A Gorgeous White

Chapter 66: Falling And Being Caught

Moulin spent the rest of the morning listening to Fhorg's instructions and rules that were implemented in the guild. They roamed almost all of the accessible places in the manorial. It was like an en even more detailed your than what Emlen had given Moulin. They passed by the training yards where most of the sentinels spent their time to the teleportation crystal located before the manor. There were only two teleportation crystals in the manor. The other one was located far behind the manor in an isolated pavilion built on the surface of the waterfall's raging currents. No one frequently uses it except for the honorary sentinels.

"That is all. You may now proceed to the manor's library. Find Tessley. She will guide you to your tasks." He didn't bother to say any encouraging words to Moulin, Jagra, and Ghana as he left them in the middle of the hallway.

Jagra lowered his gaze to look down on the ground. "I still have a lot of questions I wanted to ask..."

"Don't worry. Perhaps Lady Tessley will be our aid." Moulin comforted Jagra as they set off towards the library. Moulin hoped there wasn't too much work to do so he could roam the manor freely.

Suddenly, Snow jumped down from Moulin's head. His tiny paws landed swiftly on the ground and he glanced at his master with his little silver-white eyes before scurrying away towards the opposite direction of the hallways. Snow's sudden disappearance confused both Jagra and Ghana they furrowed their brows as they glanced at Moulin who didn't react.

"Aren't you going to chase after him?" Ghana questioned Moulin as they continued to walk.

Moulin shook his head. "No need. He will return to me once he's hungry anyway. Let us proceed to the library quickly. I want to finish our task as soon as possible. He didn't want to waste the rest of the day working. There was a goal in his heart and that is to find out more about Estuvian Gurhdel.

It didn't take long for them to arrive before the library doors. Without further ado, Moulin grasped the handles and opened it. The three entered the library and stopped. The library was incredibly vast. The shelves were all lined up like a maze and grand chandeliers hanged from the ceiling giving one's eyes to witness the vivid colors within the library. The floor was wooden and polished and at the top of every bookshelf was a single round lamp glowing with a faint green light.

"May I help you?"

A sweet childish voice spoke politely. The three novice sentinels looked at the person speaking to them. Her looks were adorable with her rosy plump cheeks and the emerald glow in her eyes. Her hair was curly and short, bouncing on her shoulders. Moulin could not help but lose himself in her cuteness. Honestly, he was tempted to pinch her cheeks. The only thing that surprised Moulin was the little pointy ears. Little golden hoops were piercing the corner of her ears.

An elf!

Moulin pressed his lips together in excitement!

He was meeting another elf!

"Uhh, Good morning. We wanted to inquire about Lady Tessley? Is she a-around?" Jagra knitted his eyebrows as he stepped back. Moulin took note of his strange reaction in his heart.

"Ah! Miss Tessley! You three must be the new sentinels of the guild! Welcome!" Her sweet voice was as cheery as her expression. If Moulin didn't found Snow, he was sure that the crown of the most-adorable-thing-he-had-ever-saw would go to her!. "My name is Freional! You can call me Freio! Come! Follow me!"

She skipped ahead of them while she carried a book in her hand. Her brown locks bounced as she skipped. The scene was quite childish.

The three followed Freio quietly while their eyes assessed their surroundings.

Moulin was entranced. Even his family's libraries weren't as massive as these bookshelves. He was tempted to ditch his task and snatch one of the thick books on the shelves. His fingers were itching.

As they walked their footsteps echoed in the silent library. They climbed up a spiral staircase and arrived on the second floor of the library. Freio looked around as she squinted her eyes to look for a particular someone. When she finally spotted the female Maeruthan carrying a stack of books on the table, she yelled, "Miss Tessley! Your juniors are here for your guidance!"

The raven-haired girl lifted her amber gaze and the impatience in her eyes disappeared. She stood while nodding at Freio to leave them.

Freio sticks out her tongue playfully at Tessley before she turned her attention to Moulin. "Little Aphrodite Maeruthan... Let me study you some time. I could make wonders that every person would dream of..." She winked at Moulin before skipping away.

