in his left eye saying he's overheating.

Reboot at 70%
Reboot at 75%

Tessa pats Y on the shoulders. "Whatcha on about, Y?"

Y shakes his head and starts to cool down. "I-I don't know."

Tessa then notices the two small sisters. "Who are these little-" Uzi bites her finger as the human points at her. "AH!"

"Uzi!" Uzi greets. "Why are you here, human?!" Izy hides behind her sister as she and Uzi notice J. "Real tired of killing this one."

J strokes her hair back. "effective drones were cloned more."

"It is you." N chuckles.

V crosses her arms. "Classic J."

J notices Y and her eyes hollow. "Y, you're alive."

Y waves to J with a smile. "Hiya, J."

J deadpans and turns to N. "What did you do to him."

N puts up his hands. "Nothing, I-I swear!"

Tessa then puts her hands on Izy's shoulder. "Oh, aren't you kinda small for a Worker Drone?"

Both Izy's eyes change into small yellow X's, before her visor glitches her she returns to normal.

Izy pushes Tessa's hands off her. "Bite me! I'm not small!"

Tessa clears her throat, getting everyone's attention. "Cyn disappeared on Earth-"

"Boss ran away." J informs,.

Tessa gets annoyed. "We mutually disengaged. Her last known act was siccing you lot on the human exoplanets."

"Why?" N asks.

"That's what we're trying to figure out, bozo." J states.

Y rubs the back of his head as he has a confused look. "That... doesn't feel right..." He whispers.

Izy looks at him. "Y?"

Y shakes his head and smiles. "Nothing~"

Suddenly, Doll activates her AbsoluteSolver to snatch the bug on top of Tessa's head into her hands, then teleports off.

"That's... kind of a big piece." Tessa informs.

J and Tessa chase Doll down to a factory, they shoot at her, until she drops herself down a large shaft. Uzi, Izy, Y, N and V catch up. Uzi's in huntmode as she carries Izy in her Eldritch-like mode.

The two sisters return to normal.

"J, relay hand, Cyn's orders." Tessa orders.

J brings up a screen. "Step one, clear drop zone of life and construct spire. Step two-"

"Enter labs with this symbol." Tessa tears down some large paper to reveal a poster behind it. Taped near the bottom:


Izy and Uzi's eyes widen. Text appears on Izy's eyes.

Bad feeling about this.

Tessa continues. "Not too much to go off, but if Cyn wants these labs, we burn them down. That keybug's our way in."

J shows a hologram of the labs, with the middle split in half.

Tessa walks towards the edge of the scaffolding. "J mind my shop." She tosses J the Kay's. J glances at her three friends with uncertainty.

"...Of course, boss." J flies off.

Tessa continues to walk, only for Uzi to stand before her, blocking her path.

"Why involve Doll?" Uzi stomps up to Tessa. "What's happening to... her?"

"She reckons the humans did something to her folks down here." Tessa informs. "Gave them a sickness she inherited."

Uzi puts a hand on the collar around her neck, then glances at her sister. Then she looks back up at Tessa. "And?"

"I think she's right." Tessa then looks at the three Murder Drones behind her. "Coming or what?"

Tessa jumps off, leaving the concerned group wondering whether it's a good idea to follow her. Izy holds up her screw driver as she takes a few deep breaths.

"Calming Breaths." Izy mutters.

The group lands at the bottom. Y sets Izy down as she gives him a thumbs up, and he returns it. The group then turns on some flashlight to light up the dark, damp cavern. Uzi uses her huntmode tail to produce some light.

"Is the secret elevator... labeled?" N asks and he gets no answer. V rolls her eyes.

"That would be very nice of the humans who used to work here." Y taps his chin.

As Tessa walks, she accidentally kicks a severed Murder Drone arm. it rolls as she sees the piles of corpse. Everyone looks around at their besmirched setting. N looks like he's ready to vomit.

Izy does vomit, and Y pats her back to comfort her.

"Riiight..." Tessa walks over to a computer. "Might be some security, specifically against... you guys." She points at the Drones.

