A New Player in the Force

3.05 Father and Son 3/4

(Cam’s POV)

I leaned back, moving before the vibroblade swinging toward me had even gained much momentum. A slight shift in stance and my hand thrust out, grasping the blade.

The beast holding the weapon grunted, surprised that I’d stopped the attack so easily growing when I twisted my arm to the side, my beskar limb and the mechanics within granting me the strength to shatter his weapon.

Using the movement of one arm, I stepped forward with my other foot. The lizard grunted as my beskad thrust into its gut. A twist of the hilt and as I withdrew the blade, the tip severed the creature’s spine.

It fell to the ground, the strings of its legs cut, along with an arm as I flicked my blade down, severing the muscles at the shoulder. The limb hung pathetically, offering no help as the beast fell to the ground upon the destroyed arm.

As I turned, seeking my next victim, a scream filled the air. Looking toward the sound I saw Fenrir’s maw rattle to one side, most of another lizard’s leg removed by his bite.

The beast threw a punch at the tuk’ata, driving Fenrir away for a moment. Before it could attack again, a bolt slammed into the shoulder, sending it tumbling to the ground. “Fenrir!” I called out as the tuk’ata spat out the chuck in his mouth, anger at the punch and a desire for vengeance flooding from him into the Force. “Alive!”

Fenrir shook, his snarling maw closing, and the wounded and down lizard felt it was safe. A false hope, which was proven when Fenrir pounced. The claws on his front paws easily embedded themselves in the lizard’s chest and drove it backwards awkwardly.

Another scream from the lizard filled the air even as the HUD alerted me to a nearing Trandoshan from the ship. A blaster rang out, and the lizard – in the middle of its charge – fell forward.

The lizard fell, a bolt from HK catching both legs as the knees of the lizard Fenrir had pounced on cracked under the combined mass.

I smiled at the chaos, Simvyl pulling his vibroblade from the back of the final unwounded target. A minute had passed since we’d attacked, and the battle was over. Though calling it a battle would be an insult to our skill. This was a culling; one I was enjoying.

“Wh…” the lizard at my feet struggled to speak over the pain that bled into the Force more freely than its blood onto the dirt of this scrapheap of a planet. “What do you want?”

I looked down at the prey, savouring the fear I saw in the beast’s eyes even as its remaining good hand clutched desperately to stem the blood flowing from its stomach. “That is a very long list,” I replied, using the tip of my beskad to lift the creature’s chin, forcing it to lift its head while I spoke to it. “All that concerns you is that you tell me where my son is before you die.”

The creature’s face twisted, hatred flowing freely from it as it understood it was going to die. “Don’t know,” it got out with pained breaths. “Wouldn’t tell you if I did.”

My free hand, the one coated in beskar, stretched out and I closed my fingers. The beast began gasping; the Force restricting its throat. “I was hoping you might say that.” I smiled under my helmet, enjoying the look of panic that dominated the beast’s eyes as it struggled to understand what I was doing.

While it continued to thrash against the lack of air entering its lungs, I secured my beskad against my lower back and then reached into a pouch on my belt. Around me, HK emerged into the clearing, his blaster singing out still, targeting the limbs of any lizard that still worked. Simvyl had secured his first walking handbag while Fenrir continued to pin his prey to the ground.

“Wh-wh-at ar…” The lizard stopped as my hand removed itself from the pouch and revealed restraining cuffs. The panic in the lizard’s eyes turned to delicious fear as I pulled out restraining cuffs, and it began thrashing wildly. Or as wildly as it could with its legs and one arm immobile. “No! You c-an-t!” It bellowed; terror swarming its tone as I moved toward it.

“I can and am,” I said as I moved closer, the fingers on my replacement limb closing slowly, cutting off the air to the beast’s lungs. It was harder to focus the Force through the replacement, but since all I was doing was ensuring this pathetic creature couldn’t attempt any pitiful escape, there was no issue.

Kneeling I slammed the cuff onto the flailing, useless arm. The other arm came up, in an abysmal attempt at an attack. My beskar hand moved, catching the fist. “That was unwise,” I said slowly, increasing the pressure on the limb. Because of the mechanics inside, the limb was capable of deforming durasteel.

“Arrgh!” the beast screamed. With bones far more brittle than durasteel, they shattered and cracked loudly as I crushed the hand.

