A Saiyan Owl

Chap 25- Will of the strong

Chap 25- Will of the strong:


 ( A/N: Small fix. )



One year in the earth time has passed by since Mumei disappearance, again.


As it goes on with everyone pushing past their limits one way or another, and we finally got to this day.



{Mount Paozu, 11:24}






In a mountain we know very well, there's two people exchanging heavy attacks. Meanwhile, in the sidelines a kid watches it, his interest had grown more and more every day, ever since Mumei took him to watch that day.


He finds it interesting, the way they move, the speed they move, sometimes going so fast, he only feels the aftermath impacts.


And such a thing make him more and more excited, and this makes his mother even more worried. That her baby boy turns into a 'delinquent', as she calls the other Z-Fighters.


The two adults clash, punching, kicking, and countering each other moves as they go, and doing all this with a big old smile on their faces.


"Son! This win will be mine time! GRAAAAH!!"- Charging up a yellow Ki ball and firing, Piccolo puts a lot of effort in this one attack.


Taking a deep breath, Goku move his hand forward, and covers it with Ki.-" As if! HAAAH!"- *BOM!* And punches the attack to the side, but he forgot something.


And realizing it, the green man eyes go wide, he grits his teeth and move at his max speed.


On the corner where the ball of energy was sent, there was the little boy, staring, being scared by the attack, that's coming downhill full speed at his direction. -" Wahhhh?"








Piccolo, reappearing in front of the little monkey tailed kid, deflects the attack to another side, and it goes back to the craters they had created, increasing its size even more.


He gives a stern look to his training partner.-" SON! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?"- Goku, just laughs a little nervously.


But, he doesn't worry too much about it, if things got south, he would have saved Gohan, he was just testing the one who once was called 'Son of the Devil', and with this action, it was proven.


Piccolo has changed, if he did notice or not, Son Goku didn't know, he knew the green man now was something he could call a friend of sorts.


"Ahahah *scratches head*, Sorry, sorry, but the moment I saw where it was going, you got there first, so everything is fine now right?"- Laughing a little awkwardly, and seeing that Piccolo had bought the excuse and sighed, he gives a cheeky smile.


Flying down to ground level, and walking towards the two of them.


And seeing his son scared from that earlier attack, Goku had an idea.


"Hey Gohan, wanna try at and give a go training too? From the looks of it you can already talk very well, so some light exercises could help you a lot!"- Getting excited about the proposal of training his son, Goku's eyes glow.


On the side, the green man shakes his head, but he himself is in favor of this idea.-" It could work, make him do just some light exercises, and some martial moves training, it could work..."


Giving his piece of mind and going back to meditating, while he did, the Saiyan dad was teaching the little boy the basics, stretching, and light moves.


And when he ended doing it, Gohan started to go by himself, and Goku got back, to meditate a little, it's something he rarely does, but it could work once in a while.



{Goku's mind}


It seems I entered the place already huh, my mind space.


Looking around I see just water and darkness, who could be that I am going to fight?






Wet steps start coming my way, and I get ready on my stance, you never know.


"Turi~pi~pi~tu~turipipi~"- What? Who-" PLUAHHHGGH?!"- Being sent flying with what looked to be a knee to my stomach.




Sliding my way back, while breathing heavily, I raise my head, and there standing with both arms in her hips is, Mumei... but she looks kinda different, there's a shadow on the superior part of her face, and just two glowing red eyes look at me, and there's also the sharp toothed smile she's giving, that's something that is going to give me some nightmares.


"Hey~Hey~ don't go down so easily~ do better! Come on!*fush!*"- She appears in front of me with a right uppercut incoming.


I raise both arms to block it, but...


"Not so smart!"- *PAM!* -" UGH!?*Spits blood*"


I am sent flying to the side, my body kicking the ground multiple times followed by wet splashing sounds.




Finally, I stop, trying to get on one knee, I fail the first time, but get up on the second.


