A new world’s F*tanari Messiah


Gently placing her hands around Amelia’s nipples, Julia tugged firmly down, Amelia lightly moaning as milk poured from her breasts.

“I take it that felt good?”

“Yeah. Just- try not to make it feel too good, okay?”

“Why’s that?”

“Well, if I end up cumming, then I won’t be able to use [Clean-Up] without getting rid of the milk as well.”

“Oh, true.”

As Julia got back to work milking Amelia, she kept her at the very edge of climax, just enough that the milk would gush out but not enough that Amelia would cum. 

While she knew that she had told Julia to do so, Amelia found the process torturous- being brought so close to release only for Julia to relent and let the climax leak away, before starting the cycle over again.

Eventually, after filling a pail and then some with milk, the flow of milk turned into a drip-feed, Julia having wrung out almost every drop of milk in Amelia’s breasts.

“Alright, that seems to be all of it. Now, we just need to figure out how we plan to store this.”

“Oh, we are not done here,” Amelia said, standing up and pushing aside the bar.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, in case you haven’t noticed,” Amelia continued, dropping her skirt to reveal a raging erection, “I am still very much hard.”

“Well, what do you want me to do about it?”

“Open your mouth.”

- - -

Meanwhile, Gabriel returned to the clearing, a group of villagers in tow, to see Jonah and Seth having a discussion behind one of the trenches the wyrm had made.

“What are you talking about?”

“We’re deciding what happens next.”

“You mean, after we get back to the village, or later?”

“Both,” Jonah answered. “If those two magicians weren’t here, that wyrm would have wiped us all out- and given the amount of healing she did, there’d be quite a few casualties even before that point.”

“That is, if the whole thing wasn’t just a hoax,” Seth interjected.

“What do you mean?”

“The whole thing seems suspicious. Nobody got hurt in the long-term, and the magicians were the only ones there when they ‘defeated’ the wyrm.”

“Are you suggesting they set the whole thing up?”

“It’d make sense. Lady comes out from the woods, joins in on this raid, creature that can only be harmed with magic magically appears, what luck, these two people have magic and they save everyone, when all we know of their ‘fight’ is two strikes of lightning and then the magic lady somehow knows that everything’s over, and then when we get here the wyrm magically disappears. It’s all suspect.”

“They’re not powerful enough to do that-”

“How do you know? We have no idea how powerful they are, or where that power comes from.”

“The priestess said she’d explain when we got back to the village,” Gabriel refuted. 

“Alright then, since you apparently know so much about her, where is she? Because I don’t see her here.”

“The other magician said she was heading back to the village.”

“Alone? Do you see how suspicious that is?

“Why are you so quick to assume the worst?”

Why aren’t you? Their access to magic means that they’re either nobles or monsters, and based on the fact that one of them was supposedly born here, ‘nobles’ isn’t an option.”

“If you’re trying to hide your conversation, you could do a better job of it, you know.”

Turning to the source of the voice, the knights saw Kass standing on the other end of the trench, evidently having heard the last part of the conversation.


- - -


Back at the village, Amelia was re-adjusting her clothes as Julia sat on a stool, savoring the taste of Amelia’s cum.

“Are you going to swallow anytime soon, or are you just going to sit there with my cum in your mouth for an hour?”

“Well, you didn’t let me taste any earlier, so I was just making up for that.”

“If you had wanted me to finish in your mouth back at your house, you could have said so.”

“Yeah, I was just a little busy moaning. Anyway, what do you want to do about storing this?”

“I don’t think we need to worry too much. It’ll self-preserve for a day or two.”


“Yeah. Temperature controlled, too.”

“That’s convenient. So, what do we do now?”

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to go change back into my dress.”

“Aw, but you look so sexy right now!”

“I’m planning on going back to this sort of outfit later, but for now I don’t want to see my sister for the first time since she got kidnapped wearing… this.”

“Yeah, that’s fair.”

“Once I change, I’m going to come back for the first pail, is that alright?”

“That one’s like twice as full as the other one!”

“Hey, it’s my milk. And besides, it’s only like one-and-a-half more.”

“Eh, fair enough.”

As Amelia left to go and get her dress, Julia picked up the broom again and began sweeping out a second stall. Might as well get ready for tomorrow. 


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