A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 70. Flora and Her Friends (1)

“Anyhow, we shouldn’t think much about her; the chances of the two of you meeting are low unless you somehow manage to reach the Destiny tier of the event,” Kayla said while standing up, stretching her arms up as her bouncy chest wiggled. It was as if she was flexing about her large balloons which were a bit annoying since they look too heavy.


After she sat back down on her seat, the three of us looked at Flora and her little friends who were enjoying their time. Both of her little friends glared at each other as they tried to catch Flora’s attention which was a bit nerve-wracking to see considering that they were still children, but I guess with each step of the generation, their knowledge grows?


“Sheila, come here for a second!” Kayla shouted towards the violet-haired girl who turned towards her direction, tilting her head but obeying as she stood up and walked towards Kayla as she patted her head with a smile, “Your hair is a mess, you won’t be able to beat people like that!” while coming the little girl’s hair before the two started whispering.


It seems like Kayla couldn’t withstand her little sister being beaten around by the brown-haired girl, well if you take into account that Kayla has plentiful of pride, then it would make sense why she wouldn’t let her little sister be beaten as well.


“Do you understand?” Kayla smiled deviously, causing shivers on our spines as the little girl nodded before she turned towards us and bowed down, walking back towards Flora’s side but this time, she was quiet and only looked at Flora without minding the brown-haired girl who was still glaring at her.


“What did you teach her?” I looked at Kayla and questioned before she winked, causing us to turn suspicious as we stared at the three who were enjoying their time. The brown-haired opponent seems to have realized something and stopped paying attention to the violet-haired girl as she tries to play with Flora who took notice of her.


The brown-haired one is obviously Flora’s most favored one for some reason, added with the fact that she hugged her super tight when they came to the house, it would be weird if she wasn’t the most favored one since Flora rarely hugs people she doesn’t favor. For example, Aurora will always get a punch to the heavens when she tries.


“Mwama!” Flora cried towards our direction, standing up as she walked towards Mana who was her number one, reaching her hand towards Mana who lifted her up and poked the little deer girl’s cheeks as she asked.


“Is there any problem, my dear?”


After being lifted up by Mana, the little fluff ball looked at me with a smile as she said, “Thank you…” with her cheeks blushing. I was frozen in place, not only me but Mana as well and also Leisha since from the time we met her and almost all of the times, she rarely says thanks despite her being a nice, cute little girl.


“What’s wrong, did you have a fever?” Mana started panicking, placing her hand on the little girl’s forehead who seems to be annoyed all of a sudden as her cheeks puffed before hopping off her Mana’s lap as she screamed.


“Mwama, idiot…”


Mana’s face immediately crumbled as she looked at Flora walking back towards her little friends, to think that this little girl would say such a thing to her number one person is funny… my inferiority suddenly vanished from that single sentence.


“Pffft… Mana, idiot…” I couldn’t resist laughing as Mana elbowed me with her eyes staring at me with daggers before chuckles came from Kayla and Leisha who watched everything occurred. The invincible Mana was defeated by only two words.


“The three of you… fine, I’ll go help them cook…” Mana said with an embarrassed look on her face as she stood up with a similar pout as Flora, walking towards the kitchen as she left us together with Leisha and Kayla.


“Ah right, Leisha… where are you holding your concert?” I looked at Leisha with a questioning gaze as she took out a tiny yellow paper from her pocket. The paper was covered in ink… and by ink, I meant handwriting. It was all her schedule fitted in a single yellow paper which was surprising. Her schedule fills up both sides of the paper.


After looking at it, she handed it towards me with a wry smile as I took it without hesitation before my jaws went wide open. The amount of stuff she had delayed because of us was immense, she had two concerts that had to be delayed, two potion deliveries that are rescheduled, and a special quest from the Guild as her Kaleen identity.


“It seems like we have messed up your schedule a lot…” I looked at her with a sorry gaze as she shook her head with a smile.


“I don’t mind, it was fun together…” she said. Her figure shone beautifully, paired with that angelic smile of hers and those crystal eyes that were as if seducing. My heart shook for a bit but recovered immediately as Flora suddenly appeared in front of us, smacking my head.


The little girl still is on Mana’s side, she was after all the very first person who wanted to reject Leisha but was convinced by Mana. It would make sense why this little girl would smack my head when it comes to stuff with Leisha.


“There, there… get used to it,” I said before she pouted, hopping off from the couch as she walked back towards her little playgroup who were all staring at us with wry smiles. It was supposed to be their party, but Flora keeps coming to us.


I do want to talk with her friends though, since knowing who the people Flora is friends with and knowing that they won’t be someone who will hurt her in the future would be nice. I don’t want the little girl to experience some sort of trauma similar to that Great Spirit of Fire, especially considering that Great Spirit of Fire already starts to think as Flora as her little sister, it wouldn’t end well for us if Flora suddenly has a trauma.


All of a sudden, a delicious aroma exploded around the living room, causing all of us to look at the kitchen where Mana together with the elderly lady carried a large plate with meat decorated in a circle came out from the kitchen. The little girl beside them carried two plates that were filled with kebabs that were dipped in their sauces already.


“Meal is ready!” Mana said as Flora suddenly vanished from her spot, appearing in front of the little girl with a bright drool on her face as she stared at the meat with a devouring gaze. It was like a dragon looking down at a rabbit, I could only smile wryly as the two friends of her rushed towards Flora’s direction, glaring at the little innocent girl… they wouldn’t know that Flora’s target all the time is the food… well not that I will tell them.

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