Looking at where I was launched from while breathing heavily, I see Mumei with her right leg up... she had kicked me on the side, meanwhile I was thinking about blocking that punch...


'Huh... Looks like it's my defeat again'- My vision starts to get blurry, and looking one last time to her direction... she's back to her normal self...-"*smile* Try better next time, Kakarot."


Giving a little laugh I pass out.



{Back to normal world}


Goku opening his eyes and breathing heavily, falls to his hands.-" *Cough* *cough*, I lost so quickly, she's really on another level huh?"- coughing some blood, and wiping it away the rest that stayed in his mouth with his hand.


He tries to get up, but a hand stops him, looking up he sees Piccolo looking at him with a serious look.-" Did you try going against the Owl, didn't you?"- He asks seriously.


"*Nods* Yeah, couldn't even have the chance to touch her, she just put me in down with two moves..."- Sighing, and tapping the Saiyan back, Piccolo walks to where the little boy is practicing, to correct some of his errors.


" Don't try it Son, we have lost with such an overwhelming difference, and even while holding back, she could still pummel us to the ground, *looks back at Goku*, now imagine, if it's your mind is estimating how strong she actually is."


Giving his tip, he continues going to Gohan's side.


The Saiyan looks up at the sun that shines heavily, and sighs.-" I kinda had a feeling like that too... And she still has more techniques she didn't use, like this one I sawed her use... It probably makes her even stronger, *laughs nervously*, she's truly being a beast isn't she?"


Getting up, and stretching, he follows Piccolo to see how his child is doing with his own part.



{Pov Kro; Kro's home; Void}


It has been a while...


*chop* *chop*


I am cutting some vegetables right now, and Muun is sitting on the table looking at one of my blue screens, probably watching something.


Putting the cut vegetables in a pot and adding water, and turning on the fire, so it can start to boil it up.




Clapping my hands to get any leftovers from the vegetables, I give a look at the one sitting on the kitchen table, and she's eating one of those popsicles of hers...*sigh*


Walking silently behind her, I hug behind her, putting my face on the crook of her neck.-" You shouldn't be eating candy before dinner, you birdy brained girl."- She just gives me a side eye looks, without even moving.


Looking at what she's seeing on the screen... it's some videos, meme compilations, she has a lot of those, they're pretty funny.


"Wut? You were taking sho long, might ash well eat one."- I can only at deadpan her.


"I just started preparing the food Muun..."- Sneaking my other arm around her back, while she's about to start talking.


"My point still stand, *pop* HEY!!"- Sneaky sneaky,  I pick the popsicle plastic pipe, and lightly push out of her mouth.


"*pop*, No can do, if you eat things like this, you'll not eat later on."- Putting it on my mouth and walking back to the stove, while I feel spears being craved on my back with her glare.


This past month has been quite eventful I may say, I got myself a lot more motivated to try and go on a advance, but the Owl still didn't notice from the looks of it, even though we do stuff lovers do all the time... I might need to give her a piece of my mind when we have more time, for now I will enjoy the time we have.


"*mumbles* Damn...Kro, I just wanted to kill some time, meany..."- Looking through the balcony, I see someone is mumbling things about me... I swipe my hand down, and block her inventory option as of right now, she doesn't need it.


"HEY! WHY?!"- She stands up, with another screen in her other hand. -' I got you Muun~'


"Muun~ I told you already, no candies before the food."- She looks at me with comically tears on her eyes.


"Are you my mom or something?"- "*smile* I could be...."




We just stare at one another....


The silence could kill someone if they passed by us right now... awkward....


Her face turns into a cringing mess, probably regretting all her life choices.


She bows, but I followed one second after.


" " I am really sorry... " "- We both look at one another, and after a second...


"Pffft... ahahahah! What's up with the face! You're the one who said that, in the first place!"- She just laughs at my embarrassment....


