A Light Within Darkness.


With the ship built and decorated to a decent degree, I was able to cultivate in peace with Elesmere. With little to no distractions other than the ship's sensors picking up with greater frequency, ores with Warp taint which could prove useful at some point after being refined.

"So, from the maps we have the planets around here are of the typical warp touched tainted. Reality is less of a fact and fantasy walks amongst the living kept only at bay by the strength of one's arms." Elesmere explained as she pulled out some pictures of three different planets.

"We have three decent choices for inhabitable planets. Texxor" She pointed at a planet almost that looked entirely green with some large lakes or small oceans being visible from orbit. "Texxor is a planet with ever so slightly heavier gravity compared to our last planet but with our strength, it's nothing to worry about." She explained before she then went on to explain how the planet was the seedbed of an eternal battleground for a Tyrranid group that splintered off that was locked into battle with some likewise stranded Orks and the tyrranids were being studied by both humans and Eldar on the planet as the group had lost contact with the Hive Mind.

"And the other planets?" I asked and she nodded in understanding as she pulled out the next picture.

"This is PandoraX39, A super-size planet with much stronger gravity than usual, with the higher-than-usual gravity has kept the planet at a maiden level with none of the factions wanting to mine it for resources... As for other cons. Well, the supergravity itself has been touched by the warp and thus concentrates Warp energies allowing Daemons to walk freely on the planet and such intense warp presence has kept the Imperium and Eldar from devoting too many resources in destroying the planet as the warp presence is locked to said planet."

"What is good about it?" I asked with disdain at the idea of dealing with daemons as I have firmly come to think of them as food even if they could talk or whatever.

"Well, you have repeatedly mentioned that warp-touched ores and herbs they can be used to create tonics and other things to make us far stronger. And with it being all but a maiden world you would simply need to slaughter and take what you desire on the planet. But other than some Eldar coming to mine some Soul Stones no other sentient species visits the planet."

The Elesmere shrugged. "Also, your meditation and demon eating will be the most effective upon the planet with all three of the possible worlds we should go to."

Looking at the supersize planet that looked to be mostly mountainous jungles I realized with its strong Warp presence that it would be perfect for making a Cultivation Sect and hell I could literally turn the whole planet into an Anathema project to replace Cadia in suppressing the Warp.

The pros for making a sect would be being able to make Cultivation stuff in mass and I would be able to siphon off a bit of the faith and power my disciples accumulate during their cultivation as Karma.

But I realized for one that the planet had few sentient people, so not only would building up a Sect be a slow thing but with the demons and obviously hostile warp touched life forms would be an issue.

"And the last planet?" I asked as I put my thoughts aside as Elesmere hummed before she took out the last picture and I saw the planet seemed to be closer in size to the first planet so the gravity wouldn't be as much of an issue and if anything, it looked to be more earth-like with more than sixty percent of the planet I could see being covered in oceans with the continents being well spread apart from one another.

"This last planet is called Elariya and was a Maiden World the Eldar have left behind due to the Maelstrom's expansion so although it is warp-touched it isn't as bad as the others. However due to the still heavy Warp presence in the region the more... Desperate or dangerous members of the galaxy's factions have made a sort of uneasy truce in order to farm special materials needed for their faction's more esoteric technologies."

Elesmere then snorted as she obviously laughed at the idea of the galaxies' factions coming together for damn near anything and her next words confirmed just as I thought. "While not as inherently dangerous as the other planets on the planet itself most likely. There still is the issue of the Hive Fleet Kronos a Tyrranid fleet specializing in killing Daemons at distance, who have been sighted in the area."

Elesmere then laid down the last picture next on the table between us before tapping the pictures with her long-manicured fingernails as she hummed. "So which planet should we go to Jake?" She asked.

Yes... That was most certainly a good question as the first would allow us to build up our power while fighting wild Tyrranids and Orks. The second would be kingdom/army building where I try to make a sect over time. And the last would be a charnel house with everything being a melting pot of factions trying to establish power on the planet.

"I need some time to consider this," I said before I leaned over the table and gave Elesmere a kiss on her lips. "Thank you for gathering all this information."



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