A New Hope Nier

Chapter 22 Is this what an Emperor feels like.

You would think getting to go into space would be some grand life-changing experience, but it was not in any way fun or anything seeing as I was stuck in what looked to be a flying pill with engines on the back and sensory equipment on the sides for navigation, not to mention some weird magic/technology that could help keep machine life forms from recognizing the ship's movements but I couldn't understand the jargon when I asked for an explanation.

Not to mention the trip itself took like half a day to reach the space station which granted, I was at least not stuffed into some stupid space suit as they said if the ship was faulty and exploded or lost pressure it was likely before any rescue or another ship could get to me, I would be out of Oxygen.

So at least I was able to play Pokémon Diamond for the day trip on my DS which was the latest mobile console I had stored within the bunker. One thing I do want to try is to get three more of my androids to play Legend of Zelda, Four Swords Adventures as I could see the havoc, they would bring towards one another as at least me and A2 would try to hog items and such.

"Jake, you will be docked by the autopilot and androids will board the ship to escort you through the bunker within the next twenty minutes." Commander White informed me through the intercom, and I was honestly glad to get out the dozen or so belts holding me down and be able to stretch.

Finally, a loud hiss announced the decompression of the cabin after I landed for a while and then an operator came around the corner and started helping me unbuckle myself. "So which operator are you?" I asked the clearly nervous android as her hand was a little shaky and I could tell she was trying to sneak little touches against me as she undid the dozen or so straps holding me down.

"I'm the Operator who typically works with 2B and 9S. My name is 6O." She told me after I managed to stand up.

With her not standing beside me I was able to actually take in her black dress wore a corset over a body glove which covered and propped up her smaller breasts, and surprisingly she wasn't wearing the mask over her face that all other operator androids typically wore.

"So, is there any reason you aren't wearing the veil 9S told me about?" I asked obviously confused at how they suddenly would change a piece of uniform they have been keeping up for literal centuries.

Unless she was going through a rebellious phase which I doubted anyone would be brave enough to do here in the bunker. I can already imagine that hyper-strict commander literally throwing people through an airlock if they refused to follow orders so flagrantly.

6O smiled and it was pretty close to nine more human expressions with how human it made her look as she responded to my question. "Oh, none of the operators have to wear them anymore as they don't serve the same purpose anymore..." I could tell she wanted to tell me more or more likely she was actually withholding a lot of information but there was nothing I could do as I exited the ship and saw Commander White standing outside of the ship with a couple of combat models standing at attention obviously waiting for me.

As I walked down the little ramp from the ship and approached Commander White after I reached the bottom of the stairs she snapped to attention and pressed her fist to her chest. "Glory to Mankind!" She shouted proudly and the surrounding androids followed her example snapping a salute towards me.

"At ease ladies," I told them and they lowered their hands but were still stiffly standing at attention basically so I could only roll my eyes and look back towards Commander White as I took in a very different fashion in comparison to the other android models, I noticed how her bright and showy white dress with gold highlights and her golden hair made her stand out so much.

But either way. the commander did seem to be slightly bustier than the other androids back on the ground other than the twins which were still the biggest set I've seen but she struck a great medium between the twins' larger breasts and 2B's thick backside.

"So, I assume you already had an itinerary or something to keep me busy?" I questioned as Commander White walked ahead of me obviously taking the lead in guiding me somewhere.

I could literally see how the Commander tightened up as her hips lost there swaying as she was walking. "Yes, I have taken the liberty of creating a general guide as to how you will spend your time upon my station to maximize the interactions you will have with the androids aboard as well as being able to cheer on the efforts of the androids fighting upon the ground from within the mission room." She spoke tersely and I felt she was nervous I was going to throw a fit or something for her using me as propaganda but I honesty didn't have any problems with it as I imagine them sending up that shuttle was in no way cheap so the least, I could do was be a simp and cheer on the android's dying for me on the ground.

"Oh also here." She turned around and handed me a metal card with gold engraving on it. She then explained away my obvious confusion. "This is the key card to your quarters and the room number is on the back." I quickly flipped it over and saw a simple number 1 on the back as I absently kept walking behind Commander White and tried not to continue to stare at her swaying backside as she was clearly trying to draw my eyes to it...

I looked around as we walked down the long hallway, I saw a window come up and as we neared it, I coughed to get their attention and to allow me to look upon the earth. I was struck with a sense of melancholy as the station was also tidally locked like the planet, but I could already see the only habitable land of the world which just luckily was America. As I stared at the east coast which was the only place seemingly clear of the ever-present dust clouds and showing a clear sky and even green patches upon the ground I for a moment considered trying to move from my Mid-Western bunker and trying to go East but it seemed my thoughts were too plain as Commander White dashed my thoughts

"Don't bother thinking of going to the East Coast it's entirely way too hot for you to survive comfortably and those green patches are places with abundant underwater aquafers, but they are unlikely to survive another couple millennia with the ways they have been losing ground."

I could only shrug and continue to walk on as 6O shyly grabbed the bottom of my sleeve near my hand, obviously trying to show support for me but was scared of being yelled at, for taking advantage or something. I was already used to living within this dead world and wasn't going to cry or get too broken up about how the only clear sky area was too damn hot for me to live within. So instead of ignoring 6O's silent support, I just gently pried her fingers off my sleeve and then took her hand within my own as we walked beside one another in solace.

'Ooohhh Whitey and the others look jealous as hell...' I could only giggle mentally as the Commander's steps were much sharper now as well and I could just barely hear muttering from the combat models from behind us, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Here is the main mission room where we debrief agents on the field and otherwise plan out operations," White announced as we walked into the grand atrium with more than five dozen of the androids saluting me as I walked in.

"Glory to Mankind!!!" I nodded to them, and they quickly sat back down into their chairs without any more fanfare obviously the large group of Operators were busy giving orders and noting down information sent here from the surface.

"Jake if you would let go of 6O's hand, you could join me in the command stand, to get a bird's eye view of the action taking place and we could also live stream the actions of the androids on the ground." Commander White told me leadingly and I could see how anxious she was about her own time with her, so I gamely let go of 6O's hand and gave her a soft one-armed hug, and sent her forward to her station with a light pat on her back.

"Very well. If anything, letting the androids know that I am watching will probably provide more morale, correct?" I asked as I and Commander White walked into the elevator that took us up into an overhang that looked over the large room and there was a large bench with more than a single seat which was obviously added for my benefit.

"That is correct. I am sure all the YoRHa units upon the ground will be delighted to hear your words of encouragement and provide you glorious victories in return." Yup, I am getting some Warhammer God Emperor videos from her...



Havent updated this for a couple days and wanted to bump it back up lol

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