Tessley shakes her head as she watched Freio leave. "Don't be fooled by her childish appearance. She is a hundred years old. Wiser than our dear Elder Guild Lord in the Elder Guild"

Ghana, Jagra, and Moulin looked at each other with widened eyes...

Lifting a list from the table, she looked at them and gestured her finger to the three staring at her. "Come..."

They walked towards her unhurriedly. Tessley gave each of the three pieces of paper she had prepared earlier. After Moulin had recognized that his paper contained a list of books, Tessley spoke. "Find these books and bring them to me... We will talk about your task once you have the books. The books I want you three to find will aid you in the future."

Moulin blinked. If reading would help improve his cultivation then he would've just stayed in his bed. He signed. There was nothing he could do. It would be improper to complain openly to Tessley so he turned around and started to find the books.

Jagra, Ghan, and Moulin separated as they searched for the books. Fortunately, Moulin could find two of the books easily with his keen eyesight. He quietly ran through the bookshelves of the first floor, occasionally asking Freio the location of the books.

The library was wider than Moulin thought it would be. When he lifts his gaze, he would sometimes stop and admire the heights of the bookshelves as though they were like the talk trees of the Sunset Woods. Utterly massive. He continued to do his task, realizing that there were only two more books left that he should find. Freio had given him a small orb that would light up once he would stand in front of the right shelf where the book was kept. Moulin thanked her multiple times for the convenience.

He only hoped that he needn't climb the sliding ladder if the book were too far from his reach.

Finally, he saw the orb was glowing a bright blue. He looked up and noticed the glowing blue book stuck right between two large books above. Sadly, it was high up on the shelf.

Moulin shuddered as he thought of what he should do. His silver eyes glanced at the ladder beside him.

"To finish quick... To finish quickly... " Moulin chanted in his mind as he placed the two books on the ground.

He climbed up the ladder as slowly as he can. He grasped each rung tightly as he climbed up. With furrowed eyebrows, he sighed. It would've been better if he had flying abilities...

Once he arrived at the row of books where the glowing blue book was located, the youth stretches out his arm.


It was still a bit far away. The ladder was the type to slide sideways so Moulin gripped the edge of the shelf and pushed to slide the ladder.

"Finally... " Moulin took out the book and smiled happily. All this energy for a book. He tucked the book on his armpit and checked the orb and the list. Crossing out the name of the book he had recently collected on the list, the orb dimmed. "How easy... " he smiled proudly.

Out of the blue, the orb glowed once again...

Strange. Moulin frowned. He had collected three books. If the orb was glowing again then that must mean that the last book...

Moulin lifted his gaze and stopped. Another book glowed brightly. His eyes widened brilliantly. Two books on one shelf. Turns out he wouldn't need to check other bookshelves anymore. How convenient...

His toes pressed on the lower rung of the ladder and he raised his heels. With an outstretched hand, he reached for the book. Although he was struggling, he wasn't fearful as the ladder shook when if he should be.


The moment Moulin caught the book the rung he was stepping on snapped into two making him fall. Fortunately, Moulin quickly held on the bottom of a shelf. The ladder on the other hand, fell on the ground mercilessly leaving Moulin to hang.


This time Moulin was terrified. The shock almost sent him falling!

His grip on the bottom of the shelf tightened. He shifted his body and the bookshelf shook scaring the wits out of Moulin. Seriously?!

As he analyzed his situation, he looked down and convinced himself to jump down. If he would make another like daring to climb down the shelf, he would probably send the shelf falling, causing a domino effect. On his first day and he destroyed a library. Moulin didn't want to take that risk...

It's not that high from the ground anyway... He'll be fine...

Moulin pressed his lips together as his eyes narrowed.




He released his grip and gravity pulled him downwards. Squinting his eyes, he could feel the threatening impact that awaited him if he landed badly.

However, before he could land on the ground and let his bones shatter, light flashed and strong arms caught his falling figure.

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