A New Player in the Force

Scouting Enemies, Making Allies

It was a few hours since the interface had updated, and I was currently sparring with Tr'a Saa. Saa was an expert in both styles of Form V, and she'd been teaching the basics while we had been staying with her.

I had generated quests to raise both Shien and Djem So to Adept:1 within two months, which, if the fact I'd gained nearly twenty levels combined in a week of training so far, should be more than doable. Though I'd have to commit as many nights alone as possible to train the two variants.

I'd also decided to focus on improving my ability to speak Ryl to Adept:1, with a linked quest.

"That's good Padawan, keep your blade high," Saa stated as we faced off, "use that position to counter my attack."

She moved quickly, though not so fast that I couldn't adapt, and I brought my blade down to stop her advance, then push the blade towards her, forcing her to take a step back.


I stumbled at the strange emotions I sensed, which gave Saa an easy attack to end this round.


"That was a careless mistake Padawan," Saa stated as I rubbed my arm where her blade had connected, glad our blades were set to training settings that prevented permanent dismemberment if not death.

"Sorry, I was… distracted," I began powering down my lightsaber and clipping it back onto my belt, "I sensed emotions that weren't my own."

"What did you sense?" Fay asked as she stepped towards Saa and me from where she's been watching our spar.

"Pride and contentment, then disappointment when I made my mistake."

Fay smiled and looked over at Dooku, seemingly reading a datapad, yet he gave her the slightest of nods. "Hmm, it seems your senses have expanded enough to detect our emotions." She stated turned back to me and motioned for us to sit on a nearby bench.

"How much do you know about Force Bonds?" She asked as we sat.

"The stronger the bond, the easier it is to sense where another is, their emotional state and even telepathic communication if the bond is strong enough, or one of the bonded is telepathic in nature," I replied, simplifying what the interface had told me.

"That is… a very precise explanation, but like everything where the Force is concerned, concise understanding and defining is not entirely accurate." I frowned, which made her smile.

"A bond allows one to sense much about those they are close to, and while the High Council would prefer that such bonds only existed between Master and Padawan, a bond can form with anyone if enough time is spent in their presence," she paused and smiled in the way a grandparent might when talking to a young child. "Indeed, I suspect you have formed a bond with Miss Naberrie. Though that should fade in time."

I felt the heat rising in my cheeks, which made her smile grow and a light, airy chuckle escaped her lips.

"Or perhaps not. Still, a Force Bond allows the sensing of emotions, as you said, it has the potential for more as well. The stronger a bond is between two sentients, the greater the potential to both help and hinder those it connects.

"Strong bonds can result in one being overwhelmed by the emotions of another, which can distract you at a critical moment, yet that same increase in emotions can give someone the drive to achieve something incredible."

"So, what I sensed was your feelings, and Master Dooku's?"

She nodded, "Yes, I believe it was. While that is not unexpected, it does suggest you need to be more careful about controlling your emotions. If you have them under control when you delve into the Force, you should be able to avoid having the feelings and thoughts of others affect you." She explained and I nodded as I considered what she'd said.

While that did sound a little wishy-washy, with the interface I could easily quantify it down into two facts. First, I needed to have Empathic Shield engaged while fighting – not an issue, but it did drain just over half my FP regen currently to do so. And secondly, I needed to level up the same Force Power to avoid this becoming an issue as my bonds with Fay, Dooku and others became stronger.

"I understand, I think," I replied slowly, "and why any bond I might have with Padmé might fade with time. She does not have a strong connection to the Force."

Fay smiled and nodded. "Yes. While the bond could be strengthened if you spent more time around her," Dooku seemed to mutter something, but I couldn't make it out, "that is unlikely to happen, and so the bond will weaken and eventually fade."

"However, what my former master is failing to mention, is that bonds formed with other strong in the Force do not fade easily," Saa added as she stood nearby, a cup in her hand, "and in moments of high emotions, you may sense them, even when the distance between you is great."

The two venerable Jedi Masters shared a look before Fay sighed and glanced out of a window while absently running a finger across her cheek tattoo.

"Now come, and this time, do not let the emotions of others distract you," Saa stated as he placed down her cup and stepped back towards the middle of the room, igniting her lightsaber as she did.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied as I joined and raised my blade into Djem So's opening stance while activating Empathic Shield and having no plans to turn it off while around Fay or Dooku.

... …

Later that day, I was with Fay for our afternoon meditation session – which I generally used to train Battle Meditation instead of meditating, unless I need to restore my FP – when Fay stopped herself from starting her meditation and looked at me.

"Since you are now able to sense emotions from myself and Master Dooku, I think it is time to alter your meditation."

I tilted my head in confusion, which made her smile.

"You have done nothing wrong; I just feel that you can move to a more advanced meditation," She looked around the room and finding an empty corner table, lifted it between us with the Force.

