A Superhero Harem? Their love makes me stronger (MHA, OPM, Naruto, OP)

chapter 23: To the rescue

Ren raced through the streets.

He was close to the daycare center and was very soon going to reach it.

He had thought on the way about what to do.

'Priority is to keep them both safe.'

He concluded.

He wasn't here right now to help the heroes.

Although it was selfish, he would leave that job to the heroes.

He was only doing this to save the people he cared about.

Which were Isaki and Rina.

Suddenly, as he was running, he detected a few presences nearby.

His body came to a stop as he covered behind a wall and surveyed the area.

'Two monsters'

He saw two monsters similar to those from earlier.

One had climbed on a small building, meanwhile, the other one ran around on the ground.

It didn't matter that he was hiding, however, as they smelled his scent very soon.


The monster jumped down from the wall, as it sent a signal to the second one to follow it.

They then started running towards Ren.

Ren, at this moment, took a deep breath.

'Let's do this.'

He opened the cloth and took out an object.

It was a regular steel sword, with no particular fancy design. Just an old plain short sword.

He had wanted a Khopesh, but it was hard getting anything like that if you weren't a hero.

Even this one he had to sign papers to get, and he would get arrested if he used it outside or carried it with him.

All of that didn't matter, however, as Ren was ready.


He kicked the ground and jumped at the first monster.

It opened its mouth ferociously to bite his head off as soon as he entered its range, but Ren didn't panic, and calmly swung his sword.

'Its speed is lower. Durability shouldn't be high as concluded from the earlier fight with Greatwall.'

His brain calculated the course of actions rapidly, and he raised his hands for a downward strike.

'Hmm, one swing should be enough.'


One swing, one dead monster.

Its body split into two parts, falling onto the ground with a 'thud' sound.


Ren took a breath.

Even as he saw the gory scene, he didn't react much.

There was a deep revulsion for monsters coming from his body. So, he didn't sympathize with them.

His eyes then moved onto the second monster, who had come to a sudden stop, seeing its brethren fallen dead.


It tried to growl threatening him but Ren could see its eyes turned indecisive and cowardly.

He grinned.

He then used his higher speed to instantly appear in front of it, and he swung his sword cutting its head and making blood spurt from it.

Ren stood still for a second, before he swung his sword at empty air, getting read of the blood.

He then put the sword back in the bag he was holding on him and continued on his way.

If he doesn't find any monsters again, he would reach the place in 10min at most.


Gate location.

A few buildings nearby the daycare center.

"Lacquered Chain spikes,"

Heroes were busy taking care of the situation.

They had made a perimeter to protect the civilians, but they had yet to save all who had been at the scene.

Teams of heroes, either sent from the hero association, or from hero agencies were doing their bests to get to every possible person to rescue them.

As the gate was just recently opened, the work was still in progress.

Since a gate was not possible to predict, most of the cities were reinforced, and every few blocks, there would exist a reinforced bunker where civilians would be taken to safety.

The gate was ranked A, so requests for A-ranked heroes had been sent.

Luckily this city was the location of various hero agencies, and among them, there was an A rank agency with B rank heroes, two A ranks, and two S rank.

The agency had sent its heroes, and even the two A ranks.

Adding the A ranks of the hero organization, meant there were many A ranks.

Monsters coming from a gate can be any rank below the gate.

They could even be the same rank, but they can never be above.

Still, whenever heroes spotted a higher rank than them, they would report, and then an appropriate person would come to deal with the threat.

There were also drones to supervise everything.

The four A ranks were moving about whenever an A rank monster appeared.

The guy who yelled was a young man with a rather muscular build.

He was short, standing at just 168cm.

His clothes consisted of a blue combat suit, but it was covered in places with wooden armor of some sort.

His helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and even his shoes were all made of wood.

The moment he had spoken, his arms turned into tree branches that lengthened and reached so far as they instantly punctured various monsters at the same time.

The monsters hampered in pain, but he swung his hands and threw them to the ground, killing them instantly.

This was the B-ranked superhero, Kamui woods.

Assisting him were other heroes too.

One of them was a giant lady, wearing a skin-tight combat suit that emphasized her attractive figure.

Her size reached a staggering 20m.

Her hands grabbed a bunch of monsters at the same time and crushed them before she threw them to the ground.

