A Saiyan Owl

Chap 30- Spikey-Ass-Haired-Dude

Chap 30- Spikey-Ass-Haired-Dude:


(A/N: Small fix. )


{Space; Solar Sytem}


"I am finally getting there huh."


A small white sphere with a red glass part crosses the emptiness of space, moving at extreme speeds seemingly with a destination.


And inside it lays down in a small space enough for an adult to be there, a man with a very long hair, and a face that resembles a bit of a certain earth warrior.


He's wearing an armor that protects much of his chest area but forgets the rest, and in his lower part he just uses some black thongs. And on his feet having shoes with the same armor design as his breastplate.


In both his left arm and left thigh he has a type of cloth in red color, probably using for fashion.


In the horizon just barely into his camp of vision, a small blue dot that we know as our little planet, where all the story of our universe in some way will get involved in.


"Earth, Kakarot was sent here to destroy it... let's see his work shall we *smiles*."


Being from one of the strongest in the universe he obviously does not need for any worry, since he's the big brother, and as well his brother's power was super low even for a low level warrior, so he knew.


"Just got to get him and go back, the Prince must be already tired of waiting so much just to get another low level warrior...*frowns*, but... *sigh*, being one of the last saiyans alive, I can't afford to think in such a way, or I could get myself a very early end.... The Prince... Nappa... and him as well..."


He doesn't wish to fail in this small mission he was given,  getting his brother and going back should be easy.




The pod gets closer and closer, and Raditz remembers more and more about his family.


Even if he was not in a very close contact with them, what was a pretty normal trait for all Saiyans, he still felt loss at losing all his family.


But when his father sent him that last message saying the coordinates, he was confused.


That was until he was notified of the destruction of Planet Vegeta by that meteor.


He understood,  these coordinates must be from where his brother was, he didn't understand why just him could left, while all other Saiyans did die, but, more things must have had happened for such a things be as it's.


And now he's going to see his last family alive, his younger brother.


"Kakarot, we as the strongest warriors in the universe, Saiyans! Need to be together! You, wanting or not, will join us!"


Wanting to be together with his last family, having someone that he can bond and not be so humiliated like those he is with, and together in all this, there is too the fear of failing his mission, and be the one evaporated from existence by those who always have been above himself.


Raditz will do whatever he needs to, even if he like always, need's to put on a hard rough mask to get his brother.



{Tallest Mountain Peak; 05:31 a.m}


At the peak of the tallest mountain on earth, lays lazily on her side, a girl.


She seems unaffected by all the winds and cold that hit her face, she just looks at the horizon with those golden eyes that reflect the Sun perfectly.


The Sun raising in the sea of clouds that she's above, making a beautiful scenery, that many wouldn't be able to see in a life time.


Closing her eyes, she puts one knee up and then followed by her whole body.


"Guess we're starting now...*yawning*"


While her mouth opens comically big with her yawn. A yellow flaming dot appears in her vision on the sky.


One would say it's just a meteorite or something,  but she knows very well what this is, it's the mark, the signal that the world has started to spin and she will finally get what she wants.


[{ Muun, he arrived 1 day before my alarm.... looks like I set it a little later...}]


A very sad voice comes from a blue screen that pops out of nowhere.


Looking down at it.-" Don't sweat over it Kro, we could feel his Ki anyways, so I don't think a day will make a difference. *Looks at the sky*, but finally, I can start it, changes that are going to make this turn into a very fun trip! *Smiles*"


Muun spreads her arms towards the new day sunshine, her body being bathed in its warm light. Like it was welcoming her to do so.


Mumei, is one of the things that Raditz would never consider, was an Owl that could change all the surrounding universe, being the intention or just a consequence of her actions. The one who would maybe change the Saiyan fate, or make him feel a fear that he didn't think he could even feel.


It's up to him, the choice to maybe turn into something bigger, something he could be proud of, something his father, who was a strong individual in their society, could be proud of him.


The choice he makes the moment he steps in this planet, that's what's going to show his future.


"Uuuuh~ *stretching arms*, Might as well go say hi... hmm would be funny for him to meet Goku who's probably two times or more stronger then him....*grins*, I'mma do it!"- Stepping to the edge her body falls down resembling a certain spartan with anger issues.


She falls down until she gets just above the clouds, then she puffs into smoke.


An Owl is the only thing that flies out of all the smoke, going towards her friends direction.


'Now that Piccolo is our friend, he can go with us to the Kami house! Raditz will have only one place to go!'


[{Pretty smart, and thinking how all of you almost always stay in the 500s of power when not fighting or exuding extra force, could attract him even more, with him thinking he's above and mighty.}]


A strange scary glow passes by the bird's eyes as she flies.-' Then I shall show him, how much of a small fish he is!'


