A Saiyan Owl

Chap 2- Big Fight

Chap 2- Big Fight:


A/N: Fixed, and Rewritten on some parts,( 2/43 ), let's goo!!.



{PoV Mumei; Desert}



"Hey, Kro, can you tell me, if I have any exclusive transformations like Gohan Beast or Trunk Super Saiyan rage forms?"- While walking by the dry desert, I try to gain some more information on myself.


Have been walking for almost three hours already, and some sweat has already been grouping together and going down my forehead, because of how hot the damn sun rays are right now!


[{ Host has a very high chance of having such, but it also will very likely be one outside Super Saiyan three, for example, the host equivalent of a Super Saiyan 4 could be different, the reason being that host is an owl hybrid, and having another animal genes can end up in further unknown changes in both appearance and power.}]


Imagining some cool form as she talks, I can't help but smile excitedly.-" Cool, and another thing Kro, call me Mei or Mumei, or anything you prefer, we'll be staying together for a long ass time, would be strange if we stayed being so polite to each other, especially when you can read my mind from what I understood.  But my version of Super Saiyan 4... I need to find a name for it in the future, something badass!"



[{Okay ho-..... Hmm.... then how about... Muun, *DING* - [ [ Host's Nickname has been changed. ] ] -, and also it could be possible for a mutation in the tree of Saiyan forms, but if Muun wishes I could help with getting the normal variants since they are in your blood, wouldn't be so hard for someone like me.}]


I have a feeling, if you had a body, your head would be high like an ojou-sama right now...


[{It's just Muun's imagination.}]


Well, whatever.


Looking forward to the endless amount of emptiness and sand, more sand and even more sand.


Wait... I have the other thingy I didn't touch.... the rabbit hole straight out of hell one...


"Hey Kro, open up the Gacha menu for me please, I want to see what type of hell I got on my hands..."


I stop walking and look at the blue scream shuddering a little from the looks of it


Stopping walking with the sunlight being right above my head and even more sweat rolling down my nose and dripping on top of the sand, I look down making some shadow, and right on it, a blue screen pops open.


[{ Sure Muun, Here:


●Normal Gacha: x1 Ticket.

•Way of obtaining, at each milestone of power, each 10k of power one is given, other ways are unknown.


●Rare Gacha: 0x Ticket

• Way of obtaining, at each milestone of power, each 1M of power one is given, other ways are unknown.


●Legendary Gacha: 0x Ticket

•Way of obtaining, at each milestone of power, each 100M of power one is given, other ways are unknown.


●Mystic Gacha: 0x Ticket

•Way of obtaining, at each milestone of power, each 1B of power one is given, other ways are unknown.


I may say Muun, the Gacha do not have powers to make you a GOD, it's one of the functions I don't have any information on it, but I know its limits at least...}]



Already have one.... the others will only show up when I get stronger it seems..... Fubuki-sama.... help me.....


Shakily opening my mouth.-" Kro... O-open the one that I have in the Normal one."-Shaking like crazy and prying my luck is still good...


Well... In the last luck game, I played happened to lose all my rolls to nothing......


[{Okay Muun! Spinning prizes:









'Congratulations you got (Martial Arts: Basics)'  Muun it's a Rank -D Skill, now you should use most of your power and even get a boost, I think.}]


"Ohhh..Ohhhh..OHHHHHHH!"- Smiling and almost crying, it seems my luck wasn't fully wasted!!


Somehow I got something useful!! Not a Succubus sock or anything like that!!! YEEEEE!!


I jump in joy in circles like this body was always mine.


Jumping in circles in a happy mood and almost doing flips while jumping, It feels like this body wasn't mismatched as much as I first thought it was.


Wait, I don't feel any discomfort in my height... but wasn't Mumei smoll?...


Stopping my excitement for a second to try and gain an explanation why.


" Hey Kro, what's my height right now?"-That's a question that is confusing me right now since I didn't feel any difference since my body changed...


[{About 1.78 m, as you were before, it seems to have kept your original size but changed your appearance, probably to be convenient for you, Muun.}]


Oooh..... That means.....


"*smile widely * I CAN CALL VEGETA A TODDLER!"


Totally not thrilled at that new piece of information I had in my hands, my excitement was now doubled again!!! NO!! TRIPLED!!


"Ahaahahahha! I'mma do it! Prince come here! Little Owl wants to play!!"









At that moment on another planet, far away from where Mumei was, a prince got goosebumps on his spine, prompting the same one to look around, like he was searching for someone.



