A Saiyan Owl

Chap 4- Showing Dominance!

Chap 4- Showing Dominance!:

{ A/N: Fixed, and Rewritten on some parts,( 4/43 ), let's goo!!}


{ PoV Mumei; Hospital room}


Opening my eyes after another meditation section and getting up from the mattress, glancing down to see my body, still covered up in bandages.


"Hehehe."- A gremlin chuckle escapes my mouth, oops.


Placing each arm by a side of my waistline, and trying to trigger that same sensation I constantly had when going in a meditation state... and when it finally surges up...


"HAH!"- In a flash of light, all bandages around my body are wrecked away, as a white aura bursts around me.


"YEAHHHH!!! KRO, I DID IT!"- It has been already five days since I was brought here, it was hell, examination, sleep, meditation, food from hell, repeat.


[{*clap* *clap* Omedetou, Muun, your strength currently should be beyond the 500s, I will require some time for further analysis to get the proper data on how great of a boost that was, roughly 3 hours should be adequate enough to notify you.}]


'Oh, thanks'-Jumping a little from one leg to the other, it is way lighter now that I even feel weird moving...


Quitting my testing, moving my torso to my right side following my right arm,  and when it eventually gets all the way back, I spring forward with a straight punch.




Everything in the room is wrecked everywhere by the surge of wind that I made...


"WOOOW, This is cool!"-   Looking around at all the goods that were on the floor now, I feel something spring on the back of my head pointing at a specific place, and rotate my head to look at my doorway.


*heavy steps*


Not really wanting to justify this shit I made, I turn my eyes to the barely open window open and grin. Placing my hand on the trim opening and tossing it fully open.*Zuush!*


Listening to the steps get even closer and faster I raise my right foot and rest it on the window and kick onwards leaping out of the edifice..... But I overlook something...


"Eh."- Forgetting I can't fly yet.


[{Owl Form Augmented to [3%] for training one of its skills.}]


"WAAAA!"- I fall at high speed.


Kro had a smug voice earlier! So I don't have to worry, right?


I somehow flip while falling, that place I was in, it's like the 10th floor.


While falling I try to shift my body around and end up doing a flip somehow, and having a glimpse at where I was moments before, that place was like the tenth floor!




Luckily when I was spinning it got me in the right position again and it caused me to land on my feet and bend my knees to absorb the shock, creating spider web-like ruptures everywhere.


 Getting up a bit flimsy like I was tipsy, and with a big dumb smile.


"KAKOIIII!!"- I jump in circles with both my arms raised, excited, I mean look at what I just did bitch!! I fucking leaped and landed on a superhero landing!


Feeling an identical sensation as before I look up.


Seeing the people who treated me during my stay, glancing down the same window I hopped out, in shock.


Smiling I wave at them and begin sprinting away.


I must have vanished from their sight, hehe.


[{ Muun, you should understand, but you require to get used to these things, or else your mind won't see the seriousness of the situations you will likely get in.}]


''I know, I know.''


But first, tail me to Goku's place, I wanna fight him!


[{ You...*sigh* Okay, continue running in that way for now... I, the sumptuous Kro... twisted into a GPS.*sobs*}]








Getting to the feet of a mountain after an hour or so, and up there, I see it, a little house that pushes me to be even more enthusiastic!


Before arriving here, I got some under clothes like a black sports bra and some white boxers... those panties and bra were making me cringe hard... And how did I get them? When you're at ultra-speeds it gets pretty easy getting away with stuff without anyone noticing.


Beaming up a giant smile I start my speech!


"Get ready Kakaroto! I will be your opponent today! Muahahaha! *Cough* *cough* my little throat..."



{Goku's house; PoV Goku}








400!!! Jumping up from my push-ups, that was a good warm-up!


I start walking back inside our house, Chi-Chi must be cooking something tasty by now!


"!!!? HUH?"- But I freeze...Wh... What's that!!


Looking back in a certain direction."- Could it be Piccolo?! No, He already understands I am strongest right now, he lost already..."


But this presence... it's causing my body to sweat like crazy!  Piccolo couldn't get this much stronger in such a short amount of time, could he?


