A Saiyan Owl

Chap 13- Owl-king around.

Chap 13- Owl-king around:


A/N: Small fixes


{PoV Mumei; Highway to South city: 01:21 p.m}








Jumping from side to side on a road going outside the city I go, singing the song my people.


'Just got 50k Zeni, and got the fuck out of there, the girl, Leroy, was it? Wanted to kill me, like the look from the girl was scary as hell...'


[{It was you who almost killed their teacher.}]


'ALMOST! But she said he hasn't broken anything, but he could have fractured his back... I didn't know what to even think, just picked the money from her hands and bunny hopped the fuck out of there.'


[{... You just jumped straight out of the ceiling, poor people that have to fix that.}]


'Yea, but her face was priceless! ahahaha!'


[{Pfft, now that, we have an agreement, her mouth was so open she could fit a whole cake in there! ahahah!}]


I go ahead on the road, oh, I just exited the city, just flew the hell out of there.


Yeah, I can fly... I have more than 3k PL what do you expect? I use Owl form to it because with it, I fly at the speed of someone with 9k PL, a glorious 3x speed Increase!


After getting out of the city I bought some food, burgers, ice cream, cake, and much, much more.


Where I am keeping it? Inventory is very useful ya know?


I spent like 20k Zeni on so much food, so I can go 3-4 weeks now on the road.


I got to the city road, going in a random direction, I am going yoloo by luck now that I have my supplements.


And walking, why? I have 4 fucking years until Z starts, I ain't spinning the world 10x or more.


Walking easy, not running just walking around, might turn into a hermit.


[{Oh Mumei of the lake tell me your wisdom!}]


'If he has a power stronger than yours, your friends you shall remember.'


[{Oooh, the unbeatable and only, power of friendship!}]


'Pretty much, but who knows? Maybe someone pulls a Super Saiyan transformation out of me in the future?'- Even though I don't know what's going to happen, I accepted this is my reality now, so the characters are not so 'characters' anymore.


Goku is a normal person who just likes fighting, Chi-Chis  a normal girl, who's going to be Mom soon, and then I will be fucked, even more, will need to work extra hard to help Lil Gohan, Aunt Mumei for the win!


[{OUW!!}] - Seems like even Kro is with me!


But now I start walking, walking without a place to get to.


But I have an idea out of nowhere.


'Wait..... Hey, Kro.... can you put me in a hibernation state? Like the Saiyan spaceships have?'- If this works.....


I hear a sound of a chair creaking, she must have almost fallen out of the chair.




Holy fucking shit, the blue screen is shaking!




[{Mum!! It's possible!!}]


My day is made, and my happiness is unbelievably high right now.


Smiling more and more.-" OH BOI!!!"


[{I just have to disconnect some things, and make an alarm to reconnect it by itself later on!}]




Oh, you don't know why we are so happy?


So let's put it this way, easily and understandably:


●I have 3k power, and can only fight Goku and somewhat Piccolo to have some real fun.


●Going around the world is pretty boring alone, but I have Kro, so I can go for some months, but the two of us don't like to say idle, so right now there aren't strong enough fighters around, boring.




*Cough* Anyway, basically, we don't want to train, and Kro was starting to get bored too, she just walks around her house in the void and talked to me... I kinda feel bad for her, you know?


Like some stuff could help her, but even she doesn't know their full extent, as the Gacha items don't give much information on themselves.


So we would be, walking, eating, fighting SUPER MOTHERFUCKING weak people, getting a little fun, punching them a little hard, K.O, going back to the road...


Nahhhh... I am guud.


But I need to do something before sleeping like a rock!


[{So we are changing plans already Mum?}]


"Yeah, I am gonna try to go for him right now, was going to go there later on, but we can hibernate, and he should accept it, and it'll help me too, will not be for that long, and it I get what I want from it."- I look at the sky, and go crouching down.






I spring to the clouds in an instant.


My body starts glowing, and one second later.




"WO-HOO!"- 'Mumei:Owl Form! Is ready!'


Flying through clouds and everything that crosses my path I follow a certain Ki signature.