"What I wish for you to do is meditate as normal while holding up the table."

I looked from her to the table and back and felt my eyes open as a realisation hit me. I'd only ever been using Meditation and Serenity when my FP was near or reached 0. If I could still use certain Force Powers while using those, it would a serious flaw in the interface. I wanted to facepalm at missing out on that, but I'd never even considered it.

"Do not worry, while the exercise may seem difficult at first, it is quite easy once you achieve it," Fay said, clearly taking the shock in my expression for worry about completing the task.

"Yes, Master."

I lifted the table with TK and then closed my eyes. TK combined with Empathic Shield was greater than my natural regeneration of FP, so if this didn't work, then when I ended the meditation, I'd know. If it did… well, I was more than happy to use the exploit; once I got over the need to punch myself for not thinking about it before.

I continued to concentrate on the table even as I activated Serenity. It took me longer than normal to reach a calm state, and something felt different, but I was soon able to feel the Force as it passed through and around me.

... …

"Cameron, Cameron," I opened my eyes to find Fay gently shaking my shoulder.

"Ah, wha…" I blinked a few times and shook my head.

"It seems you lost track of time while meditating," Fay said with a soft smile as she stood back, "not uncommon for when a learner first attempts this type of mediation. How do you feel?"

I mentally called up my status and smiled as I saw. FP was still full, meaning that I could use Serenity while using other powers. I still felt stupid for missing that exploit, but at least now I had an easier way to improve powers that could be used constantly, like TK. It wouldn't help for powers like Blast as that was a straight cost per use, but it was going to be so helpful for night sessions where I was sharing sleeping quarters. There was, however, a small notification.


Skill Meditation cannot be activated when any Force Power bar Serenity is active.

That wasn't a major loss as Meditation only gave a one-hundred per cent boost to regenerations whereas Serenity gave a four-hundred-and-fifty per cent boost to FP regen.

"I'm ok," I replied to Fay's question, using the time where I went over the notice and examining my status to appear to think. "Keeping the table aloft seemed easy enough."

Fay chuckled gently. "Keeping one object afloat and stationary is simple yes, however doing so for multiple moving objects is a trick that many Jedi Masters struggle with. Especially if said objects are heavier than a small table."

"Yeah, that does sound difficult," I agreed with a nod, though it would depend on the overall weight of the objects as the cost of TK increased with the mass of an object and the strength of gravity acting upon it.

"Still, you have managed the first attempt with grace. Not something many Padawans can say," she turned and moved for the door. "Now come along. Master Saa has arranged for us to sample the local cuisine, and I for one do not want to miss out."

"Yes, Master."

I stood and followed the graceful Jedi from the room, even as I considered which Force Powers, I could improve rapidly with this new training approach.

... …

... …

It turned out that being able to use other Force Powers while meditating with Serenity was not as big a boost as I'd hoped. In the almost two months since the update, I'd seen an increase in the growth speed of the Force Powers I'd used while meditating, but by my rough calculations, it was only about a fifteen per cent increase. Nothing to sneeze at, but not the massive exploit I had hoped for.

All three trainee quests – for Shien, Djem So and Language: Ryl – had been reached, with the two lightsaber Forms both reaching Adept:50 and Ryl Adept:25, with a little spending of SKP. That netted me enough XP to take me more than fifty per cent of the way to levelling up.

After leaving Tr'a Saa, we travelled around the Kiffu sector for a month as Fay was looking for another old Jedi Master that she felt might be receptive to our plans.

While we had been travelling, I hadn't generated any new quests, as I had no idea where we would be from one week to the next. Though I had used the time to improve my Astrogation skill. Being able to plot hyperspace jumps quickly, without the use of a droid, seemed like a useful skill to improve.

I'd also maxed out Empathic Shield during that time, which lowered its overall cost to just 10FP per minute; or a ninth of my current FP regeneration. Telepathic Shield was up to Professional:34, which meant it still cost more than my regeneration to run. TK and Lightsaber: Makashi were both less than ten levels from maxing out, while Precognition was at Prodigy:17. The trick of meditating and running other Force Powers with Serenity was showing its usefulness, even if it that wasn't as useful as I'd originally hoped for.

I'd also taken some time to think about my publishing plans.

I had decided to delay publishing the Two Towers for another year or so. That would allow the first book to continue to grow in popularity and increase potential sales for The Two Towers.

The Fellowship of the Ring had been downloaded nearly sixty million times – and bought as an actual book just over a million times – so far, generating over eight million credits in the process. And it was still selling well. The continued funds to help the Shadda-Bi-Borans adapt to their new worlds would help generate more goodwill for Cameron Williamson – my pen-name, which had been my name in my former life – and interest in the next story, though I'd be keeping that money for myself. That the funds would also increase the number of Shadda-Bi-Borans that would still be alive in five years when the linked quest would complete was a bonus, one I was trying to not concentrate on.

