A New Player in the Force

3.01 Evolution and Adaption

3.01 Evolution and Adaption

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I stood in silence, leaning against a wall in the training room aboard the Raven. Originally one of the ship's two sizable cargo holds, Bo had swiftly transformed it into a training space, a modification I chose to keep. At the moment, my role was merely that of an observer. In the centre of the room, Anakin was diligently practising a series of basic Jedi combat techniques that I had taught him sporadically over the past few years.

The situation had evolved since those early days, most notably because he was now my Padawan—a fact unbeknownst to the Council. The primary change in his training regimen was his use of a blinded helmet, forcing him to depend on his other senses to navigate the intricacies of the combat form. Demonstrating proficiency under these conditions was his gateway to training in the two Mandalorian martial Arts, Beskar’pel and Beskar'rev. The former was based on mobility and was generally used by children and adults of smaller physical builds. The latter was based on strength and was generally the form used by males.

Typically, a Padawan wouldn't be introduced to a non-Jedi style of combat until their teenage years. However, Anakin was an exceptional case, which is why he was undertaking this exercise as a form of Moving Meditation, or Alchaka, as Fay and the Jedi formally referred to it. My decision to have Anakin engage in this particular exercise was driven by a need to help him divert his attention from his mother's death—his grief was palpable, even without the aid of the Force. This need became especially pressing after Dooku shared a story with me just before the invasion of Naboo.

My old Master had sought Anakin out for a training session that the boy hadn’t arrived for when he was meant to. He had found Anakin in one of the hangar bays on Mtael’s Gift. However, instead of instantly berating the boy for missing a session, Dooku had watched Anakin as the boy disassembled, cleaned, and then reassembled various blaster rifles belonging to the Lokella. In and of itself, that wasn’t surprising, as Anakin, like his mother, had a knack for technology and often improved it in slight ways others might miss.

Dooku had paused as he’d sensed the Force moving around Anakin, being drawn upon by the boy as he concentrated on nothing but his work. My Master had asked the boy about this later, to which Anakin had been surprised as he’d not actively drawn on the Force, instead saying he simply found it relaxing to do simple tasks like cleaning blasters repetitively.

That was, in essence, what Alchaka was, which was why, only a day after leaving the Naboo system, I’d already altered his training schedule to include the advanced form of meditation. And it seemed, as he pushed through one velocity and flowed gracefully into the next, that it had been the right call.

While I’d been on Naboo dealing with the Jedi Council, Palpatine, and other matters, Bo had begun teaching Anakin the basics of Beskar’pel and had been insistent that I continue my son’s training. Instead of doing that right away, I was trying to find a balance in his training. While most would be, for now, centred around Jedi techniques, I allowed some time so Anakin could begin his Mando’ade training.

Bo hadn’t been overly pleased with that but accepted that An’ika – her nickname for the boy that meant Little Ani – was mine to train and that he needed training as both Jedi and Mando’ade. Her need to give him a nickname, along with an insistence to be kept in the loop regarding his training and our adventures let me tease her about having a soft spot for the boy. Though when I’d suggested that she might like a child of her own, she’d denied it and demanded a spar to settle the matter.

As with every other spar we’d had since Zonama Sekot, that had ended with us sparring in more personal ways after I’d proven my dominance once more. Though the sounds she made in the personal section of the spar made it clear she didn’t mind losing to me or letting me dominate her.

I was broken from thoughts of Bo, and the smile that thinking about her brought on when I spotted a mistake. “Stop,” I said as I pushed off the wall. Anakin did so, and turned my way, though he remembered to keep the visor that restricted his vision in place. “Your arm should be slightly higher,” I explained, my hands moving the offending limb to the correct position, feeling the rapid beating of his heart from over an hour of the exercise. “This allows you to flow easier into the next element of the velocity.”

With his arm in the correct position and my words heard, I stepped back.

“C-can. I. Stop?” He asked, taking long, deep breaths between each word.

“You can still talk, correct?” I asked, a wicked smile creeping onto my face. He couldn’t see that, but he did nod in affirmation. “Then you’ve not finished the exercise.” A faint groan slipped from his lips as his shoulders slumped. “Be mindful of your stance. Now, resume.”

He did as I said, and continued from where he stopped as I continued to move back.

I turned before the door opened, and saw Simvyl in the doorframe. He waited until I’d approached, taking soft, quiet steps, before speaking. “You’re sure you’re not pushing him too hard?”

"This is nothing compared to what Master Dooku and others subjected me to," I replied in a hushed tone, careful not to distract Anakin. "Besides ensuring his mind isn't preoccupied with thoughts of his mother, Anakin is special—far more than others perceive me to be. He has a pivotal role in the impending darkness, and I am determined not to fail in my duty to prepare him for what lies ahead."

My eyes never left the boy as I spoke, and I watched as he moved fluidly, cleanly now I’d fixed the slight mistake, through the velocity. As I’d said to Simvyl, Anakin was important, but the first reason – that of distracting Anakin – was my primary reason for pushing him so much this early on.

Done correctly, Alchaka required complete focus and mentally and physically drained a practitioner. The practitioner emerged from the meditation refreshed with their mind cleared of distractions. Now, I’d not truly experienced that, as the Interface prevented me from truly sinking into the Force, but others had seemed that way while working through various forms of Alchaka, and I hoped it would do the same for Anakin, though it would only be a temporary measure.

We were on our way to the ShaDo system to attend the funeral of several members of the Lokella, with our focus being on Shmi. However, before we could initiate the last leg of the journey, we’d stopped for a refuel. The short voyage here had seen Anakin distracted by his feelings toward his mother. I'd pushed him hard in his training, though until we’d started using Alchaka there’d been little success in distracting his thoughts.

I had considered taking him to find a lightsaber crystal, but I dismissed the idea quickly. The logical place to go was Ilum, and that required clearance from the Council; something I wished to avoid. There were other worlds to find a crystal on, and I had several in my Inventory, but I also felt it was better to wait for such an important moment in his training until he’d moved past the death of his mother.

“The engineers report we’re fully fuelled and cleared to depart whenever you wish,” Simvyl said, revealing the reason for his arrival, though he could simply have called over the intercom, or to my vambrace which I still wore. “The local officials have a desire to ensure we were serviced quickly and leave with haste.”

I chuckled at that, sensing his confusion and concern regarding the situation. “Most officials, be they from a Core world or one deep in the Outer Rim, like to keep the Order happy. For some, it might be because they respect the Order, but I think for most it's to get us away from whatever they’re involved in that they wish to remain hidden. Regardless, I’m not going to turn down preferential, and essentially free, service.”

“While I wasn’t with the Rangers long, I’m enjoying the faster service, though if we didn’t have other business to attend to, I feel we should stay and see just why the locals want you gone quickly.”

