A Liliful World: Yuri Reincarnation

Chapter 100. A Smile for A Lifetime.

Thank you all for being with Liliful for 100 chapters now, this is my special gift to all of you around 4,125 words worth of content on this chapter according to Microsoft Word. I hope you love it, and also as you may have guessed, this arc belongs to Kaori which is why there is little appearance of Mana and Leisha. Leisha will receive a new arc dedicated to her soon, don't worry for all Ayumi x Leisha fans.

The two of us felt our hearts fill with excitement upon seeing the two words: Voice Attribute which is one of the super rarest attributes of the Solis VR game… An attribute so rare that even the top-rankers would pay any quantity of money to have the attribute paired with theirs… the reason being is simple, it has no cast time and mana consumption for any spells of any levels.


“What’s wrong?” the little girl, Crystal asked in a jibberish manner as her eyes were filled with confusion.


Kaori and I looked at each other and nodded, the two of us were synchronized in thoughts as we shook our heads and smiled at the girl.


“It’s nothing, we were thinking about what to feed you later,” Kaori smiled.


“Is that so?” she responded while tilting her head, it felt like she had trusted the two of us too fast though especially when you consider that the three of us had only met for an hour. If ever the two of us were child traffickers, then the girl would suffer the most consequences.


I felt a bit of worry inside of me while looking at her trust us but… then again, if the system’s words are correct then she should still be five years old which means she is still too young to determine who she can trust or not.


“Do you have anything in mind?” Kaori asked Crystal who tilted her head before adorably shaking them. Her cheeks were a bit too skinny but compared to the first time we met her, it definitely is fatter… there was a bit of muscle, enough for me to pinch her.


There’s also the matter of her attribute being Voice which has one fatal weakness, the fact that the host has to be capable enough to learn and comprehend high-level spells. Different from ordinary talent attributes, Voice does not give any boost towards reading and comprehension at all which means the host is at its natural base stats.


For example, Leisha is one example of someone who is born with a super talent attribute which from my guess would be Spirit Weaponry which boosts her reading and comprehension of anything related to weapons to the maximum… it’s the reason why she has mastered almost all weapons to existence basically.


“Nothing…” Crystal responded with hesitation.


Kaori and I could see her hesitation to speak out what is on her heart, it was like there was still a large border between the two of us which made me a bit sad but the fact that we haven’t been with each other for long means there is still plenty of time when she can speak to her truest intent.


“We won’t force you to speak what you want to hide, so don’t worry about that… okay, Crystal?” I looked at her and smiled before her face looked a bit surprised, “I know what you are hiding inside is something of importance to you, the two of us will wait for as long as you want… until the day you are willing to tell us from the depths of your heart.”


“Mhm, as Ayumi said… we won’t hate you for not saying what you don’t want to say, the two of us will continue to love you for as long as we live,” Kaori patted the little girl’s black hair before out of the blue, she suddenly started crying as she hugged Kaori tightly.


After seeing her suddenly cry, both Kaori and I decided to move to the sides as we waited for her to let out all her tears since the two of us understood deep down that what she must have experienced is something that scars her heart. The fact that she was thrown into the streets makes my heart ache, let alone the fact that she wasn’t even given any meal to eat.


“A voice attribute user really has it rough… to have no mana until age eighteen, aren’t you really cruel for making that system, Ayu-chi?” Kaori looked at me with a wry smile as her eyes glowed a tiny bit of red, staring at Crystal who was still crying on her shoulder.


“I admit… I was cruel back then, I thought it would be an amusing challenge for the players at that time which is why I made it that way… but seeing it in reality, it kind of hurts since mana is an important factor to your importance in this world,” I responded with a regretful smile.


As the developers and founders of Solis VR, the two of us understood the system we created more than anyone else… after all, the two of us created the entire Solis VR system with only our minds. The entire talent attribute idea was created by me and the disadvantages they receive are also written by me who was focused more on the players more than how it would become in reality.


I originally decided to make Voice attribute users have a hard time leveling up because of how overpowered the attribute was especially once you master high-level spells which you could basically spam at that point. I never considered what would happen if the entire Solis VR world would turn into reality, not a single bit… rather I was more focused on how players would interact.


“I won’t blame you for it since the two of us bears the sin of a lot of parts of this world being the creators, we have written plenty of cruel parts of the game to amuse ourselves and to indulge in the competition of the players… but then again, we were never in the wrong because the possibility of a game turning into reality should have been impossible…” Kaori answered with a wry smile.


The two of us looked at Crystal, the girl who suffered the consequences of our actions… it felt like my heart tore apart upon seeing her cry. I could only imagine the severities she had experienced because of our rash decisions.


