A Light Within Darkness.

A Light Within Darkness Chapter IV

Once I got all the water in the barrel and pulled it back up into my tunnel I came to a bit of a mental realization.

A normal human even here in 40k couldn't carry a hundred-gallon metal barrel on his shoulder with little issue like I could, so then I had to rig up some kind of metal pipes with some scrap wheels from a broken-down cart I found in order to nonchalantly bring the water barrel into the bazaar.

But then of course people began following me as it was readily apparent that I was a sterotypical easy target as I was pulling a basically pristine metal barrel with a sloshing liquid towards the 'nicer' portion of the small city.

Without even a word a man just walked straight up to me exiting out of an alley and as my burgeoning cultivator instincts screamed, in alarm the man's arms moved and I saw what looked to be a homemade vaguely looking pistol firearm as he coldly aimed it me.

A loud explosion rang out as the firearm literally exploded into pieces taking off the man's hands and then I faintly heard a loud clanging noise as the bullet collided with the large metal barrel, I threw my self behind.

"Fuck! Just kill him and get the goods!" The leader screamed as he cradled his ruined hand and seeing the couple dozen people around me advancing on me with melee weapon, I realized no matter what, I wasn't going to be able to escape here without demonstrating my abnormality.

I quick stepped forward using my Cloud Stepping Footwork and then drew upon my already superhuman physical strength an more importantly durability as I brought down my fist in a powerful blunt hammer blow straight onto the crown of the leader's head.

The impact of my blow was so great the whole crowd could hear the sounds of the man's skull shattering and more importantly even with the eyes of the man being blasted out from the abrupt pressure increase, the man's neck was basically folded and compressed to point where he looked to have lost his neck.

Seeing the insane under dwellers that weren't scared off yet still charging at me, I mentally sighed as I bemoaned my relative anonymity as my Kasaya Beads unfolded from within my jacket and I prepared to do yet another needed act.

My Kasaya Beads made short work of the people attempting to mob me as the large centipede I killed and drained eariler had a great deal of lifeforce within it so my Kasaya Beads were rather greatly strengthed so they no longer lost their momentum as they sliced through pipes and other blunt implements. So, their flesh was even less of an issue.

I didnt even bother feeding my Kasaya Beads of the areas spilled blood as the surrounding people were crying out to warn the Inquisition that there was a demon down here. I quickly grabbed my water barrel and ran into the crowd straight towards the distribution point so I could exchange the water.

The exchange process went perfectly smooth, without any real hiccup and more importantly with my extra credits I was surprisingly able to buy a sheathe and some high-quality clothes that had a couple armor plates to cover the chest and back to go along with the high-quality commissar sword that the under dwellers looted.

Now the last step was to acquire that half Eldar woman before I could go back to hiding in my vault to let this heat calm down.

With my sword strapped to my side and wearing my lightly armored jacket into the Gene Stealer Cult front with exactly five hundred credits in one of my pockets.

"Wow only one day and you have moved up in the Underhive and with the blood on your shoes it looks like you got your hands dirty!". The same leader of the gang I spoke too previously congratulated me.

"Do you still have that Peredhel, I wanted." I said as I sat across from him while I subtly looked around the club at the girls and more importantly, I saw that the Gene stealer cult members weren't in the open so maybe they weren't part of this establishment but then again, they would be perfect to mentally scramble people to sell off.

Thankfully with my methods of turning the Peredhel in my dual cultivation cauldron, I was going to mentally scramble her myself to get rid of any psychic hidden commands she may buried in her psyche along with making her basically eternally loyal to me as no one else in the galaxy had the precise knowledge to mentally take out the commands I will put into her without going through a lot of trial and error which would be fatal for her.

"Heh, yeah we have her but... The price went up." The man joked as he twirled his knife in his hands and I saw his bouncers were at the ready as they cleaned up against the walls. And I doubted any guns they had would be homemade pipe bombs in making.

I slowly pulled out a handful of tokens and put them on the table and spread them out slightly so he could see the denominations on the credits. "I have five hundred credits right here... Either you take them, or I will simply go to another establishment and get a subpar product with the knowledge that I will not come back here again lest a certain someone try to cheat me."

The man frowned at my reasonable words and if I was a wannabe high roller who was going to be going through his more exotic expensive girls then he obviously would rather stay on my good side as a single credit was enough to buy a single days' worth of rations in the forms of six cans of corpse starch or less but still equally unpalatable food choices.