“I have little interest in sticking my nose in everyone’s business-” Simvyl snorted, suggesting he didn’t believe me, “-but I agree that, if time allowed, at least a cursory exploration of the station might be interesting. However, we do have other matters to handle,” I added as I watched Anakin continue his moving meditation. “Keep an eye on him and let him stop when it’s clear he can’t go further. However, make sure either you or Fenrir are with him.” The tuk’ata was, from what I could sense, lazing around the central area – likely resting on one of the sofas after pushing many, if not all, of the cushions off it.

Simvyl nodded, accepting my instructions, and I turned and slipped past him, leaving the training area. While he was a capable pilot, Raven was prickly about who she allowed to fly her. The only people other than me and Simvyl that she allowed to pilot her were Fay and Bo. Fay, because she shared a bond with Raven – though it would be some time before my former Master would get the chance to sit in Raven’s cockpit as she was still searching for Tython – and Bo because she was close to me and had spent a lot of time on Raven. That said, like with Simvyl, Raven disliked allowing Bo to do anything but the simplest of actions.

As my hand ran along a wall, Raven reacted by having the lights around my fingertips blink and pulse in soothing patterns. I wondered how the bond I shared with her – and others – would change after the Interface had evolved and the Force was freed from being filtered by it.

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“I miss her.”

“I know,” I replied as I walked with Anakin back to Raven. It was a few hours after the cremation service for Shmi and some others had taken place, and we’d just come from the wake. While it had been a sombre affair, the fact that the Lokella chose to celebrate the lives of those lost, and not mourn them had, I felt, helped Anakin greatly.

While we’d left Naboo after Validus and the Lokella, who had chosen not to stay for the celebrations, we’d arrived before them, even when considering we’d stopped for a refuel in the Core. That had given Anakin about a day to spend with Ferox and his sister, Lia Skywalker.

The ceremony itself had been a quiet affair, the bodies burned in groups though separately so those who wished to spread the ashes of a loved one could do so. As the bodies burnt, Baalta had read a eulogy for them all, talking about how they may have lived and been born slaves, but they had died free. She spoke of how their souls had returned to the Great Spirit, which I assumed was a Togrutan name for the Afterlife or the Force. Those words, and the promise that so long as everyone at the ceremony remembered them, then those who had perished would never truly die.

This was further assured by the names being added to a large display the Lokella had crafted not long after they’d won their freedom. The display, which took up almost an entire wall, dominated the bay in which I’d fought and defeated Girk Saxon. The mural that had been painted there remained, but now in front of it was a statue - one made of marble - showing a variety of races fighting against an unseen threat.

That statue replaced the previous one of my battle with Girk - which had been moved down to Gaia - and dominated the bay that had been converted into a memorial for all who had fallen in defence of freedom. After the most recent attack, every new name had been added, each getting a small plaque to mark their passing, and commemorate their life and death.

Baalta’s words, the plaque for his mother, spending time with his sister, and the remembrance wake had eased some of Anakin’s pain, and I felt he’d begun the journey to accepting and moving on from Shmi’s death. Though I knew it would be some time before he was able to not dwell on his feelings regarding her death, or showing anger toward those who’d taken her from him.

Before the ceremony, Baalta had inquired whether I would speak, but I declined. Although I played a significant role for many of the Lokella, I wasn’t personally close to any of the deceased, including Shmi. Moreover, while the original Lokella members held me in high esteem, I was aware that the later arrivals attributed some blame to me for the unfortunate events—a sentiment I understood and accepted. I hoped this might moderate the excessive reverence held by the group's longstanding members towards me.

During the wake, Anakin spent considerable time with Lia while I engaged in conversation with Ferox. Despite Lia lacking the potential to fully harness the Force—her capabilities being roughly equivalent to Bo’s—she remained Anakin’s sister. I had no intention of depriving him of time with his mother's last remaining connection.

As we sat in reflective silence, occasionally interrupted when someone approached to offer their condolences, Ferox shared his decision to step back from combat operations. With a daughter to raise, he planned to dedicate his time to training the Lokella warriors. However, he made it clear that he would rejoin the front lines when the moment arrived to confront Decca. This was in line with my expectations, and I assured him that, barring a galactic conflict, Anakin and I would stand with him in the fight against Decca and those complicit in orchestrating the attack on the Lokella.

I’d not commented on the fact that, with Anakin by my side, I’d also be stepping back from battle for a few years. Mainly because I knew that, regardless of my personal goals, The Force would have plans for me. As might TPTB, though I hoped both would allow me time to train Anakin so that when the time came to take him into battle, he was ready for it. He might be a child now, but I knew that within a decade he’d be involved in war, so the more battles he saw between now and then, the more prepared he’d be for the chaos and carnage of warfare.

What I had promised Ferox was that, when we could, we’d return to the system so Lia could know her brother. I was sure the Council, if they learnt of this, would blow a gasket, and claim it was infringing Anakin’s training as a Jedi, but given what fate awaited the Order – something I wasn’t sure I could truly stop – and that I’d adopted Anakin as my son, they’d have other things to concern themselves with. It also depended on when they learnt about Anakin, as I had zero intent of going anywhere near Coruscant in the next few years.

The other side was that no matter who trained him, Anakin was the sort of person to seek out, make, and protect his friends and family. While many Jedi would have issues with that, and it was how Sidious wormed his way into the boy’s confidence, I didn’t. Force, I would probably strengthen it as it was a ‘flaw’ that I also held. Plus, I’d accepted recently that I’d never be a good Jedi; at least not how the council and many of the Order would define one.

I was drawn from my thoughts as we entered the small hangar housing Raven, and I sensed a familiar presence nearby – along with one I’d rather not face again. “Go on,” I said to Anakin, letting go of his hand and gently pushing him toward Raven. “I need to speak with someone before we leave.”

Anakin looked up at me, confusion in his eyes, though that faded as I sensed him reaching out through the Force. A moment later, his gaze shifted behind me, toward the entrance where I knew Dooku was approaching. After returning his gaze to me, he nodded, wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his robes, and then walked toward our home.

Once he was on board, I turned and headed toward the door, my hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of my beskad as it swung open to reveal Dooku and Vosa. The former leader of the Bando Gora, responsible for the suffering I had endured at their hands, stood a step behind Dooku. Her hands were clasped in front of her—likely at Dooku’s instruction—and her gaze was cast downward. However, this did little to quell the surge of fury that overwhelmed me upon seeing her for the first time since my escape from the Bando Gora.

The temptation to use the Force to drag her across the bay, to me, and crush her throat with my bare hands was overwhelming. A thousand other methods of making her pay for the agony she had inflicted upon me flashed through my mind. I could hear the faint, unmistakable whispers of the Dark Side, promising the power to achieve everything I desired—and to inflict even greater suffering on her and anyone else who had wronged me. It urged me to shatter their minds, bodies, and souls for having the audacity to harm me. Only when they fully comprehended the gravity of their mistake would I grant them the mercy of death. Yet, such mercy would be neither swift nor clean.

