A New Born Devil?

Chapter 21 Is This Urakyoto Or Heaven?

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(A/N I know many of you readers know some events I describe, but trust me many readers have not even seen past season 1 of the anime, so I must briefly add background, but I do it in a simplified way. The part at the end of the chapter is my example, so enjoy...)

Chapter 21  Is This Urakyoto Or Heaven? by Harem-Fan


     I was having a dream, a really, really fluffy and warm dream of laying in Heaven.

     With my body sprawled out on a white cloud, I made cloud angels. The warm rays of sunlight shown on my Devil body.

     And just to spite Heaven, I extended my bat-wings and stretched with a truly happy smile on my face.

     I was not happy with this little bit of sin, so I even removed my... Oh, I am already naked, so take that Heaven!

     This must have been Lucifer's original dream, to re-enter Heaven and do what he wanted, like I am doing right now. Hmm? What was I doing before I invaded Heaven again?

     "I remember now! I think I fell in love with Yasaka, he-he-he~! That was the best dream ever..."

     I remember in the dream, even kissing the Kyuubi, and holding her, to sleep?! Wait, did I? No, I am in Heaven, right? Did I die...

     I forgot my useless thoughts, and held onto the cloud I was on, just rubbing my face into the soft Cumulus Nimbus of warm pleasure, and I only felt happiness...

     Hah aha, Ray~Ray~♪! I could even hear the voices of Angels sing, my name? Suddenly, I felt it was increasingly harder to breathe, and I felt I was suffocating, then I heard an angel near my ear...

     [Ha-ha, Wake up Ray, Ufufu~♪!]


     "Ufufu, That tickles Ray, wake up, you are being naughty~!"

     As I awoke from Heaven, I took in a deep fresh breath of air, as I realized my face was embedded in what I could only recognize as massive womanly valleys!

     As I slowly looked up from the massive cleavage of my new future mate, Yasaka, I recalled my situation. My Devil wings are out, and I can feel I am completely naked. Thankfully, Yasaka is wearing nightwear showing our sleep was indeed innocent, well minus what I am currently doing to Yasaka at the moment.

     I am currently laying on top of her and holding her tight, like she might escape, while her yellow eyes look into my semi-confused orbs of vision. I noticed I drooled in her valleys, and I blushed just a tad. I asked.

     "Hmm? Well, how did I end up in this admittedly awesome position, Yasaka?"

     Yasaka, seeing I am fully awake, told me while kissing my forehead.

     "Last night, you fell asleep stroking my ears and tails, so I brought you into your room to sleep, but my greedy Devil grabbed a hold of me, and this weak woman could not get away, Ufufu. You hugged me all night long, calling my name with a happy smile, so I watched you sleep, well until you almost started to do inappropriate things."

     "Huh? What inappropriate things was I trying to do?"

     With a playful smile, she pointed to the damp spot, where her right nipple is, letting me see that I was trying to get some milk in my dream, oops?!

     "It is fine, it was brief, and we did not purposefully cross any lines your family would object to, fufu."

     "First, I would imagine my Father giving me a high-five, and my Mother would scold me for being lustful openly, then ignore it with a smile, because it is you. And secondly, why did you not try to get away from me?"

     Yasaka smacked me with a couple of her fox-tails, giggled and told me the unthinkable truth.

     "My Ray, you are 2 strength categories stronger than me, do you think I could get out of your hold, not that I tried, but even if you pushed me down, what could I do to resist you? But when you are older, I really want to be pushed down, Ufufu. Only if it is you of course."

     "Yasaka, thanks for the best night's sleep in a long time, mwah!"

     I sneak in a kiss due to me being a bit bold now, but she only laughed and said.

     "Now our alone time must end, because everyone in the house is trying to get into here, fufu. They know we are together, and it is scandalous, you know, Ray~!"

     "No, we are mates now, so it is normal, right?"

     She pondered and nodded her head, then confirmed.

     "That is right, we are mates, that just haven't mated yet, but it is still official, so let us not hide it, right?"

     I then held out my hand and created a Magic Communication Circle, that floated next to my ear, and said to the other person.

     "Uncle Heinrich, I just woke up and am showering, be out in a bit."

     [Very well Prince Ray, we will calmly wait, glad you were just sleeping.]

     I closed it and offered.

     "Can I wash your back for you?"

     "Ufufu, What a gentleman, yes please~♪!"

     And using the soft cloth, I got to examine her body, but in a proper way, with a towel and not my filthy paws. However, the ears were not spared!


     In the Kyuubi Mansion's eating room...

     Uncle Heinrich has seen it all as an older Human Reincarnated Devil, working for the Gremory, who while he elegantly ate his tempura, his gaze was more amused than concerned.

     Both of Yasaka's attendants looked speechless, and wanted to flip the table in my blatant disrespect for their Princess Yasaka!