"Ah, Master Jedi, welcome," said a brown-skinned Devaronian as the doors to the meeting room we had been told to wait in opened and he stepped in, "I am honoured that you have visited us here."

"The honour is ours Administrator Tert," Fay replied as we all stood even. "We understand how busy you are and thank you for taking the time out to see us."

"Not at all Master Jedi," Tert stated as she sat and indicated for us to do the same. "When I heard that a member of your Order wished to study for a few months at one of our training centres, I must admit my delight was mixed with curiosity. Few, if any, Jedi have shown an interest in starship or fighter design."

"Yes, I can imagine. But young Cameron here is not like most Jedi," Fay responded calmly though I sensed her and Dooku's pride over my bonds with them. "Even while training to be a Jedi he has shown an aptitude for machines that few Jedi possess. As we were passing near this system, he asked if it would be possible to attend one of your training centres for a while to further that interest."

While that was the story was a valid one for us being here, it wasn't the full truth. I had discovered that Fondor was close to the Kiffu sector, but more importantly, it was a major starship manufacturer for the Techno Union: one of the main factions in the CIS.

Or at least as far as the movies went. I had realised that much of the war wasn't covered in the movies or cartoons, which made sense for a supposedly galaxy-spanning war but meant that there were going to be events and people that I knew nothing about that helped shape the Clone Wars and the future Empire. Which would make it difficult for me to affect those moments.

Still, Fondor was a Techno Union stronghold. And while they hadn't joined forces with the Sith yet, at least as far as I knew, an examination of their practices and disagreements with the Republic Senate made it clear that they were chafing under the restrictions placed on them. Or at least some parts of the Union were. The Corellian Engineering Corporation, for example, were the makers of the Consular-Class cruiser, the very epitome of the will of the Senate, likely due to them being a vital member of the Core Worlds.

After discovering all of this, I had spoken to Fay and Dooku and mentioned seeing Techno Union transports, Trade Federation battle droids and Droidekas attacking living beings in white armour in my visions. I'd presented them with images of the various ships I knew that would become part of the CIS and were in service currently, like the Lucrehulk-class cargo ship, as well as images of B1 droids and explained that I felt that we needed to investigate the companies behind them.

While Fay had been uncertain about doing so, Dooku had agreed with my planning and mentioned that Fondor had an Academy for aspiring engineers and designers, and while I would be too young to attend there, most corporations had filter schools at lower levels to train up the future generations.

He believed I could be inserted for a few months at one such location where I could gauge the underlying sentiment of the educators and students. While it was unlikely that I could access the main computer networks of the shipyard or the Techno Union to discover if they were actively plotting against the Republic, there was a small chance I could gain access to the ship designs and potentially discover exploitable weaknesses.

Tert turned her attention to me, "I see no problem with that. However, I will need to speak with the educational Overseers to determine which centre would be best. If all goes well, we should be able to enrol him within a week, two at most."

"That is more than acceptable, however, I need to be clear that he would only be able to attend classes in the morning. While I am willing to indulge his curiosity, his training to be a Jedi must take priority."

Tert nodded rapidly. "Yes, yes. We can never have too many Jedi." She turned back to me. "May I ask young Jedi, what is your exact area of interest?"

I shrugged. "Ships in general, I guess. I mean, I know a decent amount about how to repair and maintain starships and my way around computers. But if I had to choose, I'd say I was most interested in how starships are designed. Fitting all the various components together, managing the power flows and so on and housing it all together in a frame is intriguing."

"Yes, there is a lot of work that goes into ship design," Tert agreed as she tapped her chin with a finger. "While I don't believe that any of our centres for your age group handle ship design, there may be one or two that cover courses on droid and fighter creation. Would that be of interest?"

I nodded. "They would yes. Could I be placed there?" I asked while activating Force Persuasion. Using the more common Force Compulsion would probably alert security, which I was fairly certain was monitoring this meeting.

Tert smiled and tapped away at her console. "It shouldn't be a problem. I'll just add the recommendation to your file and send it along to the Overseers. Is there anything else?"

Fay smiled and stood, "No, thank you for your time."

The pair shook hands and Tert left. We followed just after and as we walked back to the quarters assigned to us by station management, I felt a now-familiar presence brush against my mind and activated Telepathy which had altered slightly with the addition of Force bonds, as they lowered the cost of the power by eighty per cent, making it possible for me to use the power with Fay and Dooku easily.

[Yes, Master?] I asked mentally as Fay used our Force Bond to establish a telepathic comm link.

When she had first tried this, Player's Mind had auto-engaged, and her head had snapped back as though physically slapped. I'd managed to explain away my mental defence as something I didn't know about and then, after perusing the help menus, altered a list of who could establish telepathic links with me to include two people. Fay and Dooku.