I closed my eyes, inhaled deeply, and pushed those desires, those thoughts as far away as I could. If I was a good Jedi, I’d let them go, but I couldn’t, and not just because of Eidetic Memory but because they were mine and I refused to let them go. Thus, I did all I could to silence those voices, and those requests, and push them back into the small, isolated section of mind where they dwelled.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Dooku had approached, and thankfully Vosa had remained near the door, though there was an odd look in her eyes. Putting that aside, I bowed as Dooku came closer. “Master.”

"Cameron, I hope this is a respectable time for a conversation. I had avoided you and your Padawan earlier to not intrude on his period of personal reflection." His voice carried a slight tone, but its cause was unclear to me.

"Anakin has returned to Raven," I replied, which elicited a small nod from Dooku. "We're planning to leave shortly."

"How is the boy?" Dooku inquired.

"He's managing as well as could be expected," I responded. I gestured towards a path leading away from Raven and Vosa, and Dooku agreed with a slight nod. "He's grieving for his mother, and I've been trying to find activities and training exercises that will both challenge him and help distract his thoughts as much as possible."

"A wise decision. While he, like you, possesses great potential, he is more prone to forming deep connections with those around him, to the extent that I fear he might prioritize their lives over his own, regardless of the situation."

"That's a concern I share, Master," I said with a smirk. Although Dooku hadn't spent much time around Anakin, he had seen enough to identify what was, in Jedi terms, the boy's most concerning issue. "The saving grace is that Anakin has a way of getting along with most people, even if it sometimes means going to great lengths to help them."

"A noble trait that many Jedi share. However, his propensity to form bonds and place those he trusts above his own well-being is something you'll need to monitor closely during his training. I sense that the loss of his mother has inflicted a deep wound within him. One that, if not properly addressed, could fester and lead him down paths we'd both prefer he avoid." He paused as we reached the bay's wall, an area devoid of workers as they had chosen to find other tasks upon our approach. "I assume this concern influenced your decision to adopt him?"

"I know it's not the usual Jedi way..."

"Something you have never been, nor shall you ever be," Dooku interjected.

"...but it felt like the right decision," I concluded, choosing to overlook Dooku's soft, almost teasing remark.

“Yes, I was there and sensed the shift in the Force when you made your decision. Because of that, and a feeling that it was the correct one, I chose not to question it at the time. With space to meditate on the matter, I can see why you feel it was the correct choice, and how it might help the boy. However, I caution you to be mindful that the bond you share with Anakin doesn’t draw out your shared tendencies to find yourselves in dangerous situations.”

“I’m aware of that concern, Master. I hoped that having someone to train and protect might temper my more… rambunctious tendencies.”

“One can only hope.” The response was dry and entirely devoid of emotion. Yet, I ended up chuckling at it and his delivery. “I won’t ask you of your plans, as that is between you, Anakin, and the Force, but I hope that all we’ve spoken of, ever since you first became my Padawan, remain in your thoughts as you train the boy and yourself into the beings I believe you both should be.”

“They will, Master, and thank you for all the advice you’ve given. Even the parts that, at the time, I failed to understand, or am still working to decipher.”

Dooku gave a nod, indicating the matter was settled. He then turned and looked toward where he’d just come from, and where Vosa still stood, her eyes watching us – watching me – intently. “I am aware of your opinions on Komari, and that you feel unready to face her given what you endured. However, she was adamant to see you and Anakin depart.” My brow rose at hearing of her interest in Anakin, and my remaining hand went to my beskad. “When she met you, as… shall we say, unbalanced as she was, she saw something in you. The same spark that I and Master Fay saw. Since the death of Shmi Skywalker, Komari has become convinced that the same spark of potential resides in the boy. She has even spoken of seeing… glimpses, visions perhaps, of you and him when you’re both older. As much as it pains you to hear this, those glimpses align with those we, Masters Sifo-Dyas and Nilas, and others have glimpsed.”

“That is concerning,” I muttered, feeling the need to remove Vosa from the board growing stronger, regardless of Dooku’s opinion on the matter.

“Yes, it might well appear that way. I, however, sense it might also present an opportunity.” He held up a hand, stopping me from commenting. “Before you concern yourself, I’m not suggesting you allow Komari to accompany you.” If he had, I’d have made sure she was jettisoned into space once we were far enough away from the station that she couldn’t somehow return. “Since she glimpsed Anakin’s potential, Komari has gained a new, seemingly controllable, focus. It is almost as if she feels she might have some role to play in what is to come, to work toward bringing about what she’d seen in her visions.”

“That,” I paused, taking a moment to collect my thoughts before I said something I couldn’t take back. “I will trust your judgement in the matter, Master. However, I have grave reservations about allowing her anywhere near myself or Anakin.”

At first, I’d wanted to dismiss the idea entirely, but then I remembered my intentions regarding Maul. Even if he only became a source of information on Sith activities, he could be of use, and there was a chance – however small – that Vosa might also have some use. That didn’t mean I was willing to listen to them now, however, nor might I ever be. But as I’d said, I was willing to trust Dooku on the matter. He had hoped to turn Vosa into something of use, so if this was what allowed him to achieve that, then I wasn’t going to deny him the chance.

“I expected you would. However, it was something that you needed to be made aware of. In addition, you should also know that, as Shmi Skywalker was one of the few Lokella to offer Komari kindness without sympathy or dismissal, Komari had an interest in protecting her during the battle. Because she failed, Komari now sees that interest transfer to Shmi Skywalker’s children; with a greater focus on Anakin because of his Force potential.”

I kept my gaze on Dooku, not wanting to let my eyes drift toward the deranged bitch that stood far to my left. “I… I cannot stop you from trying to redeem her, Master, nor have I ever tried to do so. That said, I know that I’m far from ready to face her, let alone allow her near my… near Anakin. However, I know that, if he wishes to speak to her whenever we return, I won’t deny him the opportunity. Though I will insist that you remain present for any such meeting.”

“I admit, that is a far more considerate response than I expected. A sign of maturity coming from having a Padawan, I suspect.” The corners of his lips twitched, suggesting he found the fact I wasn’t rushing to judgement amusing. “That you are willing to at least consider allowing her the chance to speak, and that you can stomach being in her presence – even if it is at some distance – is a sign you are slowly recovering from your ordeal. That, perhaps, is something I am more grateful for than your acceptance of Komari’s wishes.” He looked behind me, toward Raven. “Have you given any consideration to where you will take your Padawan to begin his training?”

“I have, though I have several errands to run first,” I raised my arm, the one missing a forearm, ignoring the phantom pain that came whenever I thought about the limb. “And even then, I can’t say with certainty where we will head.”

I could’ve told him my plans, or at least the general ideas of it, but I felt better not doing so. It was unlikely the Council or the Sith would try and force that information from him, but if either wanted to know where I was and couldn’t locate me, Dooku and Fay would be their first port of call. With Fay somewhere in the Deep Core, Dooku would be their primary source, thus it was better to simply not give him any information.

