A True Dragon in GOT


(Renly Baratheon POV)

The meeting with Walder Frey went as one would expect from an old scheming bastard. Poorly, though Lord Frey put up a good facade acting like he was fine with Robb breaking his oath. Though I could see the old man was angered at the fact Robb broke his oath, even if one of his daughters was promised to Lord Tully. After we left the short meeting with Walder Frey, I had Osmond look into Lord Frey. As I did not trust him, he was planning something.

"Before Osmond looks into Walder Frey, there is something else we need to discuss," I say to my inner circle. Which consists of Osmond, Loras, Margaery, and Brienne.

Though I had Brienne escort Lady Stark back home, from what I hear she is assisting Lady Stark by having Jaime Lannister escorted down south. I told her to follow Lady Stark's directions as she is our ally and we need to keep them as allies. Seems Brienne took that order to the extreme, as she is now exchanging Jaime for the Stark daughters. Last I heard, they were almost to King's Landing hopefully without any setbacks.

"Robb Stark confided in me about the issues he is currently facing. It seems his men are not so fond of his rule or the choices he has been making so far. The Karstarks have even returned home after he executed their Lord for 'treason'," I say to the group who all are listening closely to me.

"That gives us an opportunity to get the other Lords of the North to see the value in following me. Making them bend their knee once again to the south, plus there may even be a few that will help us if we help them. I am thinking of Lord Roose Bolton, as he volunteered to take Robb's keep back," I say to them and they all nod.

"Want me to look into him as well?" Osmond asks me and I nod my head.

"If possible, because if we need to remove the Starks. We will need someone to take their place in the north," I say and they all nod.

"For now, we act like normal and help prepare for this sudden wedding I am sure Lord Tully is not happy with. Though have the men on guard, but subtly as I do not want to raise suspicion," I say to them and they all nod as Osmond and Loras leave.

"Husband… I know you are not fond of women… But to solidify our rule we need to have a child. The sooner I am pregnant the better chance we have at getting more followers," Margaery says to me and I sigh.

"I know… tonight I will… try to get you pregnant," I say with some not-so-well-hidden disgust at the thought.

"The offer still stands to bring my brother into the room to get you in the mood. If we just allow him to get you to the point of finishing, then all you need to do is finish in me," Margaery says while I stare at her in slight disgust, but just nod my head.

"For now, we will try by ourselves," I say hesitantly. Margaery just nods before giving me a kiss on the cheek and taking her leave. I then let out another sigh before drinking more wine.

As the week goes by the wedding preparations are complete. With the ceremony taking place and then the bedding ceremony. While everyone else goes into the main hall for the feast as the bride and groom head off to consummate the wedding. Osmond discovered that the Freys have planned to get everyone drunk before trying to kill us all.

Seems Roose Bolton was even involved in this scheme, making the North even more divided than before. Meaning now after this we will have to march north to have Robb take back the north. But I will make sure he bends the knee too since we will be doing the heavy lifting. Then we will return south to take the Iron Throne.

I told Robb about this plan both Roose Bolton and Wadter Frey had, making him almost act irrationally. Though I was able to get him to calm down and turn the plan onto the Freys, I replaced the crossbowmen they had hidden upstairs with my own. We even wore some armor sneakily waiting for Walder to make his move.

"Your Grace, I feel I've been remiss in my duties. I've given you meat and wine and music, but I haven't shown you the hospitality you deserve. My King has married and I owe my new Queen a wedding gift," Walder Frey says with a shit-eating grin, signally the massacre to begin. Though now the plans have turned on him, as earlier Roose disappeared to carry out his plan but instead found himself arrested.

The crossbowmen upstairs took out the crossbows, but instead of firing on us, they fired on the Freys. The short swords we snuck in we drew and began killing the panicking Freys as both the Stark men and mine acted killing all the Frey and Bolton men.

"Walder Frey seems your whole life of scheming and thinking around your enemies has finally caught up with you. Today your life ends and a new one is put in its place," I say while stabbing Walder Frey in the heart who has a fear-filled look on his face.

"I Renly Baratheon King of the Seven Kingdoms, hereby make Ryger Rivers the lawful son and heir to House Frey. Congratulations Lord Ryger, you are now Lord of the Twins and its lands," I say to  Ryger Rivers who was the only good son of Walder Frey, but originally a bastard. Osmond deemed him a trustworthy and loyal man who declared himself to me as we told him of our plans.

