A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 16

*Heracles PoV* 

We finally arrived at the dungeon city of Orario, one thing that I can say is that this city sure is noisy. As people from all walks of life live their daily lives, merchants selling their products, and consumers bargaining for a lower price, the place is brimming with energy.

I spotted a few strong adventurers making their way to a pub, some heading home after a long day of dungeon diving. In short the city itself is pretty much alive from all the activities that are happening around it. 

I made my way inside but was stopped at the gate, the guard asked me for identification which I gave and he was rather apologetic after knowing that I wasn't any common folk. I am a great and mighty god after all. 

"sorry about that lord Heracles. It was just a standard procedure for travelers entering the city." 

"It's quite ok child... You are just doing your job." I was about to leave then I remembered that I really don't know where to go after this. In my knowledge most of the transactions from a new god descending is at the adventurers guild, well I'm not exactly a fresh descent It was still my first time in this city. "Child, can I ask you to guide us towards the adventurers guild. This child right here is a member of my familia and I would like to register him and myself to be recognized as an official one."

"Certainly lord." the guard bowed before calling for someone. "Edwin!!!" 

A young man came running down, as he bowed his head towards the guard and me, I can see that his movements are polished.

"This here is Edwin, one of my men. He can guide you personally towards the adventurers guild my lord." 

I looked at the young boy, from what I can see he has a good build, he's been trained, I don't know to what extent but by his gait, this kid can fight. 

"I'll be at your service my lord." 

"Hmmm..." I nodded my head, and looked to my right only to find that my child is goggling at everything and everyone like a toddler. "August! We're going."

"Coming lord." 

August made his way towards me and I can clearly see young Edwin carefully watching his move, his judging him, interesting... 

"August this young man right here is Edwin, he will be our guide in this city."

August and Edwin looked at each other, from what I can see they are gauging each other's strength. 

August was a little bit childish though, as he released a portion of his mana and bloodlust directed towards the young man. Making him jump back with his hand moving towards the hilt of his blade.

"Tsk." I clicked my tongue and smacked the back of his head. "Let's go. We don't want to waste daylight now." I said urging Edwin to lead the way.

He blinked a couple of times before straightening himself as he removed his hands away from his sword.

"Right this way my lord."

Moments later we arrived in front of a large building, many mortals are coming in and out of it, from the looks of it they are quite strong. This part of the city is particularly busy as the mortal traffic became a little more pronounced compared to the rest of what I could see.

"Here we are my lord. The adventurer guild." (img not mine.) Edwin bowed as he prepared to leave us after he was done with his task.

"Wait child." I stopped him and tossed a bag filled with about 500 valis towards the boy. "For your trouble." 

He smiled and bowed even deeper as he clutched the bag towards his chest. "Thank you my lord." He then made his way back towards the gate.

"What a nice young man, good manners and respectful." I gave a sidelong glance towards the toddler who is in daze at everything he is seeing right now. "Unlike someone I know."

"Hmm... What? Did you say anything lord?" 

"...let's just head in." ok I'm gonna break every bone in his body in the next sparring match we'll do.




The door opened as a bell on top of it chimed, the inside was bustling with adventurers as they lined up towards the counter. Noisy... And the line is long. (Img. not mine.)

I let a bit of my aura go as all the residents inside paused whatever they were doing and gaped at the door. All eyes were on me, I smirked and made my way to the front as they made way for me and... The toddler, we cannot forget about the 15 year old toddler who seems to.be fascinated about everything around him.

"...H--how my I help y--you my lord?" an elf with blue platinum hair stuttered as he talked to me. Of course she's stuttering, have you seen me. I'm a stud.

"I'm new to Orario, my name is Heracles, the god of strength and heroes. I would like to meet with Ouranus, I heard it was common courtesy to meet with the old man before officially creating a familia inside Orario."

"right away my lord." she hurriedly called someone as she ran towards the back of the booth. Moments later she came back with an old elf.

"Hello lord Heracles, my name is Roiman Marudīru." he gave a practiced bow as he introduced himself. "Lord Ouranus is in the room of prayers right now, if you would kindly follow me I can take you to meet him."

"Hmmm." I gave him a nod. "Before that. I would like to ask for assistance from one of your employees as well. August here would like to officially register as an adventurer under my familia."

"Certainly my lord, Sophie the elf who you talked to earlier would gladly assist your child... Sophie, please do take care of this young man." he then looked towards me and bowed again. "now. Shall we be my lord."