“That is often what the Force wishes; regardless of how it can often leave us searching to determine the purpose for our movements,” Dooku said, unaware of the momentary consideration I’d given to revealing my plans to him. He stepped forward and after giving me a look over, nodded. “While you have far to go in your training, you have travelled a great distance already, and I am proud of my role in helping shape you into the man you are slowly becoming. Wherever you go, may the Force be with you, Cameron.”

“And with you, Master,” I replied, smiling.

With that, we turned and walked to our separate destinations. I could’ve continued talking with him, as there were things I might enjoy discussing, but Anakin was waiting for me on Raven, and the longer I dallied outside, the greater the chance he might emerge and seek to speak with Vosa. Until I was ready for that, or for her to be in my presence, that would be something I’d be avoiding.

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“Will there be anything else, Master Jedi?”

“No, that will be all. Thank you for your help,” I replied to the Rodian custodian who had guided me to this private terminal room. I settled into the seat in front of the terminal.

“Very well. I will head over and keep an eye on your Padawan and pilot.” I waved almost dismissively at the Rodian as I examined the terminal in front of me. It was modelled on the ones in the Temple—or perhaps they were modelled on it—so figuring out how to use it wasn’t a problem.

Currently, I was in the Celebratus Archive on Obroa-Skai, a place widely regarded as the foremost library in the Republic…at least outside of the Jedi Temple or the Senate library, though having enjoyed exploring the Archives' public displays – and some of the private ones – with Anakin for a few hours, I wondered if perhaps Coruscant was overplaying the importance of the facilities on the Republic capital.

The Archive had hundreds of relics, many of which were Jedi or Sith in origin – though several of the ones I’d Observed had been mislabelled as Jedi when they were Sith, or vice versa – and there appeared to be more here than in the Temple. However, I did wonder if perhaps many of the more interesting relics and the like, both here and in the Temple, were restricted to Jedi Masters.

Those mislabelled artefacts and a few others had been added to a datapad I kept stored in my Inventory in case the chance to research and examine them later was ever possible. This was the same datapad that held, among other things, the hyperspace routes to Dromund Kaas and other Sith worlds that I’d taken from the nav-computer during my trip forward in time.

It was still odd to me that, during the fight with the Sith Acolyte, the only part of the controls that had been damaged was the Hyperspace regulator, which was what regulated temporal control while in hyperspace. Or that such a small, seemingly insignificant part of the system was vitally important. Still, the fault – or design if the Force and TPTB had been involved – had given me coordinates to worlds that, in this day and age, were either lost or restricted, though I couldn’t be sure of which was the case as the details of those worlds were restricted to even Jedi Knights by the Council.

I planned to return to the worlds of the former Sith Empire, the same one my many-times grand-niece had helped defeat, within the next five to ten years, and not just because failure to complete the quest linked to Dromund Kaas would result in Sidious growing even stronger. While the technology there was undoubtedly old, given it had been thousands of years since that Empire ruled half the galaxy, I had a feeling that information there was lost to the wider galaxy. Perhaps even to the Jedi and Sith.

Activating the terminal, I confirmed that whatever I searched for would be destroyed when I logged out. The Custodian had assured me of that, saying that absolute privacy was assured for those the Custodians deemed worthy of using a private terminal. But even seeing the evidence of that on the terminal, I had to wonder if that was the case. Computers, even with their memories wiped, could still, in theory, have the data recovered if no one reused the sections that had previously stored information, which was why I had plans to ensure most of my searches wouldn’t be linked back to me.

Reaching out with Detection, I quickly sensed Anakin. He was with Simvyl back in the public areas of the Archive. We’d spent a few hours exploring the Archives before I’d left to carry out my research, and the boy was enjoying the information at his fingertips. Hopefully, Simvyl and the Custodian would ensure my ad didn’t get into any trouble.

Returning my focus to the room I was in, even as I carried out my first search – looking up information on Onderon – I probed my more immediate surroundings, determining the locations of anyone else within a few hundred metres of me. Based on the floorplan that I’d seen, and what was added to the minimap as I was escorted to this room, it appeared there were several floors of private terminals. Most were empty, but the fact there were so many was something that would be useful.

Using Force Sight, I examined the power and data lines in the room and the walls around me. As promised, there wasn’t anything that stood as a recording or monitoring device, meaning I was truly alone in the room. Save, perhaps, if someone was monitoring my searches and how long I spent on any given file.

After browsing the records on Onderon I closed the file and powered down the terminal. I then turned it back on and confirmed that, at least publicly, the search history was gone. I reopened the files on Onderon and resumed skimming them even as I downloaded everything there to a datapad I’d entered the room with.

While that was happening, I pulled up the data on Ossus, before standing and stretching my legs. Or at least it appeared as if that was what I was doing. What I was really doing was planning out my next few steps and ensuring that there were no motion sensors in the room.

When nothing caught the attention of Force Sight, I knew I was clear to proceed with my plans. Sitting back down, I browsed the files on Ossus, the location of the Jedi Temple before it was moved to Coruscant when the surface of Ossus was seemingly destroyed in the Great Sith War; something that happened before Revan.

Nothing there was particularly interesting, save that the world wasn’t as destroyed as had been believed, though any plans to go there were shelved as it was monitored closely by the Republic and Jedi. Many had tried, and failed, to locate Jedi relics. Still, it was another world that, if I could do so without attracting attention, I’d like to explore.

As the data on Ossus was downloaded to the datapad, I opened files on Kashyyyk, though once they were displaying, I moved toward the wall to my left, and after confirming the room next to mine was empty, Phased through the wall. There I found another terminal, this one turning on when I sat in the chair.

At this new terminal, I began the first of my true searches, looking up everything available on Dagobah; my first choice of where to store the Scimitar. The world had managed to hide Yoda from Sidious and Vader for decades, so it was a logical place to consider when seeking a place to store a vessel with strong Dark Side connections. Yoda might not have been using the Force while in exile, but it had hidden him from the searching tendrils of the Emperor. The Scimitar would, in theory, be similarly well hidden from any efforts by the Sith to locate it. At least until I was ready to devote time to searching the vessel’s databanks and capabilities.

Dagobah, it seemed, wasn’t a world naturally strong in the Force – like Ossus or Ruusan – but the survey team had claimed it was teeming with life. So much so that it was odd the planet wasn’t ecologically unbalanced. That abundance of life must’ve been what Yoda used to hide, and while not perfectly what I was after, it certainly made the world a good candidate. However, it wasn’t the only world I was going to consider or search for from this terminal, and after transferring the data about Dagobah to a pad – not the one given to me by the Custodian, but an empty one that had come from my Inventory – I searched for Yavin IV.

I already knew that Yavin IV had been a base for Exar Kun during the Great Sith War – something I’d discovered by accident while a Padawan and randomly searching the Jedi Archives – but discovering that the world had been cleansed in fire by the Jedi was unexpected. The Jedi records said merely that Kun’s bases had been destroyed, but the Celebratus Archive stated the Jedi and Republic had scorched the planet.

The planet had recovered in the millennia since, but it was an interesting thing to note and meant that the Dral’Han wasn’t the first, or I suspected last, time that the Jedi had gone to such extremes.