After some time, Crystal soon stopped crying as she fell asleep on Kaori’s shoulder. The two of us looked at each other with a smile, it could be said that taking care of Crystal is a way of us atoning to whatever sufferings we had caused her in the past. The meeting of us three is not a coincidence but rather a match of fate.


“Let’s make our way towards the headmaster now, shall we?” I suggested before Kaori nodded as the two of us soon made our way through the streets with Kaori holding the sleeping Crystal nicely in her arms.


Crystal was dressed in the pale pink skirt and white blouse she first wanted to buy at the shop, her hair was not tied and was free to flow by itself, the reason being is I prefer seeing her with her hair not tied since it also means that from now on, she is a free bird.


After some time, the three of us soon reached the gates towards the richest parts of the city. The entire place was heavily guarded, there were around seven people on roofs constantly watching us while another seven in front of us together with eight on the alleyways.


“Stop where you are! What is your purpose for approaching this location?” one of the men in front of us asked while flaunting his long spear.


“The three of us are here to meet Aurora, the headmaster of Lachivina School of Magic. As evidence, please take a look at this badge,” I said while showing the Queenshelm badge that Aurora had given me early back.


The badge still looks beautiful to this day, the engravings on the badge are so beautiful and detailed that if it were shown to an auction house in the modern world, it would fetch at least a few billion dollars despite being a mere badge.


In an instant, the men took several glances at the badge even taking out a machine for inspecting mana signatures before confirming the authenticity of the badge as they moved the side while opening the gate, gesturing us to enter inside.


The three of us did not hesitate, entering inside the gates as another world appeared before us. The entire streets were super clean, with not a single dust to be seen. The streets were blossoming with rich people flaunting their wealth while shops left and right could be seen with golden accents.


It was the smell of money being thrown everywhere. There was not a single bit of spot in this place that was dirty, it was well-maintained to the extent that it looked shocking. Kaori didn’t look surprised though, it was as if she had seen something similar or even more impressive which should be possible since she is a Queen of another kingdom now basically.


“What’s wrong?” Kaori looked at me and asked before I shook my head and smiled as the three of us continued our way towards the direction that Aurora had given me in the past. A few left turns, a few right turns and a few straight walks later… the three of us soon arrived inside a large mansion with plenty of servants and a magnanimous garden filled with beautiful flowers.


As if noticing us from the corner of her eye, an elderly servant walked towards us from the gates before asking politely, “Hello! You seem familiar, are you perhaps an acquaintance of the two madams?” while looking at me.


“Mhm, I am Ayumi,” I said before she looked a bit surprised as her lips curled up.


“It seems like you are the future madam, please forgive my ignorance! Madam should be inside the living room with the mistress, please come inside!” the elderly lady said which surprised me a bit but quickly regained my composure as the three of us nodded while the elderly lady opened the gates.


After the three of us entered, the elderly lady soon called a few of the younger servants telling them to relay to Aurora our arrival while telling others to prepare some snacks and juices especially milk and some snacks for children which impressed me since she especially took into consideration Crystal who was asleep on Kaori’s shoulders.


The servants didn’t hesitate and without any questions ran towards their assigned works in a quieter manner which might be because of Crystal. Their actions made me smile as we walked towards the building with the elderly lady opening the gigantic doors.


“Welcome to the Residence of Queenshelm, Future Madam!” several dozens of servants bowed down from the side as they looked at me with curiosity. It was the first time I had come to this place and my initial impression is… absolutely beautiful.


Chandeliers were laid out all over the place, the living room was super large with several experimental television-like objects on each side. There were super comfortable looking sofas all over the place and a stairway of gold that heads towards the second floor with another one on the top moving towards the third.


“Please follow us, the Madam is waiting for the three of you,” a servant took the lead from the elderly lady, guiding us towards a room to the right which was super dark. Upon entering the room, the lights suddenly flashed on as the silhouettes of both Aurora and Estelle came into sight.


“What is this? A surprise?” I asked while looking at them with a weird glance.


“And here I thought it would have shocked you a bit,” Aurora chuckled before standing up from her seat as she walked towards me, looking at me at different angles while dressed on her seductive nightdress that made Kaori to glare at me.


It seems like Kaori was more possessive than I initially thought which made me giggle inside as Aurora finished her roundabout around me, nodding several times as she said, “It seems like you have recovered well, not to mention, it seems like your mana and overall prowess have solidified.”


“I have plenty of questions over what happened while you were in a coma state, but it seems like it is something I cannot ask, is that correct?” Aurora said as I nodded before she sat back on her sofa, grabbing a remote from the table as she turned on the television, “The three of you should relax, for now, it’s my holiday! You shouldn’t appear on holidays!”


