A Gorgeous White

Chapter 63: Tessley Vernallia


Varick held the chain of the pocket watch and letting it dangle down his hand. He smiled broadly. This event was something Tyve had created to 'strengthen the bonds of the sentinels'. Although it sounds absurd, it was fun to watch the guild all riled up in excitement.

He raised his hand to signal that the minute had started.

"Show me what you've got, scrawny boy" The man shook the bell between his fingers creating a pleasant ringing sound. "Show me the strength you used to complete the Trials."

Jagra stared at him. His ability wasn't an offensive type. He could only resort to reaching out and grabbing the man's hand like a jumping chicken. The man laughed as he raised his hand higher. What kind of joke was this?

Moulin frowned. The sight was unpleasant to see. How do people find this hilarious? He glared at Ghana who was happily watching the scene. She instantly quieted as she pressed her lips together.



The ticking of the watch entered Jagra's ears. Only half a minute was left and if he didn't do anything, he knew he would become the night's laughing stock. He raised his head like a pouting child.

The bulky man laughed as he glanced at the watch. He shook his head in disappointment, "How foolish. It looks like this young man is as weak as he looks. I wonder how he even survived the Trials with this body of his? Hah! Go home to your-"

Suddenly, the man felt a chilling aura engulfing him. Out of instinct, he hardened his body to withstand anything that would come against him.

Something quick brushed against his face and he stiffened.

The man blinked. His eyes staring at no one in front of him. Disbelief immediately etched his face.


The watch rang. The minute was finished.

Silence surrounded the hall. Not a mutter was heard as the people stared. Suddenly, they cheered loudly.

The man was confused. When he saw Varick shake his head and pointed behind him, he looked behind to look.

Jagra was panting as though he had consumed every bit of energy he had inside him. Sweat formed above his brows and his chest was slightly heaving. However, in between his fingers, the round bell rang pleasingly.

Narrowing his silver eyes, Moulin could notice the slight tremble of Jagra's form. It was strange. Jagra looked too exhausted. The move was indeed fast that Moulin could only see a blur of the young man's figure, but he only executed one move. How can it consume so much energy from him?

The crowd didn't seem to notice Jagra's abnormality. They gave him delightful applause.

"I don't know how you did it but well done! You proved me wrong, boy" The bulky man smacked Jagra's back playfully. He laughed as he walked away.

Jagra sighed. His eyes were rapidly blinking. He wiped his sweaty forehead with his sleeve and walked towards Moulin and Ghana.

"You did a splendid job." Ghana praised. With her hands on her waist, she returned her attention to the center. She was excited to be challenged by a sentinel!

Moulin smiled at Jagra, "You should take a rest. Don't tire yourself much."

"A-ah... Yes, Thank you..." Jagra reddened in embarrassment. He lowered his gaze on the bell in his hand while he glanced at Moulin.

"Next!" Varick announced. He waved the watch in the air. "Who wants to challenge this maeruthan woman!"

Tyve slammed the bottle of liquor on the table as he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. His twin brother shook his head helplessly as Tyve rose from his seat. "I will challenge her!"

His green eyes gleamed with interest and the urge to release his ability. He took off his white cape, carelessly tossing it to his frowning brother. His steps were heavy and his face was full of arrogance.

The crowd began to tease him for his recklessness and unruly act as he walked towards the center of the circle. He stared at Ghana while a bell magically appeared between his fingers. He tossed the fingers in his hand as he smirked. "One minute, Sunshine. Take it from me and you win."

Varick glanced at Lord Hadrian who was as impassive as ever as he stared. The sentinel could only sigh seeing his Lord would not do anything to stop Tyve's little performance.

With furrowed eyebrows, Moulin looked at Ghana. "He seems quite strong."

"The better... " Ghana flashed Moulin a smile as she took off her cape and passed it to Moulin who accepted it. "I'll make sure not to knock him out."

Moulin chuckled as he shook his head, "Go loose... "

Ghana walked forward. Her blue eyes narrowing as she gazed at Tyve. Tyve grinned as he scrutinized the woman in front of him. Man or woman, as long as they have the strength to take him on, Tyve didn't care.