"Thank you, your grace. I will stand behind you now and forever," Ryger says to me kneeling to me as his treasonous brothers are killed off. Leaving only the women and children alive.

Walking outside I have my inner circle beside me with Robb too, and the other nobles we are allied with behind us. There we see the remaining Frey and Bolton men in custody, along with Roose Bolton all kneeling to me.

"You all have tried to betray us and failed. This will be met with your death, though those who pledge themselves to us may be forgiven!" I say to the basic soldiers as they were just following orders, plus we still need men to fight for us. The new lord of the Twins needs some men too.

Many of the simple soldiers all begin begging for mercy and forgiveness while pledging themselves to us. While Roose Bolton is staring at us with a calm and neutral face unwilling to show any fear or regret. Those simple men who pledged themselves to me were set free.

"Roose Bolton, you are hereby charged with treason and will be executed," Robb says to Roose who just stares at him.

"Any last words?" Robb says to him while taking out his longsword.

"I did what I thought was right and good for the realm. I just hope my son is smarter than me, maybe he hasn't killed your brothers yet," Roose says making Robb even angrier, and then he swings the sword beheading Roose.

"Robb, we will need to return to your home to take back the north," I say as the men go about cleaning up the mess that was made and we are sitting back in the main hall drinking.

"You'd come with us to help? Why?" Robb says with his eyes showing just how much stress he is under.

"You are my ally and friend I like to think. Though I would ask you to consider bending the knee to me. As being King is very difficult, let me make the tough decisions. You can take your father's place as the Warden," I say to him trying to coax him into bending his knee.

"Renly… I… If I bend the knee, my people might not all follow. They were the ones who encouraged me to separate the north from the south," Robb says to me and I can see he no longer wants this burden.

"Your people will still follow you, you have their respect. They have followed your family for generations. They will understand your reasons for bending the knee. Plus we can remind them of the relationship between your father and my brother, how it brought stability to the realm," I say to him and he goes quiet thinking while taking sips of his drink for a minute.

"You're right… In the morning I will pledge the north to you. Hopefully, this does not cause any more issues," Robb says to me breaking the silence, as I am ecstatic on the inside, but only smile on the outside.

"I appreciate that Robb… Get some rest, as tomorrow will be the beginning of the real war," I say while standing up and downing my drink. As I promised tonight I will attempt to bed Margaery.

For the first time, I was able to bed Margaery, though it was a very short-lived night. Thankfully Loras was able to ease my suffering later. The next day, we gathered all the important Lords and Ladies, while some of the soldiers gathered around. As Robb told them he had something to annoyance.

"My Lords and Ladies. You have named me the King in the North, but so far it seems I made many mistakes. Though as my last act as King in the North, I will bend the knee to Renly. As I believe this is what is best for both the realm and our people," Robb says as most of the North Lords and Ladies murmur about news, most seem upset.

"Robb, you may stand. I appreciate the gesture and I promise once I take the Iron Throne, the North will be well taken care of. My wife, Margaery Tyrell promises that the Tyrells will sell food to the North at lower costs for the first two years of winter," I say as the Northern Lords and Ladies seem to be appeased by this deal. With Robb smiling at me and giving me a handshake.

"Next week we will head back North, to take back what is Robb's right. Then I ask you all to march south with me again to help me take my throne!" I say and the Northerns cheer in agreement with me.

After that week of helping to get Lord Ryger his home in order, plus tending to the wounded, we marched to the North. As we were traveling back to Winterfell, I received an urgent message as we were marching.

"What is it?" Margaery asks me as Osmond, Loras, and Robb look at me curious as well.

"It appears a new force has been growing in Essos. They call themselves the Golden Empire and their leader has just married Daenerys Targaryen. Worse, they seem to have 'dragons', dozens of 'dragons' at their disposal," I say summarizing the report I just read while handing the letter to Margaery who reads it before passing it to Osmond.

"Dragons? Dragons haven't been seen for over a century and not only do they have them but dozens?" Robb says as the letter was eventually passed to him.

"I would not be too worried, but the fact the Emperor of that group has married Daenerys Targaryen means he could try to claim the Iron Throne. This means they will come here and if that report is true, then we need to unit the realm quickly before they come here," I say with Osmond nodding his head to me as we both start to think of plans for this.

"Why does everything seem to always get more complicated," Robb says with a sigh handing the letter back to me.

"Try not to worry too much Lord Stark. We have time to make plans for this," Osmond says to him and I nod my head agreeing with him.

"I hope you are right," Robb says while rubbing his forehead as the stress reaches him again.

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