" What is it Vegeta?"-  A tall man with pineapple hair and bulging muscles approach him asking.



"Nothing, now hurry up and go back to destroying this place, I want to go out and eat something quickly, and help Raditz too, he's almost dying again..."









{Back to Mumei}






Here I am, on this hot like hell, desert of a place, literally.


Walking forward while throwing a few punches here and there, and oh GOD! The feeling of punching without feeling like my whole arm is going to snap is good!


Feeling like I could beat even Goku right now!.... Okay thetas a bit over the top, but he has indeed a LOT of techniques, I don't... BUT, I have my potential! As an Owl of civilization, I should have a shit ton of potential!


"Kro! What's my potential right now!"- Looking expectantly at a blue screen that is following by the side of my head as I walk.












''Uhhhh..... Please?''


[{ *ahem* Your potential Muun, should be along the lines of DBS Brolly, but without such a power as a Legendary Mutation, you can't grow as fast as him, but still. Your growth as a hybrid is another thing, you can even match a little the likes of Frieza in potential, even if not on that level, it still has a crazy amount of potential.}]


After hearing that, my brain needs a hard reset for a second there.




Basically in one fight... I could grow to a stupid level... With my Zenkais, I could go even further!


All right!


"That's..... GOD DAMN AWESOME! If I train before the Saiyans come in, shouldn't that put me at least on the thousands if I did some push-ups, easily?"- It's a cheat being hybrid I knew it!


[{Actually, Muun, if you trained seriously, even on earth gravity, you could, by my calculations be in the 30k to 50k range easily, using things such as the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, an Increase to 100k+  is guaranteed, but with a partner of similar strength that is. But that's if you trained, every day.}]


Wait.... what year I am in?


To make such a small improvement with my potential... don't tell me...


[{Almost at the start of Z, right now the tournament where Piccolo J.R fights Goku is an about to start.}]


"What!"- My eyes bulge, and I start running, even faster than before.


"Directions Kro! You got them?! huff huff, I was walking while thinking before, now, however, directions would be nice!"- As I run and follow her instructions, we pass by the desert easily, and now with me running at full speed I run where she guides me, passing by a vehicle one time or another.


They can fly! Cool and all, but not the time!


'I WANT TO SEE IT!'- Driven by determination I speed up, dust being risen behind me as I run as if my life depended on it.


Finally seeing a city with a huge arena in the distance I give a final sprint!




[{It seems getting more used to your body, helps in too Muun, <<Owl form [1%]>>.}


Oooh, that's naisu!!!


Finally getting to the city and avoiding civilians I run, stepping to their side as I dodged one after the other.


"Hey look at that tall chick!"


"WOW, she's fast, maybe a professional athlete?"


"Probably, no, she must be 100%! Look at that speed!"


As I pass by, I hear a lot of compliments and grins.


'This is nice.'


[{Oho...oho... Yes, I am the best, isn't I...Oho..oho}]


''I.... forget it.''...


Finally getting to the entrance... This place is pretty far away from the city, and it is locked!


Trying to find another entrance I look around, but it seems this is the only way inside there, so after not finding anything, taking a look-up, at the very top of the tall walls that I can hear some chattering, the ends of my mouth rise in a smug smirk.


Taking some steps back, I crunch down to a starting runner position, and raise my butt pointed at the sky.


Closing my eyes and inhaling a good quantity of air and expiring it out, to calm myself.


"NOW!"- Opening my eyes and using my leg that was touching my chest I dart forward at full speed.


Getting right in front of the brick wall that separated me from an epic confrontation! My left leg that was behind bends a bit.


As my right one is raised to be supported on the side of the wall, -*Uuush!*-, My left leg shoots me up, and halfway I kick the wall with my right leg too.




"HYMPY!"- Going up the wall from the other side, I can't help but smile as I descend, because I had too much momentum and kinda flown up.




"THIS WAS AWESOME!!!"-Landing on top of the arena all, and putting my arms up like a happy child, but that was short-lived as I heard loud grunt noise.


Looking down, I see two fighters.


A man with messy hair in orange clothing, and a green dude with a white cape and purple clothes beneath it.


"Ohoo~ Just in time!"- Sitting down above the wall and watching the battle,  not even noticing the group beneath me sitting on one of the rows of chairs.







A blue-haired girl looks up at Mumei who just landed on the wall and was sitting down lazily now, and a big drop of sweat appears at the side of her head.