Once sure the offending limb was destroyed, I attached the other cuff to the wrist. “Consider yourself lucky that I don’t have longer to entertain myself,” I said with a vicious smile. As I stood, my flesh and blood hand moved around, exposing the palm to the beast’s head. “And that what is to come won’t last anywhere near as long as it should.”

The beast’s lips parted, poised to utter a question or a curse, but all that emerged was a guttural, pained groan. For a fleeting moment, the Force seemed to wrestle against my will, but soon I bent it to my purpose, shattering my way into the beast’s mind. Though the ship promised valuable intel, I knew that the most crucial secrets lay hidden within the crew's thoughts. This would inflict agony on the creature before me, and after the suffering they had wrought, pain was the least they deserved before they were dispatched to confront their god.

… …

… …

(Anakin’s POV)


The curse flowed easily from Anakin as he looked around in panic, seeing if there was any path they could take that would get them out of the dead-end they’d stumbled into. The Trandoshans were right on their tail, following along the faint path that led between two mounds of debris into the small enclosure Anakin and his friends had found themselves herded over.

When they’d rounded the corner, he slid to a stop, understanding what the Trandoshans had been doing, and cursed himself for falling into their trap. He understood now, far too late, that the Force had tried to warn him, but in his haste to ensure he and his friends stayed clear of those hunting them, he’d ignored it and rushed down the small path instead of attempting to traverse either pile of trash that sat at the side of the path. Because of his mistake, they were now trapped.

The path ended before a circle of debris, each mound far too high and unstable for them to climb over before the lizards emerged down the path. They might also be waiting for him to lead his friends over the peaks, and likely had rifles trained on the area, ready to either kill any who tried to escape or drive them back to the ground, leaving them easy pickings from the group just behind.

“What do we do?” Lena’s panicked voice matched the fear he could sense from Plirs and Snaxiu.

Anakin didn’t reply instead he had an idea. Closing his eyes, he dove inward, finding the Force within himself. At the same time, he sensed where the Trandoshans were, sensing that a group of six were coming down the path. Understanding that there were no beasts with them, nor did it seem as if any were moving to either side, Anakin lifted his hands.

“Got y…”

Whatever the lead Trandoshan was about to say was cut off as the Force did as Anakin wished. Opening his eyes, he saw that the ground between him and the aliens had exploded toward them; debris of various sizes and shapes hurtling toward the alien, taking it off its feet.

“Hurry!” Anakin shouted, turning to his friends. The trio were looking on in shock at what had just happened, their minds unable to understand what he’d done. They might know he was a Jedi, but they’d never seen it displayed like that. Nor had Anakin ever used it like that, but with no choice, and the whispers saying if he didn’t do something his friends would die, and he’d never see Cam, Lia, or anyone else ever again, Anakin had acted.

A push on Plirs had the group moving, though before they could begin climbing the junk hill blocking their escape, blaster fire entered the area. Lena screamed, all but dropping to the ground, and after pushing Plirs toward Snaxiu, trusting the Force saying they’d be safe, Anakin moved to Lena.

Grabbing her arms, and ignoring her groans, he pulled her toward what looked like an overturned speeder. As they darted behind the cover, bolts slammed into it, causing Lena to let out a panicked scream. “What do we do?” She asked again, her voice barely reaching his ears even though he was sure she’d shouted the words.

Anakin looked around, trying to find something that he could use even as he desperately tried to ignore the flood of terror surging from Lena, as it and similar sensations from Plirs and Snaxiu started to overwhelm his connection to the Force. Seeing there was nothing nearby to use, he reached into his pocket, pulling out whatever pieces of junk he’d gathered and not yet used.

As he placed them on the ground, he closed his eyes and slowed his breathing. The training, first with Master Dooku, and then with Instructor Kefe, had taught him to focus only on what mattered and push aside everything else. Lena’s voice, the sound of bolts slamming into their cover, and everything else around him faded away. All that remained was the sound of his slowed, calm breathing and the junk in front of him.

His hands moved over the pile, guided without conscious thought as they moved pieces around, melding them together. Time became irrelevant as he worked, the junk slowly changing, forming something that he knew would be of use.