As before, I chuckled when I read about Revan’s connection to the world, during the time of the reconstituted Sith Empire. The reference to him being called ‘Reborn’ was odd, and as I read deeper into it, accessing files I’d not been able to view at the Temple, I sighed in annoyance. “That… that ruins so much,” I muttered as I shook my head.

Learning that Revan had a connection to a Sith Emperor – the same one who’d led the Sith Empire several hundred years later during Satele’s era – and that this Emperor, who seemingly had different names and bodies, was the reason for Revan’s fall was upsetting. It made much of the reasons Revan turned for, which I’d referenced in my Knights of the Old Republic series, seem meaningless, if not downright wrong.

I’d believed Revan had turned to protect the Republic, to strengthen it against a greater threat. That the threat turned out to be the Sith Empire led by this Tenebrae, was fine. Yet here it was stated that he hadn’t done so initially, only changing tack after breaking free of whatever whammy Tenebrae had unleashed on Revan and Malak’s minds. According to this file, that was believed to be the reason Malak turned on Revan, but I wasn’t so sure, as there were a lot of details missing, and several gaping holes left in the logic and reasoning of these reports.

“Kind of wish you’d show up and explain all this,” I said to the empty room, half-hoping he’d appear, but knowing that that was a fool's hope. Force, since the cave on Ilum he’d not appeared again, but that was about what I expected from a Force Ghost.

Since I had time, and since this Sith Empire and their emperor came up in my family’s history more than I’d expected, I opened the files on them and began reading. There was a lot about this particular Sith empire, which given it had lasted for several centuries, and at one point had controlled Coruscant, wasn’t a surprise. Most other Sith empires lasted nowhere near as long, save the chaos brought on by the New Sith Wars, though there, the Sith had united and fractured several times over the millennia.

This Sith Empire had been united from its formation to fall, with most of that time spent under the rule of Tenebrae, at least until his apparent defeat though the files hinted at him reappearing as Emperor of another group – The Eternal Empire – as another person. Force, as another species. That was odd and interesting, and wanting to read on this further, I pulled an empty datapad from my Inventory and then attached it to the terminal.

The files I’d be downloading would take time, so I slipped through the wall returning to my assigned terminal. After spending a minute browsing the files on Kashyyyk, downloading them to a datapad I’d entered the room with, I opened the files relating to Coruscant and covered everything about it from its history and evolution, to what it was now and every rule, no matter how seemingly insignificant. That was then set to download into the datapad here, and while I didn’t expect to ever need the information, I wasn’t going to turn down the chance to borrow every record I could think of.

That was why, as the download began, I stood and reached out with the Force. Sensing the room below was empty, I Phased again, dropping through the floor to another terminal. At this terminal, which again activated when I touched it and was without monitoring, I began searches with orders to download the data to another datapad, for various worlds that, for various reasons, I’d not examined carefully at the Temple.

Mandalore, Kamino, Ruusan, and a half-dozen worlds that I’d known of before arriving in this galaxy, or had come across at the Temple but avoided delving too deeply into their history and lore for fear of drawing the Council’s attention. The data on each world I listed in my search was added to the download queue for another datapad, one that already contained the hyperspace coordinates for Kamino, Korriban, and a dozen other worlds that had been freely available to anyone willing to pay a few credits for them. That, like many of the datapads I was using today, was stored in my Inventory so that no one else could ever know what I knew or planned.

Reaching out with Detection, I located those in the terminal rooms and outside. So far, no one was heading toward the first room I’d shifted to for some unsanctioned downloading, but I knew it was only a matter of time until a Custodian came to see what was going on.

Because of that, I located a nearby terminal room that was occupied, though I didn’t Teleport directly there, instead arriving in an empty one next to it. I stumbled as the Teleport faded, having misjudged the floor, and appeared around half a metre above it.

Once I was ready, I walked toward the wall and Phased partially through. Using Observe on the Twi’lek sitting there, I confirmed they were nobody of consequence with negligible Force Potential. I then, while remaining in the wall, used the Force to stun them before entering the room. Taking note of what they were browsing, I lifted them from their seat and accessed the terminal.

With this terminal, I began searching for various Force sects that existed outside the control and close monitoring of the Jedi. Once Natural Evolution was taken, I’d need to relearn how to use certain Force Powers that I was reluctant to lose. Combining that with a curiosity about what else the Force could do, what I might teach Anakin, and the potential to learn abilities that neither the Jedi nor the Sith focused on, meant that this was one search I wanted to not be linked to me, and why a patsy was selected.

The first of the sects to appear was Dathomir, though I blinked as I read the entry to the file regarding the planet and its witches. Unlike what I’d remembered, the planet wasn’t composed solely of a tribe of Dark Side-aligned witches, nor was it a red, seemingly dead world. The Nightsisters did exist, and their part of the world appeared barren, but there were multiple tribes on the planet. While that drew my attention, the planet was removed from my list of places to visit due to the various tribes all considering males little more than slaves and breeding stock.

Even if I wasn’t planning to visit the planet, the files might be of use, and I had them downloaded to another datapad – once more, pulled from my Inventory – while I began searching for other sects. While I knew of a few from random searches in the Temple, there were more listed here than I’d expected, so I programmed the terminal to download everything it had on each of the sects and the worlds where they were based.

After checking the Twi’lek was still stunned, I Teleported back to my initial room, confirmed the terminal was still downloading, changed the display to another section of a file on Telos, and then Phased through the wall. The terminal there had finished downloading my research to that datapad, and I slipped the device into my Inventory before returning to my initial room and then Phasing through the floor. The terminal in the third room was still running and had time to go, I figured I’d head to another room.

Teleporting back to the room with the Twi’lek, I Phased through three walls, and at the terminal in this last room, or so I hoped, I pulled up another list of worlds. These had come from HK’s memory banks and were worlds he knew of that I didn’t, nor had considered. This list included Lehon, the home system of the Rakata, and the location of the Star Forge. The system was restricted, something I’d learnt in the Temple, but here I could at least determine details about it along with rough directions to the system.

There were also other worlds, including a few I’d come across when skimming Revan’s file earlier that had been prominently displayed. Once again, I set the terminal to download the files for those worlds and sectors to the datapad before Teleporting back to the second room.

The terminal there was finished, and after collecting the datapad and sliding it into my Inventory, I returned to my assigned room. Once more, I spent time browsing the details of the world currently there – that being Nal Hutta – and sat down. The other downloads would take time, and it was better to remain where I was for now.

I could’ve easily carried out all these searches on this terminal, but not trusting that the records would be properly expunged, and not wanting to leave an obvious trail of breadcrumbs, I’d devised the plan for using multiple terminals. The fact each was inside a secured private room only made it easier for me to carry out my research at seemingly random terminals.

Sensing movement toward the second and fifth terminals I’d accessed, I Teleported to each, removed the datacard – each having completed their downloads – turned off the terminals, and Teleported to the fourth room. There, the Twi’lek was still unconscious though the download was nearing its end.