' Did... Did she jump all the way up here? These people are scary!'








{ Back to Mumei }


Looking at them, I frown noticing something.-' Hey Kro... are they, stronger than me right now?'


The vibe and feeling I'm getting from them... It's telling me they're probably crazy stronger than me...


[{Yes Muun, both exceed the 300's and with Ki techniques, and reach up to the 800s or more, you right now can reach a 300 with full concentration with the Owl instinct technique of yours.}] 


So... the moment they get serious I am done...


[{ Most likely...}]


After hearing that, what is left for me is to sigh and watch the battle.


Piccolo seems to get the upper hand, as they start to exchange attacks in close range in a very hardcore punchy-punchy scene, as they go attacking each other with great strength in each move, pretty hard to follow it up I may say...


* * BANG!! * *


Then, Piccolo tries to grab Goku when they get a distance between themselves.


And after all that back-and-forth exchange of attacks and blocks, they hit each other with a heavy punch and separated to each side from the ring sliding on their feet like the floor was slippery.


Taking the chance, Piccolo launched his arm forward, and it started stretching and closing in on Goku at crazy speeds!


'Wow, that's so cool IRL!!'- The very mature me, probably has stars shining in my eyes right now...


 Thinking fast, Goku grabs his hands and spun around pushing the green man together with him in the motion, and after a full spin, he flung Piccolo up.


And firing an... invisible wave of Ki? That's something I want to learn... doing it like Hit would be so cool!!


Goku jumps up following the green one, but receives a surprise Ki beam to the face, sending him back down.


 Jumping up, getting very close to Piccolo, he was about to punch with an overhead punch when the other party raised a surprisingly fast hand in front of the Saiyan's face.




Sending him back down from where he jumped from and preparing more attacks as he sees his enemy falling to the ground with a proud smile, Piccolo fires one blast of Ki after the other, not giving any breathing room for the poor hero....-'' Dude likes to be mean sheesh, look at how many he's firing...''


And as he keeps it up, firing an ungodly amount of blasts the ring beneath them is destroyed to only pebbles and wreckage in the process, explosion after explosion is all you can see on the ground, raising more and more dust, and it gets to the point that's it creates a small mushroom cloud like a nuke.



''My boi....''- I cry a bit ... being sad because he died...




After all that destruction, the ring is just some rocks that are scattered randomly around the surrounding grass... well there was grass... that is just dirt now everything burned up from Piccolo's attacks... way to go green man...


 Where the monkey man was when he was sent back down forcefully, now was just an immense crater, and right in the middle of it, you could see only a thin pillar of still-standing dirt.


With the dust and smoke finally settling down, there he was, not unscratched, but still up and smiling, excited to be fighting.


"As if that would end him~ Heheh~"-Looking at the hole Goku is in smiling.


But some people gasp beneath me as I do so... What? My smile is too cute for y'all or something?


[{They're more on the frightened side of things...}]


Pfft, let them be! Wait... frightened? I am smiling, so... Just a possibility... but I am smiling like that Mumei smile?




'..... Shit.'


Going back to the fight, Goku is in a pretty okay state, just his shirt was damaged, he talks something with Piccolo and at the end of their conversation, he rips the remaining piece of his orange Gi, now showing his bulging muscles.


Powering up, they finally show their full power, and mah god.... now I can feel it...


I would lose instantly against them, with my weak Ki sense, I can fucking tell, these guys right there are pretty nice monsters compared to where I stand now...


They both power up and clash, their Ki explodes the surrounding area even further as they clash in the middle of the arena.


Continuing going for the other's neck, using trick after trick.


YOOO!!!!!! They're disappearing and reappearing everywhere around the air and ground around the arena!!!! This is crazy!


And Goku Is combing green dude now!


But seconds later, the Senzuman gets angry and fires a blast... the thing misses Goku by a string of hair and flies to the mountains... evaporating some of them.


THE FUCK!!? They had such power early on?! I don't remember this shit! Kro! Can I do that!?


[{ Muun can destroy a small city with a full-powered attack, about it.}]




Seconds later, Piccolo prepares another attack in midair... AIMING DOWN!???






I smile while cheering, and Goku wins the blast struggle.


Piccolo falls, and with an angry face, he starts to grow.


But even after getting giant, he still loses to Goku.


"That form doesn't increase anything besides height, is useless."- Saying that loud, and some people hear me.


