A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Minor Enhancements

As Amelia sat in the house, she contemplated what would happen next. Despite the number of questions the knight had asked her, he never answered her own- what had happened to her sister. She was worried that, if she left to go ask anyone, they’d ask her more questions. About Lilith, about Kass, about Medenta. Soon enough, however, she heard a knock at the door. Tentatively opening it, she was relieved to see Julia standing on the other end.

“You doing alright?”

“For the most part. I still don’t know what happened to my sister, or what’s going to happen next. What are people saying- about the knight, about Lilith and Kass?”

“Well, people are a little divided, but from what I heard there’s a good deal of positive sentiment. A lot of people are suspicious, but nobody can argue that Lilith and Kass were using their powers to help everyone else. Everyone’s kinda waiting for more information.”

“Do you know what happened to my sister?”

“Apparently, some of the women hadn’t been found by the time the first group was coming back. There was still a bunch of people looking for them at the time- Jens hasn’t come back yet, I can ask him what happened when he does.”


“Hey, it’s the least I could do. So, what’re you going to do now?”

“Not sure, I think I may just have lunch and wait until the next group of people returns. You?”

“Probably the same. Well, see you then.”

After eating a quick meal of some bread, cheese, and a bit more of meat from yesterday, coupled with some milk, Amelia opened her menu.

I’ve found some good combat skills, but I wonder what else there is that might be helpful. Maybe something connected to my Enhancement?

Searching up her [Brood Mother] enhancement, she realized something.


Brood Mother

Major Enhancement

[Fertility] levels up faster.

Increases [Virility] levels of partner during intercourse.

Accelerated pregnancy.

[Lactation] levels up faster.


If this is a ‘major’ enhancement, are there any ‘minor’ ehancements?

Searching up [Enhancement], Amelia got her answer- A large list of various skills that, upon closer inspection, were either Major or Minor enhancements. The result right at the top, however, was simply titled [Minor Enhancement].

Well, at least I know where to start. 


Minor Enhancement


Allows you to give Acolytes Minor Enhancements at Sexual Level 10, 20, and so on.

Requirement: Must have [Priestess of Medenta] class. At least three Acolytes.


Oh, so it’s similar to Lilith’s [Grant Skill] ability, just at different levels. And I’m at… what level again?






Follower of Medenta

Major Enhancement

Brood Mother

Combat Level


Sexual Level



















Fourteen. So, once Lilith gets a third Acolyte, I should be able to get a minor enhancement. Let me see if there’s anything good.

Clicking on one at random, Amelia began to look for something that interested her.



Type: Minor Enhancement

Requires: [Beast-Kin]

Transforms your lower half into an animal’s. A horse Beast-Kin would become a centaur, a lion beast-kin would become a sphinx, and so on.

Grants [Alter Physique].


So, some minors are specific to what your major is; maybe there’s some way to filter out ones I can’t get. This one sounds rather inconvenient, but I assume whatever [Alter Physique] is would allow you to at least temporarily undo it. Moving to the next skill, she found something more general.


Cum Diet

Type: Minor Enhancement

Increases [Quality] level of any cum or milk you consume.

Gain increased nutrition from any cum or milk you consume.

Does not work on your own fluids.

Other food is less nutritious.

this was initially a Major enhancement, but I think it fits better as a minor.

This one has drawbacks, it seems. The benefits make it possible to live solely off of milk or semen, but the drawbacks force you to do so, and make you have to seek out others to provide your meals. Although, given how even at my current level, my milk is quite delicious and provides MP and healing, I assume that the benefits may be worth it to some. Not me, though.


Going back up to her search terms, she added in [Brood Mother], to see if she would get things better suited to herself. Confirming the filter, the list of skills shrunk down to just a few. This takes out any of the general enhancements, but I can look over those later if none of these look appealing.


Many Fathers

Type: Minor Enhancement

Requires: Brood Mother

If multiple people attempt to fertilize the same womb, the resultant child will have a mix of traits from all of them.

Any child born like this will have less of your own traits.


The same womb? The way this is written implies I’m the mother of the child, so does one of these other enhancements give me more wombs? I mean, I guess that makes sense, given my Major. This one’s probably meant to take advantage of my accelerated pregnancy, so two people could have a child together without worrying about a full nine months. Speaking of my accelerated pregnancy, she thought, feeling the growing bump in her abdomen, I wonder how long it’ll be before this one comes out. It’s been about four days so far, and this looks to be around-ish a third of the way through. So, a bit longer than a week? Returning to her list of skills, she found an answer to her earlier question.



Type: Minor Enhancement

Requires: Brood Mother

Your nipples become stretchy and penetrable, allowing them to be fucked and impregnated.

Nipple pregnancies weigh far less and take up less space than traditional pregnancies.

You will not lactate from pregnant nipples.


Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting- although, I guess it makes sense. I can’t think of anywhere else you could fit a baby, even with the apparent space-compression that’ll be going on. I’m glad they mentioned that, though- I don’t think I’d be able to bear a full pregnancy in my breasts, especially with how lopsided it’d be if only one of them was pregnant. 

As she was about to go to the next skill, she heard a shout from near the village entrance- More people had returned. Closing off her menus, Amelia rushed outside, desperately hoping her sister was among them.

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