A Hollow in DC

Chapter 4

As I was flying around with the signs in order to possibly get the attention of the Flash I saw a large blue ray of energy shoot through the skyline, so I began to fly over there.

"Isn't Mr. Freeze supposed to be in Gotham?" I asked in confusion as I dropped the collection of signs as the Flash and his sidekick Kid Flash were fighting some dude with a freeze ray and was judiciously freezing the ground making it difficult for the speedsters to just rush and beat him down.

But then I remembered how Mr. Freeze had a bunch of copycats and even a whole villain family of people that may have been connected to him that used extreme cold technology.

"Who is that dude!" Kid Flash yelled as he came out of his super speed and both the Flash, and the cold weaponry-wielding dude stopped seeing my unnatural appearance.

"Is this horned dude a friend of yours Captain Cold?" The Flash asked as he stared at me obviously slightly unnerved by my appearance.

The man instead of answering the Flashes chatter just shot his freeze ray at the Flash in lieu of answering.

The Flash in time it took to blink he sped over behind Captain Cold who dragged his still shooting freeze ray that was coating the surroundings in a thick layer of ice towards the speedster.

"Need some help?" I asked nonchalantly as I sat down on a park bench in front of their battle.

"Nah we got this chump. You were asking us, right?" Kid Flash said as he finally stole Captain Cold's gun with the Flash then clocking the villain upside the head knocking him out.

"Yeah... I was offering to help you guys deal with him. But actually, I do need your guy's help." I said wryly as the cops who were hiding behind their cars moved in to arrest the supervillain.

The two speedsters shared a look before they escorted me away from the cops before the Flash spoke. "Well, I think I can already see a bit of an issue as none of the cops have even glanced at you despite you obviously looking like something out of a fairy tale."

I nodded and brushed my hand through my hair as I spoke softly. "Yeah, well it turns out only powerful souls like heroes and villains can really see me, I guess. I wanted some help from the magical portion of the League to see if they had anything that could help anchor my existence to the world of the living better."

The Flash stilled as I mentioned the magical portion of the League before he hummed in thought and turned to his sidekick. "Kid Flash, head back to the Hall of Justice while I get this young man situated."

Kid Flash nodded though I saw he looked anxious about something but nonetheless he didnt gainsay his mentor in front of me and did what was asked of him with him speeding off in a blur to my enhanced senses.

"Wow, you were actually able to track him pretty well... You are an interesting one, aren't you? Oh, by the way, how old are you even?" The Flash rambled as he escorted me through the alleys of Central City likely heading to one of their Boom Tube teleportation areas.

"I am seventeen." I guesstimated as my physical form has obviously been de-aged from my form in my twenties before I was turned into a Hollow but at least as a seventeen-year-old I could play the I already finished high school card so I didn't need to deal with that nonsense.

"I see. So, you an alien from a higher dimension or something?" The Flash asked me, and I couldn't help but chuckle making him look at me in bewilderment.

"No, as I said when I said weaker souls with little power to them cannot see or hear me. I meant that I am literally a rather powerful spirit of sorts." I said shrugging wryly to the Flash's blink of surprise at speaking to a special snowflake ghost.

"Well, taking to a helmet that possess people isn't really any different." He muttered before he grinned and spoke again with more excitement. "Here we are! I am going to have us teleported to a safe area for you to relax in for like half an hour so I can get those magical hermits out of their hiding holes. Is that alright with you?" He asked obviously noticing how I tensed at being 'kept' in a safe area like a cell.

"I... Despise enclosed or dimly lit areas. Reminds me of hard times. So just keep me in a lounge area with windows or something." I shivered at the thought of being thrown into some dark room that could match the ambiance of Hell. Despite the relatively short amount of time, I spent in Hell I fully knew I still had a number of issues that resulted from my stay there.

To say the least, I definitely had some PTSD from the constant fighting for survival and progress in Hell.

"What did you escape from hell or something Haha!" The Flash joked but he staggered as my spiritual energy escaped my iron grasp over it.

"Yes... Yes, I did. Why don't you go from being a simple civilian with no powers to being thrown into Hell and forced to fight for survival on a new Hell plane!" I almost snarled at the Flash before I took a deep breath the air no longer vibrating as I pulled back my spiritual pressure.

"Don't make light of Hell and those dragged into there on someone else's behest," I spoke as the Flash nodded.

"Dude I am sorry I didn't know... But if you actually got dragged to hell without you making a deal or anything, this could be a huge deal as demons stealing souls unbidden from humans is going to send Dr. Fate and Zatanna into a tizzy to say the least." He sighed before he clapped his hands.

"Alright let me take you to a meeting room in the Hall of Justice so we can get some of our friends to check you out." Then my vision was consumed with light as the Boom Tube began to teleport us.



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