Once it was completed, I returned the screen to the one it had been on when I’d Stunned the Twi’lek, placed him back in the seat and then Phased into the wall. Just before I left, I used the Force to wake the Twi’lek and then departed.

Once back in my assigned terminal room, I sat down in the chair and allowed myself a smile. From what I could tell, everything had gone as I’d intended and my research, or at least the initial stages of it, was completed. However, not wanting to seem uninterested in the room after requesting one, I sat back and began reading the file currently being downloaded.

That was data about the Empress Teta system, where Serra’s family were figures of importance. I had little interest in the system or her family, but harmless searching was precisely what I wanted it to look like I was doing. The various datapads with my true research were now stored safely inside my Inventory for review later.

It was possible that, from browsing those files I might require further data from the Archive, but if that was the case I knew I could gain it without having to ask for a private terminal. Or even enter the Archive officially. Teleport was now in the Savant range, which granted me a range of six kilometres. While that wasn’t a large enough range to enter these rooms from outside the building – this place was a marvel stretching over ten kilometres wide though most of the more impressive artefacts, relics, and all the private terminals were located centrally – it would only take a double usage of the power to get here and back.

As such, while I wouldn’t be spending too long on the planet, I did plan to delay my departure a few days; at least until I’d managed to browse most of what I’d downloaded. There was enough here, including a Jedi enclave that I was planning to avoid, to keep Anakin busy during the day. At least when I wasn’t training him.

Now, I might be acting paranoid, but after Naboo, I knew the Jedi and Sith would be carefully monitoring me; the latter pair more than the former group. Palpatine and Damask would be attempting to track my movements and plans, as I felt they hadn’t expected me to gather the force that I did to liberate Naboo. They wouldn’t want to make such a mistake again, which was why I was doing my research the way I was.

Now yes, they could, through official and unofficial channels, potentially gain access to everything I’d downloaded today, perhaps everything that was downloaded from every terminal. However, by spreading the research out, and using the Twi’lek as a patsy for some of the work, I should at the very least, delay them from knowing my intentions. Haran, if they only used the data from my terminal, it would lead them on wild goose chases.

With time to kill before I was due to meet Anakin and Simvyl, I took one of the datapads from the Inventory and returned to a topic that had caught my interest earlier, placing another down so I could enter notes of anything else I might want to search for in relation to what I was about to read: the history of the Eternal Empire, their founding Emperor, Valkorion, and their role in the war fought between the Sith and Jedi during Satele’s lifetime.

… …

… …

I watched Anakin as he swung the low-powered shoto lightsaber and suppressed a sigh. “Be mindful of your balance,” I commented, even as I used my beskad to tap his blade downward. The movement caused him to stumble forward, showing he had over-extended in the attack, leaving himself exposed to an elementary counter. “When you attack, always be mindful not to overcommit. It will often leave you exposed to a quick counter by a skilled opponent.”

Anakin grumbled, his annoyance easy to sense, as he reset his position. The velocity he was working through was an early one for Form 1, and I had already shown him before. That he was struggling with it wasn’t a surprise, though, as he had only started using a lightsaber for the velocities in the last few weeks. He attacked again, and this time when my beskad blocked his swing downward, he retained his balance; his blade and arms remained closer to his body.

“Better,” I said as I took a step back. “Again.” As he repeated the move, I began walking around him. “While Shii-Cho is the first, and in many ways, the simplest form a traditional Force User will learn, it's not without its strengths. The Form is based around blade work and thus teaches the importance of good footwork and balance, something that carries over into every other Form you’ll learn. However, as you’re aware, its nature as the first Form means that not only does every lightsaber wielder know it, but they can also exploit the various issues the Form has because its base lies in weapons fundamentally different from a lightsaber. Now, that isn’t to say that a skilled practitioner can’t overcome those limitations, and the more advanced velocities of the Form help in that regard as well. However, it will be some time before you learn those velocities or those of other Forms.”

I’d given this speech, in differing forms, to Anakin several times over the years, though now he was my Padawan and Ad, their meaning and importance grew. He was now my responsibility and knowing what was to come, I wasn’t going to be lax in my training, even if that meant pushing him further and faster than he might otherwise be.

In the other timeline, Anakin had used a Djem-So base, and I felt that would still be the case with him in this timeline, but I wasn’t going to assume. Before he reached the point of creating a personal style – in about four or five years I hoped – he’d have solid bases in every one of the six base Forms, their variants, and anything else I trained him in. From there, the choice of style would be his alone, though I’d continue to nurture and guide its development to overcome any flaws I saw within it. And, if the worst happened, know how to overcome him.

A beep from the intercom in the training area drew my attention and I moved toward it. Anakin would continue as he knew to not stop unless told to do so; the times he had in our first week together ensured he understood the consequences of assuming. “Yes?” I said as I answered the call.

“They’re here,” Simvyl responded from the cockpit.

I resisted the urge to say ‘finally’. We’d been in orbit of Dagobah for three days now, waiting for HK and R2 to arrive with the Scimitar and I was beginning to fear they’d gotten into trouble. Or more accurately, HK had incited trouble to amuse himself. “I’ll be there shortly,” I said before closing the channel and turning to Anakin. While he’d not stopped, he had slowed his movements. “You, however, will remain here training.”

“But I want to see HK and R2,” he half-whined, though credit where credit was due, he didn’t stop.

“I’m aware you do, but life, and the Force, rarely give us what we want, when we want it. Now continue your training.” I walked toward the door, not letting him get in a reply, and exited the training area. “And you’ll train every day as I instructed until I return,” I added before the door closed behind me.

Anakin knew I’d be spending a few days on the planet, though like the others he thought I’d be meditating. Through the Force, as I quickly neared the central area of the ship, I sensed his disappointment and annoyance. However, he didn’t dwell on them, which was a good sign.

Passing through the central area, I spotted Fenrir lazing – as usual – on one of the sofas. He lifted his head as I passed, allowing me to give him a quick scratch, but stayed there as I passed. Entering the cockpit, through the viewport I saw the faint, but growing, sight of an approaching vessel, though my attention ended up on the holo-display.

“Query: Might I ask why you chose this pitiful, empty planet to meet, Master?” Even as a small, blue hologram, HK retained his snark and presence.

"Because it’s such a pitiful and empty planet, in a sense," I replied as I slipped into the pilot’s seat, the chair shifting to welcome me and deepen the connection I shared with Raven. "That vessel, I feel, is important. However, I don’t have the time to devote to learning its secrets currently, nor do I wish to lose the pleasure of your and R2’s company by assigning you to handle the investigation. And although I could give it to the Jedi," a flicker of HK’s visual receptors suggested his thoughts on the matter, "I fear they’d waste the potential the Scimitar contains, or somehow mess it up so badly the vessel ends up back with the Sith."

“Observation: Given what I’ve discovered about this era’s Jedi, I believe you are correct in that assessment, Master. Hypothesis: I would speculate that this vessel returning to the Sith is the more likely outcome.”