Kaori and I were both speechless upon seeing this side of Aurora, even Estelle who was sitting at a table looking at us with wry smiles. It was the natural Aurora on her holidays… well, even I would be lazy on my holidays which is why I can’t blame her.


“Ah right, is that your new adopted daughter?” Aurora suddenly turned around and looked at Crystal who was sleeping on Kaori’s embrace, standing up as she looked at Kaori for a bit before her eyes widened with surprise as she coughed before looking at me with a pale look on her face.


“Also, isn’t she the rumored Queen of the Nostalgia Kingdom?! What the heck is she doing here, are you rebelling from the kingdom?!” Aurora whispered into my ear while looking at Kaori with shock, her eyes couldn’t believe what she was seeing.


I was more surprised over the fact that she was able to identify Kaori in one glance even though only little amount of people have seen her which could only mean she must have a spy of some sort on the Nostalgia Kingdom.


“You don’t have to mind me, think of me as another one of Ayumi’s suitors and also her childhood sweetheart,” Kaori responded while looking around before taking a seat on a nearby sofa, laying Crystal on her lap as she looked at me with a devious wink.


All of a sudden, two hands grabbed my shoulders as Aurora looked at me straight in the eye while saying, “We definitely need to have a good talk right now… this is something that will be critical to the kingdom, we might also need to call His Majesty over,”


I looked at Kaori with worry, is Aurora thinking of apprehending her which I hope not but as if feeling my worry, Kaori looked at me with a smile as she said, “The two of you can have your talks first, I already had planned to meet His Majesty over here but calling him over saves me more time so I would prefer that.”


Aurora looked at Kaori with respect before nodding as we walked towards another room to the side which was a simple office-like room with several sofas to the side and a few bookshelves. It was similar to that of an executive’s office.


“I need an explanation, how did the two of you meet, and are you two really childhood sweethearts?!” Aurora asked in a serious tone.


In response, I nodded to her question while replying, “I can’t answer how the two of us met but I can assure you that she means no harm to the kingdom whatsoever, instead, she might be the biggest help to the kingdom which is why I advise you don’t touch her…”


“I won’t… if she really isn’t an enemy then that makes me happier since the kingdom has been at a disadvantage for some time now after that incident in the capital which you should have been notified by either Mana or Kaleen by now,” Aurora said with a sigh of relief, sitting down on her seat before clicking on a button on her table as a spell circle appeared on all sides of the room.


The spell circles resembled that of soundproofing as a figure suddenly appeared in front of us, the figure was none other than His Majesty together with the red-haired girl who was always clinging to her. As if sensing a large presence, Kaori appeared out of thin air beside me while holding Crystal with her.


A dozen of phantom swords could be seen floating around her as she looked at the two with cautious gazes causing the red-haired girl to also enter into defensive mode as flames circled around her which caused a tense atmosphere around the place.


“”” The two of you, stop!”””


In an instant, the two retracted their attacks as Kaori held my hand tightly while looking at the two with a cautious gaze as she asked, “Who are you two, and why are you two here?”


“You shouldn’t be too cautious, Kaori… the two are His Majesty and the Princess respectively…” I whispered to Kaori before her eyebrows frowned as she nodded.


“It seems like Her Majesty is pretty protective,” His Majesty looked at Kaori with a smile.


“A human’s natural instinct is to protect the people they love after all,” Kaori responded with a similar smile while she looked at me causing warmth to fill my heart as I averted my gaze before His Majesty suddenly laughed super loud.


“I always thought Her Majesty would be someone heartless after hearing about that rebellion, but it seems like she is similar to me which makes me happy, I assume that girl over there is someone the two of you have adopted recently, right?” His Majesty looked at Crystal and asked as Kaori and I nodded.


After having her talk with Kaori, His Majesty soon walked towards me and patted my shoulders as he said, “It has been a long time since the two of us have met as well, how are you doing and also how is the little girl from the Fragaria’s doing?”


“It has been a long time indeed, Your Majesty… the two of us are fairing in well nowadays, thank you for your concern,” I responded before a smile blossomed on his face as he sat down on the sofa, resting as he gestured us to sit down on the other side as well to which we naturally followed.


“Since everyone is here, it is best we discuss how we should approach this issue… after all, it is normally a diplomatic issue when a high royal from another kingdom like a Queen would suddenly appear on another kingdom without notice,” Aurora said while looking at Kaori who was focused more on Crystal.


“I don’t have any issues on my side, as someone who is not of actual Royal descent similar to Her Majesty over there, I can understand her desire to be with her loved ones more than staying in a birdcage like a kingdom which is why I don’t want to make any issues with it at all,” His Majesty replied.