Knowing that PM would auto-engage to defend my mind was a great help, even if I avoided using the power due to it cutting off my emotions completely.

[There is nothing the matter Padawan. I merely wish to communicate with you without being overheard by any eavesdroppers. Unless they want to cause problems, they will allow you to attend a training centre. However, I imagine that they'll monitor everything you do. Are you sure you still wish to continue with this?]

[Yes, Master. Even if I am unable to find anything of use, it is still a good learning experience.] I replied as we entered an elevator. [Especially since neither you nor Master Dooku have much interest in maintaining a ship.]

Fay shook her head. [That may be true, but we are still not purchasing a vessel. The Order does not allow personal possessions.] She looked down at me and smiled. [Though perhaps, in the future, we could hire a ship without a crew.]

[I, uh, hadn't thought of that.] I managed to not make a face at the suggestion. [What of Master Dooku?]

Dooku was to arrive tomorrow but not reveal himself as a Jedi. Instead, he was going to play on his family name and try to arrange meetings with various officials from companies linked to the Techno Union. He would pretend to be looking to acquire a small force of ships to defend the Serenno System and surrounding areas from pirates. While it was unlikely that the officials would reveal information about their ships in pursuit of a contract, Dooku was certain he could get them to reveal more than they should and given he had managed to bring together the CIS, I wasn't going to argue against his persuasive abilities.

[His last transmission, relayed through Master Sifo-Dyas, suggested he already had meetings with representatives of several of the companies in the Union. But do not get your hopes up. While we believe your visions about what is to come, the chances of us discovering anything that would hint at a move to secede from the Republic are remote, at best.]

[Yes, Master.]

"Come along Padawan. We must meditate on the day's events," she spoke, breaking the mental link as we stepped out of the elevator and moved towards our assigned quarters.

"Yes, Master," I replied as I fell into step at her side.

... …

... …

"Were you able to discover anything while on assignment?" Dooku asked as I walked with Fay down the ramp from the transport that had brought us to the Corellian System.

"Nothing of great significance, though Young Cameron here did make a few friends and impressed the educators," Fay replied while indicating me with a hand, "How did you fare?"

Dooku pulled a datapad from his robes. "While I was unable to discover anything on Fondor, I did manage to discover that there are tensions within the Union. Both Kuat Drive Yards and the Corellian Engineering Corporation are distancing themselves from the other major members of the Union due to differences of opinion regarding Republic policy."

"Not surprising really. Both Kuat and Corellia are Core worlds and while most of the other members of the Union are headquartered further out." I said, earning a proud nod from Dooku.

"Indeed. From what I was able to gather, and linking it to your visions, I speculate that those two companies would remain loyal to the Republic even if the Union decides to secede." He continued as he handed the pad to Fay. "There are a few companies in the Union that have not chosen a side, or at least have not ventured into the ongoing debate."

Fay examined the pad. "I am unfamiliar with any of these companies."

"They are all smaller members of the Union based mainly in the Inner to Mid-Rim that handle the construction of smaller, but more robust, ships and droids than the larger corporations. Or that was the impression I was given during their presentations."

That caught my attention as one of my ideas was to take over a mega-corp, though I had generally considered it a fantasy. However, a smaller company may be easier to gain control of. Though such plans were years off and would only be possible once I was either a Knight – and free to travel as I wished – or had left the Order, which I was not planning to do until at least after the invasion of Naboo.

Fay turned and handed me the pad. "Cameron, do you know of any of these companies?"

I took the pad and scanned the list. While most of the dozen or so companies were unknown, two jumped out at me. Incom and Subpro.

When I'd made my initial list for how to combat Sidious, I'd considered accelerating or rediscovering certain technologies like X-Wings and personal shielding that didn't kill the user.

While I'd had no luck with the shielding, I'd found what I believed was a precursor to the X-Wing – The Z-95 Headhunter – was jointly made by Incom and Subpro corporations. Learning that Incom was one of the smaller, undecided members of the Techno Union was unexpected, and almost made up for the four and a half months I'd spent learning at the training centre on Fondor.

Oh sure, the classes had helped improve my technical skills – and a few quests linked to those skills – and generated a new one – Mechanics [Droids] – but beyond that, making a few friends with future engineers and designers it had been months that felt wasted.

OK, not wasted as I had maxed out and maxing out Lightsaber: Makashi and TK and abused my time away from Fay to train up Compulsion and Persuasion on my fellow students. I had also increased Intelligence and Wisdom by one and completed quests linked to four of my now five mechanics skills and one linked to Form IV, Ataru. All of that – once Boosted Growth was applied – had resulted in me having just enough XP to reach level 19. That had brought the usual bonus points for stats and skills while increasing my FP by another 500.

"These two," I replied highlighting the two companies, which opened a file on details about the company. "I studied one of their previous models during my classes on Fondor."

