A new world’s F*tanari Messiah

Blood Lust

As Kass leapt through the camp, he scanned his surroundings for anywhere his sister and the others might be kept. At the apex of his jumps, he could sometimes see faint signs of combat elsewhere.  

He soon saw a tent larger than most of the others surrounding it, and adjusted his course to get there.

Jumping through the canopy, however, there were no humans inside; just a goblin shamaness and several already-transformed goblins.

If these goblins join the fighting outside, it’ll be bad. Best to take them out now.

Drawing his sword, Kass lunged at one of the goblins, but his blade was blocked by a silvery shield similar to the one Lilith created earlier. The shamaness must have done that.

Turning to attack the shamaness, however, another goblin clawed him from the back.

Although his [Unblemished Beauty] was already healing the injury, he doubted it’d work fast enough to heal him before he got attacked again. And if he were to try and escape, the goblins would go on to attack the rest of the fighters. 

Luckily, Kass still had one last trick up his sleeve. Preparing himself for whatever would happen, he cast [Blood Lust].

Instantly, he felt the difference. His sight was tinged with red, and his body moved on instinct. As two more goblins moved to attack, he jumped up to the top frame of the tent, before using it as a platform to jump back down, using the added force to sever one goblin’s head with his sword and driving his claws into the other one’s neck, roughly pulling it loose to kill them.

As another goblin tried to attack him, he dodged with relative ease,grabbing the goblin’s arm and using his enhanced strength to throw the goblin into another before throwing his sword through both of them, killing them. Turning to the last transformed goblin, Kass lunged at them as the shamaness created another silvery barrier.

However, the barrier was not strong enough to stop Kass, who shattered it with a kick before grabbing the goblin’s head and shoving the claws through their face.

Turning to face the priestess, Kass approached, ready to fu-no, finish her. However, despite his intentions, Kass’s body had other plans. Approaching the shamaness, Kass untied the rope holding up his pants, dropping them to reveal a rock-hard boner.

Despite attempts to cancel the spell, Kass picked up the confused and frightened shamaness, before roughly shoving her onto his erect dick, past the ring, but not making much more headway due to inconvenient things like organs and basic anatomy.

Despite the roughness, the act was still arousing enough to get Kass to cum, and as the goblin woman squirmed and moved around, the stimulation made him cum again.

- - -

Meanwhile, the main force was going the other way, making it through several hobgoblins. Once or twice, Gabriel noticed the priestess looking at.. Something. Maybe it was magically hidden. Whatever it was, it seemed to please the priestess. Maybe some way to check up on the other magician?

However, Gabriel had more important things to focus on. Spying a large, wooden cage ahead, Gabriel saw someone with red hair inside; most likely a human. However, surrounding the cage were several hobgoblins, with two archers and a goblin shamaness atop the cage.

As the hobgoblins noticed the group, the archers nocked arrows and began firing. The priestess at the front of the group conjured another barrier, but without anyone able to take out the archers, it wouldn’t be long before the shield broke. Fishing out a throwing knife, Gabriel attempted to hit one of the archers, but the knife simply bounced off of a silvery barrier.

As the hobgoblins on the ground began to rush towards the group, the priestess called back.

“I might be able to take out the three on top, but I’d need to drop the shield. Can you handle this while I prepare?”

“We can handle a few goblins,” called one of the villagers.

“Alright. Let’s do this!”

- - -

Working quickly, Lilith dropped the shield, cast [Protection], and opened her menu.








Priestess of Medenta

Combat Level

14 (55%)

Sexual Level

18 (2%)




















Apparently fighting as part of a group meant exp gain was reduced. Still, she’d gotten one level, which should be enough to get a useful skill.



Type: Spellcraft/Active

Cost: 2 MP

Fires of a volley of three magical blasts that deal increased damage to armor, shields, and magic barriers.

Cost: 1 CLP. Unlock Skill? Yes/No


“Hurry it up, priestess!”

“One moment!” Working through the magical injuries from [Protection] and buying the [Gimlet] spell, Lilith formed her hands into a sort of finger gun, feeling the mana coalesce at her fingertips, before firing a blast at the shamaness creating the barrier.

As the glowing shot hit the barrier, the shamaness’s smug expression changed to surprise, then fear as the shot smashed into the barrier and shattered it.

As Lilith fired a second blast, the shamaness attempted to reform the barrier, but the blast hit its mark; killing the shamaness.

The third blast felled an archer, but there was still one archer atop the cage. However, the knight pulled out another throwing knife, this time unimpeded by the barrier, and hit the archer.

- - -

Without the cover fire, the hobgoblins were easier to take out; for as little as Gabriel trusted the priestess, her power was certainly useful. One strange thing, however, that Gabriel had noticed, was that when she dropped the magic barrier, she started to have wounds appear seemingly at random on her body, and close almost as fast.

However, as the last few hobgoblins were dealt with, one of them drove their claws through a man, who went down with a horrible scream. Medical care wouldn’t be fast enough to help him. The man would most likely end up the first casualty.

However, the priestess rushed over, still bleeding from a few of her wounds. As her hands glowed golden, she lay them on the man’s wound. When she removed her hands, the man got back up, though evidently still in a bit of pain.

“Do you feel better?”

“Well, I’m not- ow- dying anymore, so I’d say.”

“Good. Anyone else hurt?”

The general consensus from the rest of the group was that, miraculously, everyone’s wounds were shallower than they should have been.

“Was that your doing, priestess? I noticed that you had wounds appearing on your body during the fighting, even when nothing hit you,” Gabriel asked.

“Yeah. One of my spells lets me take half the damage for any of my allies nearby. I have some natural healing, though, so I can work through it.”

“So you had the same amount of injuries as everyone else here?”

“Yeah, but they heal fast for me. I just need to- ow- take it easy for a while.”

“Well, we’ll be spending a while freeing these women,” Gabriel said. “That should be ‘taking it easy’.”

She cares quite a lot about these villagers, despite having only known them for a week. What a very interesting person she is.

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