Y looks behind him to spot nothing, then points at himself as he looks at Tessa. They all look at some screens mentioning an Anti-Drone Program Sentinels. And their status is Free Roam.

Izy looks around and unknowingly grabs Y's hand in fear. Y blinks a few times and grows a blush.

Uzi looks to her left and sees something written on the wall.


Scared, Uzi slowly reaches out for N's hand.

Tessa jumps onto the desk. "Human-made security-" She kicks the computers away as she goes over to the printer. "-this human can control."

Tessa grabs the paper and sees.


Tessa stuffs the paper back in the printer. "...Maybe..."

V smiles. "Anything to screw Cyn's plan."

"And for Mom backstory." N looks at Uzi and Izy. "Right, dudes?"

"...Yeah." Uzi responds as Izy nods.

"And to stop the humans from going extinct." Y gives a thumbs up.

They continue walking until they come across a directory. It states that the secret elevator is north of their direction. N giggles excitedly over being right and turns to his friends for validation. V's eye just twitches while Uzi gives a supportive nod; Y and Izy both give big smiles and thumbs up.

"Huh." Tessa looks up to the sign. "Right-ho, sources say that way--" Before she can finish, she steps into a trap and gets dragged off. She rapidly finishes her sentence. "Except I'm going this way, so save me if you can. THANKS!"

Y blinks a few times. "That's kinda convenient..."

The gang try to find where Tessa got dragged off to. While doing so, they stop at the sound of a child's laughter. They all hide around a corner and pear down a hall, where a baby Drone lies on the ground with a single light flickering above it.

The Drone is playing CHILDGIGGLE.mp3. Izy stares down the hall in horror as she blinks a few times, Y's eyes go hollow as they shake in fear.

"..Shoot the b-" Uzi starts but she gets interrupted by Y.

"KILL THE SCARY BABY!" Y jumps around the corner as his hands change in mini-guns and start blasting down the hallway. But the baby suddenly grows legs and runs off before Y's able to hit it.

Y slowly turns to why with a WTF look. Y stops shooting and his mini-gun barrels smoke.

The group runs forward to where the Baby disappeared into a vent, only for a long arm to slither in front of them from behind. The arm switches to an EMP, and the group slowly turns around to see someone.

The arm switches to an EMP, and the group slowly turns around to see someone

Alice chuckles as the baby lands next to her. "Hey, surface slickers." She flicks a switch on her horns.

The group turns around and sees the EMP charge up.

"Awww, fiddlesticks." Y snaps his fingers.

The EMP goes and everything goes black for the group.



bnuoF noituloS
nO gnirewoP

Izy comer to as everything glitches yellow for a few seconds, until it stays yellow as her vision clears up.

Out of Izy's POV she has a magnet attached to the top of her head as her yellow eyes look around, sluggishly. She lets out a soft groan.

She then hears the sounds of roars and something being ripped apart. Her eyes hollow as she looks towards the source and freezes in fear.

She sees a group of Sentinels biting into Y's corpse. Y's visor is turned off a a pair of magnets are on top of his head.

Izy then looks around in fear and notice she's locked in the door behind a pair of large steel doors. And her hands are changed above her head. She tries to move the chains but they make a loud jingle, making the Sentinels stop eating Y, and peer over.

Izy swiftly shuts off her monitor and lays limp. Then the Sentinels go back to eating Y. She turns on one eyes slightly and looks around for something to help her.

In another room the sound of an axe chopping is heard as Uzi wakes up. She looks around her surroundings, a magnet is also attached to her head. Uzi looks to her right to see Alice chopping off the head of a Drone. She tries to get up, but to no avail.

"Sentinels picked at this one." Alice states as she removes a wire from the Drone's neck, and attaches it to her antlers. She then looks at Uzi. "I try and not damage good parts." She flicks on a flashlight on her antlers.

Uzi just stares at Alice in confusion.

Alice climbs off the table and onto the floor, and over to a curtain. "Of course, some parts are more valuable than others, ain't they?"

Alice pulls back the curtain to reveal V strapped to another bed.

"More valuable." V whispers.

