A Saiyan Owl

Chap 21-Oh God

Chap 21-Oh God:


(A/N: I fixed some mistakes)


{Pov Mumei; Skies}


"Hum~ Humhum~"- I have been following Mr.Popo for a while now, he isn't much of the talker from how much silence we have been having since he found me...


'And I am not going to start a conversation, imagine if I say something, and he just blows me up?'


[{It doesn't look like we're in that Universe Muun.}]


'Hm... Good... That Mr.Popo is scary.'


Doing some side flips left and right while following him, I try to find a subject to try and initiate a conversation, now that I am sure my existence is safe.


"Uuuh, can ask why you guys want to see me?"- That's good right?


He continues to look to his front...-" Mr.Popo doesn't know why, Kami just said to Mr.Popo to find the one who made Son-Goku and the son of Piccolo Dai-mao, so strong, and we're now going to him."


That's such a flat voice... why you're so creepy.


"Umu, well I don't know why, but it seems we're just going to talk, so I don't see why not. *shrugs*"


He finally gives me a look, but just a quick one, before looking forward again.-" Hm *nods*, Bird girl is a good person, so I am sure everything is going to be alright."


And that's how the silence comes back...


Guess I will just enjoy eating wind then?






I look at a blue screen that just appeared in front of me.


A chess board, with two shades of blue instead of black and white.


[{A chess game?}]


'Sure, to kill some time. Why not?'



{Half an hour later; Lookout; 07:47 a.m }


Two people cut the skies at high speeds getting closer and closer to the Lookout.


A black genie with white eyes in a flying magic carpet, and behind him a girl with light brown hair, and some peculiar clothing.


She's flying lazily until she sees the flying island, a smile widening on her face.


Speeding up she flies ahead of the genie, who just looks taken back by said action.


"Oww, she's probably marveled by the monument, the monkey kid was stunned too when he climbed up!"- Smiling a big goofy smile, Mr.Popo lands on the flying Island, following the Owl.




Mumei finally getting on the ground, looks around amazed-' So this is the place where I will be coming back like crazy from now on huh? Beautiful and pretty calming, could drink some tea here, and enjoy the view~'




Mr.Popo landing next to her, gauges her expression, and is happy to see the young girl liking the place.


He walks past her, while talking.-" Now come in, Mr.Popo will show you where Kami is waiting, he has already waited a year, so we better hurry!"- Mumei looks at the genie and nods, following him from behind.


On the walk towards where Kami is, Mumei could only recognize as the Time Chamber Location, making her eyes shine with stars, she wanted to give a test, just a little test.


To see if her body can handle it perfectly well.


Passing by the door and entrance she recognizes, and going further, they enter another room, and now going by a strange hallway.


The walls have some strange paintings of beings with cloaks over their heads.-' What's the point of having a painting if you're going to use a damn cloak?'- She deadpans the aesthetic as they pass by the hall.


The floor was filled with some type of red carpet with black dots, seemingly randomly drawn.


Finally getting to the end of the hall, a white and golden door.




Mr.Popo opens the door, and proceeds to go inside.


Muun a little tense, breathes in and follows him inside the strange room.


When she enters, there's just a desk with a lot of papers, and some shelves here and there, full of old books.


On the desk, another green man, but much older than Pickl- Piccolo.


His face being pretty roughed up, like a tractor drove above it, two big sharp ears like elf, two antennas going out of his forehead. Being the same as Piccolo, he also doesn't have eyebrows hair.


His clothes are pretty simple, a white robe with a red symbol on the front, looks like to be a Kanji, It means 'God', continuing, he has a blue cloth like cape on his shoulders, going all the way to his knees.


The green one also being pretty damn tall, at about 223 cm.


He looks pretty intrigued at Mumei, he has never seen someone make such big changes in such a small-time stamp like she has, while still recalling how strong she is.


"So... I assume you're Miss Mumei? I was looking for you, you did some pretty impressive things with Goku and Piccolo..."- Like gauging her reaction, he stops talking for a little second, and Muun stares at him, not even phased.


Seeing she didn't have any other feelings in being addressed like that, he continues.-" So, I would like to ask, what is your intention on earth, Miss Mumei?"


He knows, she is super strong, and she might be good, but there's something inside her that's making him uncomfortable since he sensed her, like a feeling of fear that's about to burst out of him, but for now it stays hidden.


Being pretty tense to the point of Muun noticing it.-' This old man... is he feeling my inner self?'


She closes her eyes a little, suspiciously at the 'God'.


[{Yeah, for someone like him, you're probably a walking bomb, an emotional explosion, and you're sent basically Berserker everywhere.}]


' Hey! I am not that unstable!!'- Her suspiciously face goes to a taken back one.


[{Uhum, but I still remember a certain someone that was being influenced by chaos the second she used her other side.}]


Kro fires one right into the Owl's face, making her flinch a little.


And such an interaction happened at such a fast pace, that one instant she was suspicious, in the next she was flinching for Kame and Popo.


She breathes in and walks to the chair on her side of the desk.


"May I?"- She asks full of sarcasm, getting a nod in response from Kami.




