A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

System Update

Soon enough, Lilith had made her way to the tent where Kass had found Gorse. Carefully picking the goblin up, she turned to Kass. “If you head back to the knight, I’ll try and bring Gorse back to the village.”

“Are you going to go with anyone?”

“I think I’m going to go alone. Means I’ll have to explain Gorse’s whole situation to less people, and make it easier for me to get her to Amelia for some healing.”

“Alright, good plan. I’ll go tell the knight and round up everyone to start heading back.”

“See you there.”

- - -


Back at the village, Amelia and Julia were in the middle of “testing”- which is to say, fucking on Julia’s bed, when a pop-up appeared.


System Update

Some skills are being updated.

Skills [Lactation] and [Suppress Lactation] are being updated.

[Accept Update]


“Wait, one second.” Pulling out, Amelia turned to look at the pop-up. “Apparently, something about my lactation skills is going to change.”

“Do you know what the changes are?”

“No. I don’t think I can find out unless I accept the changes.”

“Huh. Well, I doubt it’s going to be anything objectively bad.”

“True. I’m just going to go with it,” Amelia said, pressing the [Accept Update] button.



Type: Breasts/Passive

Level: 2

Milk builds up in your breasts at a slow rate, and can be released with the help of stimulation. You can keep 1 hour’s worth of milk in your breasts before they begin to leak.

Suppress Lactation

Type: Breasts/ Passive

Level: 3

You can keep an additional 6 hours worth of milk stored before it begins to have side effects. Milk builds up at a 50% rate while sleeping.


“Oh, that seems pretty good.”

“What’s it say?”

“So, before, my breasts would constantly leak milk, and I’d have to use magic to keep them plugged up. But now, it just naturally builds up and I have to actually milk myself to get it out.”

“How often do you have to milk yourself?”

“It says it takes around seven hours for there to be ‘side effects’. I think that probably means, like, soreness, leaking, that sort of stuff.”

“Huh. Does it feel like any milk from before that was changed is still in there?”

“Yeah. I’m not sure how much, but I think it’s at least a few hour’s worth.”

“Ah. We should… do something about that, then.”

“Are you implying what I think you are?”

“Yup. Remember, I did used to take care of cows. It’d make more sense to figure out the specifics with someone who actually knows how milking works than just try it yourself a few hours from now and possibly just fuck it up. Besides, it’s not like you have any other plans.”

“True. So, how do we go about this?”

“Well, I’ve still got some stuff in the barn,” Julia said, putting her clothes back on. “C’mon.”

- - -


Meanwhile, Kass had made it back to the clearing, where the wyrm’s corpse had fully disintegrated.

“Anything out of the ordinary happen?”

“Well, you can’t really call this situation ‘ordinary’, but the wyrm didn’t do anything unexpected. How was… whatever it was you two were checking on?”

“Well, Lilith’s heading back to the village after confirming that whatever summoned the wyrm effectively drained all the blood out from the goblins. There shouldn’t be any live goblins left in the camp.”

“Good. Can you use your telepathy to reach anyone aside from the priestess?”

“I can’t actually initiate the telepathy, she has to do that. And no.”

“Alright, I guess we’ll do it the old-fashioned way. You head around the camp, get everyone to congregate here. Once the first few people come back here, I’ll head out too. Once we get everyone, we’ll start heading back to the village.”

“Sounds like a plan.” 

- - -

On her way back to the village, Lilith had a thought. Her [Commune] skill just mentioned meditation, without any specifics, and she was pretty sure it was possible to meditate while walking. As she made her way through the forest, she let her mind empty, and eventually felt the voice of Medenta speaking to her.

<Ah. Hello.>

It took a while to connect this time. Was that because I was walking instead of standing still?

<Indeed. The more you’re doing while attempting to meditate, the longer it takes for your mind to reach the point we can have these conversations.>


<So, why are you contacting me?>

Well, I partially wanted to check up on those skills I asked you to make. I’ve still got one SLP from last night and the CLP from fighting that Wyrm, so I was wondering if there was anything good I could spend them on.

<Well, the system had a large update just recently, and I believe the [Brain Fuck] skill has what you were looking for.>


<Did you not get a notification? Your consort did.>

Consort? You mean Amelia?

<Yes, her. I was watching over her when she saw the notification.>

Huh. So, one more thing. What’s that [Ascalon] skill that Kass had?

<That was a skill based on a relic from another world. It was your old world, now that I think about it.>

What do you mean?

<In one of your legends, Ascalon was the name of a lance used to slay a dragon. The skill let him summon that lance.>

Then, what was up with that lightning?

<The lance had power over lightning. If he uses it more, he’s likely to get other lightning-based spells.>

Cool. I’ll tell him the good news when I see him next.

<Anything else?>

No, I think that’s it. Seeya.

Severing the connection, Lilith tried to open her menu without losing her grip on Gorse, and looked over the [Brain Fuck] skill.


Brain Fuck

Type: Sexual/Passive

Allows you to transfer information to people you have sex with at a slow rate. The information will be as you understand and think of it.

Cost: 1 SLP. Purchase skill? Yes/No


Wow, that seems great! I’m going to wait until I get everything settled back at the village before buying it, though. Don’t want to find out there was something I’ll need and can’t get.


Well, here we are. Chapter 50! Never thought this story would make it this far. Sorry for the sporadic update schedule, but thanks for sticking with me throughout. It may be a while between chapters, but if you guys have any questions or comments, I’ll try and reply to them! Thanks again.

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