A Light Within Darkness.

A Light Within Darkness Chapter XIII

I had a great number of sword techniques stored within my mind but having just gotten my sword seed I had been abusing my built-in Sword Intent that came with the Open Sword Heart Orifice physique and not actually using real techniques that could push my combat techniques to the next level.

For a number of reasons, the elemental alignment of any sword Arts I was going to learn needed to be carefully examined as obviously water or ice-based sword arts with my Nine Yang Sun Techniques would make using the techniques a dozen times more difficult.

But there luckily were some non-elementally aligned sword arts I could use even here in the middle of the battle as I already had such information downloaded into my brain and had simply practiced the motions in the safety of our vault.

I began using a technique called the Taixuan Sword Arts that allowed me to telekinetically control my sword to fly around at high speeds as I took the more direct approach of literally punching molten carapace from Genestealers into their bodies as my sword telekinetically flew around like a whirlwind of death as I took inspiration from Alucard and how he fought at times.

Even had a decent shield in the form of the armored forms of a couple Genestealers I staked through their hearts with a thick piece of rebar and was using their armored forms as a bludgeoning instrument and more importantly to block the cascade of small arms fire that was being shot at me.

The slog of constant slaughter eventually slowed me down enough that. that hardass Sister of Battle stomped around another corner grabbing a Genestealer and simply smashing its head into paste via a wall with her power armor-boosted strength.

"You went down the wrong side tunnel." She chided and I shrugged as I punted a piece of debris down a hallway and decapitated a rushing Genestealer armed with what looked to be a jackhammer.

"No, I was simply killing more Genestealers. You were just being expedient and avoided the trash in order to kill Patriarch." I said quickly and she couldn't fault me for going down a side path to kill more heretics especially as I didn't get lost or otherwise cause troubles.

"Quite... Now look. This is a pulse grenade made specially to disturb the more biological pysker heresy the Patriarch and other higher-level Tyrranid pyskers typically use. Now when I yell corpse starch, I don't want to see you collapse like a little bitch when your own psyker abilities fail you and cause a headache." The Battle Sister Leader told me after showing the red-painted grenade with an embossed skull upon it.

'Weren't those supposed to be like super rare or something?' I thought before nodding as that grenade shouldn't hurt me in the slightest as my powers weren't based in the Warp itself.

After a few more minutes of desperate pushing through Genestealers where the iron disciple and obscene skill that grizzled woman had showed its worth as she led me through the tunnels with me taking out heavier fortifications while she would without fail land a headshot onto ever poor Genestealer she saw which with the exploding rounds of a bolter, there heads exploded like a watermelon with a firework stuffed into it.

Even when other Sisters of Battle managed to catch up, they would inevitably fall back after being caught by some shrapnel of our battle across their less armored body portions like their face. Now I knew why so many people had cybernetic eyes...

"Alright, here the bastard is." The grizzled old Battle Sister said as we stood in front of a large closed, armored door and she hummed in thought as she checked her satchel before cursing about how she had already used her breaching charges before turning to me. "Alright you go ahead and be a gentleman and open the door for a lady."

"Heh, a woman like you needs me to open a door?" I said teasingly earning a chuckle from her as I considered whether I should try to use sword qi to cut through it or melt through it with my internal sun.

"Get back I am going to cut a hole through it," I said after a moment of thought and the woman quickly moved back behind me as I held my sword in a laido position charging my sword Qi for half a minute before with a shout a circle of sword Qi launched itself from my now sheathing sword crashing into the metal door ahead of us creating a loud screeching noise as my Sword Qi sliced deeply into the metal.

With a loud banging noise, I could hear my sword qi had cut through the metal door and smashed into the next room firmly alerting everyone we were here.

"Help me push this!" I said as I pushed the large circle I had cut into the door and the woman holstered her large bolter over her back as she braced her power armor-clad body against the metal door beside me.

In the couple minutes it took for us to push the multi-ton metal metal chunk through the hole I cut through a few more Battle Sisters arrived and quickly helped us push the remaining way. "Sisters, fan formation with a double pincer." She hissed at the other Sisters of Battle as I strode through the opening I made before another wave of bullets and now globes of acid were being shot at us.

I guessed she wanted her Sisters to branch out once we arrived in the room while she and I were taking point. Or was she going to leave me to do my own thing?

Either way, the moment I got into the large room before I could even take in its features, I quickly began throwing large fireballs around the room to give us some breathing room.

Once I got properly into the room and behind a bit of cover, I was actually able to see the surroundings and I gapped at the large atrium filled with Genestealer propaganda. There were flags baring their symbol and small quotes about breaking people's chains and becoming one with the 'star children

Or in other words, being eaten having your biomass harvested and made into a basically mind-controlled monster.

"Welcome to my home have you come to join our loving embrace humans?" A voice seemed to whisper across my mind, and I staggered before beginning to mentally chant a Buddhist hymn that would keep my mind clear and more importantly confuse anyone who attempted to touch my blank mind.

"Foul Xeno you shall die here for the affront of existence!" The leader of the Battle Sisters roared as she took out an electrically coated sword as she charged towards the now-revealed Patriarch who roared so loudly, I felt my ears pop as and the metal in my Dharma Sword vibrate.

A number of Sisters staggered to their knees as the sound attack literally blew out their balance and maybe actually killed a couple but I wasn't able to watch them as I was running ahead to meet the Patriarch and the Battle Sister who somehow used her power sword to dull the sound waves that were aimed directly at her.

The Genestealer Patriarch was for me a large specimen as it was more than eight feet tall and with four arms with each hand having fingers each having foot-long lethal claws. The Patriarch not only was highly muscular it was also wearing a thick form of carapace armor around its chest that could somehow block off the withstand the Sword Qi I launched at it with the Qi beams only shattering chunks of its armor as I approached the Patriarch.

"Just die..." I grunted as I dodged under a metal-shattering swipe from the Patriarch and then landed a brutal fire-coated kick into the knee of the monster before I had to backstep as the Genestealers tail whipped forward over its head and attempted to stab me with the blade on the end of the tail that had ominous green glowing fluid on it.

The Battle Sister leader took the chance that the Patriarch provided with how I had hobbled its knee and it having overextended to stab me with its scorpion-like tail as she brought her power sword down with a cry and attempted to decapitate the Xeno but the Patriarch screeched as he swiped towards the battle sister but it was for naught as it had to sacrifice its tail to slow the descent of the power sword and allow it to move out of the way but still smashing the woman with its clawed hands sending her flying across the room.

The room wasn't just us fighting though. The other Battle Sisters were fighting the elite Genestealers that probably served the Patriarch as its guards.

"Die human!" The Patriarch screeched as its psychic outcry briefly broke through my hymn but before its clawed hands could land upon the head of the Leader of the Battle Sisters, I waved my hand with a red line reaching out the ten meters that separated us.

"Get over here!" I yelled viciously as with a powerful yank using all my strength, I used my Kasaya Beads to literally rip off the leg I had wrapped my bladed semi-sentient necklace around and bring the Patriarch closer to me.

The Patriarch obviously beginning to panic having lost a leg and its tail bent over and began to actually run away using powerful four arms as a sort of replacement for its lost leg at a much slower pace due to its wounds.

"Die with honor monster..." I said quietly making the Patriarch freeze as I landed soft as a feather upon its back and the whole room froze for, but a moment and the silence only extended until with a solemn swing of my sword the hunched-over form of the Genestealer's Patriarch fell to the ground as I took off its head.


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