A New Born Devil?

Chapter 19 Uncle Heinrich’s, Japan Tour?

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(Reminder: Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, is Zeoticus' Bishop. He is a historical figure who was once a human physician, jurist, theologian, and occult writer until he was reincarnated as a Devil. He is also the vice-chief engineer of the Demonic Power Research Institute which was organized by Sirzechs Lucifer.)


Chapter 19  Uncle Heinrich's, Japan Tour? by Harem-Fan


     Another week had passed, and my embarrassing birthday party came and went. Sirzechs and Grayfia made another big deal out of it, but at least baby Rias was there to take some of my attention away.

     My father managed to be taken off of the Missing Person Milk Container, and when I asked him how it went, he said nothing. He only told me one truth... "Gremory women are scary! Even if they only marry into the family."

      He only patted my shoulder as we both looked at my Mother and Kuisha socializing with the guest during the party. Somehow, my Father and I had a deeper connection, like two men with the same fate. Or I was just imagining it, because Kuisha is the best!

     So currently, it is one week after my birthday, and I am waiting for my Uncle Heinrich to take me, Ni, and Li to Human Japan for my experience training.

     Why am I bringing Ni and Li? The two grew up in Japan's Eastern Youkai Faction or rather Tokyo side of Japan, and can also act as a guide for me. With my promotion token, the twins can turn into Queens in a fight, and they will also be training their powers and skills with me.

     On a side note, my Mother just wanted to spend more time with Kuisha and Tsubaki who she has a fondness for after confirming her loyalty and presence of an immature Sacred Gear.

     Even though we will be gone a while, Grayfia will every few months pick us up from the Human world to spend time with my family and Servants. So this will not be a long term separation, but someone needs to tell Kuisha that...


     Standing in-front of the Gremory Train, I am being held tight by a sad looking Kuisha. Ni and Li behind me are only smiling at poor Kuisha, who broke her Noble Lady facade and is becoming emotional.

     "But, but, but, I will have to sleep alone now, Ray?!"

     I pat the top of Kuisha's blonde long hair and say warmly.

     "Dear Kuisha, I won't be leaving forever, and I will miss you too. So just train with Mother and Tsubaki well, and the time will pass. I will also call you often with my Communication Magic I learned, so you can at least see me, okay?"

     My Mother, smiling, gently pulled Kuisha back, who has started acting her age, and told her.

     "Kuisha honey, do you want Ray to remember parting with your upset look, or with a dignified and proud look? Now stand up straight and send Ray off with confidence, to show him you believe in him, fufu."

    Kuisha, hearing that, realized everyone was watching, so she listened and put on a refined smile, then told me.

     "Ray, everything will be fine at home while you are gone, so go and quickly complete your task, we will be waiting, goodbye Dear."

     Seeing Kuisha was done with her goodby, Tsubaki stepped up and handed me a notebook.

     "I have, as you requested, jotted down many of my likes, dislikes, and dreams. This journal will let you know your Queen better, so please do not show others, it is embarrassing... Goodbye my King."

     "Thanks Tsubaki, and I will also call you and ask questions, so learn a lot, okay?"

     She then with a nod, returned to just behind my Mother who already hugged me and showered me with her affections.

     Off to the side, my Father was speaking to his Bishop, my Uncle Heinrich about the tasks to cover with me. Then when they were done, the older Reincarnated Devil came to the three of us and said.

     "Alright children, now get on board, it is time to head to Japan for your immersion training. Prince Gremory, let us leave."

     I also, like Kuisha, put on a tough face because missing me will really make me miss her. I had even started to sleep well with another person hugging me like a pillow. I wave then get on the Noble Car...


     Kyoto Japan, 2:27 pm...

     Four Devils stepped out of Kyoto Train Station and are on the street level. Heinrich says to the three of us.

     "We already have rooms for us at the Sirzechs Kyoto Hotel, and your room has a Servants room for Ni and Li. We will check in and take our bags to the rooms before we meet our Youkai guide. The meeting with Princess Yasaka is not till midnight anyway."

     The hotel is not too far on foot, so we make our way there, then Li whispers into my right-ear.

     "Ah? Master, you know the West Youkai Leader ~Nya?"

     As I nodded, Ni said on my left side.

     "Li, that is why Master smells so good, it is the smell of the Kyuubi Princess ~Nya!"

     I shook my head and explained.

     "Ni, that is impossible, for I have never even met the Princess. I had done her a favor back 6 years ago, and now that my grounding is over, she wants to thank me in person."

     Both Ni and Li look at me, like they caught me cheating on them. Huh? Do foxes and cat Youkai not get along?

     "If meeting Yasaka is no good for you two, then stay at the Hotel?"

     ""No! We are coming ~Nya!""

     Wow, these two Nekomata are really on the same page with talking and saying the same thing as one, geez.

     "Okay, then come. They cannot reject you due to being my Servants in name."

     Oh, I forgot to mention, the two are not wearing their skimpy sailor uniforms, but just above the knee-length white and red priestess kimono that is designed for movement. On their feet are wooden geta. Both girls are even sporting crimson paper-umbrellas to block the direct sunlight.

     Yup just like Devils, Youkai also hate bright sunlight, until they light temper that is.

     Me, I am wearing a crimson men's yukata with a floating Sakura-petal (cherry blossom) design, to help look the part of a rich young noble from a foreign country playing at being Japanese. You know the type, walking around with two older Japanese big sisters as servants, that kinda guy.

     Uncle Heinrich always wears a black suit for business, and ever consummate gentleman.

     The one thing every Devil can expect from the Gremory Devils, are our manners. Next to Serafall, the Gremory are the preferred Devil House to contract with, especially if you are Human. Oh, and I will also be performing some simple beginner contracts with my experience trip, fun right?


