A Nest of Snakes Inside an Old Tomb

Chapter 86

Chapter 86

“Don’t you regret letting us go?” Su Lao frowned and wanted to bargain with a group of talking snakes? Old Su felt that he was crazy, and subconsciously held the gun in his hand tighter, and quietly touched his pocket with his left hand.

Yin Xiaoxiao crawled forward a few times before he was about to speak, but Boss Mo dragged his tail to the position just now.

Yin Xiaoxiao: “…”

Boss Mo warned: “Little idiot, don’t get so close to them!”

Yin Xiaoxiao ignored Boss Mo and said to Lao Su and Liu Zhixin: “Of course we don’t regret it, but it’s easy for you to leave. Leave everything on you.”

Lao Su and Liu Zhixin were taken aback at the same time, and then they were surprised. If the other party is a human, it is understandable to do so, but the other party is just a snake, how could they say such a thing? !

“Didn’t you hear it? You can leave only by leaving everything on your body, or else, you can leave your lives behind!” Boss Mo said in a deep voice.

Liu Zhixin whispered: “Master…”

Old Su gritted his teeth and said loudly: “Okay, no problem!” Then he took out everything he had and threw it on the ground. Liu Zhixin hesitated and did so.

“Now we can go?” Old Su asked.

“Not yet!” Yin Xiaoxiao shook his head and smiled, “Take off the clothes too!” Who knows if they hide anything in their clothes! The clothes must also be taken off.

“You are deceiving too much!” Liu Zhixin shouted, looking at Yin Xiaoxiao angrily.

Yin Xiaoxiao raised her voice: “I’m just bullying you! You can’t take it off! If you don’t take it off, let the snake crawl on you to help you take it off!”

“Zhixin!” Su Lao shouted Liu Zhixin in warning, and then said to Yin’s short story, “Let’s take it off now.”

So… a group of snakes formed a circle to watch Su Lao and Liu Zhixin undress.

Su Lao and Liu Zhixin who are undressing: “…”

When the last piece was taken off, Yin Xiaoxiao didn’t say anything, but Boss Mo said, “Okay.”

Boss Mo motioned to the two snakes to go forward and search in the two piles of clothes. The result was beyond the expectation of the poisonous snakes. To the surprise of Little Silver, three grenades were found in these clothes, one Four flares and one…the dark thing.

Yin Xiaoxiao craned her neck and glanced at the dark thing, and said uncertainly: “This is… black donkey hoof?”

“Do you know this thing?” Liu Zhixin asked in amazement, this thing even knows snakes?

“Know a little bit.” Yin’s small eyes rolled and smiled, “You can take this thing with you, maybe you will use it later.”

Su Lao and Liu Zhixin stared at Yin Xiaoxiao for a long time. Yin Xiaoxiao did not speak any more, and Boss Mo did not speak. At Su Lao’s order, Liu Zhixin picked up the black donkey hoof.

“You wear the clothes back.”

Su Lao and Liu Zhixin put on their clothes while being wary of the poisonous snake, hesitated, threw their hands on the ground, and left in a hurry.

Seeing that the two had already gone, Yin Xiaoxiao smiled and said to Boss Mo: “Hei Tan, from now on, let the poisonous snake follow them, and come out to scare them from time to time. You have to change snakes frequently. Let them recognize it. By the way, we have to slowly lead them up the mountain, well, this will be done after we go back, and then…” I want Su Lao and Liu Zhixin to see the gold, silver and jade in the tomb, and let them Seeing the ghost mackerel roe in the mouth of Ji Kang’s corpse, they have seen hope but suddenly turned into despair, and let them taste what it means to see but can’t get it!

“Do you understand what the clan husband said? If you understand, just do it!” Mr. Mo whispered.

You look at me, the snakes, I look at you, and finally said: “Yes!”

Soon, there were just a group of snakes and a group of people, but now only Mo Damo and a group of human corpses were left.

What is gratifying is that because of the existence of Boss Mo, none of the poisonous snakes died on his side. Although some were bruised by bullets, with the amazing resilience of the poisonous snakes, he would soon heal.

The war between mankind and the viper clan is now, and there is not much mankind left, but it has to be said that there are two teams of vipers that have not yet been discovered, no, three.