Once the creation was finished the moment of clarity passed, and he picked up what he’d made. He knew it was a bomb, though one that would likely explode if shaken badly. Given their location, that wasn’t a major worry, and he turned to Lena, offering a wide, and he hoped reassuring, smile. “Trust me!” He called out, not sure she’d hear him of the chaos of bolts slamming into everything around them.

Without waiting for a reply, he seized the freshly crafted bomb and edged toward the lip of the overturned speeder they sheltered behind. “I can do this,” he murmured to himself, his voice barely a breath. Closing his eyes, he summoned the Force, channelling its raw power to sharpen his senses, quicken his reflexes, and clear his mind. Master Dooku, Cam, and Instructor Kefe had each imparted their wisdom in their own way, but the essence remained the same.

He felt the Force surge through him, bending to his will, fortifying his body for the task ahead. When he opened his eyes, Lena’s screams pierced the air—twisted and distorted, deeper and more chilling than they should have been. A blaster bolt whizzed past their cover, its energy rippling in slow motion as it narrowly missed.

A grim smile flickered across his face, a sign that he was in tune with what needed to be done. Trusting in himself and the Force, he emerged from cover. The arm clutching the bomb drew back, primed to launch his creation at the lizards. Amidst the chaos, he glimpsed Plirs and Snaxiu huddled behind the wreckage of what appeared to be a Z-80 fighter. He couldn’t afford to fail them; he demanded the Force’s aid with unyielding resolve.

His gaze turned toward the source of the blaster fire, but before he saw them, he knew where they were. The Force was helping him as he wanted, marking out a threat before he knew where it was.

His arm came around, the Force enhancing the muscles in the limb, and the bomb sailed away, arcing toward the centre of the Trandoshan position. He pulled back once his creation was airborne, not wanting to be exposed to the explosion. As he pressed his back against the speeder, and pulled Lena back, Anakin felt the Force shifting.

His smile widened as a cold, almost oppressive aura rushed toward them. Cam was nearby. It wouldn’t be long before…

His eyes widened as the Force warned him of danger and without thinking, he pulled Lena down. A moment later, as his mouth tasted the dirt of the planet, his device exploded. The speeder they’d been using for cover was lifted off the ground; the damage taken by the bolts having weakened it enough that when the shockwave struck it, it shattered.

Lena shrieked and Anakin knew she’d been hurt by some of the debris from the speeder. Anakin had felt some of it strike his back, but the armour there had done its job, and nothing felt broken or bleeding. Still, the cloud of dust driven over them by the explosions forced his face into the dirt again, and as it faded he started coughing, trying desperately to clear his mouth and lungs before the Trandoshans recovered.

He pushed himself upward, the Force warning him of a new, more violent danger, yet before he could turn to see what was approaching or check on Lena, something grabbed his back, and he was hauled up. A second later he was soaring through the air and crashed to the ground. The air was driven from his lungs as his back bore the brunt of the landing, and he bounced away, ending up on his side.

Before he could move or think, something slammed into his chest. The armour took the brunt of the blow, but whatever air was still in his lungs was driven out and he started coughing even as another blow struck him. A third and fourth blow came in, all striking his chest though the last blow was a touch lower, the armour only taking some of the strike.

“Oof!” he gasped out, feeling something inside him crack, though he had no time to think on it as someone grabbed his armour and he was hauled upward.

With his legs dangling, he found himself staring at the enraged expression of one of the lizards. “You little schutta!” It snarled; razors-sharp teeth clashing against each other it spoke. “You killed my brother!”

Before Anakin could react, he was slammed to the ground. “Ugh!” he grunted as he hit the dirt, his leg twisting painfully but mercifully not breaking. The air around him grew cold and suffocating, each breath a struggle as he fought to regain his footing and brace for the next assault.

“You’re nothing more than prey! Stop pretending otherwise!” The beast roared, stepping toward him as it pulled a long, curved blade from its belt. Anakin scrambled back, trying to get away from the creature, but it was faster, and its foot came out; the toe of the boot striking him in his knee, causing him to slump to the ground again. “This hunt is about to end!”

Anakin looked around the Trandoshan and panicked as he saw his friends being dragged together. All three were screaming in fear, though Plirs was at least trying to escape while the other two seemed broken.

He pulled himself to his knees, his chest hurting with each breath even as the Force willed, demanded, he stand. The voices in his mind grew louder, telling him that if he didn’t do something, they’d all die soon. He closed his eyes, commanding the Force to help him. He felt it move around him, readying itself for his command.