"Hmm, Incom. And Subpro. Yes, I am aware of their popular joint model, the Z-95. It is a reliable and capable fighter, though it does lack many features of more modern craft. What did you learn about it in your classes?"

"Mainly about how modular and adaptable it was. I suggested a few ways to change the airframe, but I doubt they'd work." Mainly, that was because I'd used jet fighter designs from the Earth in the nineteen-seventies, though I'd only been able to map out that idea once the relevant skill, Mechanics [Fighters] had reached Professional:1. While I doubted my ideas would take hold, the larger wing surface from my design was commented on by the instructor as a possible way to help with heat dispersion.

Still, the time at the academy had me considering one day designing a fighter that merged this universe's technology with an Earth-based airframe. Though I doubted I'd ever have the time or resources to commit to such an idea.

"Hmm," a single eyebrow rose, "while that is impressive, it has little bearing on our original plan for allowing you to study there for almost half a year."

"That is true, though now if we do need a private craft for our travels, Cameron should be able to handle the maintenance of the vessel," Fay said seemingly trying to find some good from the time.

"Indeed. I spoke with Sifo-Dyas yesterday, and while we were careful about what we discussed, I believe he has discovered a handful of Jedi in the Temple that may be agreeable to our concerns."

"That is good news, though I have a few other members of our Order who I wish to meet and discover their feelings and intentions," Fay countered as we began to walk through the corridors of the spaceport station high above Corellia, "I also wished for Cameron to meet with the local Jedi. I believe they would be more receptive to him than most due to his bloodline."

Dooku rubbed his beard before he spoke. "Yes, I had not considered that. Though we would have to be cautious about what we reveal to them as I am aware that one of their members is a close friend of Master Windu."

"Do you know which member it is?"

"Sadly no," he replied to her question as I stayed silent, "though it likely is a senior Master as they serve as the only link between the High Council and Corellia that I am aware of."

I glanced to the side and stumbled and lost my balance.

"Cameron?" Fay asked though my attention was on one of the transports that were moving around the dock. For some strange reason, the ship was encased in a gentle golden glow.

"I'm fine. I just got lost in my thoughts for a moment," I replied as she helped me stand.

"Perhaps we need to work on your awareness Padawan," Dooku suggested and I felt a shiver shoot up my spine, "though I cannot tell if you are being honest or not. Impressive mental barriers to have developed in half a year."

I gave him a nod in acknowledgement, glad that running Telepathic Shield almost non-stop for the time on Fondor had been worth it. The power was comfortably in the Prodigy range.

Curious about what was causing the golden halo around the transport, I examined the list of destinations for the transport. Most of the stops meant nothing to me, however, the end destination did trigger a memory. Eriadu. That was the planet where the Tarkin family came from, specifically Wilhuff Tarkin, a name on my list of people to watch in the years leading up to the outbreak of war.

Currently, Tarkin was serving in a regional defence force, though the last news article mentioning him involved him at a party hosted by one of the heads of Santhe/Sienar Technologies, one of the few major starship construction conglomerates that wasn’t a part of the Techno Union. Though at least one subsidiary was, which did make some sense as it gave SST a voice at the table without committing fully to the Union.

Perhaps the gold light was a hint to head to Eriadu to deal with Tarkin?

I shook off the thought as we began to walk again.

"Which should we then Cameron?" Asked once we had walked for about a minute.

"I think I'd like to visit the Jedi on Corellia then head back to the temple, but only for a short while," I replied after considering the choices. I knew nothing about another set of Jedi on Corellia. Heck, I didn't even realise there were enclaves away from Coruscant. Perhaps the ones here, in other places if they existed, would be more open to what we were building.

And while I was curious about the Jedi Fay wished to meet, I felt that checking in with Darihd and maybe seeing where I stood with the other Padawans at the Temple would be a more useful way to spend a few months.

... …

... …

"Those… argh!" I growled out as we arrived back at our rented apartment in Coronet City after meeting with the Green Jedi Council and I punched the air.

"It was to be expected Cameron, though we are also upset with their lack of interest," Fay said before sighing loudly as she sat on the couch in the main room. "They have always been more concerned with Corellia and its system than the greater galaxy."

"A trait shared by many of the people," Dooku added his temper back under control. "They believe themselves better than others, a trait made even worse with their Jedi."

To say Dooku did not agree with the apparent isolationist and self-centred policies of the Green Jedi would be an understatement. He had more than once during our meeting with their High Council had to stop in mid-sentence lest he ended up shouting at them and if not for Fay's natural calming touch, I suspect we would have been escorted from the planet by CorSec. Then again, I had been forced to engage Player's Mind to keep my own emotions under control.

"Still, you think they would be worried about the failings of the Republic, if for no reason than the effect it would have on them," I said as calmly as I could as I sat in an empty chair and pulled a datapad from my pocket.