"Fine." He sighed before loudly snapping his finger and one of the bouncers left his post and went behind a black drape that covered a backroom that also basically fused into the painted black walls of the interior of this building so I honesty didnt even notice it.

"So, may I interest you in any of my other prizes? I assure you they are of the utmost quality, and we even have a couple middle-hive girls that got pulled down here?" I assume that he was offering the equivalent of a middle-class raised American girl to me as the Middlehive wasn't all that bad at all to live in, so they were probably a stupid teenager that came here on a dare or something.

"No. Such a thing doesn't interest me unless you have a newly awakened Psyker or something more interesting." I said cooly and the man hummed in thought.

"Well we only get such a thing every few years at best but honestly we tend to just sell them to the church on the end of the Underhive, they never welch on the payment and will even pay in high quality food and weapons." Left unsaid was how I was going to beat their trustworthiness and even their payments.

"Thats a shame... Well in any case this Peredhel will keep me busy for a while." I said as the after mentioned Peredhel was pulled into the room to the catcalls of the gangsters drinking.

"Haha! Sorry boys but you won't be able to watch it dance anymore now she is this gentleman's property!" The owner of the establishment said cheerily as he raked his hands over the table and took the five hundred credits I previously laid out.

"Oh, by the way that collar she is wearing has a tiny bomb attach to the back of it so should it be detached without the key unlocking it... A decent little boom will shred the back of her neck and ruin her spine, Haha!"

"I will remember that..." I said coolly to the chuckling gang leader as I saw more than a couple people were sizing me up as I was finally handed the Peredhel leash that was attached to her collar.

"Oh, by the way, what is your name?" I asked the gang leader and he startled before he chuckled.

"Heh My name is Johann, why ask?"

'Because I want to know the name of the first person, I kill that I will bother to remember for longer than a week.' I thought before I smiled as I fiddled with my toys leash. "I will send a prayer to the God Emperor for you to find heretic pyskers to sell." I spoke as I pulled my Peredhel out of the building.

Thankfully I had my old jacket to throw over the head of the shorter Peredhel so people didnt see her pointy ears as I pulled her through the crowds and into my tunnel away from the bustling city.

It was honestly hard to describe the city other than a series of overly congested walkways with buildings lining the walkways leading to people's jobs and homes, but it simply was so packed that a lot of times that people would be literally trampled to death as we were so close to together unless a fight or something broke out.

But there were the exceptions like the casino and other large buildings that kept relative order around their business's that acted almost like landmarks in how they had their own space and stood out so much.

But finally, I arrived in my fault with my Peredhel in tow and as I nudged her inside and she took in my room her cuffs holding her arms together behind her back shattered as she coolly turned around towards me with her eyes glowing a light blue as she attempted to pull upon her psychic powers.

"So, what are your plans for me Mon-Keigh." She said proudly as she folded her arms over her ample chest and attempted to stare me down with her glowing eyes. The only reason she hadn't attempted to scramble my mind or otherwise kill me as the fact that I had the small and frankly fragile looking key that would unlock her collar that had a tiny bomb inlaid upon her very fragile neck.

"Honestly I was going to use you as a vessel to absorb power from the warp by using you mostly as a filter for chaotic energies and if you irritated me enough, I would rip your soul out of your body refine it into something nice and sell it to a Slaanesh Daemonette for I don't know... A sandwich or something." I said shrugging.

"You believe I too be worth only a sandwich!" She snarled and my lord even as a Eldari she was still a woman who focused on the petty little things.

"Well for one can you imagine anyone else has bartered souls away for something as banal as a sandwich? I bet those Daemonette's who Slaanesh has working in her pleasure cult zones of her hell, probably can make a phenomenal sandwich." I said blandly making her freeze as that was kinda true in the pleasurable parts of Slaanesh's realm someone could find the ultimate forms of all pleasures with the comfort of delicious food definitely being part of such a place.

"Give me the key Mon-Keigh and we can go our separate ways." She said finally after an awkward staring contest.

For a moment I thought about being a nice guy and just giving it up to her as knowing she wasn't a mind broken toy I could use without any guilt or hurting my consciousness ate at me for a moment, but I shook my head as another thought came to me.

"Are you even a Peredhel?" I asked frowning as I considered some things.