     A few hours later, inside my massive Presidential suite, I am sunbathing on the patio, as Uncle Heinrich came in to let me know what was going on.

     "Prince Ray, the attendant sent by Yasaka, a woman by the name of Sakura, is coming in one hour to pick us up, to then bring us to the Youkai Back Alley. So be ready."

     "Thank you Uncle, I will get the gifts."

     The place in Kyoto, on the other side of Kyoto is called Urakyoto (also called The Back Alley), which is an alternate dimension created in a similar way to Devils Rating Game fields. This place is the size of Kyoto, as a dark reverse world that Humans rarely enter, usually by accident.

     I am laying in a sun-chair, and on both sides of me are two cat girls looking like I am torturing them to sunbathe. Li, the outspoken one, says in a grumble.

     "Mmmmaster~, why are you making me do this ~Nya... I-I am going to burst into kitty flames ~Nya!"

     Ni, the calm one of the two, but also the one less outspoken, tells her annoyed sister.

     "Li stop it, you know Master Ray is doing this for our own good, right ~Nya? Look at Ray, he is also sunbathing with us ~Nya."

     I only smile at the two because their natural aversion to sunlight, as a Youkai is strong, so I hit them with pointless logic.

     "Human world cats sleep in sunbeams to make them energetic at night, so think of this as connecting with instincts."

     Li only grumbled to my bullshit I made up and turned her back to me, then she let out her two tails to sway in a pouting motion. The two girls are wearing a two piece bikini to get maximum sun but still keep modesty, for my sake.

     Seeing my eyes follow the tails, Ni let hers out quietly, to not alert her sister, and I felt her blue tails on my wrist, and she was looking at me to pet them.

     Mofu Mofu! My hands could not help but gently pet the ends of her two slowly swaying cat tails. My hands betrayed me and for some reason, I had a contented smile on my lips. Ni seeing this only closed her eyes, feeling my care.


     As Li woke from her 'cat nap', Ni had pulled back her tails before any crimes could be caught, and I then realized, Ni is the real troublemaker of the two girls. Ni is the subtly noticed trickster, while Li is an open and bold trickster. The more I learn of their personalities, the more the two do not seem to be twins in my eyes, but separate Nekomata with similar looks.

     "Alright girls, it is time to get changed and go down, we do not want to keep our guests waiting."

     Li darted inside like she was pardoned for crimes, and Ni only smiled at her sister, following me in...


     We four devils arrived in front of the Hotel front on the curbside, as a white limo pulled up. A Japanese woman in a yellow yukata goes out with her hair done up in a bun. She is most definitely a Youkai, and based on Grayfia's recounting, Yasaka's right hand Sakura. She waved us in and told us.

     "The Gremory, please come with me to see the Princess who awaits you."

     Then our group entered and we drove off into the bustling streets of Kyoto...


     Our group of 5 had come to a secluded Torii Gate in the middle of a deserted park.

     If you did not know what you were looking for, you could never find these red gates. Naturally it is warded to turn away normal Humans. But the rare few with power can stumble to this place.

     Sakura tells us.

     "This is just one of the many Torii Gates leading to the reverse side, or Urakyoto, please follow me in..."

     And we follow the friendly woman in...


     Our vision had blackened for a moment, as we felt the pleasant feeling of darkness flush over our bodies.

     Li and Ni especially looked happy to come here. Apparently they had never been here before due to being a part of the East Faction before running away from their troubled pasts... One day I will go into detail of their stray status.

     Once we were fully in, Sakura let out her fox ears and single tail as a normal Kitsune. In my eyes, her beauty doubled. I have to admit, I like women with animal ears and tails, sigh. But I cannot tell the Nekomata I like the Kyuubi type like Yasaka the most. Nope, I shall take that to my grave.

     The buildings in this dimension are like that of the old Edo periods and most imagined ancient japanese folklore. In the darkness, many large and small Youkai hid from us, curiously watching us.

     And unlike Devils and Vampires, the Youkai come in so many shapes and sizes, from tools that gained sentience, or real life animals like my Familiar Neko who gained a supernatural life, with increased awareness. Like in the building on my left, I see a floating paper lantern with a face on it. And near it, an animated Rake once used by some famous farmer most likely.

     Between two houses, I even saw a 10 foot tall Ogre-Mage, drinking sake, but he does not look hostile or mean, but just a large Youkai chilling with a drink. I smiled at that sight, showing looks are deceiving, and the nature of creatures is all different.

     Sakura, seeing me smile, also smiled and said.

     "Prince Gremory, most of the Youkai you see here are kind and shy, not wanting to interact with Humans much. Most of the hostile Youkai you may have heard of live and fight in the wild. Princess Yasaka only cares for the peaceful beings who wish for solitude in the modern world who reject us, and thus she must maintain the Kyoto Magic Barrier connecting the Ley lines of the Western Region of Japan. Oh, look there, we are here..."

     The road we are on passed through mist, revealing a wooden bridge over a small river.

     As we pass, I can see a dark but pretty forest, and inside it is an old and classy Japanese style mansion with paper walls and curved eves on the building roof tiles. It is out of a samurai fantasy story, and something a noble of the old Japanese eras would live comfortably in.

     Arriving in-front of the guarded doors, Sakura slides open the entrance and waves in, saying to us respectfully.

     "Welcome to Princess Yasaka's palace, please come in..."

     As I stepped in, and removed my shoes, my spine tingled, like many treasures were here calling for me to search for them.

     My eyebrow raised at this feeling, like the times I held Yasaka's painting . A warm sensation seems to run through my heart, like I am very welcome here.



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