Alice goes to chop V's head off, but Uzi calls out to her.

"Whoa, hey, cut that thing up and you're gonna get a big creepy worm, An improvement."

"Nah, heat keeps 'em sluggish." Alice hops on top of an oven and opens the door, revealing the contents inside; jars filled with corrupted cores/hearts."Ain't our first rodeo." She closes the door.

Uzi gets grosses out. "Okay, that's enough of this." She tries to activate her AbsoluteSolver, but it doesn't work."

Alice chuckles as she crawls over to Uzi. "Death with witches 'fore, too." She brings Uzi's face up close to hers as she sees the collar on her neck. "Though, ain't seen 02 since she left us to die...!"

"W-Where's my sister?" Uzi asks.

"Oh, gotta keep the Sentinels feed, or they really pick at the good parts." Alice chuckles.

Uzi's eye twitches as she grows angry and bites Alice's finger, hard.

In a third room, Tessa is bound to a table.

Tessa sits up. "Little buddy, you're gonna get red and sad if you try that with me."

Beau, the baby, is working on N, by working I mean slicing open with a saw. But N seems to be enjoying it, for some reason.

N giggles like a child. "It tickles. The bad version though." Beau pauses for a bit as he digitally sweats. N smiles up at him. "...Doing great, dude."

"N, whose side-" N interrupts Tessa.

"Tried sawing there?"

Beau lowers his saw to a specific spot. N shakes his head "No". Beau moves his saw a little bit to N's right. N winks, indicating "Yes". Just as he's about to get to work, Alice's voice comes over a radio.

"Beau, we've got one of Nori's kids here." The baby walks over to their radio, there's a crunch sound followed by Uzi's laughter. "Need more sedatives. It's bitey."

Baue carefully grabs a couple more magnets and leaves after typing the code into the electronic lock. N waves goodbye, and Beau peeks his head in to wave back.

"Ugh, finally, the code, Lordy..." Tessa takes the magnet off her head, she cut herself free from the bed. "Walk and talk?"

Back in Izy's room her yellow eyes look up at the lock holding her chains in place. She's pointing a finger up at it as her Absolute Solver symbol, with a ring around it, fiddles with the lock. The symbol glitches, and suddenly one of her fingers bends backwards. Izy bites her lip to keep herself silent.

She hears the Sentinels roar at each other, before one of Y's arms lands next to her. She starts to panic and fiddle with the lock more, she then hears a click and the lock falls. But she uses her powers to catch the lock and gently set it on the ground.

Izy lowers her arms, as her visor glitches and she grunts in pain. Text appears on her face.

What to do about them?

She watches the creatures continue to munch on Y. Her finger slowly healing itself.

Izy's eyes flicker into X's before going back to normal.

Back with Uzi. She gets two more magnets stuck to her head as she spits a severed piece of Alice's finger in Beau's face.

"How'd you know my mom?" Uzi asks. "Was she cool? She didn't suck, did she?"

Alice doesn't answer any of these, focusing on replacing her missing finger with a space. She then grabs a pair of shears and hops onto a chair, which Beau pulls her over to Uzi.

"Back to the others!" Alice orders Beau.

Beau hurriedly exits the room. On a monitor behind Alice, Uzi sees Tessa and N escaping their room. A bright light is flashed onto her face.

"You're a lot like her, I'll say." Alice leans in close to Uzi. "'Cept her yellow eyes."

Alice prepares to sever Uzi's finger with a hand pruner. But Uzi bats her away.

"Easy, creep. You've got the wrong-" A blade sinks into Uzi's hand.

"Nori, right?" Alice asks and twists the blade in Uzi's hand. "Sure through imploding all them folds was pretty slick." She removes the knife.

Alice gets ready to sever Uzi's finger again. Uzi tries to use her AbsoluteSolver to stop her, which barely stops the blade from cutting into her finger.

Uzi's voice then glitches as she speaks. "Wait, stop. Seriously, what are you talking about?" An error flashes onto her face and Alice cuts through her finger.

V winces and looks away.