"They did admit to sharing our concerns about the Republic at least," Fay countered, acting once more as the calm, older mind. "Though I suspect that they, and the Corellian Senate, have plans to exploit the fall of the Republic. They have tried to secede from the Republic several times, the last being within my lifetime, and they are reluctant members of the Republic."

"That is the polite way to describe the situation," Dooku added, though made no move to comment further, instead pouring himself a glass of juice.

"When will you and Cameron leave?" Fay asked, moving the conversation on from the less-than-successful meeting with the Green Jedi.

"Tomorrow, I believe. There are daily flights to Coruscant from the main spaceport," Dooku replied after sipping his glass. "How long will it take for you to locate and speak with your friends?"

Fay shrugged even as she shifted a pillow on the couch. "I can't say. Zao is very much a wanderer, often finding himself in the strangest of places. Rangir is a recluse who was last seen near Hutt space while An'ya has been in self-imposed exile after losing her last Padawan."

"And you believe they would be open to what we are doing?"

Fay sighed as she sunk further into the couch. "Possibly. Zao, like myself, prefers to let the Force guide his journey. I believe he is the most likely to see the benefits of what we are creating. Rangir is… troubled, or at least that was the case the last time we spoke a decade ago. Perhaps she would be willing to help us, but it is just as likely that she chooses to stay uninvolved. And An'ya… well, I am sure you know her story better than I." She finished with a smile that seemed more sad than happy.

Dooku grunted as he put down the now-empty glass. "Yes, I do." He seemed unwilling to talk further about her as he stood and moved towards his sleeping quarters.

"Cameron?" I looked up from my pad to see Fay was now looking at me. "I would ask how much of that you heard, but I already know the answer." We both smiled at the small joke as she was well aware that I had a knack for remembering minute details with ease, though she did not know it was due to the perk Eidetic Memory.

"What are you working on?"

I floated the pad over to her as I answered. "More songs," as she collected the object. I had just added 'Everybody Hurts' and 'Something's Happening Here' to my account.

While no one had messaged me to use the lyrics in a song, and I hadn't earned anything as they were too short to be paid for, the two dozen already on the site had been viewed – in total – more often than 'Fellowship' had been downloaded.

Fay smiled as she read the two new songs before looking at me. "Cameron, if I did not know you had moved on from your pain, I would be worried. Since I do, all I will ask is that once we find a synthtar you play these for me."

"I'll add them to the list," I replied with a smile of my own.

Just before reaching Fondor, she had discovered me writing songs on a datapad. After reading some, she became worried that I was missing my grandfather and my old life, but I'd managed to convince her that wasn't the case.

Since then, she had read through the list of songs, now numbering over thirty, that was on the pad and kept insisting I should sing them.

I had held off on publishing them though as the site where I'd published The Fellowship of the Ring only allowed works greater than ten thousand words and since an average song had around two hundred words, there wasn't much point.

I had, however, spent some time on Fondor searching for a site that allowed the publication of lyrics for songs and found a linked site for budding musicians and lyrists. When we returned to Coruscant, I planned to open an account with them, and because it was linked to the publishing site, I didn't need to create a new account – and thus ask for permission – though I would need to ensure any sales were not routed the relief effort.

"Perhaps you can find one at the temple and ask one of your friends to record your performance?" Fay suggested as she leaned forward, placed the pad on the table and grinned. "I imagine Padawan Keto would enjoy hearing you sing."

"Master," I groaned out, which made her laugh.

"Then what about Miss Naberrie? I'm certain she'd enjoy listening to you sing."

My head fell into my hands as she laughed. Not long after leaving Shadda-Bi-Boran, Fay had discovered that Serra had been asking Darihd about me and, adding that to my semi-regular communication with Padmé, had taken to teasing me about how close I was to the two girls.

While I wasn't particularly embarrassed by Fay's comments about them liking me, it was awkward to think about them like that as both were pre-teens. Yes, I also was physically pre-pubescent, but mentally I wasn't. It was an issue I knew was only going to get worse as I hit puberty and had to deal with them and ran into the possibility of regularly sharing a room with someone as beautiful as Fay.

"I don't have to take this," I muttered as I stood, scooped up my pad, and moved to my quarters. "And I need to prepare for tomorrow. I suspect Master Dooku will have us leave at dawn for the spaceport."

... …

... …

"So, you are telling me that you and a senior Jedi Master are experiencing visions of the fall of the Republic, and the destruction of the Jedi, and are actively working with Darihd and others to ensure that the Order has some way to survive?" Serra asked after I finished explaining what I was up to with Darihd and our Jedi Masters in the restaurant a few blocks from the Temple.

"Essentially, yes," I replied. Honestly, I didn't want the Jedi Order, as it currently stood to survive, but telling her - or Darihd - that now, would lead to problems I wasn't ready to face.