“There is but one upside to the chaos you’ve caused,” the Trandoshan that had attacked him snarled as it moved closer. “You will be worth more to the Scorekeeper.”

Anakin lifted an arm, wanting to strike at the lizard, but his action was too slow, too weak. The beast grasped him by the hair and lifted him painfully upward. Anakin’s legs swung out, trying desperately to kick the creature even as he watched the other beasts circle his friends.

“NO!” He shouted as a lizard moved close to Plirs, a blood-stained blade in-hand. “LEAVE THEM ALONE!” The creature holding him laughed, and he was tossed down, landing face-first because he’d been trying to kick the creature as it let him go.

“The hunt is over. You will be presented to the Scorekeeper.” Anakin looked over at the new speaker even as the one who’d been attacking and tormenting him stalked closer. That was the same one who’d spoken to him after his capture and was the elder of the group. What Anakin saw now though was the similarities between the leader and the one who was reaching down to grab him. “The Mandalorian is a worthy first kill, my child,” the leader spoke as the one approaching him stopped. “Prove your worth by ending its mewing.”

The younger lizard turned to the elder and lowered its head. “Yes, father.” It then turned back to him, letting Anakin see that the blade in its hand wasn’t a vibroblade. It was simpler, meaning any cut from it, like those from Cam’s beskad, wouldn’t do as much damage, allowing a target to stay alive longer.

As the Trandoshans advanced, blades raised to slaughter his comrades, Anakin’s gaze met theirs. They looked to him for salvation, but uncertainty gnawed at him.

The whispers crescendoed in his mind, a haunting symphony of dread.

‘Was he going to let his friends die like his mother?’

‘Was he going to let these beasts kill him, and fail Cam?’

‘Was he going to leave Lia alone in the galaxy, at the mercy of Decca and other Hutts?’

He closed his eyes, but not to try and force away the voices. He heard them and knew what they offered; what they wanted. The Force was his to command, and he wouldn’t let himself and his friends die here. The Trandoshans needed to die; they needed to suffer for what they’d done.

Opening his eyes, he rose to his knees, defiant. The Trandoshan advancing on him faltered, its gaze caught by the steely resolve in Anakin’s eyes. It bared its teeth, smirking at his resistance. “Good. You underst—”

The creature’s taunt was cut off as Anakin thrust his hands forward. Driven by fury and the terror of failure, he unleashed his wrath.

The Trandoshan was yanked from the ground, hurtling into the air. The other lizards recoiled in shock; some were thrown back as Anakin’s target flew further. The beast flailed desperately, its blade slipping from its grasp until it was driven into debris with a savage impact. Metal pierced its chest, pinning it against the wreckage.

Anakin slumped, tired after what he’d done, but a smile came to his face as everyone processed what’d happened.

“NOO!” The scream of the elder Trandoshan caught Anakin’s attention, forcing him to forget the enjoyment he’d had in winning. The elder had sunk to its knees, its eyes wide as it looked at the impaled offspring.

Anakin looked at his hands, shocked and proud of what he’d done. He’d saved himself and his friends. Now they just needed to…

“YOU!” The snarled shout of the elder lizard snapped Anakin’s train of thought. “YOU KILLED HIM!” It added as it leapt to its feet. Anakin started drawing on the Force again, knowing he had to kill this one as well, and then all the other beasts. But he was tired, downright exhausted. Whatever energy he’d had left was gone after using the Force to attack.

The elder lizard stalked toward him, slowing only to grasp the young beast’s blade. “I’ll KILL YO…”

The air around Anakin grew suffocatingly dense, the very atmosphere pressing down with a weight that threatened to tear the planet asunder. As the elder Trandoshan staggered, its hands clawing at its throat, Anakin’s lips curled into a cold smile. He knew the source of this malevolent pressure—he knew who was at work here.


The word was a blade, slicing through the veil of fear and doubt. Anakin felt a profound clarity—he was shielded, and the struggle was over. His father had arrived, and the price for their crimes was about to be exacted.


The second utterance sent the Trandoshan crumpling to its knees, blood oozing from frantic claw marks. The creature’s own madness became its undoing. The other Trandoshans stood paralyzed, their fear of Cam’s presence rendering them motionless. Anakin cared not for their terror; his thoughts were only of retribution for Lena, Plirs, and Snaxiu, whose frozen tears mirrored the encroaching storm.