With Beau, he enters Tessa and N's room, only to discover their missing. He goes out to warn Alice. Nearby, N watches Beau from behind a desk while Tessa is typing away on a computer.

"They've gotta be in there, right?" N asks.

"No worries, we'll save V and Y." Tessa spins around as she gestures for N to sit down, but he kicks his chair away.

"And Uzi and Izy." N stays sternly.

Tessa turns back around to the computer. With a few keystrokes, the room is filled with a yellow glow from the monitor. "Wanna take a gander at Earth, N?"

"No, Tessa, we don't have time-" Before N can finish, something catches his attention on the monitor. N's eyes widen in horror.

Meanwhile back in V and Uzi's room, Beau is looking through the security monitors for any sign of Tessa and N.

Alice shoves Beau to the side. "They can't leave the office, idjit!" She turns back to Uzi. "Can't get back in our rooms, neither."

Alice presses a couple buttons and two doors close, one of which leads into the room their in now. She then presses a third button. This opens a door to allow Sentinels loose, but also free our dear Izy and Cinnamon Y.

Uzi becomes terrified. "Wait... What is that...?"

Alice sits down with "Popcorn", its actually batteries, and watches the Sentinels roam the office completes. Once Sentinel devours the security camera info front of it. Uzi continues to free herself as Alice finds entertainment in the Sentinels rampage.

With Izy, she watches the Sentinels charge out of the room. She lets out a sigh of relief and glitches as she grabs the magnet on her head, and pulls it off.

Izy then falls limp on the ground as her visor goes dark. Yellow static pulses around her, then her hand twitches and her purple eyes turn on.

"Standing u-up." Izy stands up with a groan as she puts a hand on her head.

Izy then remembers something.

"Y!" She loudly whispers.

Izy runs over to the mangled body of Y and pulls the magnets off his head. After a few seconds Y sits up and screams.

"Oh my, Robo-GOD!" Y pants. "I had such a weird dream where I was this drone like vampire thing, and I was killing drones to drink their oil. But then I met this pair of sisters and started to go on cool adventures! But then one day we met a human, I thought was dead, and we went under ground and I get eaten alive!"

Y takes several deep breaths.

"Um, Y..." Izy calls out and he looks to her, his eyes hollow. "That did happen."

Y blinks a few times before smiling. "Nice." He stands up and dusts himself off and cracks his back. "Now what?"

The two look towards the open door where they hear the Sentinels chirping in the office.

"Ohhhh...." Y blinks. "Poop."

Back with N and Tessa.

To N's horror, he sees a live video feed of Earth, destroyed.

N then glances at Tessa

N then glances at Tessa.

Tessa then grabs the keyboard and starts to tap at it. "We know it mutates in damaged AI. It took Cyn as a host... Then it made Y its back up... Its Absolute Solution... And from what I noticed, Y made Izy his back up... It took everything. The humans here saw what was happening at home, thought they could understand it."

The monitor shows several systems already infected. She then pulls up security feed of a possessed Nori before the feed gets cut out.

"All they did was spread it." Tessa states.

"Then Uzi and Izy..." N grows worried. "You can fix them right? That's why you're here?"

Tessa stands up and takes N's hand. "I'm here to find which Drones were infected. When we get to the labs and find that list, I'll need you to choose the universe over two little drones, N. Y will have to do the same. before they're not themselves anymore..."

N contemplates this, when suddenly a Sentinel appears in front of him and attacks him. It drags him away from Tessa and slams him into a wall.

Alice watches this through the monitor while Uzi struggles to free herself. She's using her Absolute Solver to try and flick a switch, but it's causing her to go crazy.

Izy and Y hide inside a cubicle as a Sentinel passes by. Izy grunts and grabs her head as her eyes flash yellow. The Sentinel stops and Y notices it and his eyes go hollow.

The Sentinel turns around as Y hides back in the cubicle and grabs onto Izy, covering her mouth and holding her close. Izy's eyes continue to flash yellow as she gives some muffled grunts.

Y starts to panic as he notices the claws of the Sentinel grip onto the top of their cubicle. It starts to peer over, but a loud noise distracts it and it runs off.