“Nor do I have any issues, rather I was initially planning on meeting His Majesty for an alliance contract which allows me to stay with Ayumi for as long as I want,” Kaori responded before flicking her hand as a spatial crack appeared, taking out a scroll before handing it to His Majesty who looked at it with surprise.


Aurora and I couldn’t see what the contract details were but from the looks of it, His Majesty seems a bit overwhelmed by it which made us curious as he said, “A thousand platinum coins to be given to us while zero coins to given to you, isn’t this a bit too much?”


“As I mentioned a few moments ago, as long as I can live together with Ayumi. I don’t mind even giving away the entire Nostalgia Kingdom to you,” Kaori responded while caressing Crystal’s hair who was still asleep despite the heavy presences around her.


“You don’t need to do that much; the Kingdom is not greedy at all. We cannot accept this contract unless you change the offer to 1 bronze coin instead,” His Majesty replied while looking at Kaori and me with a smile.


“And why is that?” Kaori inquired as she flaunted her aura that was equivalent to an Empress which shocked me since I had never seen this side of Kaori before.


“It’s because I treat that girl over there as my granddaughter-in-law as well since that old man died protecting her, it means he recognizes her as someone worth sacrificing his life for,” His Majesty replied while looking at me with a warm gaze.


“By old man… you mean Mana’s father?” I asked before he nodded as Kaori looked at him with a frown.


“If that is the case then, in a normal situation, you wouldn’t agree to our relationship at all since her daughter and I are practically rivals…” Kaori said before His Majesty shook his head, looking at the girl beside her who was munching on some cookie with a smile.


“Rivalry is normal in this world, I understood after Amaryllis had died that no one should interfere with the relationship of the young ones. It is their choice to choose who they love and who they won’t love, Amaryllis died because of her parents’ possessiveness which I despise till this day,” His Majesty said while grasping the girl’s hand tightly.


“I see… then we have a deal over here,” Kaori said while handing Crystal to me as I took her without hesitation, caressing her hair as Kaori stood up from the sofa together with His Majesty before shaking each other’s hand before Kaori sat back down with a hidden smile on his face.


After their handshake, His Majesty then looked at Aurora with a smile turning towards us as he said, “I wish the two of you the best in your future, I have a lot more concerning issues with the Kingdom ever since that incident, so I won’t stay long… do take care!” before all of us nodded as he and the girl suddenly vanished from the spot.


Not long after His Majesty left, Kaori laid her head on my shoulder as she heaved a sigh of relief. It seems like she was nervous the entire time which made me worried as Aurora looked at us with a warm gaze.


“It seems like a powerful Queen is still a human inside,” Aurora smiled.


“Naturally…” I replied while hugging Kaori together with Crystal as the two of them soon dozed off before the door opened as the elderly lady stood there with a tray of milk and a few cookies, looking at us with a warm smile.


“I won’t disturb your time, feel free to spend your time here as if it is your home since it will soon become yours once you take my spot as the current head of the Queenshelm,” Aurora said while standing up as I nodded.


After seeing my nod, the smile on her face soon widened as she left the room, leaving me and Kaori together with Crystal alone in the room as Kaori suddenly gripped my hand tightly looking at me from the side with a smile.


“Should I assume that it is still possible for you to love me?” Kaori suddenly asked in a soft voice, surprising me as I smiled at her.


“It’s up to your abilities…” I replied as warm emotions soon flooded my heart while I caressed Crystal’s hair, smiling.


“Are you happy with me being by your side?” Kaori inquired.


“Can I choose not to answer?” I asked while looking at her with a smile.


“You can’t! How about this, pick Mana or me?” she asked in a childish manner, peeling her head off my shoulder as she looked at me in the eye.


“I won’t pick!” I answered before she pouted before she rested on my shoulder again.


“Then… last question, do you love me?” she questioned before my heart suddenly started beating fast as I averted my gaze from her.


“I don’t know…” I replied before a smile appeared on her lips.


“I’ll assume that answer means a yes,” she smiled before kissing me on the cheeks as she held my hand tightly while looking at Crystal and me with her gentle eyes. I didn’t know how to answer her question at all, my heart still feels reluctant but compared to before… it felt a bit open now.


“Assume all you want but I won’t give an answer for now…” I said before she nodded, hugging me tightly as the two of us rested on the sofa.


It was as if a heavy burden on my shoulders were lifted away from that simple answer of mine and after a few moments of silence, the three of us soon fell asleep on the sofa with my head resting on Kaori’s while hers resting on my shoulder as Crystal slept on both our laps like a warm family that I had longed for in ages.

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