[{So cute.... Doesn't matter if this is the hundredth time I see it, still super cute Gwak!!! I mean! He's in that direction! Good job Mum! Didn't need this great one to help ehehehe...}]


I blush a little.-"wohoo…"-'Oohhh~ The great Kro calling me cute~ such nice words~'


Kro, you have shown weakness, I shall exploit it! Wahahaha!


"WOHO!"- Flapping my wings occasionally I fly in the sky.


The blue blue sky-









{PoV Piccolo; Open green fields: 01:51 p.m}




It is one of the ways that always helped me, but now, it doesn't give the same rewards as before.


So I started training with my newly created clones, it is way more effective, but even with this, there are still those two...


They're way above my league as of right now grrrr!!


That bastard of Goku is growing stronger every day by day! And the other one I stopped feeling a while ago... must have hidden her Ki!


But, I do not fret, I will surpass them both!


As of right now, I am meditating to get back my forces, I sparred with my clones for 2 days and 2 nights the other day.


But I can still feel it... I need more!


Something to push me to new heights!


Somenth- ''UH?!?!?''


"WHAT'S THAT?"- I feel a strong Ki approaching, I look to the right... nothing, then left, same.


Finally looking up... I see a bird? No, an Owl... just staring down at me...


But what's up with her power... it is just a little beneath mine!


"WHO ARE YOU!!"- I shout, something like an animal would never be this strong!


"Ho-hoo!"- She makes some strange patterns with its talons and wings... It's... calling me to a fight... a bird? And now is dancing...


I am about to start laughing at how stupid this animal is, but...






"UOOOHHHHH!!!"- The last thing I sawn was that the dammed bird disappeared, and struck right on my chest, and now I am flying.


Starting to levitate I flip stopping my momentum but looking around... I am underground? Looking back to the bird's direction...- 'no..... NO! NOT POSSIBLE! IT'S STRONGER.... STRONGER THAN ME!?!?!AN ANIMAL?!?!??'









{PoV Mumei; Open green fields: 01:52 p.m}


When I got to the area Piccolo was in, I just watched him.


But an idea came to my mind.


"Ho~"-'Hey Kro, my power is close to Piccolos when I am in Owl form?'- Oh, this is going to be humiliating, and I am paying to see it!


[{Ohh... Mumei you sneaky birb~ Yeah, you're just a little weaker than him.}]- My smile knows no boundaries, even my beak forms one!


Oh, he saw me, not that it will change what's about to happen eehehe.




[{Oh my god... That's gonna be so humiliating........ Let me get some popcorn real quick Mum!!!!*step**step*.}]


Oh... Guess I will joke a little around and kill some time, then?


I stop flapping my wings, now just levitating, I make some funny wing movements, like -' Come on!', or - 'Gonna cry?' even tried an orange juice, but I am bad, so I give up.


His face being twisted is the cherry on top.


[{*Shuffle* I AM BACK!!! *Creak*, well *munches* gu ahed Mum!}]- Well now that my spectator is back!




I fly at supersonic speeds hitting my right pawn with its talons at his chest.


And watch as he flies to a mountain.




[{Ahaha! Got owned by an Owl*munch!!!}]


I stand in place, waiting.


"Woo~"-' Sorry Pickles, but in this form, I am 3x faster, ain't no way you're seeing me move ahahaha!'


Kinda funny, I hit harder regularly, but now I hit faster, hmm... this form is going to be good to escape in the future.


Having a 1M PL, and dropping the overall stats to 500k PL, but having 3M PL in the speed area... OP.


Oh, a light beam.




And there goes the mountain, was such a cool view, why be so mean to nature Pickle, mother nature is such a good person, and very good at ASMR's too ya know?


[{Yooo, was watching some of your memories, Fauna seems like a chill person, maybe we find her one day.}]


Yeah, would be aweso- WAIT! YOU ARE READING MY MEMORIES!






[{LOOK!!  I get bored okay!!! And you have all this stuff!! Entertainment!! I will watch it!!}]


Valid point... Don't touch the private parts, promise me!


[{.... Okay, I promise....' Even though I already did.....'}]


I hear something further away.


Turning my head, I see Pickle Obama, coming full speed toward me.