The woman just snorted and shook her head. "No, I am a full blooded Eldari. I only used that horrid excuse to keep those abhorrent men from using my body and then selling me to your Inquisition to be tortured for worthless information." She then raised her hand cutting off my next question as she seemingly understood what I was going to ask. "I landed within this world due to a Warp Storm breaking into the Webway and my scout ship was thrown into the cistern of this forsaken city."

Hmm I know the Webway was basically an interconnected dimensional tunnel system that connected most of the 40k universe but with how old it was and the creators of the system being long extinct it's not a surprise a powerful Warp Storm threw her ship violently out of the sub dimension she was traveling within.

"What can you trade for your freedom and what will it take for you to agree to help me in my future goals." I asked finally as I came to a mental decision.

"What great ambitions could a Mon-Keigh have..." She cursed but shut up as I took out the key and held it between the thumb and forefinger with both hands as though I was going to just snap it in half.

"Knife ear... I literally own you with that bomb on your neck, now we can be civilized, or I snap this key in half and we can see where you end up." I warned feeling a little irritated at being called Mon-Keigh for seemingly the fifth time.

"Fine. My name is Isemere of Asurthanil." She said proudly but I had no idea what her second name was supposed to mean as it could refer to the planet she was born, a social class, or even the name of the craft world she served upon.

"My name is Jake Bariss, and I am a practitioner of a different form of psyker arts. Frankly I need you to become stronger..." Seeing her mildly disbelieving expression I continued. "Now I can show you how I am simply built different by folding some metal with my non augmented body to show off my super strength or I can do something that I am sure you as an Eldar will desire above all else."

Funny enough even with my weak cultivation, creating arrays and glyphs only required a certain amount of power and the knowledge of said arrays to preform them, though there was always the caveat that should I not take precautions I could literally be drained of all my Qi and die as the activating arrays sucks me dry of lifeforce.

"I can place a seal upon you that will bind your soul energy within your body so Slaanesh cannot feel your soul even if you are actually enjoying your life and should you die with the seal upon you... Well, I can see you aren't wearing a soul stone so it's better for your soul to be destroyed rather than tortured for eternity by She Who Thirsts."

The reminder that she wasn't wearing a soul stone was a stark warning that should she die here. Her departing soul would be captured by Slaanesh and will be tormented forever by the sadistic chaos god.

"How can I know that you speak the truth Jake Bariss... Do not joke of such a thing as being capable of keeping She Who Thirst's gaze away from Aeldari's people has been our goal for ten thousand years!" She yelled before visibly calming herself as breaking into such outbreaks of great emotion would draw upon the very gaze of the Dark Prince.

I stared her with a smile before I chuckled and responded by putting the key on the table next to my bed. "I will make you a deal Isemere. I will place the seal upon you and if you still feel your soul being ripped out as per normal while masturbating in my side room then I will give you your freedom no questions asked, and even help you find a way off this planet." I said confidently.

Now this seal I was placing on her wasn't as simple as just sealing away her soul wavelength that would act as a beacon to the Chaos God Slaanesh. This seal would form a bond between us and her far stronger soul would slowly feed my own soul by acting like a sun to my growing tree as her Eldar soul was far older and stronger than my human soul even if I was a cultivator. Without even causing her any harm either.

Best part was that should I die, so would she, but not the other way around as this seal was created with the purpose of ensuring young adventuring clansmen would have a dedicated protector that help them grow.

Elesmere blushed at my blunt proposal, but my offer was simply entirely too good to ignore so she took a deep breath before asking. "Show me proof of your so-called unusual talents and should your words be true... I will gladly serve you for the rest of your life if you are willing to share such a method with my people."

Nodding as it was certainly a fair request, I then showed off my Kasaya Beads which I then had to assure her they weren't some Khorne artifact after literally going out of my way to help her make her own set she finally believed they weren't a from the Blood and Skull god Khorne and then I shared a couple minor Buddhist mantras that could send the mind into a dull stupor which easily calmed an Eldars mind and acted as a shield from Slaanesh's gaze.

I honestly didnt care if she spread those Mantra's around as they didnt cultivate the mind or otherwise grant someone supernatural abilities. They were literally created for beginner monks to train themselves for long periods of seclusion during cultivation with real techniques.

"Very well!" She said blushing as she took off her ratty shift covered her chest and then gently laid upon my bed with her backside prominently displayed. "Put the seal on me and I shall extend my trust to you for now."




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