A Relatively Powerful Mage

Chapter 18: Exalted

Imri noticed the eyes of the mysterious fifth Chixel, Rhesk, lingering on him. While he was no expert on human body language, let alone Chixel, he could swear the creature looked frustrated and perplexed. His intuition appeared correct, as Emelia also studied the Chixel intently.

Imri had been refraining from using the Identify skill, hoping to foster some trust between the two groups. That felt like childish idealism, and he had overreacted to Emelia’s discomfort with being identified. He focused the skill on Rhesk.


Class/Profession/Heritage Tier/Rank Level Description

Seer 1E 13 Seers are willpower-based divination mages specializing in foresight and scrying.

Exalted 1E 7 Exalted are high-ranking nobles within Chixel society, often with a divine right to rule. Specialized in social and managerial abilities.

Chixel 1F 13 The Chixel are a sentient species known for their agility and use of souls in enchantment.

“You’re a spy,” Imri blurted out before he could consider the implications of such a statement. Tensions rose, and the other four Chixel looked like they would physically defend their leader despite being unarmed.

“This one is no spy. Please, let this one explain,” Rhesk hurriedly said.

“You have two minutes to convince us otherwise,” Imri said.

“Why does one think this one is a spy?” The small creature asked.

“I have a powerful version of Identify, and I know you are a Seer and an Exalted,” Imri stated, not seeing any benefit in hiding this information.

“This one has wards against such things. Imri is full of surprises and is quite competent, especially for a newly integrated species,” Rhesk said.

“Don’t flatter me while insulting humans. Answer the question,” Imri demanded, doing his best to try to channel his inner anger.

“And because this one has divination magic, one assumes this one is a spy?” Rhesk asked. Imri didn’t dignify that question with a response. “This one has, on occasion, used divination to spy, but what would the gain for the mighty Chixel be? Why spy on one small group of human survivors? No, it is not these ones. The Azala are known enemies of the Chixel, and they are the targets of the divination.”

“If that’s the case, why stay here?”

“Rhesk is sincere; their hatred for soul sacrifices is real. Rhesk is trying to save humans from becoming victims at the sacrificial altar. Rhesk is trying to build good relations with an ignorant fledgling species, gaining nothing in return. How dare this one accuse them of being a spy,” Ettes shouted in a surprising outburst of emotion. Rhesk put a hand on their shoulder, calming the irate priest.

“It was part convenience, part genuine curiosity,” Rhesk explained. “This one needed to be relatively close to the Azala hive, making it easier to divine what they were doing. The fact that this one could do that while learning about a new species was an added benefit. Especially one as curious as humans.”

“Curious how?”

“That humans would be from a planet with almost no mana; such a thing is unheard of. Even now, this one can feel how dead your former planet was in the remnants of the human city,” Rhesk said. Imri recalled how little mana was in the air when he was within the remnants of Minneapolis.

“And Exalted One, what is that all about?” Imri asked.

“Most are born in such a profession. However, this one gained it through ability. Those with mage classes are exceedingly rare and highly valued within Chixel society,” Rhesk explained.

“Wait, you're a noble because of your Seer class?” Imri asked.

“It is so. That is the other thing that makes humans so unique. To have two mages among such a small group and from such a dead planet. It is strange, unheard of in the entire multiverse, at least as far as this one is aware,” Rhesk said.

“How much sway do you have in your society? Can you actually affect change?” Imri asked.

“Alas, such a thing is not easy. Even among the Exalted, there is a hierarchy, and this one is low in that sphere. None below an Exalted would dare show me so much as a discourtesy, but those of equal rank think of this one as an extremist. This one will not be able to change all of society to be more accepting of other species. That is why this one fears the Azala will eventually control this planet,” Rhesk said.

“Control it how?” Imri asked.

“An Azala hive is slow to spread but almost impossible to stop. Once a hive has truly been formed, they are nearly impossible to stop while within the psychic range of their queen. One would be assaulted by powerful psychic attacks before getting close to the center. All while fighting the elite of Azala, augmented with a fervor that makes an Ulzite Priest look like a pacifist.”

“Why not stay away from the hive? Surely they can’t keep expanding indefinitely, and this world is massive,” Imri pointed out.

“That would work for a time. However, the hive would eventually grow large enough to be considered the capital city of this world, giving the Azala great benefits. At which point, they would be unstoppable and would eventually expand to engulf this entire planet.”

“Why would being considered the capital city matter?” Imri asked.

“One does not understand; it is not a perception of being such. After some time, there will be a system event that unlocks system-recognized settlements. This confers increasing bonuses as the settlement is expanded,” Rhesk explained.

“So, it's important for your species to stop them before they grow too powerful,” Imri reasoned.

“Precisely, this is why this one spies on the Azala.”

“So, your fellow Exalted will want whatever information you have gathered, and they are probably not happy you’ve been captured by a band of ignorant monkeys?” Imri asked.

“Ignorant monkeys?”

“Hairy stupid humans,” Imri explained.

“It is so,” Rhesk agreed. “It is likely that a battle group has been dispatched to retrieve this one. However, it would be unwise to think this one can be killed to solve the problem. They will not let a slight against the Chixel go unanswered. They would avenge any injury against an Exalted, even one such as this one,” Rhesk replied coldly.

Imri turned to Emelia and spoke in English, “Did they lie about anything?”

