A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 130: The bar

Masamune and the others were visiting the town that surrounded the venue. Although it was only temporary the buildings and stalls were all well built and decorated, the hotel even has a swimming pool. The reason being is that many investors come to visit and want to stay and the same places where they trust and every year the same vendor is in charge of the building.

Masamune and the girls were walking through the entertainment district.

“What a strange place.”

“When did they build all this? Did they use magic?”

“I heard architectural mages are good at this kind of stuff.”


Did the architectural mages build the buildings that were in front of the dungeon as well?

Down the road I saw a bar that reminded me of an Irish pub. A number of hotels were around it, maybe it was actually a hotel then?

“Hey? That’s a hotel isn’t it?”


“That tall building over there.”

“Oh you mean the Inn? What’s a hotel?”

Oh, apparently they don’t say hotel here. Although a lot of the words were the same between our worlds there was some differences.

“Hey, let’s go in here.”

Toa pointed to a pub, it looked good. Although the name was ‘three legged water fowl pub’….let’s not comment on that.


It doesn’t really matter where we go. We went inside and looked for somewhere to sit, it was still only noon so it was pretty empty. Although there’s no prejudice here regarding day drinking, you can drink whenever and as much as you want.

“What’ll ya have?”

When the waitress came over for our order we chose their special ‘break beer’.

“What do you want Nem?”

“Hmmmm, Nem wants the ‘crash crash’!”

This drink seemed to be a sweet carbonated drink. Although there’s no law that says she couldn’t have alcohol I don’t want to get her started this young. I thought it was better for her to stick to juice until she gets older.

We all ordered food with our drinks as well and I took off my mask to enjoy it. I could tell if someone was coming based of magic power so it was safe.

“So, who was she?”

“My childhood friend.”


I answered honestly but for some reason Toa looked shocked.

“What? I have one or two childhood friends, Toa has them too right?”

“No! I was in the castle alone!”

Oh right, I’d forgotten about that.

“I had some, but my father got worried and killed them.”

Everyone froze when Sufilia spoke up. What kind of father worries about his daughter to that extent? Did he just kill them because they were annoying?

“Speaking of which is that ok?”


“What? I mean she knows your real identity.”

“Yeah? I mean I denied it properly right?”

Besides all Kotori said was that she recognized my voice right?

“Is that ok? She was crying, isn’t she important to you?”

Toa and Sufilia both looked sad for a moment.

“Important? The only people important to me are you guys and Sierra.”

Instead of looking sad now, the two of them were blushing instead.

“That a, and it’s not ok to hurt someone just because you get upset!”

Toa said while trying to hide her shyness.

“Ok, I’ll be more careful.”

She sounds like Sierra now.

“But even if I he was mad about it he probably doesn’t remember it. He’s a summoned hero after all, that much wasn’t enough to hurt him.”

“I’ve thought this for a while now but, why does Toa always deny what lord Nito wants? I mean that guy did start it, wasn’t it ok to just kill him?”


“Yeah, isn’t it only natural for him to want to prevent you from being harmed.”

“You shouldn’t kill someone that easily!”

“In terms of magic power that guy was a powerful mage. Of course it was easy for Nito but we would have had a hard time. Wouldn’t it be better to have killed him in the interest of safety?”

“Its ok, if he provokes me again I can just kill him. And above all he’s a hero.”

“Above all? What do you mean?”

“Hmm? Nothing. If he he tries to harm us I’ll take appropriate measures against him. You don’t have to worry.”

After a while a few more customers began to enter the pub.

“I’m stronger than them, but if something happens when I’m not there I can’t do anything right? I mean you all have the rings so I’ll know if something happens and I’ll be there quickly but there are limits.”

It still takes a bit of time to reach them if something happens.

“Its a good idea to kill anyone that hurts you, it’s that kind of world after all isn’t it?”

“Right! It’s just like lord Nito says!”

“You don’t have to follow the way the world is, can’t you decide on your own?”

Toa didn’t seem to agree.

Maybe it’s because Toa is a demon? I have to admit there is a certain charm about her, and she’s always the target as well. Maybe that’s why Kyogoku chose her over Sufilia?

“Excuse me!”

I ordered more beer.

“Pardon me.”

A man suddenly spoke to us.


Toa turned towards him.

That man had two horns and pale skin, although it wasn’t that he looked unhealthy that was just the color of his skin. He was also about 2m tall, in other words he wasn’t human. I wonder what race he’s from?

“Are you lady Totalica?!”

He looked excited, Toa again huh? I wonder what it is this time?

“Yes? Who are you?”

When Toa spoke the man seemed relieved.

“Pardon me, I’m from the Demon Kingdom Shastain. My name is kaizer.”

“Demon country?”

I asked without thinking. I’ve heard of the demon country of course but I didn’t ask Toa much about it, is he from Toas hometown?

“Excuse me, what’s your relationship with Toa? Do you know her?”

“Do not speak human!”


What’s with that reaction? I’m pretty sure I was talking normally?

“Lady Totalica, queen Cassandra is waiting in the demon country to make you the next queen.”

“Queen?! What are you talking about?”

What’s going on?

“Toas a princess?!”

Nem asked with meat in one hand and juice in the other.

“Of course not! I….”

Nem was surprised at Toas reaction.

Toas face grew dark, does she not want to be queen? This is the first time I’ve seen her like this.

“You said demon country right? Is Toa originally from there?”

“Didn’t I tell you not to speak human!? Lady Totalica is a relative of the demon lord, she should not be in a place like this!”

The Sufilia began muttering.

“I see….Toa’s a demon…that explains why her magic power is so strong.”

“Oh right, we didn’t tell you did we Sufilia?”

“Its ok, but I remember hearing a story about this country. I heard there are three kings whoー”

“What? Three demon kings?”

Isn’t there usually only one king? What a mess.

“I have no time for human questions. Let’s go Lady Totalica, queen Cassandra is waiting for you.”

“Huh? Hey!”

He grabbed Toas hand.

“Let go.”

I blocked him. Relative of Toa or not I can’t overlook this.

“Who are you talking too human? I’m a demon!”

I heard the sound of a plate shatter, the waitress face looked cramped as well. Was this all because he said he was a demon? No body reacted like this when they heard Toa was a demon though?

He let go of Toas hand and walked up to me…. He’s huge! He’s like twice my height.

“You wanna die human? You know I’m a demon.”

“Yeah I heard. But I’ll ask the same thing to you.”


“Who do you think you’re talking to? Do you want to be killed?”

I turned my bloodlust on the demon who called himself Kaizer.

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