With this command, a towering figure emerged, a silhouette of menace. Cam’s armour drank in the light, casting a dark halo around him, with only the blood-red visor piercing through the gloom. All eyes turned to this harbinger of doom, except for Anakin’s, who felt only a fierce joy and relief. The nightmare would soon end, and they would leave this accursed world behind.


At this word, Cam’s fingers closed into a fist. The Force twisted and obeyed, and the elder Trandoshan’s convulsions grew more desperate. Cam’s other hand revealed a blood-stained beskad, carving a trail of death in the dirt.


The final command roused the remaining Trandoshans from their stupor. Anakin opened his mouth to shout a warning, but before the lizards could react, bolts exploded through the air. Three of them fell; their legs shattered. The remaining pair was swallowed by a colossal shadow.


As Cam spoke the final word, Fenrir descended. The beast’s maw gaped wide, engulfing one Trandoshan’s torso. A powerful hind leg swept the other lizard aside. As Fenrir’s jaws closed around a Trandoshan’s arm, two bolts struck the stumbling creature, severing a leg and a hand in a brutal symphony of violence.

The Trandoshan Fenrir had bitten screamed, which turned into a call of terror as the tuk’ata pulled back its head, ripping the lizard’s arm clean off. Blood squirted and gushed from the wound, though while Anakin could sense some revulsion and fear coming from his friends, his attention remained on Cam.

He pushed himself to his feet as Cam moved closer, but didn’t rush to greet him. Anakin understood that Cam wasn’t finished. He couldn’t see Cam’s eyes, but Anakin knew the gaze was focused on the kneeling Trandoshan, who was still frantically clawing at its neck, trying anything it could to regain its ability to breathe.

Normally, Anakin wouldn’t want to watch this. He knew what Cam was doing would be seen as wrong by many, including his mother, but after a week of struggling to stay alive on this world because of that alien, Anakin didn’t care. It deserved to suffer before it died. It needed to feel as Eshie and the others had before they were murdered.

Yet, as Cam reached the kneeling alien, Anakin wondered why Cam hadn’t already snapped the Trandoshan’s neck and ended things.

(Cam’s POV)

I looked down at the disgusting creature before me, the urge to reduce it to atoms far weaker than I’d feared it might’ve been. Until landing on this world, I’d not been sure if Adas’ meditation techniques were working, but as I looked down at the face of the one I knew was responsible for Anakin’s kidnapping, along with those of the other three children – and those children these feral animals had killed – I understood it had. The voices were still there, but now only offered suggestions, not ideas that I felt I had to obey. That was a good thing for me, as I didn’t want to lose control and miss out on ensuring the lizard understood the depths of its folly by targeting Anakin. For the Trandoshan, those here with it, and the ones I’d already killed today, it was far from a good outcome.

This creature didn’t deserve the quick and painful death the whispers were suggesting I grant it. No, it needed to suffer; its pain and terror needed to last until its mind and body became unable to endure my rage. The others here would also suffer, as those back at their ship had, except now there was no need to rush, no need to push too hard too quickly. I could enjoy what was to come.

I lowered my arm, releasing the beast from the Force’s grasp. The hand slipped to my belt, resting comfortably on the hilt of my shoto. While not my main blade, the crystal inside was attuned to me and I could almost sense it wishing to be ignited to help me educate the things before me.

“Wa…” The beast failed pathetically to get a sound out. My fingers began tensing around the hilt of my lightsaber. “What. Are. You?”

I smiled, enjoying each pained breath the thing took trying to put its fear into words.

“Stupid, you are,” I said mocking as I knelt in front of the beast. The head tilted to one side, exposing the neck. The urge to flick my blade out and remove the offending thing passed through my thoughts harmlessly. It would die, but not soon and not cleanly. It was unworthy of such a death.

My beskad rose, its tip pointing at Anakin. "I am his father," I declared, the blade drifting beneath the beast’s chin, forcing it to lift its head away from the lethal point. "You, and those who follow you, made a fatal error by laying a hand upon him."