“Aye,” I replied with a chuckle. “Dagobah is, for all intents and purposes, an empty world that no one cares about. It’s full of organic life, but few if any ever venture here and it’s unknown or ignored by the overwhelming majority of the galaxy, like millions of others. With the system being slightly isolated, that lowers the chance anyone would come here for any reason, making it an ideal place to store the vessel until I have time to examine it fully and repurpose it. Potentially even finding someone I’d trust to fly it for me.”

I did hope that Maul might be that person, but I knew the chances of that were extremely low. He’d not have any sentimental attachment to the Scimitar, but if he could, by some miracle, be persuaded to ally with me, then returning his ship would be a good way to secure his support, if not begin to earn his trust. That, however, was a pipe dream for years down the road.

“Analysis: A logical decision, Master. However, I feel there may be better locations where this vessel could be stored. Addendum: It has many enhancements that few other ships would possess. Certainly, more than the flying meat sack you choose, Master.”

The lights in the cockpit flared as random, furious patterns flicked and rushed around making clear Raven disliked the comment. It was hardly a surprise though as HK had made similar comments before, but had at least respected Raven for her speed, though he put that down to her mechanical components and me. He wouldn’t, however, limit his dislike of her lack of weapons, which was something I agreed with. The issue was her organic frame made it difficult, if not impossible, to add anything without risking damage to her.

The Mandalorian mechanics that had examined Raven before Naboo had agreed with my assessment, though they, like HK, felt cutting through Raven’s flesh was necessary. All of them failed to understand that Raven was alive and connected to me in ways they’d never comprehend. That said, I was hoping to find someone capable of crafting a method to add weaponry, even if it was just simple laser cannons, ion weaponry, or missiles, that wouldn’t hurt Raven. The issue was finding someone skilled enough to do so, and trustworthy enough to allow them that sort of access to her.

“You and R2 can debrief me on the Scimitar’s special features soon,” I said as my hand moved over the controls, gently easing Raven closer to the formerly Sith vessel. “Once we’re closer I’ll come aboard for a tour.” With that, I closed the channel and spoke to Simvyl. “As planned, I’ll be heading down to the surface with the droids. I don’t know what’s down there, but between the three of us, I doubt it’ll be a challenge. Even as damaged as I am,” I added, mocking my injury. “Regardless, I need the privacy, and my presence in the Force should be camouflaged enough in a place where it’s so abundant to allow me to meditate on my plans.”

“Should I monitor Anakin’s training?”

“Yeah. He knows what he needs to do, and how long he has to practise, but like any child, he’ll be easily distracted. Something Fenrir will encourage as his boredom grows.”

“I suggest you speak with Fenrir before you leave,” Simvyl suggested as Raven pulled alongside the Scimitar, and I programmed the docking tube to extend once we were aligned.

“Aye, I’ll do that.”

Standing, I walked back to the central area and found the tuk’ata still lounging around. He lifted his head when I approached this time as if sensing I wished to speak with him. “I’m going to be gone for a few days and need you to keep an eye on Anakin and Simvyl,” I said as I scratched him under the chin, drawing a content growl from him. “Just don’t distract Anakin while he trains, and when I’ve finished I’ll let you have some time to see what you can hunt on the planet.”

A snort was his way of agreeing, the promise of a hunt helping him accept being stuck onboard Raven for a few more days. With that done, I turned and walked toward the docking ramp. This time I’d be using the docking tube, which was the first time it had been needed since I’d bonded with Raven.

As I neared the docking ramp, I grew curious about what features Maul’s vessel contained, and what information the droids had drawn from its databanks. While most would be protected, I hoped some of it could be deciphered to allow me an insight into not only where the vessel had been, but what Sidious’ plans were.

… …

“Observation: I find this world reprehensible, Master. It is covered only in flawed, chaotic, organic life.” R2 let out a series of low, drawn-out beeps and whistles that I knew meant he agreed. “Addendum: The astromech agrees.”

“Yes, I’m aware of that,” I replied with a smirk as I moved forward slowly, taking care of my footing. With only one hand to use, I had to ensure my footing was secure before taking each step. “However, for what I need to do, this is exactly what I require,” I added, glancing back toward the droids, though my gaze travelled beyond them; toward the mountain range we’d been hiking away from for about an hour.

Well, it was as close to a mountain range as existed near the swamps that covered around half of the planet. The rest of the world was covered by jungles, bayous, or cold bogs with the only difference between the various climates being temperature. For the scans we’d taken in orbit, while the planet had little in the way of lakes or seas, the majority of the land was damp.

Not wanting to store the Scimitar in a swamp, and risk it suffering the same fate as Luke’s X-Wing did before Yoda freed it, I’d piloted Maul’s vessel down toward one of the few points of higher elevation. Closer scans had revealed some caverns, and while none were initially ideal, one had been discovered that was closer to the size we needed.

Thankfully the cave had been easy enough to enlarge so the Scimitar could slide inside – though it was a tight fit – and the cave wasn’t like the one Luke had entered near Yoda’s hut. Not that I had any clue where that was on the planet, nor was I interested in discovering it.

Before the Scimitar was placed inside the enlarged cavern, the datacore had been copied to three isolated datapads. Each of those had their ability to connect to nearby networks or the Holonet disabled on the off chance that accessing the data the ship stored resulted in an automated distress signal to Sidious. Those datapads were added to a new slot in my Inventory, and while I still had room if I stored the various datapads in a small sack to take up a single slot in my Inventory, I had enough room to not yet need to do that. Even after Bo had insisted I load up my Inventory on supplies that I and Anakin might need; be that for combat or survival.

The various droids on the Sith vessel had been disabled and scanned as well, and while I had little interest in interrogation or security droids – not with HK around – the probe droids piqued my interest. When time allowed, I planned to stop off somewhere and acquire several models of the small, fast-moving droids. I wasn’t sure if I’d have much need for them, at least not after Natural Evolution, but it was better to have them just in case. Plus, I suspected Anakin would enjoy taking a few apart, seeing how they worked, and determining ways to improve them.

HK had pointed out the main droid onboard the Scimitar before we’d descended, even commenting that it was a worthy opponent, and maybe even a useful ally if its programming could be altered. I’d look into that in later years, but for now, it was depowered like the other droids, and as an added protective measure, disassembled and stored in different locations aboard the vessel with the head inside a secured crate that would only open when a very long code was entered into it. Or if someone used a lightsaber or similar device to slice the crate open.

The cave had been sealed first with some larger boulders I’d lifted into place with the Force before HK had used his blasters on a different setting to melt the stones at their edges, all but fusing the cave shut. Over time, the local fauna would grow and cover the clearly sealed cave and hide the location from any that might venture to the planet, and Simvyl had used Raven to lock our coordinates so when I, or someone I sent, came to retrieve the Sith vessel I’d know where to look without having to rely on the Force.

“Query: How long will this process take?”

