A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

Daenerys and I waited in the tent as Kinvara brought the young man now in charge of the mercenary group outside to see us. Entering the tent I could tell he was very interested in Kinvara and gave another lust-filled look to Daenerys upon entering the tent. My anger rose as I saw him look at my mate with lust, but I pushed it down as a simple human has no chance at winning Daenerys's heart. Kinvara gave me a look that shows she is going to seduce and have this young man under her thumb soon.

"You are here to pledge yourself to me, so kneel and pledge yourself," I say to him and he just nods his head while still eyeing Daenerys.

"Of course, I offer you my services and pledge the Second Sons to you," the young man says and then I recall Oberyn having been part of the Second Sons while he explored Essos, years ago.

"Good, then have your men ready themselves to assault the city within the hour. Also, what is your name?" I say to the young man.

"Daario Naharis, my Emperor. I will go have the men get ready," Daario says to me finally taking his eyes off Daenerys and bowing to me. He then leaves to go follow through with my order.

"I don't like him, his very obvious looks to me are not comfortable," Daenerys says and I just nod my head.

"Kinvara, make sure he knows that Daenerys is my mate and soon-to-be wife. That it is in his great interest to not continue to stare at her like that unless he wants his eyes removes from his head," I say to Kinvara who nods her head to me and goes after Daario to relay my message.

"I like when you get jealous," Daenerys says with a teasing smile after she leaves.

"I like when you smile and laugh, we all have our interests," I say back to her and give her a quick kiss before going out to stand at the front line for this battle.

"I know you'll be fine, but stay safe!" Daenerys says to me as I head out and I just smile nodding my head at her.

As the hour ends, all of my troops are standing ready for the battle, along with the Second Sons who have joined us. The defenders on the walls stare at us with nervousness and fear. Then I give the order to begin the battle, as the wyvern riders go and take out the gates and kill the defenders on the walls. The heavy infantry then charges into the now breached gates, with the Unsullied and Second Sons right behind them.

The mages stay back, along with our heavy cavalry. As for now, they are not needed, plus the mages have been mostly here to help heal to very few wounded we get. Though they have been mostly helping the civilians that we have taken into our Empire, healing the many sick inside the cities. I charged with the heavy infantry into the city, in my armor and wielding my longsword.

We easily butchered our way through the city, killing all of the defenders with ease. Before the end of the next hour, the city fell to our might. Once again I had my men bring me the Masters of this city, while a crowd gathered watching to see what I will do. The now-freed slaves looked at me with hope and awe, shouting the name the Unsullied gave me in Astapor, 'The breaker of Chains'.

"Are these the last of the Masters?" I ask my men after seeing the several dozen Master brought to me which is much more than the previous cities.

"Yes my Emperor," one of my Unsullied says to me and I nod my head while holding my hand up to quiet the crowd.

"These men have been living off of the lives of you all! These men believe that another's life is nowhere equal to theirs or even good enough to not treat like trash! These men are the last Masters of Slaver's Bay! With their deaths comes a new era, one of freedom and prosperity! One where Slaver's Bay is no more and has a new name! The Bay of Freedom!" I say to the crowd who all begin cheering again after hearing my speech.

"Kill them," I say to my men as the Masters plead with me, but the Unsullied have a satisfied look while executing the once Masters.

As the heads of the last Masters of the once Slaver's Bay roll on the ground, a new era began in Essos. One that will forever go down in the history of this world and one that will mark the beginning of the return of magic. Rokgar informs the crowd that a noble of our people will be placed in charge of the city to help incorporate them into our Empire. While I head to the main pyramid since we are going to stay here for a week or month, depending on how long it takes Oberyn and the rest of my army to come here.

Once they arrive, we will rest here until my army is ready to march to our next destination, which will be Mantarys, the city of beastmen. I have sent a magical message to Zathori to begin her plan to unite the Dothraki and have them join my Empire. After she succeeds she will march them to Qohor and take that city in the name of my Empire.

"My love, you look troubled," Daenerys says to me as I am sitting inside the main pyramid and going over the next plans in my head.

"Slightly, I am just thinking of the next steps in our conquest of this world," I say to her and she nods her head while sitting in my lap facing me.

"So are we going to do this matting ritual? I was thinking once Oberyn and the others return we could be married in the human customs," Daenerys says to me taking me from my thoughts and I smile at her.

"Sure, though first let me tell Rokgar we are leaving for a few hours," I say while sending a magical message to him, then I teleport Daenerys and myself a few miles outside the city in a remote place.