The Force warned me of a threat, and the beskad flicked downward. The beast grunted in pain; its resilience evident as I severed three of its fingers before it could reach for the blaster at its hip. “Unwise,” I muttered, even as a grim satisfaction welled up inside me. The beast could endure pain, which meant it wouldn’t easily succumb to what awaited it. I relished the thought of its forthcoming death. "You will die, as will every one of your minions. Your place in the galaxy is no better than that of a womp rat."

The snarl that had twisted its face, which only heightened my anticipation, faltered. “Womp rat?”

“Indeed,” I replied, my voice tinged with amusement as I savoured its confusion. “Though perhaps that’s an insult to womp rats.” The snarl returned, now edged with a flicker of intelligence, though it remained blind to the gravity of its situation. As long as it clung to the hope of rescue, believing that the ones I had already sent to their gods might come to its aid, its despair would only deepen. The more it hoped, the greater my satisfaction would be when it finally realized that death was all that awaited it.

My beskad flicked out again, slicing through the flesh of the beast’s arm. It grunted, showing further, encouraging resilience. “The womp rat understands its place in the universe. You, and these other overgrown lizards, don’t. Though I’m more than happy to educate you,” I stood as I continued, wanting to be outside the beast’s range before I finished. “Just as I did with those on your ship.”

The Trandoshan blinked, and I watched in amusement as it processed my words. A growl rose from its throat as it prepared to attack me, and I lifted my hand. The Force bent joyously to my demands as I closed my first. The unmistakable sound of bones shattering was followed by a groan of pain as the untouched arm abruptly buckled.

I chuckled deeply, savouring the pain this thing was feeling, and sensing the first embers of fear forming inside it. Moving forward again, the beskad flicked out. “Soon you’ll rejoin your friends,” I spat out the word as my blade sliced clean through the animal’s limb, cutting the flesh to the bone, and disabling the other arm, “When you greet your god as nothing but a broken, destroyed, and pointless waste.”

“Statement:” I turned to HK as he spoke, the HUD having reported he’d emerged into the clearing sooner than I’d expected. “All targets are secure and the astromech reports the last of their vessel’s datafiles have been downloaded.”

I nodded at the report even as I watched Simvyl step toward a Trandoshan missing both legs. The beast panicked, threatening wildly when it saw the restraining cuffs in the Cathar’s hand. Before it could be any threat, Simvyl casually shot it in both shoulders. The bolts weren’t enough to remove the limbs, but it rendered them as useless as the beast’s missing legs.

“You can’t do this!”

I turned back to the elder Trandoshan, aware of the rising fear coming from Anakin’s friends even as he looked on patiently. “Oh, but I can,” I said to the pitiful defeated creature that lay before me. “And I will. The only remaining question is just how long it takes you to meet your god,” I added, not even trying to hold back my fury and disdain for him and his species.

With my piece said, I sheathed my beskad. I’d barely managed that before a euphoric explosion of delight and relief overwhelmed the darkness I was projecting into the Force. As Anakin leapt into my arms, I braced, and caught him easily even as I sunk to a knee, ensuring his feet returned to the ground.

“I knew you’d come,” He said as he pressed his head into the nook of my armour. The HUD reported on his condition, but I didn’t need that to know he was tired, hungry, and in need of a good, long rest.

“Always for you An’ika,” I replied, feeling the rage I’d been focusing on the Trandoshans lift in an instant. Anakin, my son, was safe, and those who’d captured him were nothing but bodies waiting to be destroyed. I felt him sob and patted his back. “It’s okay. I’m here.”

I held him there, letting him release all the pent-up emotions he’d been carrying for nearly two weeks pour out. “I knew you’d come,” he said as I felt his fear of dying, or never seeing me, Lia, or others, or gaining revenge, fade away. A few weeks ago, I’d have been pleased with that, seeing it as a sign he was committing to the Jedi training of accepting what was and not dwelling on his emotions. However, I knew now that it wasn’t the path for either of us. That would mean a change in his training, but that, along with a hundred other things, could wait until later.

As I felt him calm, the worst of his emotional turmoil easing, I pulled him back slightly. One hand came from his back, planning to remove my helmet, but before the hand could slip around his body, his hands were already there, and I tilted my head to grant him easier access. A moment later, the hiss of the seal breaking could be heard, and I let him pull my helmet off.