She then raised her hand in a V shape and smiled.

"Everyone's favorite Mount lady is on the rescue" She grinned.

"Oi, take it seriously!" Kamui Woods admonished her, as he continued doing his job.

"It's fine, it's fine" She waved it off.

But she didn't stop taking down monsters. She was at least serious about her job.

This was Mount lady, an A-ranked superhero.

The two of them belonged to the same hero agency and worked under an S-ranked superhero.

They always worked together, as their synergy was quite good.

But just as they were chatting while taking care of the monsters, their comms rang off.

"An A-ranked monster can be spotted nearby the daycare center. Our A-ranked heroes are currently facing tough battles, any B rank that isn't occupied, please move to provide help, and buy time."

"Repeat: Any B ranked person, move to provide assistance and buy time"

Mount lady pressed her earpiece and announced that she had finished her mission and was ready to move, to which the voice further gave her a message only to herself requesting that she hurry to help since she was an A rank, while the other B ranks nearby would buy her time.

The two shared a look and started moving rapidly.

There was no need to speak anything more. The mission was received.

Kamui Woods climbed on top of her shoulder as she started running.

Since the message was delivered even to B ranks to come help, it meant that they were undergoing some very dangerous fights.


Ren had disposed of various monsters on his way, so he was a bit slow in advancing forward.

The monsters varied in type.

There were gorilla monsters, spiders, and the feline ones he had beaten before.

But their ranks weren't always C, and he had come across B ranks.

Those were tough to deal with and it took him some time.

For the gorilla monsters, they were very agile and jumped around, so he had to use his speed to the fullest.

As for the spiders, they were quite easy to take care of since he didn't come across one of them being b rank, and they were all ranked under him.

Meanwhile, the feline monsters were the most numbered monsters he came across.

The B ranks among them were actually very hard to take down.


But now, he had just made it to the daycare center.

The first thing that entered his sight as he jumped from a building and landed, was the fallen bodies on the ground.

They were superheroes who had fought and were injured.

There was a perimeter surrounding a building, which had the reinforced bunker and civilians inside, and right now only one woman was still fighting and protecting it.

He could recognize her immediately.

'Aunt Isaki!' Ren's eyes widened.

She had her left arm limply hanging around her, her right leg was broken, and she had fallen to the ground.

Yet her right arm faced forward with everything she had. Her eyes were determined.

She was holding a wind barrier to keep the monsters off the building. But they were overpowering her slowly.


The monsters was of a similar type to those felines he fought.

They charged and bit the dome-shaped wind barrier that Isaki had made, and cracks spread around.

Despair was filling Isaki's heart at this moment.

She had been fighting for a while and no other hero had come just yet.

She was using everything she had, not only to protect her daughter but the other civilians and children inside.

At that moment, rage-filled Ren's eyes, and he started running.

It didn't matter that he felt the monster was stronger. He just ran ahead.

Isaki felt even more helpless as her barrier was about to break, when all of a sudden, she could see the silhouette of someone jump in front of her to protect her.

The wide back reassured her somewhat.

Ren kicked the monster nearby, and due to his momentum, the monster was thrown a bit to the back as it rolled and shook itself off the ground.


It growled as it saw the new addition.

Its eyes exuded a cruel glint.

"Ren?!!!" Isaki was stunned as she finally recognized him.


-A/N: Reviews saying Mc is a beta, mc didn't train, and so on, will be deleted. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean it can't happen, people make mistakes. Real reviews with criticism will be kept.

One guy said that the mc didn't train so the author must be stupid, bruh you are. You can't fathom how a former otaku didn't think to train? yes, I can fathom it since he is a normal person still. He is still deciding about his future, only taking time to research the world, and get accustomed to his new body. Plus as a normal person, it's weird to be told to have sno sno with every girl and you expect him to accept it just like that because he used to watch anime? Bruh I watch anime and I will feel it is awkward, maybe some don't but that's my point, everyone has an opinion, it won't be similar, SMH

Sorry for the rant.


-Thank you *"Eric"* ; *"Hawkshe"* ; *"Shadow"* ; *"Bowzer"* ; *"Lord Kuma"* ; *"Arun"* ; *"Angelo Meßmer "* and *"Carl Steelhammer"* For becoming my patrons 😎🎉

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release:


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