“I don’t know, which is why you and R2 will guard me while I meditate,” I replied as I used my beskad to cut a branch that was blocking our path. I could’ve used my shoto lightsaber but had decided against it. While the plants would grow back, there was always the slim chance that someone would come here and recognise the distinctive way a lightsaber cut and burnt a target. “You’re free to eliminate any threats that approach,” I continued as I saw that beyond the cut branch was a downed tree; one that I’d not be able to climb over with only one hand. “That said, I’d prefer if you didn’t kill everything on the planet while I commune with the Force,” I added as I used the Force to jump onto the downed tree before turning back to the droids.

“Clarification: What percentage of extermination would be acceptable, Master?” As HK asked that, I used the Force to lift R2, the astromech beeping worriedly as I did so.

“Any that approach after a warning shot are fair game, but I don’t want to awake to find the earth scorched around us.” As I set the rules I set R2 down on the other side of the tree. At the same time, HK leapt, the servos in his legs granting him the power to leap clear over the downed tree and me. “However, if your scanners detect a large group of creatures approaching, establish a perimeter with a five-hundred-metre radius minimum around me. Once I awake, if all goes well, I’ll have Simvyl land Raven and then you and Fenrir can go hunting if you’d like.”

I leapt down from the tree, my boots squelching into the mud, which made me grimace. While I detested sand because of events on Tatooine, my dislike of swamps went back to my former life and every training or active operation that had taken place in swamps, jungles, and the like. Dagobah would be useful for hiding the Scimitar and taking Natural Evolution, but I’d be happy when we left.

“Musing: While the tuk’ata is a quadrupedal meatbag, it is efficient at tracking and removing targets. Addendum: Though I would prefer if you would allow me to burn the world clean of offending organic life, Master.”

“Oh, I know that,” I said with a chuckle. “But the idea is to hide the Sith vessel on this world, not draw attention to the planet by having it be vastly different from Republic records by letting you be happy.”

“Objection: I am a droid, Master, and as such superior to any organic and not ruled by emotions. For which I am eternally grateful.” That drew another chuckle from me, though I chose not to teasingly respond that while he might be a droid, he was built by an organic.

My focus turned to the world around us. I’d had Detection on since we’d landed and had been using Sense Force ever since we’d entered the swamp proper to find an area particularly strong in the Living Force. At the same time, I wondered if the Force itself might be trying to guide me. While I couldn’t fully interact with it due to the Interface, I suspected the Force wanted the blocks between us removed as well, though I did wonder if its reasoning – if it was capable of such a thing – would be the same as mine.

That concern that after Natural Evolution I’d be open to the Force guiding me places was one that had grown the closer I’d come to Dagobah, but I knew what I was doing was the right choice. The Force had hinted to others that I, alongside Anakin, had a role to play in changing the fate of the galaxy, but I assured myself that I wouldn’t become like most Jedi in allowing the Force to blindly guide me toward what it desired. Nor that I’d become like a Sith and bend it to my will. Plus, there was also the fact that if I took Player+ I’d never be able to take on high-level Council members, never mind people like Sidious, Yoda, and Windu.

… …

“You remember your orders?” I said as I settled onto a section of dry ground. That I’d found even that was a small miracle and after a few hours of trekking I’d taken it and sat down upon it in a standard meditation position.

“Mockery: No, Master, I don’t. the thirteen previous times you’ve made clear our orders since you boarded the Scimitar were insufficient for either myself or the astromech.” R2 beeped and whistled in amusement at HK’s response. While not yet as snarky as he’d become in the other timeline, or even close to HK, the hints of the personality that developed over a decade were there already. Given I had no plans to wipe his memory regularly, as I wouldn’t with HK, that made it even more likely he’d develop the expected personality. Not wiping a droid could be a security risk, but given HK and R2 were my personal droids, and the former was skilled in killing everything from a Jawa up to a Jedi, and the latter would learn how to defend himself and be upgraded over the next few years, I felt little concern at the idea someone might learn something I didn’t want them to from the droids.

“Very well. I hope you can obey them and not reduce this world to molten rock while I commune with the Force.”

After getting the final word, I closed my eyes and accessed the Interface, specifically the notice regarding the upgrade for the Interface and then selected Natural Evolution.


The Interface will be offline while the chosen upgrade is applied.

As this evolution of the Interface will involve considerable alterations to the Interface, and by extension the Player, you will be placed into what appears to be a coma or deep meditation.

How this appears depends on the Player’s position and location while the upgrade is applied.


Upgrade chosen: Natural Evolution

This upgrade will render the Player unable to interact with anything around them for a period of between 75 and 150 standard hours.

The variance in time is dependent on the Player’s level, age, and the various levels of their Force Powers.



By selecting Natural Evolution, either Player’s Mind or Player’s Body MUST be removed, and the cost refunded.

The selection has not been made.

Which Player Power do you wish to be refunded?

Player’s Mind/Player’s Body?


I’d known that choice was coming as it’d been in the description, but I’d not expected it in an error message as I’d not been asked for my choice beforehand. I chose Player’s Mind, as while it was a useful Power, it could be interfered with, or even overridden, when in a place strong in the Force. Since I felt I’d be heading to at least a handful of such locations in the near to middle future, and the fact that its other abilities were mimicked by true Force Abilities, I felt it was the better choice to be refunded for. While I would miss the clear-mindedness the Power brought on, so far I’d never changed a decision I’d made after reviewing it with the Power active and I felt it was the more logical Player Power to lose.

Player’s Body might seem the less useful of the two in dire circumstances, but it had more obvious and useful everyday bonuses. Beyond the increased Stamina Regeneration it offered, and the fact it meant I didn’t actively sweat – something several people had commented on and, if the Power was removed, they would notice – it was because of Player’s Body that I was alerted when I was wounded, and was able to push on when anyone without the Power might not be able to do so. Something I’d, unfortunately, seen in a dire situation when I’d lost my forearm to Maul as without the Power, I felt I’d have gone into shock over the injury, and thus lost my duel to the Zabrak.

Player’s Mind selected.

A Player Power Point will be refunded to the Player once the upgrade has been completed.


Do you wish to begin the upgrade now?



Once ‘Yes’ is selected, the upgrade will commence after a short countdown.

This countdown cannot be stopped, so the Player must be sure and be resting comfortably before confirming the upgrade.


That was what I’d expected, as I’d had to sleep off the last upgrade to the Interface, though there I’d not had the choice of how to evolve it. That this one would take longer was entirely logical. Unlike the last one, which seemed to just unlock and adapt a few of the various sections of the Interface, Natural Evolution was going to entirely remove what was in my opinion the most critical part of its function: its regulation of and control of my Force connection.

While things like this, and many of the more technical elements of the Interface, had me still questioning if I was truly sentient, and not just a puppet for some higher power to control and manipulate, I knew there was little I could do about that. Thus, I pressed Yes and took a deep breath as the text shifted around.

Upgrade to the Interface confirmed.

The process will begin in:











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