There she goes, excited to start everything, and enthusiastic to kick a certain someone's ass, until he just stops he stops being an ass himself.



{Pov Piccolo; Mountains close to Mount Paozu; 05:51 a.m}




I often forgot what it even means, when you have so many noisy people around you yelling.


But after flying a bit to these mountains, It should stay peacefully for some time.




"Or not..."


Opening my eyes and looking at where I heard the sound.


..... An Owl? Hmm.-" What do you want?"


Going direct to the point, she makes an action that I can only identify as rolling her eyes.


She points her wing to a direction... Son's house.


"Why? Is there something for us to do there? I have got some time for me to meditate finally bird."- Frowning a little she points up at the sky this time.


Then I feel it, a strong Ki, well it would have been strong for us some years back, even unbeatable.


But as of right now it is just a speck of dust, with how many stronger people there are in earth currently.


"You're worried about that? Something you could just give a little air blow and destroy it?"- She shakes her head.


And like always manages to form a smile and look towards the energy that's coming down.... from space..... now I understand.


"So you want to welcome our new guest?*smiles*, Well what type of hosts would we be if we didn't right?"


Looking one more time at me, motions her head in Son's direction and disappears in the next second....


"*sigh* Guess we might have something interesting to do, Gohan will finally have someone to spar at his level at least that."


Levitating up and flying to the direction she's going, I end up noticing something.-" Couldn't she just revert to her normal form and speak?... Bet she just wanted to look cool or something while pointing at things.... *blank look* she's too childish at times."



{Goku's house; 06:16 a.m}




"Hmmmmm.... these, I should use this formula, and it should all work..."- Writing on a small notebook, Gohan finishes his homework that Mumei(Kro) had made for him today, it makes the kid look up to his aunt even more as she shows how much she can do.


The gentle rays of sun finally enters his room, from the window that is in front of his desk.


Shining its light in his face, making him squint his eyes and rise his hand to block a little of it.


"Hmm*nods*, it seems I woke up way too early... but finally ended this week part! Now I should be able to focus even more with dad!"-  Stretching his arms up and pushing his chair off the desk.


He gets up and goes to his door, and when he was about to turn the door handle. The sound of flapping wings gets his attention, as they came from his window.


Looking back, his eyes widen, an Owl in various tones of dark brown and light brown with the sun shining behind her, giving a holy vibe to her, she rests on the window rest area, just looking at him with yellow-gold eyes that appear to shine.


Taking a step towards her, just to stop and see it do a head tilt like saying for him to go, and flaps her wings disappearing again. Leaving a confused Gohan behind.


"What's up with Auntmei and dramatically tense entrances?"- Finally he opens the door and walks to the kitchen, and sees his aunt sitting on the couch with her jacket to the side and her legs crossed, just lazily taping the ground while looking up at the ceiling.


Approaching her.-" Uh Aunt, did you want something?"


Slowly she looks down with a little smile on her mouth sides.-" Yep~, Gohan, you maybe have your first real battle today after we get to see your dad friends."


Firing that information like it's a normal every day thing. But it just confuses the boy even more, who can't imagine who would it be, since everyone around him is so strong.


"Who? Dad's friends or someone else?"- With his curiosity picked he looks at his aunt's eyes.


Raising a hand and patting the boy head with little taps.-" It'll be a surprise, or it would not be fun, would it? *Yawn*, and we need to wait for those two, sooooo, could you make me a sandwich?"


Moving to laying lazily on her back, without one trace of shame.


The boy just stares at his aunt and sighs.-' Guess even the strongest are not perfect...'


He moves to the kitchen to do both of them some launches, while the bird lies on the couch watching TV.


<< Today on the 4.20 W.T.F News! An asteroid of sorts that haven't been identified yet has crossed our planet skies! It disappeared from our satellites the moment it entered orbit, so be warned and cautious! It doesn't appear to be big, so you should be worried only about if you're super close to it's landing destination. >>




Walking by the counter with a big plate of ten sandwiches, Gohan watches the TV.-" Didn't remember seeing any provisions for such a thing... maybe one was miscalculated or something? What you think auntmei?"


Muun just lazily smiles.-" Who knows? It could be the signal for something new and interesting~."


Confused to his aunt sayings, he just gives up and puts the plate on the table in front of the couch and sits beside Muun to eat.


Both pick up one from the plate and eat slowly, well as slow that two bites is half the whole thing you could say.


The boy looks away from the TV to the girl sitting by his side, and contemplates if he should ask a question, one that he didn't ask because it seemed super rude... but.-" Aunt... could I ask... why don't you take training seriously like dad and mister Piccolo? It has been on my head since you started teaching me, if you trained, no one could ever match you!"