     Ni and Li were not giving me very friendly eyes, letting me know they would have a talk with me after we leave, gulp! But the two Nekomata Devils just fiercely chomped down on the grilled fish they were served.

     I am not clueless, and can tell the two cat girls are developing feelings for their King (Just like Kuroka, all Neko find strength attractive). So, I will not deny their territorial instincts. I still think foxes and cats do not get along, geez.

     "Ufufu, Ray, now try this one, I love it very much."

     So why all the complicated looks? Because I am being held in Yasaka's lap, with fluffy head cushioned seating.

     And the Princess of the West Youkai is personally feeding me with her own chopsticks, and sharing them between me and her. I won't lie, I have a slight blush here, more for shame, because I am 10 years old, too big to be a little kid, but too small to be an adult, sigh. One day, she will sit in my lap dammit!

     I just opened my mouth, making this trickster very pleased. She is showing off our new relationship to my Pawns, and her attendants. Yasaka has a very childish side I have found.

     Soon my wonderful and awful torture came to an end, and our group needed to leave Urakyoto. With promises of using my Communication Magic at least once a week, Yasaka let me leave, with a public kiss on my cheek, for good measure....


     Back in the Hotel, I was dragged by Ni and Li to the showers and thoroughly scrubbed from head to toe. I did not have to be a rocket scientist to tell it was to wash off Yasaka's smell from me. I just let the two do as they pleased, with a smile on my face.


     After my cleansing, I made Calls to my loved ones in the Underworld, to update them on events, before they heard from other sources.

     While I was talking with Kuisha, she asked me seriously.

     [Yasaka, is this serious? Will she be in your harem, dear?]

     "Yes, I have made sure we both are serious about it, and I wanted you to know right away."

     [Then as your future wife, I will have to meet this mistress. It will be my duty to manage your Harem for you Ray, so the girls will not take advantage and avoid infighting, well too much. And how are Li and Ni taking it?]

     "Thanks Kuisha, and the twins are fine, well mostly. I think they are annoyed a bit, but I let them vent on me a little, ha-ha. I believe it is because they care."

     [Good, I did not want my Ray to be a dense blockhead and not realize their budding feelings. Well you did acknowledge my feelings in the past, so my Devil is good, fufu. Okay dear, your Mother is calling for my training, call me in a few days, love you...]

     Just as my call ended, both Ni on my left, and Li on my right sat. They each took an arm and Ni said with her ears down.

     "Sorry Master, we made you feel uncomfortable ~Nya..."

     Li, with her ears also flat, held my hand with her tails and apologized.

     "We heard that you know how we feel, and now we feel bad, forgive us, Master ~Nya?"

     I fluffed Li's tail and told them both.

     "You are both part of my family now, and I care about your feelings. So do not feel sorry for caring. As long as you do not cause the Gremory to be seen poorly, I don't mind some of your behaviors. I am happy you two care for me, so I will take care of you two for as long as you want, you will not be replaced."

     Li, in higher spirits, rebounded fast, then suggested.

     "Ray, if you fluff my tail while we sunbathe, I think I can train better ~Nya!"

    Ni, already guilty of it, only nodded to her sister like she never thought of it.

     So with that, the new routine was set, I would be in the middle performing Mofu Mofu, while the two Nekomata took naps under the bright Kyoto sun...

-      If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Elsewhere in Japan...

     Ray had forgotten over the years about the exact details of the event unfolding. Though he remembered the little 10 year old girl very well, her past details had slipped his mind.

     Although the anime made a touching and heartbreaking past for Akeno, it was only one small piece in many other events for a normal person to recall many years later.

     Akeno was running with her shrine maiden clothing colored with dirt, grass, and blood from the horrors left behind in her Himejima Clan. Just like Tsubaki, Akeno is from one of the 5 Principle Clans of Japan.

     Not long ago, the right hand man of Azazel, the Fallen Angel Baraqiel, had been baited away from his home, with his Human Wife Shuri Himejima and Half Fallen Angel daughter, Akeno left unguarded.

     Baraqiel's enemies in the Grigori had worked with the Principal Clan to deal with his daughter. In short, the team sent to kill Akeno had been stopped by her mother at the high cost of her life, making Akeno flee.

     Unfortunately, Akeno had nowhere to vent the pain in her heart, so her Father became that focus. A young child cannot be expected to understand the trials the love of her parents had to deal with for her sake.

     In the forest, the young Akeno with her normal ponytail gone, due to the run through brier patches and rough terrain, made her look like a feral child. She took a moment to wipe the tears from her violet eyes, so she could stay alive.

     Just after catching her breath, she heard the pursuit squad, and with her tired body, she fled into the lonely darkness, to live another-day...



     No matter how many butterflies Ray steps on, many take its place, and events unfold...


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