"Ugh.... I tried okay? *mumbles* I need to find a book about flirts... I am bad at this... how did the warden do this stuff..."- Going back to cooking, while the Owl laughs hard at my embarrassed face...- ' *smiles lightly* At least we're not so awkward like the first time we met, but she still did things without noticing...'


Putting the pasta on the pan after everything heats up.-' Like... she's flirting with me without noticing, or it just unconscious thing? Well... she did almost suffocate me in her chest last week... but that probably was the revenge for what I did that day she got back from shopping, but it was still worth it, I figured her weakness...head pats, when I use it, it works like a switch, and she just goes to super chill mode. Did it when she was pissed at some things... works like a glove.'


Muun looks at me again, smiles a little at my loss of words it seems, and walks to the training area.-" I am going to train the new thingy I got, if you activate that program to help me, I would appreciate it.*creak*"- She walks inside the training room.


Still, she's trying to master that so hard, but I doubt a lot she'll be able to even use it before the Frieza saga, and she herself must feel that way as well, but still being the hard cookie she is, she's going to try and try again, until she gets something out of it.


'*sighs* And when I call her a hard-headed bird she gets mad.'- Sweeping my hand down, and clicking and some source codes, I give her what she wanted.


Now back to the food, I still need to do a lot more stuff, need to cut the meat, start preparing the rice.


.... I am really starting to feel like a housewife... don't know if that's something to be proud or not...



{Cold Peaks; Close to East City}


Cold, That would be the word to describe where we're right now, a sea of snow is all there is to all surroundings, and now even more snow rains down.


Almost all vegetation withers away, losing its life force for right now, and some of it still prevail, having adapted to such a low temperature climate.


And among all this cold biome, there are two adventurous beings, one who's walking the other levitating.


Tienshinhan and Chiaotzu.


They both have been searching effectively ways to train and push even further their limits, and right now they are going on a journey to make their bodies even stronger


Tien has been walking in this place for three days already, stopping one time or another for Basic necessities, Chiaotzu has been a tougher time, but he still follows his friend.


Right now they're trying to develop a new technique. By circulating their Ki in a small layer outside their body, they are trying to make a Ki shield, that would come in super handy in fights, and when further developed, could be added even more layers to said technique.


It's a technique that in real fights, the ones to the death, could save you from a dangerous attack, or lower their strength potency by a lot, making, so you don't just die on the spot.


And the cold have been a pretty good place to start developing it, being that if there were any holes in its formation, they would feel a super low freezing air. But it seems that things are going well, as they walk/float pretty normal through the snowy ground they're in.


Their concentration need to super high to keep going, so talking is reserved to their short breaks.


Tien walks with all his determination, with this technique he may be able to go against Goku, but that is just what he thinks, reality could be pretty disappointing at times, their difference in power grow every day, being that the one he's going after a Saiyan.


But he does not know that, so he keeps pushing his bodily limits even further, maybe doing such a thing is going to be paid back one day? Who knows.



















{Pov ??? ???????}


"Hmmmm strange... I could promise I felt something... like it was just a speck of it...."- I look up at a certain direction, I know who that place belongs to, but how could he have someone with this?...


" Mistress, could I help with something? For your attention to be picked, it must have been something fascinating.*smiles calmly*"- A tall shadow appears behind me as I fly upside down.


Giving a toothy smile I shrug.-" As of right now, it shouldn't be a high problem, maybe in the future we go there, they still haven't developed it to a high level."


When I said that, he widened his eyes a little, and his smile got a little more genuine.-" Ouh my *puts hand on cheek*, so there's someone besides Mistress with that type of energy?"




Touching the ground finally, I cross my arms smiling smugly.-" It seems so, somehow, there's someone out there with the same mutation I have, in some time, they're going to rise high in power! With this power, you can do anything you wish, that is the strength it has, Chaos energy, the power that make me stand where I am today, ya know."






















Ayo, what's this? More plot?~ye

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