"Begin... " Varick announced.

Ghana positioned herself in an offensive stance. Her blue eyes glowed as she let orbs of water materialize from her hands. The water spheres floated from her hands and she lunged at Tyve.

Tyve stopped tossing the bell in the air and swerved to dodge her. He took a step back behind her as she missed. Ghana once again turned and charged at him. Her quick steps almost dismayed Tyve as she tried her hardest to take the bell away from his hands.

"How aggressive..." Tyve chuckled as he leaped back on for Ghana to head towards him again.

Moulin stared impassively at the two. His gaze never left the round bell within Tyve's grasp. Tyve didn't even activate his ability. His movements were more like water than Ghana's forceful fiery actions.

Time was almost up and this time Ghana used her water spheres to attack Tyve. They spun wildly as they were launched towards Tyve at an unimaginable speed. They cut through the air swiftly making Tyve furrowed his brows. The spheres attacked him all at once and he agilely twisted his body from being cut. His mind was a little woozy and he let out a drunken breath as he kept himself from being sliced open.

"Woah!" He exclaimed as his sleeves were cut open. "Calm down, woman! It's only a test-" he stopped when he could not see Ghana anywhere in front of him.

His senses kicked in and he looked behind him subconsciously.

The bell jingle as Tyve stretched his arm. To avoid the sudden hand that reached for it. Ghana's eyes in front of him were smothering in fury and excitement. Tye could feel sweat fall down his brows.


The time was finished and Ghana failed to take the bell. However, every person held their breath. Not one word was spoken as they looked at the glaring shine of the water blade underneath Tyve's chin. It threatened to drive into Tyve's neck.

Tyve grinned amusingly. "You lost, junior. However, you have earned my respect."

Ghana sighed as she dissolved her water blade. Although she lost, a smile graced her lips as she bowed at Tyve.

Tyve laughed as he tossed the bell at her. "Keep it. Let us fight again when you're ready." Ghana caught the bell with a hand and watched as Tyve walked away, waving his hand. She muttered a 'Thank you' and the loud applausthe e rang in the air..

With a wide grin, she walked towards Moulin, tossing the bell in the air.

Moulin smirked at her. She eyed her as she stood beside him. "It was worth almost cutting his neck..."

"Indeed" Ghana replied. "I could smell his drunken breath as I fought. I almost want to slice his neck off for his recklessness. Nevertheless, I look forward to fighting him again."

"You did well!" Jagra praised. He showed a bit of fear for the maeruthan woman beside her. Ghana only laughed at his reaction. She smacked Jagra's back playfully.

Troid stared at Tyve. He watched his twin brother as he sat down and drained another bottle. Rolling his blue-eyes, he smacked Tyve behind his head.


"You have some guts going out there drunk! I should let someone replace you as an honorary sentinel!" Trout began to scold his brother who only begged for forgiveness.

As the applause turned soft, Varick stood up, "Next challenger!"

The crowd had anticipated this fight. They looked around, wondering, and muttering who might challenge the beautiful aphrodite. It was strange to see a sentinel aphrodite. They were frail and fragile. However, if Moulin completed the trials then she should be worth something.

Moulin expressionlessly walked towards the vacant circle. He ignored some of the men's leering gazes thrown his way. Silver eyes glanced at the lord sitting comfortably with a drink in his hand. Hadrian lifted his glass at him with a smile. It only made Moulin want to freeze him solid.

The crowd of people parted when someone came to step towards the circle.

Moulin slightly narrowed his gaze as he stared.

Flicking her black hair off her shoulder as she stood before Moulin. The crowd grew wild as they raised their arms for Tessley.

"Tessley Vernallia has come to challenge Moulin Fraunces!" Tyve announced excitedly. A string of cheers rang in the hall.

Moulin sighed. He knew it was going to be this way. The young woman had been starting as him as he needed to be punished-

Moulin stopped. He lifted his gaze to Varick.

Did he just say Vernallia?

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