A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 79. The Dimension of the Stars (3) [S1 END]

A shivering cold escaped through my mouth as I stared at the headstone, no words could describe my surprise. The headstone showed that the person Mom had fallen for in the past was someone that carried the Fragaria name… but that doesn’t make sense at all, the Fragaria family isn’t some kind of royal family nor did it come from an old Empire yet from what Mom said… this person is a Princess, what does this mean?


“Are you surprised?” she looked at me and asked before I nodded as she continued, “To simplify, the girl you are together with is the only true descendant of the Fragaria Royal family, her sister does not contain the blood since she came from her father’s mistress.”


It felt like a shocking revelation had been dropped out of nowhere, there was this sudden heaviness that bombed me as she looked at me with a heavy sigh as she continued on, “The Fragaria family was once the most respected family among the continent, they were powerful not only in military powers but also in intelligence and generosity.”


“Their power spanned throughout the continent and even reached different continents at one period, relying only on their own powers as they dominated the continent, creating a sense of pride under the name but that all came to an end… the Fragaria family that ruled the high empire fell apart all of a sudden…” she looked out towards the sky with a tired expression.


A family that is strong enough where their influences could even reach other continents is not ordinary at all, and to think that Mana is the only one that carries the blood of the former infamous family makes me shiver… that would definitely mean Mana has some sort of abilities or talent that she hasn’t figured out yet.


“Did the downfall of the Fragaria have anything to do with the Goddess of Dark Lilies?” I asked before she turned around and nodded, resting back on the tree as she grasped her hand tight.


“It did, the entire downfall of the Fragaria was done by none other than that hateful Goddess… she must have known beforehand that her counterpart twin had given me powers that could overwhelm her which made her lose confidence fighting against me face to face…”


“And what would you do if you can’t face someone head-on? None other than taking down the other parties’ families which she exactly did, conspiring one of the largest insurrections the entire world had seen which consisted of all the evil nobles of the former Empire together with several other kingdoms… a scene that could only be described as horror exploded, drenching the Empire with blood for five straight days…” she said while tightening her hand even more to the extent that it started bleeding.


Her fingernails dug into her palms as a single tear fell from her eye, a sense of hopelessness could be felt from her eyes as she looked towards the skies that were shrouded with stars.


“The insurrection occurred when the two of us sealed one another in our own dimensions where I could only watch in horror as children were being mercilessly murdered by cruel knights; the people I was close with were burned at the central park; defenseless women were being forced day and night by these corrupt nobles…” her eyes turned red as even more tears fell from her eyes.


“I couldn’t do anything at all… I could only watch as the legendary Empire fell apart with the beheading of the Empress and the Emperor at the capital, the evil had succeeded, and the insurrection ended. The empire was now blanketed with the tears and blood of the innocent,” she said before sighing as she fell on the floor, taking me by surprise as she laughed unconsciously.


“That wasn’t the end of everything… the other kingdoms nearby hearing about the insurrection marched ahead with their own plan, the Trident Kingdom which was well-known for their powers in the sea, the Io Kingdom which was synonymous with magic, the Misalia Kingdom who were known for their richness and the Helena Kingdom who wielded the most military power marched forward towards the unstable Empire…”


“And then after, the glorious Empire had fallen down in an instant, leaving nothing but ashes as the largest war in the entire history of the world had occurred, changing the geography of the continent as all the kingdoms fought for the remnants of the glorious Empire…” she closed her lips before looking up in the skies as she reached a hand towards the skies before turning towards me as she smiled.


“It’s all in the past now though, the five-hundred year old past which had long been forgotten by almost all of the world,” she said before a sudden question struck me.


“Five hundred years ago…? Didn’t you say the Fragaria family was annihilated, how come Mana still has their blood?!” I looked at her and asked with extreme confusion before she shook her head with a sigh, standing up before pinching my cheeks.


“When did I say the Fragaria family was annihilated?!” she said before smiling wryly as she continued, “The Fragaria family wasn’t completely doomed, the only remaining daughter Yuri had managed to escape the entire battle disguising herself as a knight.”


“Yuri fought through many battlefields, taking the world by shock as she became the only Sword Empress in the continent, someone so powerful that she could even slice an entire kingdom with only a sword on her hand while dressed in a floral white dress without any armor,” she smiled before giggling as she took out a picture of a pink-haired lady that looked like Mana but with a knightlier feel.