Y looks down at Izy who's claimed down and clutching onto her Screw Driver. Izy also has a blush on her face and Y lets go of her with a sigh.

"Sorry." Izy apologizes.

"At least we're alive." Y whispers.

Back over with N, who's boot looped, the Sentinel goes to finish him off, but Alice calls out to it.

"Hey, fella. Me, human, order you to be nice dingo, please?"

Tessa holds out her hand like it's fucking How to Train your Dragon. The Sentinel seems to have a change of heart... until it bites into her hand.

Tessa screams and frees herself. "Bad, dingo! Bad, dingo!"

The Sentinel notices the red blood coming off of Tessa's hand and it starts to go crazy. It smacks itself against a wall and falls to the ground, knocking itself out.

A couple more Sentinels appear to corner Tessa as Alice continues to watch, until her batteries levitate in the air. She looks behind her to see Beau, who waves, and various equipment floating off as well.

Alice turns back to see Uzi possessed by the Solver. "Oh, don't mind me."

V looks over in shock and horror.

Uzi unleashes her Absolute Solver to destroy the door buttons, this opening the doors and giving the Sentinel more free roaming in the area. Uzi passes out and falls back onto her bed.

They make their way to Alice's room, ignoring Tessa.

Alice nearly closes the heavy steel door, she looks back to the baby. "Beau, help me with-" She looks in front to see a Sentinel right in front of her.

The Sentinel roars and boot loops Alice, crushing Alice under their feet as all the Sentinels enter. Beau hides as a Sentinel looms over Uzi, but it seems a yellow light and looks over to see the baby pointing a laser gun at it.

Instead of killing the Sentinel, Beau frees V. She looks over at him in shock as he tips his hat to her, then gets mauled by a Sentinel. V swiftly frees herself and moves over to Uzi, and goes to free her, but another Sentinel appears and she hides.

The Sentinels start to surround Uzi and V, trying to boot loop her. She goes to fight back, but the Sentinel's suddenly explode and she looks over to the door to spot Izy, with her hand held out and her yellow eyes glitching.

V stares at Izy in slight fear, as the Absolute Solution symbol glitches onto her right eye. Izy then lets out a groan and falls over, but Y catches her before she hits the ground.

"V, you alright?" Y asks as he peers in.

"I- I guess." V looks at the repairing Uzi.

Meanwhile Tessa pokes N's face.

"Wakey, wakey."

Text appears on N's face.

You're Bootlopped


N then wakes up and shoots off the bed he's laying on.

"Don't say I never did anything for-" Tessa gets interrupted by Y and V landing in the room.

N notices the two knocked out sisters on each of their backs.

"V! Y!" N panics as he climbs off the bed. "Their-"

"Hurt." V states. "We're leaving."

Tessa walks over. "I can take a squizz at-"

V gets angry and threatens Tessa with a sword. "You said you could control the Sentinels!"

Y's eyes go hollow as he watches, his visor slightly glitches.

"I..." Tessa squeezes her injured arm. "At least they can't boot loop me, we'll just have to-"

V removes her sword from Tessa's throat and turns away. "Do whatever you want."

Y looks between Tessa and V with hollow eyes.

"N?" V calls out to him, but she gets no response.

Tessa puts a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, N. I haven't been honest with V or Y yet."

Y growls a confused look as he glances at Tessa.

V stares accusingly at N. "What did she tell you?"

At that moment the two sisters wake up.

Uzi groans. "Ow... My freaking head..."

Izy grits her teeth and hisses. "Who hit me?" She notices Y's carrying her and blushes, but hugs him tighter. "Tight hug..." She whispers.

Uzi then notices N. "N?"

N waves to her, and Uzi runs up to him and tightly hugs N. N silently returns the embrace. V stares at Tessa, her cold stare reflecting off Tessa's helmet.

Y glances between V and Tessa, his right eye flashing the Absolute Solution symbol. He frowns as his right eye continues to glitch, but he then looks back at Izy and he smiles, his glitching comes to a stop.



