A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

The Darkness

<Why do you want me to kill the other goblins? Wait, do you want me to kill you too?>

<Allow me to explain,> the goblin shamaness said. <About two to three moons ago, something happened to my kin. And, I suppose, to myself.>

<I was sick at the outset, so I did not have as much exposure as the others. But I could see their changes,> the shamaness explained.

<They became overly violent. Beastlike. And yet, at the same time, they began to do things never before done.>

<They made new weapons; bows, swords, spears, all things never before used by the tribe. It was as if the information had been planted in their heads.>

<As they made these weapons, they also made plans. They started kidnapping and raping human womenfolk, as you know.>

<And when I recovered from the sickness, I joined them in their madness. It felt dark. Cold. As though someone was whispering in my ear, making my mind and body not my own. Each day, the darkness’s control grew, until I feared I would never recover. Or wouldn’t want to.>

<So what happened?> 

<You did. When you took control of me, I believe it removed the darkness from within me.>

<So, if I used that spell on another goblin, could I free them from this control too?>

<I doubt it. You freed me from the darkness just before I was likely to permanently slip away, and I was quarantined for quite some time. Most of the other goblins are no better than wild beasts at this point.>

“Uh, not to interrupt, but could you catch me up? I can’t understand what either of you are saying, it just sounds like gargling rocks,” Kass interjected.

“Oh, right. According to… one sec.”

<Do you have a name?> Lilith asked, turning back to the goblin.

<I am called Gorse.>

<Thanks.> “So, according to Gorse (Gorse being the goblin’s name), there’s been some sort of darkness controlling the goblins. I used my magic on her to escape when I was initially captured, which freed her from the darkness, but the other goblins have been so thoroughly corrupted there’s next to no chance they could be saved.”


“Yeah. Still, this is good information. Now that we know this darkness exists, we can make preparations against it in the future.”

“What the fuck are you two doing?”

Turning to the source of the voice, Lilith and Kass saw the knight from earlier.

“Didn’t you go back towards the village?”

“I came back. Turns out not everything is as it seems here.”

“As in?”

The knight seemed taken aback. “Do you think I can’t see that you’re having sex with a goblin? Your fur? That I didn’t hear the priestess speaking in goblin tongue?”

“Look, I said I’d explain everything back at the village,” Lilith said, attempting to de-escalate.

“I made that deal under the impression that you were human,” The knight said, moving his hand to the grip of his greatsword. “Evidently, I was wrong.”

“We are human!” Kass protested.

You’re literally covered in fur!

“Kass’s humanity notwithstanding, we’re at the very least not monsters. If you promise to let go of your sword, I can explain.”

“Start talking, then.”



“So, simple explanation. We get our powers from a goddess named Medenta.”

“How did you first contact this ‘Medenta’?”

“Someplace far away from here, I was on the verge of death, when she appeared to me. She offered to save me in exchange for joining her religion. I accepted, she healed me, and set me here. After that, I got captured by the goblins, escaped using magic, and found my way to the village.”

“After reaching the village, I later found out she had magic, and she offered me access to magical abilities too,” Kass added. “I accepted, gaining increased strength, magical powers, and some… less human parts.”

Why are you having sex with a goblin?

“So, that’s the second part of the whole thing,” Lilith said. “Medenta is a goddess of good, but also of sex and sexuality. One of Kass’s spells gives him greatly enhanced combat ability, but it also raises his libido to such a level that if he wasn’t having sex with the goblin, he’d probably devolve into a lust-crazed mess. Don’t worry though; she’s fine with it.”

<You are fine with it, right?> 

<I’m getting a bit sore, actually.>

“Oh. Hey, Kass? She’s getting a bit sore.”

“Yeah, I think the spell wore off. You two continue talking, I’m going to go get my pants back.” Untying the ropes keeping Gorse in place, Kass pulled the goblin off of his dick and carefully set her down, where she dazedly tried to keep her balance before falling down on her back and laying there as cum slowly leaked out of her semi-inflated belly.

<You okay?>

<I… I just want to lay here for a while.>

“She’s okay, Kass.”

“Good. See you soon.”


“So… you can just give these powers to anyone?”

“More or less. However, it takes a lot of magic power, and there’s two main conditions.”

“Which are?”

“First, they have to be willing. Secondly, they have to take some of my semen into themselves.”

“Wait- semen?”

“Yeah. See, that’s the other part of the whole ‘sex goddess’ thing. Anyone who gets magic from her gets transformed into someone with both genders. Kass used to be fully male, but he’s gotten a bit more feminine after getting his powers. I’m not sure how much it’ll affect him, though.”

“Huh. Well then, one more thing. You mentioned ‘the darkness’. What is that?”

“Well, I’m just telling you what I found out from asking Gorse- that’s the goblin’s name- but from what I’ve been told, some time ago, some sort of darkness infected and took control of the goblins. Gorse managed to avoid it because she was quarantined for a while, and she came in contact with some of my magic when I first escaped this place. From what she said, it felt like a dark force taking control of her body. The other goblins, however, have been corrupted to the point that they’re more or less wild beasts.”

“Ah. I had initially came back here because I noticed something was odd with the goblins. The ones we found outside the village had black veins, do you know what that’s about?”

“Not sure, but it can’t be good. Once Kass returns, I’m going to try and get Gorse somewhere safe and then get to work.”

“You intend to… save the goblin?”

“Well, yeah. She wasn’t in control of her own actions, and she’s got good information about the darkness.”

“Hm.” Standing up, the knight readjusted his armor. “You are an interesting one.”

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