“That girl had enormous amounts of mana that her lifespan was forcefully extended by the laws of the world up to four hundred years where she met her love of her lifetime, the Princess of the Kingdom you are in now…” she said, “The two of them married together and after nearly a hundred of years of experimentation, Yuri gave birth to a child who is none other than your partner now, Mana Fragaria…”


“In an effort to protect the child from the people who hated her, she left the girl in the hands of the current non-related Fragaria family because she feared that the girl would only become a target of the powers in the dark when people realize that she is her child…” she smiled.


I couldn’t hold back the surprise inside my heart… that reminds me, Seele had also called Mana the only true descendant of the Fragaria during that serpent battle, at that time, I didn’t think much about it but now that I was explained about the Fragaria family… it kind of feels weird inside.


All of a sudden, a loud explosion echoed throughout the entire place, the rumbling roars of the thunder reverberated as the clouds turned black. Mom’s expression had darkened as she flicked her finger before a gigantic window appeared before us.


The window was golden in color and it displayed a live feed of Mana crying on her bed, pale face with her sweat dripping from her forehead. Leisha was beside her panicking as she held Mana’s hand tightly almost like sustaining her alive.


I felt my heart stop as I ran towards Mom, grabbing her shoulders as I asked, “What happened to Mana…?!” before she looked at me with a wry smile as she explained.


“It seems like something will happen to her in the soon future if nothing is done to prevent it…”


My world started spinning, the heart that was beating inside me stopped as I looked at her with my eyes wide open before asking in a trembling voice… “What will happen…?” before she shook her head as she closed the window and walked towards me, gripping my shoulder.


“The event that you saw from the window was a scene of the future which is still changeable… I don’t know much information, nor do I have much time to explain but from what I can tell, my cute daughter-in-law will face an opponent that is far stronger than anyone the two of you had met so far… this person is someone you cannot compete even with this extra training…” she spoke with a heavy voice.


I felt my legs weakened as I stumbled to the floor before mumbling, “What can I do…?” several dozens of times. I felt my world had torn apart as I stood up and grabbed her shoulders one more time before begging.


“Please get me out of here!”


All of a sudden, a slap blasted through my cheeks as she looked at me with an angry expression, “I won’t let you leave this dimension yet… it will corrupt your soul if you were unnaturally returned to that world, we have to wait until you are released from the coma before I can let you go…”


“I don’t care! Let me out…!” I shouted before she sighed, slapping me once more in the face as she looked at me with more anger.


“You can’t even help her anyway, stop panicking… there is someone who can contend this person, she is also someone you might know but someone you also hate at the same time, we can ask for her help but there may be a few conditions she will lay out… how about it?” she asked.


“I don’t care about whatever conditions there are! Let me find her!” I shouted before another slap blasted through my cheeks as she grabbed my face, forcing me to stare into her eyes as visible anger could be seen on her.


The two of us looked at each other for a few moments as I soon calmed down a bit which was then she had released me as she said, “You don’t have to panic at all, this person will for sure help you as long as you accept her conditions… do you want me to call her now?”


I soon nodded without hesitation before she flicked her finger as a thick red fog surrounded the place, whirling its way towards a certain point as it condensed into the figure of a beautiful person.


The figure had beautiful long white hair with a body that was like an hourglass; she had thick red eyes that were almost identical to blood and surrounding her was a glamorous aura of pride that was reminiscent of that of an Empress.


“Mother-in-law, what have you called me here?”


A warm voice echoed throughout the area, blasting the thunderous roar around the place with a flick of her finger. The voice was nostalgic, it sounded exactly like that of someone I knew in the past… someone who I used to be together with for years.


“Kaori…?” I looked at her with shock before she turned around with an identical surprise look in her eyes, her face paled as she trembled a bit.


The person in question was none other than the person who once murdered me, betrayed my long feelings with her, and also the person who even now leaves the deepest impact on my heart… the person who I once trusted the most even entrusting my life to her… she was none other than Kaori.

We made it through season one! Thank you all for this long-time support of A Liliful World, season 2 will start very soon in a few days from now!


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