I stare at the part where it's coming from, at high speeds, from the roadway?






  << A few seconds later. >>








"UHHHH!!"- Raising my right hand in front of my face to prevent any dust from getting inside my eyes and frown when 'he' finally arrives, whatever this is...I will take you on!


A ton of dust was seemingly lifted out of nowhere.


And looking at where it was raised from, only to see.... a girl? With a caramel-brown hair color, a pale red shirt with black suspenders, black jeans, and some weird black shoes.


Staring at me with a smirk, her eyes glowing with a caramel-yellow shine... Uhhh? Is that behind her.... a tail! Just like the one I had when I was a kid!


"Are you Son-Goku?"- She asks still smirking.


A drop of sweat runs down my cheek, this girl.... is more powerful than me and Piccolo!


"Yeah that's me, what can I do for you?"- Better not get her irritated, this could go bad, though I can't shake the feeling of excitement too.


Her smile grew even more.


"I, Mumei the Owl, challenge you to a friendly fight!!! I wish to test my power against the strongest men as they say!"




I blink, confused.


So she just came here for a sparing match?


*sigh* All these world-ending things seem to be getting me on the edge all the time, that every time someone powerful shows up they're usually evil...


Smiling back at her excitement.-" Oh yeah, I accept, could be fun since I haven't done nothing much after getting back home, but could we at least get away from here?*scratches head* My wife is in there."- I point to our home.


She nods with a very casual motion and starts to walk away.


We walk far away from my house and she looks around the plants and small animals, after some time of us just walking she sighs and looks to my side as I rest my arms behind my neck.


"Say Goku, do you feel a bizarre uncontrollable excitement when you are fighting stronger foes?"- She asks, and I am taken back a little.


"Ehehehe, ya got me there, yea a lot of the times, but most of the time they want to rule the earth or destroy it... it's kinda sad seeing such strong guys descending such a path...."- I sigh loudly after.


Giggling she moves her left hand in circles.-" Well the excitement in fighting is aggravated everywhere in our race after all..."- That one phrase makes my eyes go wild, race?


She peeks her eyes at me and smiles.


"If you beat me, I will tell you more. I'm still practicing, so I don't hold that many aptitudes in martial arts, think of it as an equellaing ground for both of us."- I can't even be more surprised at this point... she knows where I am from... and the feeling I am getting, is just her raw strength...


Smiling and bumping a fist up.-" Sure! Then If I win, could I teach you? If what you're telling me is the truth, your raw power without technique is something that no one in this world has! Then training you, would also make me stronger by pushing my limits even further, and you would get even stronger and also have a better grasp of it! What you say?"


Her eyes bulge.-' Is he fucking for real? Like... I ain't complaining, but now considering it... Goku did train Uub to fight him... Him doing it now wouldn't be a surprise, with Pickle Rick around, and now me, he will have more people to fight.*smile*"


"Okay! Then show me! What the strongest men can do!"- Kicking dust-up she jumps back, creating a good distance between the two of us.


'FAST!'- Is all I can think as she moved away at speeds that I nearly couldn't follow entirely.



Seeing that it's more reasonable to get my weighted clothes off *THUD!*, tossing them to the side, and move my arms and legs to stretch them a bit.-' If I take her lightly, I will lose in an instant!'


Getting my body prepared, I bring my torso down getting ready with my stance.


She picks up a rock and flicks it up with her thumb as her face contorts a little with a very menacing smile...


Our battlefield is an open field by the side of a river.


...The little rock starts falling down.


 She moves in a strange way... bringing her torso forward and spreading her arms like she was going to clasp someone!


'What's that stance? I have never seen it before! Maybe an academy that isn't from this sides? It overflows with confidence!'


       *click* *crack*


The little rock finally hits the ground...




Leaving just a trail of dust hovering in the air as proof that she was there moments before.


Being super cautious I start searching where she could be and eventually sensing her energy....-' Behind!!!'- Forcing me to spin back with a right jab trying to aim for her face.


*PAM!!!!* - ''AUGHHHH!?!!?''


But... when I turn around, a punch was already reaching for my face, all while she shouts some weird phrase...



















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