I am a sited cross-legged on the wall edge, looking down, so I must look pretty epic.


Piccolo grows even more giant, pretty stupid I may say.


Watching as he loses even more mobility, and Goku beats him even more, and... enters his mouth...






A while later, after giving Pickles his examination, Goku jumps out his mouth once more and throws something to Tien, who catches it confused by what it even was.


And opening as Goku said, a bright light blinded him for a second, and with a super strong green and white glow something or better, someone was pushed out of the small container in Tien's hands, landing right by his side with his normal clothes and staff in hand.


The god of earth, and now Kami is back!! Yey!


At the same time, Piccolo gets smaller and smaller, seeing his plan didn't work, and even back slashed him.


'Their techniques... I will do something with what I have learned today! A Super Owl Attack! ehehe.'


While I imagine the possibilities, I see both of them disappear and reappear while exchanging attacks again.


The feet Kamehameha! While Piccolo is flying again, Goku uses it to go up after him.


And after some more exchanging, and Goku pulling one on Pickles, making him hit himself with his own attack.


Feeling that there was too much silence.... and looking around the rows of chairs, just to see... they were all empty... And only myself was left behind...


Looking back to the arena... -'' Oh No...''




 "KRO! ANY TIP ?"- Slapping the ground with both hands and propelling up to my feet to stand up faster, and crossing both arms in an 'x' for better defense... should work...


[{ Focus all your Ki to defend yourself, then it should work out Muun.}]- Her voice holds a little bit of worry.


Breathing in, and smiling nervously.-' My first Zenkai Cheat? Doesn't seem that bad!'


Focusing all the Ki I can control at the moment to create a layer of protection around me... and the damn thing is flickering! But I think it'll hold a bit...


Piccolo releases his attack, a super destructive sphere of death and destruction to all sides.


"FUUCKKK!!"- All I can see is white inside the attack;


Everything around me gets destroyed, my clothes start to get ripped and my shield cracks.


"MY DRIPP!!!"- I focus angrily on my body even more!


A few seconds later when I could feel my energy reserves almost emptied... it... just stops...


Looking at where there was an arena before, nos was just leveled land of destruction.


"Huff*cough* God... Goku is tough as hell...huff, My legs are almost giving out *cough*...."


[{Muun! We should get out of here! You have a lot of injuries on your arms! Even if you want to abuse the Zenkai, losing your life or arms isn't worth it!}]


Kro yells in my ear...-' I know Kro.....'


But this was a golden opportunity! But also one I didn't count would happen...


Looking at Piccolo having his ass handed in the distance, I smile a bit- ''hehe...''.


Goku makes a stance I know very well, Oh the Kamehameha again? Cool... damn my head is tipsy.... too much damage I think...


Goku after using a Kamehameha midair comes down spinning and smiling.


After using his signature move to 'end' the son of Piccolo Daimao, he comes down back to the ground spinning, and a goofy smile plastered in his face too.


And as he's about to be announced the winner by the judge, who somehow survived.




He gets pierced in the chest with a surprise attack by Prickle, I- I can't help... Sorry Goku, both my arms are pretty gone heh... I sit down and watch, Goku got a pretty big hole in his chest...


He gets up after some crying at the pain.


Getting up by forcing his hands and legs to move, after crying in pain from the large hole that was made in his chest, he stares at Piccolo.




They both start to have a fistfight, and both are weakened...




[{Absolutely not, Your PL is about 50 right now and going down... Piccolo firing one attack at you is 100% death... stay down, you already know what happens...}]


I sigh as I look down at the ground.... -"Kay."


And after accepting I can't join in to help, I raise my head once more to watch the last moments from their duel.


Piccolo fires a blast that pierces through Goku's left arm, and mocks him after putting another hole in the Saiyan body... that doesn't sound appropriated.... at all.


 After mocking the one who's already heavily injured, he flies up preparing to fire even more energy attacks..... guy likes Ki a lot huh...


"Come on... Goku!!"- Piccolo fires another Attack, exploding everything around where Goku was...


" Man...."- The green Pickled be singing victory before the end?


As I feel my eyes start to gain extra weight, I see Goku appearing from behind him, I smile a little before feeling my body falling to the side...




[{Muun! Mu- M-!}]


Hearing a faraway voice, my vision is filled with darkness.... and finally, everything gets dark... and even the sounds do not reach me anymore...








'I Will sleep a little bit... Kro....'










It's more on what Mumei is seeing a type of thing.~ye



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