I blinked, adjusting to the unfiltered light of this shithole of a world’s sun. Once I recovered, I looked at Anakin and ran a hand through his hair while smiling. “I’m not leaving, An’ika,” I said, once more using his Mando’a nickname. “And I’m proud of you.”

His head tilted to one side, and I chuckled at his confusion; enjoying the first non-stressed moment I’d had in weeks. “You survived here, without weapons or much training for over a week,” I said, giving his hair a ruffle. For what was possibly the first time ever, he didn’t scowl at the action. “Plus, you kept others alive,” I added, looking past him to the trio of kids cowering together, keeping their distance from me, Fenrir, and the others. “Though perhaps you could introduce us?” As I asked that, I offered the trio a smile and wave, the Weequay being the only one to return the gesture.

I understood why they’d be scared of me. I’d not entered this area gently, and been aggressive toward the Trandoshans, but I didn’t regret it. Those beasts needed to understand their place which sure as osik wasn’t anywhere near the top of the food chain.

“Oh, right.” Anakin turned, looking at his friends though he kept a hand on my armour as if scared I might disappear. “Lena, Snaxiu, Plirs, this is my father, Cameron Shan. Dad, these are my friends.”

“Hello there,” I said, offering them another wave and widening my smile. “I’m sorry if I scared you with my arrival.”

“I-it’s ok,” Plirs replied slowly. The other two looked at me with wide eyes, taking in my face and armour. From all three the terror was slowly receding, and I understood why they were reluctant to trust me. after so long constantly on the run from the lizards, they were slow to trust anyone not in their group. “Th-thank you.”

“There’s no need to thank me,” I said, keeping my smile wide and voice soft. “I only wish it hadn’t taken me so long to find you.”

“Yeah, how did you?” Anakin asked as he turned back to me.

I chuckled and shook my head. “A story for another time. First, I want to get all of you onto Raven, and then we’ll see about contacting your families.”

The trio of kids all looked at me as if I’d grown another head, making clear that they’d all but given up hope of going home. That spiked my anger, though before it could rise and push past the gentle appearance I was projecting, I smashed it down. I’d draw on that fury soon enough once Anakin and his friends were out of sight. They didn’t need to see what was coming.

A roar filled the air, and the trio ducked down, huddling together. “That’s my ship,” I said, using the hand not still resting against Anakin to point upward just as Raven slid into view. “She’s not the biggest, but there’s sonic showers, fresh food, clean bunks, and provided you’re okay with wearing some of Anakin’s stuff, fresh clothing.”

The trio looked at each other and then at Anakin, making clear he’d assumed command of the group. That made me proud as while I’d not started any training on command, he’d shown initiative in trying to keep his friends safe. I didn’t need to ask to know that some of the heads of the murdered children had been with this group when they died, and I’d have to talk with Anakin about losing someone under his command. It was a tricky thing to deal with for someone who formed bonds as easily as he and I did, but overall, I felt he’d done an excellent job in ensuring they survived this long.

“It’s fine,” Anakin said reassuringly. “Raven’s amazing! She’s really fast and…” Anakin paused and looked around before turning back to me. “I didn’t know R2 could fly her.”

I laughed as I realised Anakin didn’t know about Raven’s evolution. “She’s flying by herself now, at least so long as the flight path is simple.” Anakin’s eyes widened in shock, which drew another bout of laughter from me. “When you were captured she knew I couldn’t waste time getting back to her, so she came to me. We still weren’t fast enough to stop those beasts from getting away, but it seems you’re responsible for her latest growth.”


While chuckling once again, I ruffled his hair. “Aye, it is.” I stood, easily lifting Anakin with one arm. The armour added a decent amount of weight, but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle without help. “Fenrir!” I called. The tuk’ata lifted its head, blood from the limb it was chewing on – the lizard it’d come from secured by Simvyl and along with the others under the watchful gaze of HK. “Drop that! You don’t know where it’s been!” Fenrir shook his head, not wanting to give up his toy. “Get over here.” The tuk’ata snorted but did as I asked and after spitting the remains of the arm out and then, with blood flowing over his maw, sauntered over to us.

“Hey boy,” Anakin said, lowering the hand not wrapped around me to the tuk’ata. Fenrir leaned into the touch, happy to enjoy Anakin’s scratches again.