"YOU DAMMED BIRDDD!!!"- *clicks tongue* An Owl actually.









{PoV Piccolo; Open green fields: 01:54 p.m}




'HOWWW CAN SUCH AN INSIGNIFICANT CREATURE BE STRONGER THAN THE GREAT PICCOLO!!'- I fly towards the dammed bird who's just chilling on the floor.


Getting closer I throw my hand aimed at him, with a Ki wave, ready to fire it.






Devastating everything around it!


"Dammed bird.*breathes* GOT WHAT YOU WANTE- UOHHH!!!?!"- Being sent to the side again, but I control my balance and look at where I was attacked, preparing to fire another Ki ball.


But.... nothing.


It's empty of the place where I was attacked.


"Show yourself you cowar- PUAHH!!"- A strike at my back!!!


As I fly again, I try to get my balance again! But...


"UOHHH!"- It hits my stomach, changing my route.


I lose a bit of consciousness.


And when I finally get it back, to try to recollect myself, again...




"AAAAHHHHHHH!!"- The damn bird hits my head from above, how is it moving so fast I don't have one idea!


I stay in a crater, my body is getting more and more injured.


"Wohoho~"- I look at the edge of the crater... the Owl, is laughing?!


"NOW YOU ASKED FOR IT!"- I put my finger on my forehead, was something I was planning on using on Son-Goku, it's not completed, but It'll work!


Or so I thought, the moment I put my finger on my forehead...-" NOW YO-*PAMM* OUUUUHHHH!!!!"- I have been pummeled to the floor once more....


What's up with this bird?!?!









{PoV Mumei; Open green fields, Crater: 01:57 p.m}






I do be stepping on him in Owl form...


[{It's faster, but knowing you're way stronger than what you currently are, I would feel offended to a level... like it's just speed, with the likes of Goku, you couldn't do much, as he would adapt to it, he did with Hit, doing against someone who just fast shouldn't be a problem, even though he does not have that much experience on his belt, could be possible.}]


Yeah, but this is just humiliating... I am starting to get pity Piccolo, for not having fun anymore.


[{But will you say, playing football with him wasn't fun?}]


Never said anything like that.*smiles*


Well, this was fun, let's do what I came here to do.


Jumping back to the edge of the crater I wait for him to stand up.




I hit the ground with my talons as he gets up slowly.


"Ough*breathes heavily * Damned bird....how low has the great Piccolo fallen!"- Man, I love you, but stop being like that, is cringe as fuck.


[{I agree, but you're not much better.}]


Bruh, the narcissistic cringe one just said something?




Hum, that's what I thought.




Smoke flies everywhere as Pickles looks in my direction.


"I have come with an offer! Green dude!"- I smile at him, making him wide his eyes at my transformation, cool, isn't it?


"Yo-You!!! The one with Son-Goku grrrrr!!"- Yept ye.


"The and only one, Mumei the Owl! I am a martial artist, and have come to give you the offer to get you a chance against Goku!"- I sit by the edge of the crater, swinging my feet.


[{…*whisper* cute...}]


Hmm? Did Kro say something?


[{Uh, uh}]


Okay then.


"An offer? Don't me laugh! What someone like you could give me! And after all you on his side!"- Could give you another ass whooping!!


"Ahem, sorry for earlier, was just showing to you the extent of my power, the power I got in two months*smiles*"- Oh now there's his face.


"I know, I have been training like crazy, but it isn't working very well it seems *clenches fists*"


Ohoho, yep, ya never gonna touch us like that!


So before hibernation, I decided!


I put one finger up looking at him.- "One month, I can train you for one month, you'll probably reach Goku's level by then, but in exchange, I want something, what do you think?"


What's up with the surprised Pikachu face?


"*mutters* If I train with her... My powers are going to raise like crazy, just like Son did!"- He smiles a little, and responds to me with green wasabi, yes or no, dammit.


"*frowns* I accept it, but what's that you wish from me? You being stronger, must be something only I can do."- Oh yeah, it is.


"Later on, not right now, in the future, but don't worry, it's something you can easily do!*smiles*"




It's super important!








You're going to create with your clothes beam.




My start of Z Drip!!!!














Yooo new Drip?



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