A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 62. Potion Hell (3)

“AAAHHH! It stinks!” I cried, holding down my nose as hard as I could; the stink that which the slime radiates is a billion times horrendous than the average stinky slime. It was as if a billion of poop were placed before you with the strength of their smell amplified by ten times, there was no way to describe it other than ‘hell’.


Almost immediately, I threw a large rock at the stinky slime with my free arm, blasting the rock at sonic speeds as it struck the slime… KABOO— or so I thought but the rock flew back mid-way as if it had a life of its own. I was speechless. In which world would you be able to see a rock flying back from the stink, well, this world exists…


“Do you want to burn it?” Mana suggested as the slime slowly approached us. Its UwU face was adorable if only it took a bath at least once every day; its figure bounced at a snail’s pace, creating a shockwave of smell each bounce.


“I would definitely burn it if this place wasn’t a forest…” I responded while backing off from the approaching slime. What was more annoying about this entire thing is the UwU face it maintained, the face it had was adorable yet at the same time, it was magnificently disgusting to smell.


The best option here would be to burn the entire thing but that would also result in collateral damage towards the forest, which is not something we would love to do, not to mention, we need specimens of the slime for this entire quest.


“It stinks!” voices echoed around the forest as silhouettes of people running away from the horrendous smell could be seen from around the vicinity.


The smell of the stinky slime was growing with each bounce, sending magnitudes of smell all around the place. My stomach is almost as if cursing me inside, screaming; all the dishes I ate from last night slowly crept up to my throat.


“Fineeeee! Whatever!!” I cried, taking out the dagger from my belt while running towards a nearby tree, hopping on one branch after another before reaching the very top of the forest where I jumped off from the branch, pointing my dagger towards the slime.


Large quantities of wind blasted through my face, pulling my cheeks back while I grasped my dagger in an arrow formation before, out of the blue, the slime turned towards my direction as the gigantic UwU face on its body glimmered. In an instant, an intense amount of smell assaulted my nose as I soon slammed down onto the slime, bouncing back up in the air as a brown spear pointed at me from below.


“What the f… is that?!” I screamed while descending downwards as the spear flew towards me, striking my entire body as the horrendous smell blasted through my nose. All the meals I ate from the night left my body as I slammed down once more onto the slime, this time, the dagger created a large crater on the slime’s body, splitting the entire thing in half.


My body felt dizzy, my entire stomach puked out all the meals I ate within the past hours. A rainbow of vomit filled the floor as I slowly backed myself towards a tree, falling on the floor as flies flew towards my direction, covering me as a loud laugh echoed throughout the entire forest followed by a ridiculous window from none other than the stupid Goddess.


The Goddess Support System

Woah! You are too great at this! To think that someone has the guts to even fight an Evolved Stinky Slime that is considered a Calamity tier opponent! HAAHAAHA! You never failed to amuse me, cute Ayumi! Here is your reward!


100 Raw Experience Points.

20 Gold Coins (Redeem at your local Adventurer’s Guild).

+1000 respect from all the adventurers (First, redeem the quest rewards at the Guild).


“Calamity-tier, your face… that stinky slime is like a Galactic Danger tier…” I mumbled with tears falling from my eyes as the stink remained on my nose, creating loud rumbles on my stomach while I closed down the window in disappointment. The rewards are too low for a Galactic Danger tier opponent, who in their right minds would accept 100 Raw Experience Points for this strong of an opponent.


Aren’t you too greedy, you little brat! At least hand me about a thousand gold coins along with a million raw experience points, that would be a more reasonable reward… not to mention, you should also give me an anti-vomit medicine along with some stink-remover… I’d be happier with only those.


The Goddess Support System

Is that so, then I’ll gladly take your original rewards and hand you some anti-vomit medicines and a stink-remover instead! Thank you for your generosity!

Reward Override:

1x branded antiemetics.

A free bath!


“TAKE A BIT OF SARCASM, YOU PIECE OF CRAP!” I screamed at the window, annoyed as Mana walked towards me confused while Flora covered her nose as she frowned her eyebrows, staring at me with a disgusted look on her face.


“Aywumi-ma! You stink!”


It felt like a dagger was thrown at me; to think that the incredible Flora would stab me like that! Aaah, my heart burns… I wish I could say that, but I’ll save it for next time. And as if another stab on the back, Mana looked at me and spoke.


“You do stink a bit… want to take a short bath?”


My entire world was covered in embarrassment! You stupid Goddess, come and give me my bath already! What are you waiting for?!


The Goddess Support System

Ara! You want your bath? Sure—! Bath incoming!


All of a sudden, a large ball of water materialized above me; the ball of water had the same face as the UwU slime which made me tremble as the ball of water popped, blasting a large amount of cold water onto my entire body, drenching my entire clothes.




My cries echoed throughout the entire forest as Mana looked at me with pity while Flora stared at me with eyes of disgust. The stink had indeed vanished from the looks of Flora but… I guess to achieve something… you must sacrifice another.


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