“Fenrir,” he looked up at me, though didn’t move away from Anakin’s hand, “I need you to escort Anakin and his friends to Raven.” I sensed a spark of fear and looked at my son’s friends. The trio had pulled back, no doubt concerned by the fearsome impression Fenrir projected with blood matted into his jaw and front paws.

“It’s ok, Fenrir’s a giant softy. Aren’t you?” Fenrir snorted, not liking being called soft, but he made no move away from Anakin’s attention, which helped to prove the boy’s point.

Without breaking that contact, I moved closer and gently lowered Anakin onto Fenrir’s back. The tuk’ata enjoyed carrying around younger children at times, though I’d seen many adults in the Lokella and elsewhere look on in shock and fear at watching the giant beast – his head was at my shoulder if he held it up – walk around like a trained pony.

The trio watched my actions, and how Fenrir accepted Anakin’s presence on his back, before sharing a look. As a group, they slowly moved toward the beast, their eyes struggling to see past his blood-soaked mouth. Once they were closer, Lena attentively stretched out a hand. Fenrir stayed still, aware of their fear, and when the hand touched his neck he leaned as softly as he could into the touch.

A short, barking laugh slipped from her lips, only to be stopped when her free hand raced up to cover her mouth. When neither Fenrir nor Anakin reacted to her behaviour, she relaxed and began moving her fingers. Fenrir growled quietly, letting her know he enjoyed the touch. A moment or two later, the two boys added their hands near Lena's and Fenrir beamed with pleasure at the attention.

I couldn’t help but laugh at what I was seeing. Fenrir was bred for war, yet all it took to turn him into the galaxy’s biggest softy were children in need of protection who wanted to scratch him. “Go on,” I said to my friend, giving him a gentle pat on his hip. He turned, giving me a side-eye suggesting he didn’t want to move if it meant missing out on scratches. “I’m sure once they’ve washed and eaten, they’ll be happy to keep petting you.”

“Yes!” Lena agreed happily, placing her head against Fenrir’s neck. “I’ll pet you whenever you want until I’m back with my parents,” she added.

Fenrir snorted at that and started moving, the kids heading with him. Lena didn’t know what she’d just committed herself to, but after what she and the others had endured on this world, I didn’t think she’d mind having to spend every waking hour pampering the tuk’ata.

Simvyl offered them a smile as they passed, moving out of the area we were in and toward where Raven was landing. As the group slipped from view, I slid my helmet back on. The rage I’d been keeping constrained hungered for release, and with those I didn’t want seeing what I had planned gone, I knew the rage and I would be satisfied before we left this waste of a planet.

A glance inside the helmet sent a command through the HUD. Simvyl turned, heading off with the children as while I knew Fenrir would keep them safe, I wasn’t going to risk losing Anakin again. The Cathar did as ordered, happy to make up for any perceived failing when Anakin had been kidnapped as I turned toward the group of lizards.

All were kneeling, wounds bleeding along with wherever they’d lost a limb. Impressively, they all looked aggressive, as if challenging me even though I’d captured them. whatever points for their god that they’d gained throughout their disgusting lives were gone. Under their bravado, I could sense their fear. My words earlier about sending them to the Scorekeeper pointless having the desired effect.

“Now,” I said as I slowly moved toward them, bearing down on their leader, “Before your miserable excuse for lives are extinguished, I’d like to know everything you do. I’m told there are other groups like yours prowling this region of the Rim targeting children for your sick sport. I want to know where they are.”

“Kriff you Mandalorian!” The leader snapped back. “I’m not telling you anything!”

“I had hoped you’d say that,” I said as I moved closer, I lifted my organic hand, showing him my palm. “I find I enjoy this far more when you resist.”

The mind of this beast, and those I’d already shredded for intel along with the others here, wasn’t a place I wished to enter. It was beneath me. However, it was effective and caused the lizard’s incredible pain. Or it did before their mind shattered under my assault.

Already I had enough intelligence that any halfway decent Republic security officer could use, let alone the Mando’ade I planned on hiring to wipe out this rabble. Not just for other hunting parties and the planets they used, but also the locations of a dozen pirate and black-market ports. While I could clean them out myself, I didn’t have the time or interest in dealing with such minor matters.

“Now,” I said, my voice deepening as I focused every ounce of my rage toward the lizard, demanding the Force assist me in what was to come. “This might hurt a bit, but I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.”

… …

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