She looked from Darihd to me and back, then started laughing. "Force! That's a good one!" she managed to get out.

Darihd glanced at me, but my attention was focused on Serra. I kept my face neutral but inside I was annoyed she thought I was playing a prank. Sure, it did sound a little preposterous to consider, but I knew what was coming so I knew it was not a joke and Darihd believed both myself and Sifo-Dyas.

Slowly Serra's laughter began to slow as she saw I wasn't smiling, then stopped altogether as she spotted neither was Darihd.

"Wait, you mean to tell me… But, how, why…" She slumped back into her part of the couch that bent around our circular table. "Sithspit."

"Yeah, I was surprised when he told me about his visions last year," Darihd said, trying to help her accept what I'd told her. "Though I had my Master to help me accept it as he's working with Masters Dooku and Fay."

"But if… Master Sifo-Dyas is the other with these visions?" Serra asked slowly, still seemingly unbalanced by what she was realising.

"Yeah. Knew you'd get that," I replied, giving her a smile that brought a touch of pink to her cheeks.

"But why not take this to the High Council? Surely, they'd be willing to help?"

Darihd shook his head. "They won't Serra. They're too close to the Senate, too willing to ignore the corruption and degradation that's infested the very core of the Republic." He paused and sighed. "I can't go into why, but my Master is vehemently against letting the Council at large know about what we are doing."

I nodded at that. Dooku had explained what the Jedi did to those with over-powering visions like Sifo-Dyas had suffered when he and Dooku had been Padawans and Knights and extracted a promise from me to not reveal my visions to anyone without clearing it with either him or Fay first. Which I had done as we had arrived in orbit above the Republic capital when explaining that I planned to bring Serra into the circle while talking with Darihd about the rest of Dragon Clan.

Dooku had agreed, though warned me to be careful about how many Padawans I brought in, and how quickly, as they were more likely to mistakenly reveal something which would place our plans in jeopardy.

I'd asked Dooku who he would be speaking with, and while he was reluctant to reveal everything to me – mainly in case I let things slip to Darihd and Serra – he did mention he hoped to talk with two of his former Padawans, Qui-Gon and Keelyvine Reus, though he was uncertain if Keelyvine would be open-minded enough to bring into the group.

"So why tell me?" she slowly asked, her eyes locked onto mine.

"Beyond the fact we both trust you?" I asked back with a smirk.

She chuckled. "Yeah, beyond that."

"No reason." We all laughed for a moment before I continued. "Truthfully, I felt Darihd needed help watching the other Padawans and the Younglings. While I don't doubt that he can handle it, having only one opinion on who we can and can't bring into this is risky."

Serra gave me a wide smile. "Fine, then I'm in. And I think Aayla and Sia-Lan would be good options."

Darihd nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but they're both on assignment."

"As much as I think they can keep things quiet, for now, I don't want others brought in," I said softly, "and it's not because I don't trust them. More than I know nothing about their masters."

"And you do about Master Drallig?"

"No, but Master Dooku does, and while he doesn't feel your master would agree with our planning, he also doesn't feel Master Drallig is a blind follower of the Council and Senate, just a strong believer in the Jedi way," I explained. "There was also something about him having a maverick approach to situations."

Serra snorted. "Don't I know it. He keeps having me run combat drills where nothing makes sense even after they finish."

"Sounds like the real world," I muttered as my mind wandered back to the last time that I was on Coruscant. "How are Bultar and Jon?"

The two shared a look before Darihd spoke.

"Bultar seems fine. It's hard to tell as we don't know much about her, though the High Council arranging outside help for her has helped, I think." He answered.

"That was Masters Fay and Yaddle, not the Council," I blurted out, making both of them stare at me. "The majority felt that the whole thing was a learning experience from the Force," I said trying my best to not sneer at the complete lack of concern they'd displayed that day, though I did air-quote 'learning experience.

"What? But they announced the treatments to the Temple at large as a decision they had reached after meditating," Serra said, and I gripped the edge of the couch to reign in my temper.

"That… that sounds like both an attempt at PR and a way to put Bultar and Jon down," I said with a stiff jaw. "Getting them help is fine but announcing it to everyone would just make many think they are weak and unworthy of being Jedi."

"My Master was, less polite about it privately," Darihd said as he shook his head and sighed. "He considered stepping down from the Council early in protest at their handling of things."

"What?! But why?" Serra blurted out, her shock at hearing all this matching my own, though she was less able to hide her surprise and shock.

"Because the council was playing politics with the lives of the Padawans," I explained as I gritted my teeth and shook my head in disgust. "By saying it was their decision, it makes them look compassionate towards the pair, even if they weren't initially. Like I said, good PR."