One of them is Zhou Feng and his party. Because of the existence of Qi Zhao, who is similar to a cheating device, it is difficult for the Viper to find Zhou Feng’s and his party’s trace. The second and third teams were actually the same team. Later, after the persuasion of two men who escaped from the middle-aged woman, six people chose to withdraw from the tomb of the snake, and eleven people chose to go on. The team was divided into two. The rest were Wang Yanzhen, who was left in the middle-aged men’s team, and Su Lao and Liu Zhixin, who had just been let go. Other than that, no humans were spared.

Boss Mo had learned from Wang Yanzhen that there were more than 100 humans who had come in, but now the total number of humans killed and released is still not enough. That is to say, somewhere in the barrier, it must be paid. Are there any human beings discovered by venomous snakes?

Boss Mo once again issued an order from the patriarch, instructing all the poisonous snakes to intensify their search, absolutely not letting a human be spared.

Boss Mo had already seen human greed and fear of death, as well as the greed that seemed indefinite, and after a little thought, he knew what he should do next.

“Little, Mo Damo, we are going to the barrier where humans come in now. I believe that there must be humans who are afraid of death who want to go out! As for other humans who are obsessed and must go inside…” Boss Mo thought of Ji Kang, thinking of the hundreds of black snakes still on the mountain, showed a stern smile, “I want to come soon, they will regret it.”

“The enchantment place where humans come in? But how can we find it?” Yin Xiaoxiao asked.

Boss Mo replied: “Taste, there is a smell of the outside world at the barrier that has been opened.”

Yin Xiaoxiao: “…” Okay, Yin Xiaoxiao said that he really didn’t understand what the outside world was like.

Yin Xiaoxiao naturally didn’t care where he went, anyway, he was lying on Boss Mo’s back, especially now that he was injured, he was lying on Boss Mo’s body without any pressure!

Mo Damo naturally obeyed the words of Boss Mo unconditionally, and the patriarch said that he would do whatever he asked him to do. Of course, Mo Damo didn’t like the Yin Xiaoxiao who was lying on Boss Mo all the way.


Qi Zhao led a group of people behind him to change the route from the east to the west every day, and finally someone couldn’t help but complain.

“Shao Qi, do you know where the tomb is? It’s no way to keep walking like this!”

Qi Zhao raised his head and glanced casually at the person complaining to him, and sneered: “If you feel that you have the ability to find the tomb, you naturally don’t need to follow me. You can leave the team.”

“Shao Qi, that’s not what I said. We came in with you, so you have to take us into the ancient tomb, right? It’s been ten days since we’ve been here, and we haven’t even seen the shadow of the ancient tomb! You have to give it Let’s talk about it!” Naturally, it is not only one person who is dissatisfied with Qi Zhao. Qi Zhao’s not friendly attitude made others couldn’t help but speak up.

“That’s it, we can’t keep consuming it here!”

“Shao Qi, just one sentence, can you take us to the ancient tomb?”


Qi Zhao raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: “If it weren’t for me, I’m afraid you would have died hundreds of times. I will say it one last time. Those who are willing to follow me will continue to follow me, and those who are unwilling to follow me. I won’t stop, you can do it yourself!”

As soon as Qi Zhao’s voice fell, a few people came forward: “Qi Shao, since you said so, don’t blame our brothers for not giving you face, to be honest, if it weren’t for the face of Qi’s family Go, Shao Qi, can you invite us to the grave with you?”

A few people expressed their opinions, and a few others began to hesitate. These days, they don’t know what Qi Zhao is doing. They always change course, and ask him nothing. He doesn’t say anything, and his face is getting ugly day by day. , Go to the tomb with him, maybe he will be killed! It’s good to leave now, maybe the tomb was found by a few of them!

Thinking of this, several people stood up.

Feng Yuan’s left hand is Zhou Feng, and behind Feng Yuan is a friend who has a fairly good relationship with Feng Yuan. At this moment, the person also stood up. Seeing Feng Yuan did not move, the person whispered to Feng Yuan, “Feng Yuan, You also go with us! This Qi Zhao, it seems to make people feel uneasy, we are here to robber the tomb, not the player’s house wine.”

Feng Yuan smiled bitterly in his heart. According to his own inference, I am afraid that he can only go out alive by following Qi Zhao. He wanted to save this person, but he didn’t know how to speak after thinking about it. Finally, he sighed, “No, I’ll follow. Qi Shao.”

Hearing Feng Yuan’s words, the man stopped speaking. In the final analysis, friendship is general. Let Feng Yuan go with them. It’s just to bring one more person to add a sense of assurance. Feng Yuan refuses it, and it is not bad. When they find the ancient tomb, there will be one less person. Share things with them!