The Sentinel that bit Tessa awakens, its icy blue changing to blood red. It stands up and scans the area, finding some footprints. It follows the trail until it comes across a message.


Above it are the Murder Drones, Worker Drones and the singular human. V has a gun trained on the Sentinel, in case it spots them.

Izy has a scared look on her face as she clutches on hand on her screw driver, and the other is holding Y's hand. He's staring down at the Sentinel with one hand in his right coat pocket.

Uzi turns to N and talks by using visor text.

U Good?

N just shrugs.

Talk later?

N then responds with visor text.

It sucks pretty hard


A door opens on the side of the room and another Sentinel chirps. The red eyed Sentinel follows after that one the that called to it.

The group hops down from their hiding spot in the lights. Izy sighs as text appears on her visor.

I wish I was reading

The group looks down the hallway and spots Doll, stuck in a boot loop and holding the bug in her hand. There's a flashing button near her that has the symbol on Uzi's collar. The insect has the text window open.


"That's... convenient." Uzi mutters.

"We must be lucky!" Y slams a fist into a open palm.

V steps forward and changes her hand into a sword. "It's a trap."

"Yeah, no..." Uzi summons her huntmode tail and pushes V away. "Never mind."

Uzi beings to unleash her AbsoluteSolver.

"DON'T!" N and V shouts together, as N pushes her hand down.

Y and Izy look at each other confusion.

"Oil!" Everyone looks down the hall to see Tessa holding the insect. Everyone stares at her with hollow eyes. V takes the lead with dual submachine guns.

Izy grabs onto Y's hand and holds it tight, with her screw driver in her other hand. Y uses his thumb to rub the back of Izy's hand, making her feel calm, yet Y has digital sweat falling down his visor.

They reach Tessa and V notices the romantic sights.

"Ew." V states.

"Don't date my robots, please." Tessa asks.

Uzi grows angry. "He's his own person!" She turns to V. "You, ew! You're mean!"

"Yeah, Y can make his own decisions!" Izy shouts as she glares at Tessa, then gives V the middle finger. "I learned this is an offensive human sign. So bite me!"

V and Tessa stare at Izy, which makes her suddenly uncomfortable and she hides behind Y.

"Sorry..." Izy quietly mutters.

Suddenly, the insect is lifted up, and it flies back into Doll's hand. She taps on her visor, to reveal that her bootloop was just a buffering gif. She then slams the golden bug onto the proximity reader.

Alarms ring out as the elevator starts to arrive and a shaft opens up leading down. Doll jumps over the shaft and uses her powers to open up all the doors in the hall.

Uzi and Izy look at Doll in shock as she gives them a two fingered salute, and falls down the elevator shaft. The elevator crashes in front of them, being not used and not maintained, but the ding still works.

The group looks in shock, as the elevator blocks the hallway, and the door is on the other side. Suddenly the Sentinels chirping echoes around, making everyone swiftly turn around in fear.

A large number of Sentinel come out from the open doors. One sentinel tries to boot loop the bots, but they look away in time. Y pulls Izy behind him.

Tessa moves in front of everyone and holds her injured hand forward, causing blood to gush, and pull out her sword. "Uh oh, hope I don't human everywhere." She spreads her blood on the ground in front of her to ward off the Sentinels, which aren't programmed to target humans.

The red-eyed Sentinel examines the scene. It scans Tessa but only gets NULL warnings. Most of the Sentinels turn their noses from the blood and walk away, uninterested. Tessa smugly leans on her sword, confident she's secured the team's safety.

But the red-eyed one tries to flash Tessa to no success. It slithers down onto the ground and locks the blood off its teeth, then roars a hearty roar, and slowly advances--it's acquired the taste for humans.

Tessa is shocked out of her bliss and hurriedly readies her sword, while V crawls to the ceiling. Ready to aid in their friends' escape, Uzi begins to unleash her Absolute Solver to break a hole into the back of the elevator. While Izy holds out a hand to the Sentinel and tries to use her Absolute Solution to stop the Sentinel.

"Uzi, Izy, no!" N shouts.

