A Story of Evil

Chapter 175: Progress Outside The Domains

"Anything yet?"

"How far do you think I can see?"

"With how slow we're going. I'd say not far enough."

"Just stay put guys, I'm doing the best I can here."

Sol's decided to stay in the same ruined city they entered three days ago. With the number of monsters they fought on a daily basis, he was sure that some leads could be gained by being there. Thus they continued exploring the area; with more caution than when they were in the forest.

One could say that the care they placed in their actions was excessive to the point that it slowed them down. But Sol wasn't taking any chances. If a dragon could show up out of thin air, then stronger monsters could definitely follow the same logic. This same reasoning was acceptable to everyone in the group who were actually glad that they took things slowly.

At that moment, the same level of care was being used by the group. With Cain using the binoculars installed on his mask, he was tasked to scout the next area which they needed to go to. One which had tall ruined structures and trees obstructing the view and, forming a makeshift wall.

"Like I said, there's not much I can make out of it. Any dent or hole on that wall shows some movements of monsters. But with how small those are, it's impossible for me to know what they are." Cain explained.

"Seriously? Why is a wall even there in the first place." Nathan commented.

"Whatever monster type lies ahead, my bet is on the possibility of them being the ones who set it up." Was Sol's logical response.

"No way. Are they that intelligent?" Hendrickson asked.

"We can't be sure. But assuming things to that degree is safer than charging headfirst expecting armored armadillos to await us." Sol answered.

"Well if we can't see them from here, there's not much we can do. If we need vision before attacking, then this wall is a lost cause." Was Jade's reasonable conclusion based on the current state of things.

This was the only downside of their plan. In cases such as the one they were facing, the group was basically paralyzed. Just as Jade said, if they needed vision before fighting, then they needed to look for another target.

But it wasn't like Sol wasn't thinking the same. In fact, he was already thinking of an alternative at that moment. One which would not delay them too much yet could still produce results.

"Cain, how far does the wall stretch?" Sol asked.

"Pretty far Sol. I'd say there's a kilometer's worth of distance which it covers in length."

"You're talking about the whole wall right?" Alice wanted to make sure.

"Nope. Just its front. Since I can't see the back of that place I can't add it to the estimation."

"You're kidding. A whole kilometer? What's inside that place then?" Hendrickson commented.

"Don't get yourselves worked up on things we haven't seen yet. You'd probably place yourselves in a state of fear higher than what we'd actually encounter if you do."

"Sol's right. Calm down Rick." Jade added, being as calm as the leader of the group in that situation.

The wall offered no hope for the group. With both its length and height, it was easy to think that an intelligent lifeform lead whatever monster group was inside the walls. Sol thought of how they also fought an intelligent lifeform in the forest and, it didn't end well for them. All because Sol was sure that they could win no matter what comes out.

But it wasn't like he was out of options. Because the gears on Sol's head were still turning even at that point. Already coming up with a possible way to pass through the predicament.

"Do you see any other route connecting to the walls?"

"Yeah. It's thin but, aside from the straight path leading to it, there's a small and almost invisible one on the left."

Everyone thought that Sol would make them pass through this path. They also thought that it was a reasonable idea since the road would probably be hidden from the monsters. That's why they were surprised by what Sol said next.

"I see...what about the right?"

"There's nothing. I mean we can pass through it since its still basically land but there's no clear road." Cain wanted to believe that Sol would not make them pass through that path. But the next question raised by Sol made this likely.

"Can the direwolves pass trough it?"

"Sol you're not thinking of using that route right?" Cain asked.

"Answer the question." Sol demanded; making his friend sigh as he gave his response.

"Wait let me check again." He said, looking back at the road and carefully assessing things based on Sol's question.

"There are a bunch of other monster nests down that path. But I doubt they'd be unbeatable. As for the direwolves, they can definitely hop out of most of the areas we'd pass by. In short, it's possible."

"Wait, we're not actually using that road right?" Hendrickson repeated.

"We are. The main road is definitely guarded by whatever monsters formed that wall. As for the small one, there's a high possibility that they were the ones who made it."

"Made it? But why?"

"To catch prey of course. Having a road designed for their fighting style and, even placing traps on the location. Those conditions raises their chances of victory to an extent where it would be almost impossible to defeat them."

Sol took a stick that lay near him. He then began drawing a vertical line on the ground, with "x" marks indicating where the monsters could be.

"Even if we are stronger than them, the element of surprise would place too much of an advantage on their part. And even if we win, the ones on the walls will surely be alerted of our presence." Sol then scribbled on the drawing he made. Placing a huge "x" mark over the whole figure.

"So we really have no choice but to take that path?" Alice asked.

"As it stands, yes."

"But that doesn't solve the problem of the wall itself. We still have no idea what's inside." Jade repeated the same roadblock which he mentioned earlier.

"That's why we'll circle around it." Sol said, using the stick again to draw a circle on the ground which represented the wall.

"Any form of defense always has a weak side to it. You cannot equally apply the same amount of effort onto all parts of a wall. There would be spots that are sturdier and, spots that are easier to break." Sol made some parts of the circle thicker while he made other parts thinner. Giving another heads up to his teammates as soon as he finished his illustration.

"No defense is absolute. Always remember that."

Sol began explaining the reason why they needed to circle around the area. That is, if they couldn't see pass the wall in their current location. Then they simply needed to position themselves on an area that would allow this.

"If they didn't place as much effort into creating a road on the right side, it probably means that their defenses on that side are just the same. We'll utilize that and advance."

"But what if the wall is still closed up on that location?" Jade asked.

"Then we'll circle around to the back. The game doesn't end until it's checkmate."

"Check what?" Hendrickson asked, not knowing the reference.

"Nevermind." Was Sol's short reply as he finally stood up.

The day was still young. Everyone's bellies were still filled by their breakfast and, have yet to encounter any monsters during that day. Their bodies were properly rested and could handle another long day of fighting and traveling.

As for their mounts, the direwolves have also been fed and thus, could continue for a while longer. They had enough ammunition to kill off the monsters on the path and, Sol has already placed the possible strength of these same creatures into consideration.

Finding the wall was the biggest progress the group made inside the city. And Sol wasn't going to give up on it. Not while options were still available for them to take.

"Our goal for now is to secure a new spot for Cain to observe the wall. We'll kill any monster we find along the way so sharpen your senses and make sure you're prepared for ambush." Sol said, ridding on top of his direwolf which everyone else also did on theirs.

"Even if they all attack at once they won't be a match for us!" Was Hendrickson's proud statement.

"You sure talk big for someone who had a hard time against armadillos." Nathaniel taunted, which made everyone else in the team laugh out loud.

"Shut up Nathan! It was just a bad match-up that's all!" Was Hendrickson's defense.

"Okay knock it off guys." Sol said as the group made their way to their next short term goal.

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