Sitting down, she lazily puts both arms behind her head.-" Look, I don't have any problems with earth, I am around just to have some fun and eat, conquering it, destroying it, or whatever others want to do with it, I don't care about it, I helped those two to get stronger, because of a feeling I was having for a loooong time now, something is going to happen in the future, and I needed people who can fight better at least, because they are probably way stronger than us." - 'Totally not bullshiting my way through...'


Kami eyes widen at the information- 'A danger that even they as of right now maybe not be able to handle? That's crazy!'


Popo having a familiar reaction as him.


They both sweat, and look at each other.


Kami looks back a Muun after nodding at Mr.Popo, who runs out of the room.






Closing the door with force behind him.


"I ask you Mumei, if that's okay to call you so informally, if you would help us, if such a thing really happens to Earth?"


Mumei looks at him lazily, and smiles a little.-" Sure, was planning that from the beginning, when the danger hit, that's it if the thing really comes, you can count me in!"- Ending her last sentence way more excited about the idea of fighting the big guys out there.


Kami smiles, seeing that this one is the same as Son-Goku, a fighting lover.


Taking a deep breath, he looks at her, with a very strange face.


"Then I have one more thing to ask, would you like to be the next guardian of the earth? I am not strong enough for this role anymore, you on the contrary, are as of right now the strongest in the planet Earth, and now finally having examined you properly, I can confirm, you're a good person, so what you think?"- Asking with a very high hope that the Owl would accept it he does so.


Mumei was almost bursting laughing, at how Kami is looking at her with some serious puppy eyes right now, she had to hold in, and so she did it, with her lips twitching a lot, but she did.


Bowing her head to hide her face a little, as she's almost crying from holding it in.-" I... am, so-so sorry Kami...pff*clenches jaw*, B-but, I will have to refuse, n-not the work for me... I-I am just a fighter..."- She's making such a face that's hard to describe, is just her trying to hold her laugh in, and finally settling to bite her cheek on the inside to help.


"Ooh... So there's nothing more I would need to talk to you, young Mumei, I am thankful for your time, if there's anything you need our help with, we're always here."- At this, Mumei actually stopped almost laughing fit, and looked and Kami smiling widely.


She gets up and opens her arms.-" Then let me try the Time Chamber! Goku told me about it! I want to try it!"- Her excitement washing all feelings she had seconds earlier.


'I want to see what I am joining in the future, and while in there, might give a try to some things, since it's a perfect place to test stupid big powers, and I am not Vegeta Blue level to blow it up, yet!'- Her smile going a little too big, but she stops it before her face distorts itself.


Kami now sweating a little at how much excitement and determination the girl is showing, but nods slowly.-" I don't see why not, little Son Goku did so in the past, why not one of the strongest on earth try it too?"- Getting up he walks to the door, and motions to Mumei to follow.


Walking by the same hallway with the faceless pictures, and walking through the palace to the door Muun knows very well.


'There she is... I am coming to see you later on too baby...'- She licks her lips in a hungry for battle manner, her eyes shining red for a second.


[{Why... that was unnecessary, rude, *mutters* and kinda hot... What the actual fuck is wrong with me.}]


Ignoring the horny system core, Mumei follows Kami as he opens the door.


"You can only stay at maximum for one year, that translates to one day outside, be here more than that, and you'll be stuck there for eternity."- He explains to her seriously.


"*Nods* Don't worry about it, I am just going to try it, for you guys I will be there for some minutes at max."- Walking by Kami, and entering the room she goes.


The God looks at the girl, a little unsure, but sighs and closes the door behind her.-" She's strong enough to handle such a place, I don't need to worry so much..."


He starts walking away, and stops at the edge of the Lookout, watching those beneath, thinking about the changes that are about to come, and those that already happened.


" Piccolo, your heart is changing, you must not feel it right now, but Mumei has changed you a lot, from that conquering seeking monster you once were, to someone who from my observations, seek to get stronger for a bettering and pushing of yourself *smiles*, now how long will it take for you to realize it?"- His robes fly at the light breeze of kind air.


The world beneath seemingly calm, but it's dangers and problems always hiding themselves.




The sound of a loud door opening, alerted Kami to look at where the Owl girl was sent minutes ago.


"Ehehehe... I did it..."- Her clothes all roughed up, like she just had been through something wild.


Smiling, with those canines that can tear meat like butter showing.


Kami seeing her state, is surprised himself, he walks rapidly to the girl a little concerned.-" What happened young Mumei? Was the room too much?"


Shaking her head, she looks at the Namek eyes.-" I was trying a technique, using my imagination to imitate a certain type of energy, and it worked, it fucking worked somehow... now...*clenches hand* I have another super ace up on my sleeves."- Kami doesn't understand, but its happy the girl got something out of the chamber!


"*smiles lightly* Good, good then, seeing you got what you desired, is there anything else?"- He asks curiously.


"Want me out already huh? But nah, I am good, and thanks for everything else."-*Fuuushhh!!* She flies away.


Leaving a stunned Kami-sama behind.-" Was I rude?"


A far away shout can be heard.-" I WAS JOKING!!!"


"Ouw....*sighs*, back to work I Guess."- He walks back to his office, as Mumei flies away.


But what did the Owl learn that makes her so excited?


See on the next chapter!... probably not the next, but ya get the gig, right?













She has another card on her sleeves now!



What could it be?





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