"This might be slightly painful, as I will be connecting our souls slightly in a certain way. This way we are always connected and can always know what the other is feeling. Plus it will allow us to know if the other is in danger," I say to her and she nods her head.

"Since you are not a dragon, we will have to connect our bodies as humans," I say to her with a slightly awkward smile as I undress, her eyes widen slightly, but she smiles and undresses.

We then connect ourselves the way humans do when having sex, from there I use my magic to open my soul to her soul. From there, a small thread is formed between our two souls, which slowly grows stronger with each passing second. Until the thread turns into a cord and our souls meld into one another, forever connecting us. Our souls are now one soul, but separate at the same time. I can feel myself weakened due to connecting to a human's soul, but I do not care as I love this woman with all my being.

Opening my eyes I can see we both have sweated a lot as our bodies were unconsciously moving. It seems a few hours have passed too, even though it felt like only a few seconds passed. Then Daenerys looks at me with a newfound amount of love and lust in her eyes. I can feel all of the love she holds for me and she can feel the love I hold for her, this new feeling is something I could lose myself in.

"Talrit I lo–" Daenerys starts to say before she spasms and passes out in my arms.

Panic rises inside me as I hold her and pour my magic into her, but I notice her body is undergoing changes. Changes that I thought were not possible, I never noticed before, but it seems she held the blood of a true dragon inside her. Seems my blessing had been passed down to her from her ancestor all those thousands of years ago. That our connecting of our souls had made her evolve into a true dragon.

Laying her down, I step back and watch her body slowly shift from a human to one of an adult silver dragon. I can feel our souls become strengthened as her soul transforms into a true dragon's soul, making my weakened soul not only return to normal but grow stronger from this bond. She also seemed to have jumped straight to the great wyrm stage of a silver dragon, having already reached 1000ft (305m) in length and a wing span of 1250ft (381m).

"My head and body hurt so much," Daenerys groans as her eyes open and she sees me smiling at her.

"Talrit? Why are you so small?" Daenerys says while now noticing her voice and body are much different.

"Wait! What the hell happened to me?! Am I a dragon?!" Daenerys says while I laugh and nod my head, making her glare at me.

"Seems my mating ritual awoken the true dragon blood inside you, evolving you into a true dragon. You are still much younger than me even as a true dragon and there is much to learn about being one. But I will give you the knowledge I have," I say to her as I transfer some of my vast knowledge about what it means to be a true dragon.

"I believe you now have the instinctual knowledge of certain spells. Plus the ability to change the form, like returning to your human one," I say to her and she just mindlessly nods her head.

Then she closes her eyes and her body changes back to her human form. The only difference is this time her eyes are not purple, as they are pure silver. Showing she is a true dragon and one of silver descent. She then jumps onto me and kisses me passionately, which quickly turns into another few sessions of lovemaking.

"I want to fly!" Daenerys says to me after we finished our latest round and at this point, it is the middle of the night. I already sent another message to Rokgar saying we are fine but will be back sometime tomorrow.

"After you," I say to her and she smiles changing into her now true form before flying into the air.

I change to my true form and fly after her as we spend a few hours flying around in the air. We then mate as true dragons in the air before we return to the ground and shift back to our human forms. By the time we finish messing around and enjoying ourselves, it is already mid-morning.

"We should just leave and let them handle everything else on their own," Daenerys says to me as we lay on the ground in our human forms.

"Can't do that, I started something I have to see to the end. Plus we must find the root of the cult of Tiamat and destroy it, or this world will never be safe," I say to her and she sighs but nods her head.

"What will our children be like? Will they be true dragons?" Daenerys asks me and now I go quiet having not even thought of that, but now am.

"I would assume so… we are both true dragons now," I say to her and she nods he head while we go quiet.

"So there are other true dragons, right? Which one do you think is the child of Tiamat?" Daenerys asks me.

"I am not sure, though I suspect it might be the one I met in Braavos in charge of the Iron Bank there," I say to her and she nods her head.

"Well with the two of us, she won't stand a chance," Daenerys says with a happy smile and I nod my head pulling her closer to me and giving her a kiss.


AN: A lot of people say this sudden change in the relationship was weird and not good. I will admit that I did not write the best romance here and it was slightly forced. Though, let's all just agree they had time to get to know each other better outside of the time I wrote about. Also, I am writing another fanfic set in the movie series 'Underworld' I am having fun writing that and will release some chapters when I have more written. I am in no way dropping this fanfic though.

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