“It’s hard to tell when I’m not a part of the conversation. As far as I can tell, no,” she said. “Whatever they said to you, they are fairly confident it will work out for them.”

Imri needed some time to process this information, so he turned to his meditation, hoping to still his conflicted mind. However, he hadn’t been meditating long when loud yelling quickly snapped his attention back to reality. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but the entire camp seemed to be in disarray. He felt fear and panic coming through his bond with Emelia and raced towards her. Imri sprinted, weaving through the panicked and confused people. He was only a scant dozen meters from his destination when he saw the source of the commotion.

The Chixel had returned, but it wasn’t a small raiding party this time. Dozens of Chixel swarmed the camp, surrounding everyone in quick order. They brandished spears and short swords, not striking unless their opponents armed themselves. They quickly dispatched several people who thought they could fight them off. Fortunately, Emelia wasn’t one of them. Imri also noticed the five Chixel defectors were taken prisoner as well. The defectors appeared to be the primary purpose of the raid, and the one whom Imri presumed to be in charge approached Rhesk.

“What foolishness, did the Exalted One really think a few humans would stop us from returning the Exalted One to Trosano,” the lead Chixel said with a hiss.

“This one merely wished to form good relations with a new species in the multiverse,” Rhesk said in a much calmer manner.

“Why would the Exalted One waste time on such a pathetic species? These ones have enslaved many humans, and none have shown any talent worth mentioning. Is it not so?”

“It is so,” Rhesk said, sparing a glance towards Imri, though it was subtle enough that the commander hadn’t noticed. “However, this one has found them to be amusing pets. This one has claimed these humans.”

“It is bold to lay claim to so many, even for an Exalted One,” the commander said.

“This one thought there were many human slaves. Surely, such a small group would not be noticed?” Rhesk asked.

“Some must be sacrificed to Ulzo, and the Exalted One has yet to offer any tribute,” The commander pointed out.

Imri felt his stomach sink. He had seen the temples where souls were torn apart in the name of Ulzo. It was a fate worse than death to have the soul used as fuel for a dark god's palace. He briefly considered drawing that very cruel implement, hopefully taking out the nearest Chixel before he would be cut down. He felt Emelia’s terror; she couldn’t understand exactly what was happening, but she could feel his anger and hopelessness. Her emotions caused him to pause long enough for Rhesk to notice him. At that moment the Exalted Chixel made a very human gesture, he shook his head instead of his tail, a gesture he had never seen any Chixel make.

“The Exalted One’s reverence for all life is commendable,” the commander said, though even Imri could tell the commander didn’t feel that way. “However, it is not pragmatic. All glory to Ulzo. It is through the god that the Chixel have become a dominant species. Does Ulzo not deserve tribute for such a favor?”

“Perhaps,” Rhesk said, a response that clearly annoyed the commander.

“These humans shall be taken to the temple, and the high priest will decide their fate,” the commander declared. Imri knew what that meant; there would be no mercy for them. In the time while the two Chixel had been arguing, he had regained a semblance of composure. He knew they were doomed if he couldn’t get away. For better or for worse, Zhaire and Sylvi weren’t in camp, their two most powerful fighters. If he could somehow warn them, perhaps they could mount a rescue attempt before they were sacrificed to Ulzo.

Imri surveyed the camp as the humans were slowly herded together. The Chixel had a secure perimeter, and it was unlikely anyone could escape by conventional means. He needed to make a breakthrough, and it was so tantalizingly close. He understood the space between himself and his destination and if he could only shorten it so that his step would take him to the space he needed to get to. It was so close; all he needed to do was connect the space he was in with the space he wanted to go. He exerted his willpower, using most of his remaining mana to bend space and step through.

Spell Learned Tier/Rank Description

Boundless Step 1F Distort space, allowing you to step to a distant location that is visible and aligned with the step. Mana cost varies with the distance traveled.

New Achievement Gained Primary Attribute Bonus Description

Escape Artist 1 .1% Escape dire circumstances without getting caught. Rank varies depending on the difficulty of escape and the consequences of failure.

Imri Padar has reached Level 8 in Relativity Mage (E)

Imri Padar has reach Level 8 in Primordial (F)

Primary Stats Gained New Value

+1 Strength 114

+1 Constitution 99

+1 Intelligence 147

+1 Charisma 93

Secondary Stats Gained

+2 HP 113

+1 FP 86

+2 MP 204

+4 Mana Efficiency 222

+4 Crafting Efficiency 227

New Quest Progress

Relativity Mage Class Rank Up E to D Learn New Relativity Spells 1/5, Relativity Spells Ranked Up: 0/5

With a single step, Imri appeared on the outskirts of the camp, behind the line secured by the Chixel invader. Though he was only a few meters from the nearest sentries, none had reason to turn around, or they would have easily seen him. He quickly but quietly ducked behind the nearest tree, obscuring himself from being spotted. He moved through the forest as the bewildered guards, who had just seen him disappear without a trace, shouted in alarm. Through the confusion, he managed to slip away, heading towards the city.

New Quest Progress Reward

Rescue Captives Rescue the humans captured by the Chixel before they are sacrificed to Ulzo. 0/34 XP, Achievement with rank dependent on the number of people saved and contribution to saving them.

Imri didn’t need a quest because he fully intended to return for those captured. He could still feel Emelia, her terror now punctuated by a faint glimmer of hope. He would save her, but first, he needed reinforcements.

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