Side eyeing the boy, the smile on Muun's face goes away.-" Yeah I could, but it would be always so boring, at this point in time, there's no calling for power, and I don't need such an overwhelming power to get bald, *looks at Gohan*, being all powerful is cool and all, but once you be the strongest like me, you need to be careful, a normal being could be killed if I sneezed, and fights turn into how much suppressed I am."


Being a pretty smart little cookie, the young half Saiyan nods, understanding some part of her philosophy.-" Being too strong... means no one can fight you, and for auntmei, that would be boring...*nods*"


Being satisfied with this response, since her already expected it a little, they eat in a comfortable silence as they eat.




A tall white caped man enters the door looking around, and setting his eyes on Muun, and start walking to her side.


"Bird, we have about half an hour until he lands, so what's the plan?"- He looks down the Owl who's just lazily laying on her back.


She looks up at him while taking a big bite out of her launch.


Gohan is confused, not knowing who they're talking about.


"*Motions head to Gohan*. After going to see Goku's friends he'll deal with him, with some many powers in one place, he'll just have one place to go, and with such a high power he must have some sort of power sensing technique or something like that.*chomp*"


The said one who she mentioned is even more confused now. -' What? I will deal with whom?'


Piccolo gives the boy a look and smiles.-" Hm, it'll work, he indeed needs something like this, but what are we waiting then?"


Going back to his stoic face, he moves to the door again, Mumei gets up and stuffs her sandwich in her mouth and follows suit behind.


"Guhan, gyo and wyake up your fyather."- Talking with her mouth full, but understandably enough for the boy to nod.




Piccolo makes a 360° spin and yells at one side of her head, and meanwhile Kro shouts from the other side, making her flinch.


"*gulps down* There... better now? Geez..."- Putting her arms behind her head as she follows a grumpy Piccolo to wait outside for the other two to come.


Finally getting outside, she looks at the sky and yawns again and looks at the one who's with his back to a tree and both arms crossed, also both eyes closed.


"Hey Piccolo."- Attracting his attention, he opens one eye looks at the girl who is just a meter away from him, funnily enough with a plain face, not a smiling one.


"What are you seeking as of right now? Something like world conquest seems like a waste of time for people strong like you at this point."- She stares at his eyes attentively, and also vast amounts of curiosity emitting from her.


Sighing and closing his eye again.-" Bird, after all you said and showed to us, if I continued with my 'I am a pure evil being' would just lead me to a shorter end, my dad must have e been something like that, but I ain't him, spending all this time around such annoying people like you showed that to me *smile*, answering the question, I seek power to stand up, to grow stronger, and show you, *opens eyes* that we aren't just some weaklings."


"Uuuuh, creamy answer, *smug face*, then from now on you better not go down from that motivation, because who knows, maybe one day you could stand even above me."- Saying this she walks to another tree to the side.


'What does she mean by that...'- Raising an eyebrow to the bird girl, who seemingly will not give any further information and just sits down on the trunk of a fallen tree.


Leaving the curious air around, she just looks at the house, hearing some sounds, probably the other two are coming already.


Opening the door, the small Gohan is the first to exit with a some clothes that we know very well, his father clothes when he was a kid, at least it has the same light blue color patterns.


Behind him, comes Goku, putting on his orange shirt as he walks out, almost falling because of the lack of visibility with the cloth in his head.




Muun laughs a little with an innocent giggle, prompting Piccolo to sweat.


"That don't match you at all, stop it, it's scary."- Muun turns her head to his side a -'seriously? That bad?'- look, and receives a nod as confirmation.


[{I found it cute, so don't give ears to the green senzu man Muun.}]


'Thanks... I guess...'- Her mood going up a little because of Kro.


Finally getting his shirt on, Goku walks with his son to the two waiting by the trees.-" Hey Piccolo, Mumei! Sorry for making you guys wait! So shall we go?"


Not on the mood to stand up again, Muun just levitates while still sitting midair.-" Yeah let's go already, I wanna see how your friends are Goku."


Piccolo follows behind her flying, next of the two son and father do as well getting off the ground.


Turning her head to the house, Muun notices something.-" Hey where's Chi-Chi? She wouldn't miss the chance to say goodbye to her son and husband going for a trip, would she?"


Shaking his head, Gohan is the one who answers.-" She already did, yesterday grandpa called her over to help with some preparations, probably food."


"Oh, okay then. *mumbles* more changes huh."


[{ And there will be even more, you know it.}]


When all of them get high enough, they speed after Goku who's leading the group through the skies to their destination.


The Kami-house.











Don don~ I overslept ~ don don~ye



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