"Public relations," I gave her a weak smile. "Something I learnt from Senator Palpatine." Though what I'd really learnt from the Sith Lord was how to subtly shift a conversation to suit my narrative.

What I was saying by revealing the council's reasons – or what I felt they were – cast them in a worse light with my fellow Padawans. And would make it hard for the council to deny without revealing that it was Fay who had pushed for Bultar and Jon to get help, not them.

If I was going to play this game, I might as well learn from the best.

"Anyway, you said Bultar was doing well. What about Jon?"

Again, the two shared a look before Darihd spoke, though this time he was much more cautious about his words.

"Jon… didn't take the reveal about the outside help well. He… well, he rejected the offer, and lashed out a few times at others."

"I caught him trying to spar with the younger members of our Clan," Serra added while looking away from me. "I think he was taking out his anger on them because you weren't there."

"Ah." That was my succinct reply.

I had hoped that Jon getting help would have cured him of his dislike of me, however, it seemed the opposite had happened.

That could be a problem.

The room fell into an awkward silence.

"Serra, what was that story you keep reading?" Darihd suddenly asked, breaking the silence. Though why he was grinning at me as he asked was strange.

"Huh, oh, right. Well, I came across this story just over a year ago," she reached into her pocket and pulled out a pad. "Have you read it?"

After a few taps at the screen and she handed it to me and I chuckled then looked at Darihd, who was grinning widely, exposing his teeth.

"You might say that," I replied as I handed the pad back to her, "I wrote it."

"You wro… What? When? HOW?" It was hard to not laugh at her growing shock and increased volume. And Darihd failed as he placed a hand over his mouth. "You knew?" she asked as she smacked his arm.

"Why wouldn't he? I mean, the proceeds go to helping the Shadda-Bi-Borans, and I was involved in the evacuation efforts when he arrived with Master Sifo-Dyas," I answered for him as he struggled to contain his amusement.

"I, I just thought you might know who wrote it because it was linked to that. I never… when did you do that?" she asked with her eyes wide as she focused on me.

"I started it while staying with Senator Palpatine and finished it during my free time. Padmé suggested publishing it."

"Padmé?" Her eyes narrowed.

"The daughter of the head of the relocation program. I gave her a copy when she was bored and she, well, she felt much like you do about it. It was her idea to publish it, though I suggested having the funds routed to help with what we were doing."

"Does she still contact you?" Darihd asked with a grin, and I had a sudden urge to throw him out of the room. Preferably through the wall.

"Every few months," I answered calmly. "So how does it feel to know a famous writer?" I asked Serra, turning the conversation away from Padmé, and hopefully calming her reaction to Padmé.

"It's, strange. I mean I never thought you'd be an author," she said, making her eyes enlarge rapidly, "I mean, I know you're not stupid, it’s just you, writing… um."

I chuckled at her tripping over her backtracking. "No one would. Which is why I did it." Or why I allowed Padmé to convince me anyway, though I held that comment back to avoid getting a reaction from Serra.

"That reminds me, she called the Temple looking for you again," Darihd said with his smirk seemingly surgically attached to his face. "She's arriving on Coruscant next month as part of the Apprentice Legislature and was hoping to meet up."

"That's… nice," I replied slowly, aware of the way Serra's eyes had again narrowed. "But I think I'll be off the planet by then. Master Dooku is just checking in with a few friends before we head off again."

"We could meet her," Serra suggested making my head snap around to her. "I mean, I have to thank her for getting you to write Fellowship, and she already knows Darihd. Any friend of you two is a friend of mine, right?"

"Right." I drawled out, my mind already conjuring images of that potential disaster. Getting Padmé to know more Jedi had the potential to be useful when Naboo was invaded. But the idea of putting Padmé and Serra in a room sent a shiver down my spine.

While Serra was more mature for her age than most – something that could be said about other Jedi younglings and Padawans – she was still growing and learning how to deal with emotions. A trial made even harder by the Jedi dogma of 'letting go' of those emotions.

Perhaps once we were all a bit older, and Serra was more comfortable with herself, or me being friends with a girl outside the Order, I could introduce them to each other. But at this point, it had a bit too much of a risk factor for my comfort...both for Serra's healthy emotional growth and a need to protect myself from her reaction.

"What have you been up to?" I asked the pair, moving the conversation away from Padmé even as I considered how I was going to approach the invasion.

As I was leaning towards removing Anakin from Tatooine before then, I needed to come up with plans for how to take out a Lucrehulk-class vessel. Having more Jedi there than just Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan would help with that.

Then there was the chance that my being here had changed the timeline enough that those two weren't assigned to the mission. In that event, I'd have to have another plan ready to activate.

Honestly, I was curious if I could handle the command ship myself, but that was probably pride and/or arrogance speaking.

Regardless of what plan I used, I would keep trying to acquire a schematic of the Lucrehulk and other CIS and Republic vessels.

… …

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