In the final total, the twelve members of Zhou Feng’s team actually left six, that is to say, half of the people left.

These six people got up and left first. It stands to reason that the time for the noon break has already passed. The remaining six people on Qi Zhao’s side should also set off. But the strange thing is that Qi Zhao did not leave openly, just Sit quietly in place and didn’t move.

Zhou Feng and Feng Yuan looked at each other and did not speak.

It has only been about ten minutes since the six people left. In addition, this section of the road is full of mountains and trees. In fact, ten minutes can’t go too far. At least if someone over there shouts aloud, Qi Zhao Voices can also be heard here.

It was Zhou Feng who first discovered that Qi Zhao was wrong. Zhou Feng calmly touched Feng Yuan next to him, and Feng Yuan subconsciously looked at Qi Zhao.

I saw Qi Zhao who was still expressionless just now, and at this moment he showed a particularly grim and stern smile.

Feng Yuan shuddered, and immediately retracted his gaze.

At this moment, screams came from the direction the six people had left, and it seemed that someone was vaguely heard saying “…snakes…snakes…”

Except for Qi Zhao, the faces of the remaining five Qi Qi turned pale.

Slowly, the screams from there became weaker and weaker until it disappeared.

Qi Zhao stood up and slowly put his backpack on his back. He returned to his expressionless face, looked at the other five people, and slowly said, “Let’s go.”

Feng Yuan and Zhou Feng looked at each other again, then immediately withdrew their gazes, silently stood up and followed Qi Zhao.

The team led by Qi Zhao, with only six people left, walked on the road very silently. Qi Zhao still turned his head to the side from time to time as if listening to something, and then changed his direction, but this time, no one expressed dissatisfaction with Qi Zhao’s behavior, and they all followed Qi Zhao honestly.

After walking in this way for another day or two, Qi Zhao’s gloomy face showed a slight smile, and his gaze stayed on the highest mountain again. At this moment, Qi Zhao has successfully walked out of the encirclement of the poisonous snakes, but because of constantly changing the route on the road, Qi Zhao is still a considerable distance away from the mountain, but there is no longer a deliberate search by the poisonous snakes. Qi Zhao is now All you have to do is hurry up. If everything goes well, you will be able to reach the foot of the highest mountain in less than ten days.

Qi Zhao and his group set off toward the final destination, the human beings still trapped in the encirclement here are not so comfortable. As the encirclement of the venomous snakes gets smaller and smaller, except for Su Lao and Liu Zhixin, who “successfully” survive the danger every time they encounter a venomous snake, the escape of the remaining humans becomes more and more difficult. Oh, no, it’s not the escape of humans. , And the eleven humans who are determined to find the ancient tomb.

This eleven-member team led by Xu Lao didn’t know what luck it had taken, and it has not been discovered by the poisonous snakes. Of course, this may also be related to the fact that they knew in advance how powerful the snakes were. They were more cautious than when they came in, and they were all armed and fleeing as soon as they were disturbed. It really saved them from being searched by the snakes several times. It’s just this team. Most of them are middle-aged and elderly people. The long-term nervousness and strenuous exercise gradually make these people’s bodies overwhelming. It’s just that the things that can live forever keep them moving forward, but in time, this team will definitely do it. It was discovered by the venomous snakes that although their equipment was complete, it was impossible to beat hundreds of venomous snakes after all.

There is also the group of eight people who want to leave the snake tomb. I don’t know if it’s God’s mercy. I don’t want all the humans who come in to lose their lives in the snake tomb. These eight people are getting closer and closer to the exit of the snake tomb. , Seeing that only one or two days will be out of the tomb of the snake, all eight people are extremely excited.

However, what the eight people didn’t know was that Big Mo, with Yin Xiaoxiao on his back, and Mo Damo, who had been following him, were getting closer and closer to the exit.

Boss Mo, the three snakes and the eight people, who can reach the exit of the snake tomb first? If Boss Mo arrives first, death is waiting for these eight people. Otherwise, these people can leave the Snake Tomb with their lives!


National Day today! Did you see it? 4000+! ! ! Wow, click, click

Dear friends, when I read this article, I should have been shaking and shaking on the bus…

Speaking of masterpieces, my collection looks really like…slow…it feels sad all at once…

Flashing myself flashing myself, the number 2 will also be 4000+ Although there is no double update for one day, but the addition of words every day for seven days is considered a double update _

I like the nest of snakes in the ancient tomb, please collect it: ( ) The literature update of the nest of snakes in the ancient tomb is the fastest.

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