A Universe of Bloody Evolution

Chapter 208. Next stage

Time flew by without anything happening, and soon, the one-hour mark since Nyx's evolution began passed. Leo kept his gaze on the cocoon as it slowly started to deflate while the colorful veins lost their light. Bits of the tar-like substance had already turned back to liquid before fading into dust.

She's coming out. He took a few steps back. He doubted Nyx would try to attack him, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Come on.

Inch by inch, the feline's new body came into view. Her head, for the most part, remained the same, though it definitely became a bit bigger with a shape similar to his. Then, a bit more of her form escaped the cocoon, revealing more and more changes.

For one, the color of her shadowy fur shifted from midnight black to a deep violet that could be mistaken for black. Then, there were the feathers that filled her entire neck, creating something akin to a lion's mane.

Quite beautiful. Leo smiled as his eyes drifted to the feline's limbs.

She still had six of those. Yet now, the pair at the front had wings attached to them. It reminded him of a wyvern, but in this case, the membrane wings had some feathers scattered across them. Add to that, her claws also got a bit longer, appearing much sharper than before.

Not bad. He commented and looked at another pair of feathery wings at the top of Nyx's body. They were tiny, not even half the length of her normal limbs. It made him wonder about their purpose, as he doubted they could make her fly on their own.

Finally, the cocoon slipped from the end of the feline's body, uncovering her tail—only one this time. Its upper half looked exactly the same as it did before the evolution. However, in the middle of its length, the appendage separated into three equally long parts, each tipped with a single-edged, curved blade.

And then her eyes snapped open, revealing a pair of wide red-violet orbs filled with confusion. She blinked, scanning the world around her before settling on the only person nearby.

"Leo?" Nyx muttered, her soft voice filling the area for the first time. "I can... I can speak like a normal person..."

Leo's smile widened as he stepped closer to the large feline. "That you do," he chuckled. "How do you feel?"

Nyx did a few experimental steps, testing her slightly changed limbs. The two tiny wings also moved briefly before she somehow tucked them into her body. If not for the feathers, nobody would know they were even there.

"Weird... Different," she answered. "But also very good. My old body had never felt this comfortable. I finally feel like I belong."

Leo frowned. That was new. Sure, he never had a problem accepting his new form after an evolution, but he also knew that his previous forms were... well, his. That Nyx could say something like that and mean it...

"Maybe that's because the body of the Apex Shadow Claw was never really yours," he commented. "It belonged to an almost mindless Voidling, not you. And now that you have evolved into something you chose..."

"I became something that reflects all of me, not only the Voidling part of me," Nyx finished for him, meeting his gaze. "That sounds... reasonable. I'm happy I didn't wait for it then. I feel like I can fly."

Leo snorted. "You can. I swear... How the hell did I end up with some weird floaters, and you got four wings? That just ain't fair."

The feline chuckled, her tinkling laughter echoing through the area. "Give it time. Your trait said those things are still developing. Be patient, and one day, we will fly together... Although, I have no idea how to use those," she added, extending the wings on her front legs.

He waved her off. "You will figure it out after some practice. We got enough time before the Void Gate opens. Now com—"

Before he could finish, a notification appeared out of nowhere. He blinked and read it carefully.

Congratulations! Your True Bond has advanced to the next stage. Bond strength: Medium. New effects unlocked.

Huh. He turned to the feline, quirking a bald eyebrow. "You got it, too?"

Nyx nodded. "I almost forgot about this... To think my evolution was needed to advance it to the next stage."

"Yeah," Leo muttered, summoning the skill's description. What changed?

True Bond (Unique)
Your Akirian Apex aspect might be dead, but out of this tragedy, something beautiful was born. A bond unlike any other. Unbreakable and always growing stronger. Two souls that are one.
You are now soul-bonded to an eternally loyal entity, Nyx. Essence and affinity sharing strengthened. Your minds will remain synchronized no matter the distance. You may now manipulate the ratio of experience shared between you. Bond strength: Medium.

Now that's interesting. Brow furrowed, he reached into their bond and searched for the part responsible for experience flow.

Just as the trait said, he found it almost instantly. It resembled a valve that he could turn to change which side of the bond got more experience. There was also something else, a button if he had to describe it. He could press it at any moment and completely turn off the exp-share between them.

He flipped it on and off a few times before calling out through the link. Can you do it too?

'I can,' Nyx said in his head, pressing the mental button. 'I can't manipulate the ratios, though. Not surprising, honestly.'

Leo frowned. Yeah... Don't worry; I won't switch it up unless you agree. Let's keep at fifty-fifty for now, okay?

The feline nodded, offering him her own brand of smile. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." He also smiled. "Now, if the System doesn't plan to cut me off again, we should go back. I want to know if you can enter the safe zone now. You're already whitelisted, so let's go."

"Race you there!" Nyx shouted, jumping off the roof and spreading her wings.

Leo just shook his head and followed the excited, overgrown cat.

"Would you look at that..." He chuckled as Nyx stepped through the golden barrier like a normal survivor. "Your old evolution really held you back."

The feline turned around, giving him a grin filled with razor-sharp teeth. "That it did."

Next to them, Lily shook her head. "I, for one, can't believe you can talk now. It's really nice to meet you, Nyx, properly this time."

"Likewise." The feline bowed lightly before offering the same to Holden and Frank. "Thank you for letting me inside."

Tony answered with a smile, even if it was a bit strained. "You're an ally. That you have managed to pass through the barrier only proves you're not a Voidling."

"It also helps you're just a giant, fluffy cat." Frank grinned, ignoring the glare Nyx sent him. "No offense, but Leo still looks ten times scarier than you. Clara would agree with me if she was here."

Holden sighed as he glanced at the agitated feline and his friend. "You really have a death wish. One day, I won't be there to save you and your stupidity."

The Fallen Human chuckled, clapping Tony's back. "It's just a bit of harmless fun, right kitty?" When Nyx hissed, Frank took a step back. "Oh well. I got some stuff to do anyway. See ya all later!"

With that, he practically sprinted away, leaving an exasperated group in his wake.

"God give me strength. I'm going to kill this daft bastard one day," Holden muttered. He then gave them a tired smile. "I need to leave you too. There are still some people who need help settling down. We will meet again an hour before the Void Gate opens."

Unlike his friend, the chief of Eden just walked away, muttering something under his breath all the while.

Leo rolled his eyes, and just as he was about to speak, Nyx beat him to it. "I think I will walk around a bit. Got to get people used to my presence."

He blinked, watching as the feline trotted away. Traitor, he hissed through their link. Laughter was the only answer he got in return. Fucking hell...

"Leo," his sister's voice pulled him back to reality. "I talked with Tony. You didn't tell him everything... but I'm not stupid. I can read between the lines. Are you okay?"

He sighed. "I am. Really, I am... But we should probably talk..."

Lily nodded, and they left Eden.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen... and cats. I'm taking bets. What do you think is on the other side? A hundred Ether for a prediction," Frank exclaimed as they stopped near the Void Gate. The Fallen's squad trailed a bit behind them, ready to jump into action if necessary.

"Are you one hundred percent sure this Cerevod will work?" Holden asked, ignoring his friend.

Leo flipped the said item in his hand and nodded. "The merchant said it would, and the System confirmed it. All I have to do is to place the matrix on both ends."

"The stage is yours then." The chief narrowed his eyes. "Four minutes left."

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