A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 5] Chapter 2-15: VS the 1st Fairy King’s Knight

"Kuhahaha! Spare no one, Gugalanna! Turn them all into scrap metal!" - Noire

My new pet, the summoned Divine Beast, Gugalanna, stamped anything on its path to debris. Be it those "Curse Creature Cyborgs", the copycat Machinerz, or even the alligator-like earth monsters! Nothing can stop it! No, nothing can stop ME!


"That girl needs to go to ego-management classes." - Scarecrow

"I am not sure if those exist..., but if they do, then I am in complete agreement with you." - Breaker

"It's unanimous then." - Blaze

"Hey! Stop making fun of people and either be on the lookout for ambushes or make sure we are not losing any luggage!" - Noire

"Fiiiine..." - Blaze, Breaker, & Scarecrow

We are currently traveling on Gugalanna, which is the "easy route" if I should use Garami and Ciara's "Migrant lingo". This beast is unstoppable! Nothing is capable of stopping it! Therefore, I suggested that we would jump onto his back and have him force our way through this gorge. His gigantic size makes it possible to take with us even the ridiculously large amount of gold and treasure Blaze and I brought with us as our Trial rewards.

"Eh, Noire? Did you think something among the lines of 'I am unstoppable' just now?" - Blaze

"Yes, I did. Why so?" - Noire

"Because it seems the flag is getting collected already!" - Scarecrow

The thin tin can pointed forward, so I turned back to the front and saw one of the gigantic spider CCC1Curse Creature Cyborg coming toward us. Hmph! 

"Tackle it, Gugalanna!" - Noire

"*MOOOOO*!!" - Gugalanna

Hearing my command, Gugalanna charged at the CCC with speed unfitting for his ginormous size, yet he also made sure that it was not too great that it would cause any of us to fall off his back. Even so, greatness is strength. BIG IS POWER!! When faced with Gugalanna's majestic figure, the spider CCC could only...


Well, do I need to explain?

"I-i-in one shot..." - Breaker

"That's it. I'm not pissing her off again." - Scarecrow

"...Have I created a monster by taking her with me through the shortcut...?" - Blaze

The gallery is a little noisy, but this feeling of esteem and respect...it feels too gooooood~..., hah! That was close. I was about to turn into how Ciara is all day long. Stay calm, Noire. Do NOT spoil this moment by acting like an idiot with her head up in pink-colored clouds. 

"GYAAAAA!! What in the world is THAT?!" - ???

Hmm? After we broke through one of the barriers the CCCs had created, a deep, loud voice was heard from below. We all peered down from Gugalanna's back and saw three strange figures. One of them is a copy of the thin tin can, but the other two are more original.

One is a giant snake with golden scales. He would look lovely as a purse, or even a wallet. But the other one is a grumpy, dark-skinned dwarf with no aesthetic sense to speak of. He looks like a crafter, but compared to the dwarf Armveil who took up the position as the "metal commander" or whatever in the cover-up organization for Babel, this dwarf cannot reach Armveil's knees. That is what my hunch as a fellow crafter says.

"Hammerson! I did not hear you had invited a giant bull!" - Golden snake

"I didn't, you fool of a knight! They are the royal pains I told you about! I didn't know they had this giant pile of beef with them..." - Dark dwarf

"We're here too, you stupid kidnapper!!" - Scarecrow

"...Ah, right. And the 'originals' are there too." - Dark dwarf

"They very are. Then, what is the verdict?" - Golden snake

"Get rid of them all!" - Dark dwarf

That's all I needed to hear. 


"Whoa-! That's too close for comfort!" - Dark dwarf

Hmm? I fired an arrow against the dwarf, but some strange barrier blocked the shot. It looked like the product of a magic item, and a unique one at that. Now I don't need to confirm with the two tin cans behind me regarding the dwarf's identity. 

"Stop right there, Inventor Lord! Put your hands in the air, and I may not turn you into a pincushion!" - Noire

"Wow, Noire is on fire tonight~." - Blaze

"Bwah! As if! I have more 'visitors' to take care of, and they are more important than a brat drunk on her new powers!" - Inventor Lord (dark dwarf)

"Lord Hammerson, leave this place to me. Ask Gravippa for assistance." - Golden snake

"Tch. Let this be your repentance for failing to obtain those Sin Factors for your boss, knight Revilas!" - Inventor Lord

"That is just what I wished-" - 'Knight' Revilas

*Thud!* *Burn!*

Blast. He dodged.

"Hey, I was not finished-!" - Revilas

"Shut up, my future snakeskin purse! You're in our way!" - Noire

"I know your kind! You call yourself dragons, but you're just overgrown snakes! Stop dragging down the reputation of us REAL dragons!" - Blaze

Blaze had joined me in the attack on the golden snake, but neither my arrow nor her fireball had managed to score a hit on the snobbish lizard. The snake looked at us with his eyes twitching in anger before he created magic circles for an attribute I am all too familiar with. Curse.

Several magic projectiles of the Curse attribute came flying at us from the magic circles. For some reason, it was silver-colored instead of the usual black/purple fog-like thing that was generated whenever I used skills of that attribute before it got "banned". No matter. There is no reason for me to dodge. 

"*MOOOOO*!!" - Gugalanna

Gugalanna jumped forward and blocked the shots using his own body. And created a miniature earthquake when he landed. The snake escaped into the air..., wait. He can fly? As for the dark dwarf, the Inventor Lord..., he has already fled. Drats! 

"You spoiled brats! [Golden Rain]!" - Revilas

"[Golden Balista], plus [Divine Grenade]." - Noire

The snake created a small rain of sharp golden projectiles that fell toward us. In return, I used the gold that made up Gugalanna's body to create a ballista to fire back. On the tip of the ballista's giant arrow, I placed a sphere of holy powers before releasing the projectile against the deadly rain.