Uzi's Absolute Solver suddenly glows yellow, causing her fingers to crack, bend, and contort in all ways no finger should. It produces a black hole that blows a wide, oozing opening into the elevator.

Izy's Absolute Solution symbol suddenly glitches and sends yellow static up her arm, casing her eyes to glitch and change into yellow X. She starts to give a robotic laugh as her symbol starts to rapidly spin... and blow her hand off, sending Izy flying into Y; nearly knocking him over.

"Izy!" Y shouts in worry.

Izy whines in pain as oil spills from her missing right hand. Which slowly starts to regenerate. But yellow static shoots around her, which slightly shocks Y, causing the Absolute Solution symbol to flash on his face.

Y slaps the side of his head and his eyes glitch back. He looks down to Izy, only to see her figure flash into the form of Cyn, who's holding her right arm in pain. But Izy then returns, and Y's visor glitches as a warning symbol appears on his visor.


"Whoops, all mitosis!" Tessa sprays more blood in the way of the advancing red-eyed sentinel.

The Sentinel stops and regurgitates a severed Murder Drone arm and, clasping it firmly in its mouth, changes it into a submachine gun. It fires a round at Tessa, only for V to get in the way and catch the bullet with her bare claws.

V then spins around and tosses the bullet back at the Sentinel, which severs the gun from the arm. The Sentinel looks down at the gun on the ground, then over to V, who's now wearing her broken glasses.

V adjusts her glasses. "Did I get it?"

Uzi's Absolute Solver is out of control, distorting the hole in front of her. She panics, panting heavily as she tries restraining her glitched arm. Left with no other choice, N hacks off the mangled hand with his sword.

For a split second as Uzi falls back, her had snaps towards N, eyes gleaming yellow and mouth twisted into a grin, showing him a single message.


N catches Uzi in his arms. Uzi coughs up oil as her eyes switch between purple and yellow, her voice overlapping with the Absolute Solver's.

"What the hell is going on?"

Tessa goes over to the elevator, with Y holding onto a in pain Izy, on his back.

"Buggar, that's bad." Tessa states. "Come on, team!"

Tessa pushes Y and Izy into the elevator, and pulls the other two in, only for the elevator to slightly drop, leaving only a small hole.

"V, come on!" N shouts.

Y sets Izy on the ground, and he notices his hand is slightly steaming as warnings flash into his vision. He looks out the elevator to see V continuing to fight the red-eyed Sentinel.

V changes her arm into a sword, as does the red-eyed Sentinel with the Murder Drone arm in its mouth. It swings the blade at V, but with her vision in peak condition, however, V's robo-dinosaur sword figth ends in seconds as she knocks the Sentinel to the ground near the elevator.

The elevator drops slightly more. Y peaks out as his vision glitches and gets distorted by warnings of him over heating.

"V-V-V-V, come on!" Y shouts.

Just as V readies her arm cannon to kill the red-eyed Sentinel, another pulls out the power supply to the elevator, causing it to being to rise up.

With both sides of the elevator wide open, the team inside are sitting ducks. More Sentinels move in on everyone. The Sentinel flash its lights; V whoops her head back to avoid the light, causing her glasses to fly off her face. Another Sentinel crushes the glasses beneath its foot. V is surrounded.

V looks back to the group. "Hey, um-"

"NO, NO, NO!" N shouts.

"V, co-co-co-come on-on-on get in!" Y tries to change his hands into guns, but they jam halfway. His hands start glowing red hot as steam pours from under his visor.

"Nah..." V looks to the sisters, who are both weakly looking at her. "Uzi, Izy... I trust you both."

V slashes the elevator cables with her laser cannon.

"V, PLEASE!" N begs.

"It's been an honor... sir." V looks at Y with a smile as his eyes glitch and hollow out.

V doesn't get in, and Y tries to reach out to her, but his vision becomes blocked with warnings. V gives everyone one final salute as the Sentinels surround her and the cables snap, sending the elevator down as the Sentinel launch onto V.

Y's vision suddenly goes dark.

Unit Suffering From Over Heating
Powering Down



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