"Lead the way."




We reached the room of prayer, standing in front of a large door, the old man knocked at it 3 times and the door opened, a dark corridor was behind the door, and at the very edge was a throne in which Ouranus was sitting.

"Leave us." his voice echoed as the old elf bowed to Ouranus then to me and made his way back.

"Ouranus." I made my way inside, stopping right in front of his throne and gave him a nod.

"Heracles... You really did it this time." he started, staring directly at my eyes.

"Whatever do you mean." I answered him, feigning ignorance, staring right back at his.

"Your disrespect knows no bound young god. Suddenly descending from heaven without the proper procedures, we gods have rules. I guess it's to be expected from you, a former mortal."

"With all due respect I don't give a flying fuck about your rules. If it wasn't for your so-called rules the old man would still be with us right now."

"watch your tongue." he unleashed his godly aura as he stood up from his throne, 

"Oh Ouranus you old fool, you seem to have forgotten, I have battled gods to a standstill as mortal back in the old age." 


I let my godly aura explode as it filled the room, shaking the very foundation with my will. "Wanna see what would happen now that I'm a god as well?" I smirked at him as he retrieved his aura back inside his body.

"A wise choice." I let my aura return as well. 

"What do you want?" he asked as sat back down, he let his head rest in his hand as he looked at me.

"Nothing from you. I'm just following the common courtesy."

"So you wish to establish a familia inside my city? What makes you think that I would allow that after such a blatant act of disrespect?"

"don't get me wrong here, I'm just following the common courtesy as the other gods did in the past. I do not need your permission old fool."

"Orario is my city, here I am the law. Even Zeus the king of us gods fol--"

"He followed the law because he respected you as one of the first gods who descended to the lower world... He could have easily taken you off that luxurious throne of yours and placed himself on it. I on the other hand hold little to no respect towards you." 

"THE OTHERS WOULD NOT STAND FOR THIS!!!" he raised his voice as his eyes bulged threatening to jump out of its socket."

"And who exactly would stop it? Hmm?" I asked him calmly. "Hades? His out there chasing evils and has no time for your petty squabble. Thor? Buddha? HAHAHAHA!!! You and I both know that we three consider ourselves as brothers much like how Freya, Loki, and Hephaestus considered themselves as sisters."

He sat there quietly, glaring at me while he was biting his lips.

"Ares perhaps? But he hates you and is currently building an army to attack your precious city, and he is a blood thirsty coward who bullies the weak but wouldn't have the guts to ever fight me. Athena is too smart to even consider herself against me and she owes me so she's out."

I smiled at him mockingly as I continued to speak. "Even Freya and Loki are smart enough not to engage against me. They will not stand for it? Who exactly wouldn't stand for it? You have no one old fool. Those seven are the only ones who could put up a fight but we both know that they won't. And we both know that you won't fight me. Don't worry, I don't want your city for myself. So just sit there on that pedestal of yours and do nothing... Because you can't do nothing."

"..." he was quiet, as he took a sigh of defeat and finally opened his mouth. "Do what you want."

"That's what I was planning to do in the first place." I turned around and walked away.

"You might think of yourself as untouchable, but your child isn't. I would take good care of him if I were you." 

I stopped mid way as I glared at the old fool, crushing his head would be so easy right now. But this might be good for him, after all with his skill, he could achieve strength with each opponent he would face. 

But I really don't like being threatened. Especially if you used my child against me. 

*50 things Heracles hates, number 50, he hates that his child is being used to threaten him.* 

"Let them come. But if you ever threaten me again, I would raze this city to the ground. Consequences be damned." I said coldly as I continued my way out of the room of prayer and back up towards the main hall of the adventurers guild.

"You really shouldn't be hiding in the shadows, I might have mistaken you for a threat and crushed you like a bug." I said to the hooded man who was hiding and listening to our conversation. He hurriedly bowed and vanished into thin air. "Neat trick."




I made my way back up towards the main hall and saw August talking to the young elf with a smile on his face.

From what I can see they are done with the serious topics and are now talking casually with each other.

"Heracles?" I heard someone call me and I turned my head to see who it was. 

And what do you know. A wild loli big-boob appeared... Out of nowhere.











Hey guys, chapter 16 is now out. How do you guys like the story so far? 

Btw quick announcement, I won't be updating tomorrow because it's the birthday of my son. Sorry about that. (he'll be 2 btw.) update will resume on the 16th of March.

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.

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