When the first "raindrops" came in contact with the ballista projectile, the [Divine Grenade] reacted to the impact and blew up, taking both attacks with it. 

"Holy shit!" - Blaze

"No, I think that was a bomb." - Scarecrow

"Whatever it was, what incredible power!" - Breaker

O-o-of course it was! I knew that would happen by using Gugalanna as "materials" for activating the skill. Hahahaha...

Meanwhile, the snake came charging at us. The rain must have been a simple distraction to let him close the distance between us. Wrapped around his tail was a gigantic silver sword... A SWORD!?

Despite how ridiculous it sounds, the golden snake swung his silver sword at Gugalanna. My dear bull replied the action by trying to tackle the insolent reptile into the next week. It was a match between an ant and a mountain. My Gugalanna could not possibly lose...


"*M-moooo*!" - Gugalanna

Then why!? Why is my sweet little (gigantic, actually) cow getting pushed back as if he was made out of paper mache!?

"Do not underestimate one of the six knights of his majesty, the Fairy King Leratio!!" - Revilas

The snake shouted while wheezing and trying to catch his breath. Gugalanna was not THAT easy to repel. Even so, I am feeling ridiculed here! My monster is NOT weaker than some stupid swashbuckling viper!


"Gaaah-!?" - Revilas

Before the impact, I had jumped off Gugalanna and flew above the snake while he was distracted by his attack on Gugalanna. From above, I released a penetration-type Bow Art named Rapture Penetrator toward the snake's head. The Art's attack power is one of the greatest among the ones I have available, but the distance it can travel leaves much to desire. 

This time, however, it seems to work in my favor. I had managed to strike the snake's skull. The attack caused many of his golden scales to be outright crushed to gold dust, and lots of blood is spilling from the wound. The damage was so critical that it caused the snake to fail with his levitation trick, causing him to fall to the ground.

Right before he collided with mother earth, he snapped out of his stupor and managed to reactivate the levitation skill. And that allowed him to evade the next attack of Gugalanna. He's tougher than he looks. What a pain.

"Darnation! Is that how an 'angel' is supposed to be like, you young Flugel?!" - Revilas

"Yes. One in need of a new purse!" - Noire

After having said my piece, I released a flurry of magical arrows through the Mystic Bow Arts: "Phantom Bolts". The snake didn't even bother to parry them. A single swipe with that strange, silver sword was enough to knock my precious (yet fake) arrows out of the sky. They did serve their purpose as a distraction though, so good work there, (fake) arrows. 

While the serpent was keeping an eye on me in the sky, and on Gugalanna who was making his way back to the fight in the distance, a sudden fireball came from out of nowhere and scorched the serpent before he knew what hit him. 

"HOOOOOOT!" - Revilas

"Praises gets you nowhere! Hmph!!" - Blaze

Like me, Blaze had jumped off Gugalanna before the big knockback. And unlike me, she is on the same "rank" as the serpent. I hate to say it, but she has a greater chance of winning than me. Therefore, I am using her as my representative and continue casting healing spells and support magic on her while she continued her fiery onslaught on the serpent. 

And if I may speak frankly, this is damn "fiery"! Scorching, even! It feels like I am getting baked even when I am supporting her from a distance! Nobody could ever hope to work together with her without possessing some sort of foolproof defense against this intense heat! 

The fight escalated to the point where I had to increase the distance between me and the two combatants. Are the rock walls starting to melt, or is the heat getting to me? At this rate-

"[Lightning Roar]!!" - Revilas

"[Fire Dragon Breath]!!" - Blaze

Already!? The two dragons, who looks far from real dragons, released breaths of lightning and fire. The two blasts of energy collided with the force of a small explosion.

Or rather, a big one! One so large and loud that I cannot hear anything anymore! My ears have gone deaf! And I cannot see anything! The flash from the explosion was so bright that it burned my poor, excellent eyes! It hurts even more due to how amazing they are normally!

"------!!" - Noire

I shouted out an order, but I cannot hear it myself. However, as I cling to the gorge's walls while waiting for the two of my five senses to return to normal, I felt with my remaining sense of touch a rough quake from the walls. 

When my eyes finally returned to normal, I saw Gugalanna. And as I ordered, he had stomped the snake. I could see the upper half of the reptile was still free, but the rest was trapped underneath the giant bull's hoof.

Blaze looked down on the snake, even if she didn't appear to have fully recovered from the blast before. Maybe we can try to interrogate-!? 

"---!? ----!!" - Noire

My ears still failed to recognize my voice, but even so, I tried to shout a warning to Blaze. The serpent was gathering an enormous amount of electricity in his body! He's planning on blowing himself up! 

Whether Blaze heard me or not, she did backpedal away from the serpent while creating a wall of mud. And just in time. The snake "exploded" as if a dozen of lightning bolts struck out from his insides and scorched everything around him...or not? 

After the electricity was "discharged", it flew up Gugalanna's leg and hit "something" on his back. And the identity of this "something" is...


...The identity is that of the thin tin can. Holding one of the treasures we had taken with us. One that is ornamented with lightning-bolt symbols. His partner, the wheel tin can, can sigh at this "shocking" spectacle. I think he may have grown blunt to all the stupidity by now. I sort of feel sorry for him. Almost. 

More importantly, the snake is now...dead. Completely. Maybe it was due to him ending his own life, but I have not obtained any message saying my level has grown. Again. It feels like the very concept known as EXP has been trying to avoid me lately. How rude. I want some levels to match my shining new bull! Oh well. Let's settle for a snake purse. Thank god the electricity didn't harm the skin too much~. Yay~. 

Kigal-Note chapter:

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