A Gorgeous White

Chapter 60: Young Master Meets People And A Lurker

The sound of rushing water crashing heavily, pulled by gravity as they landed on the lake beneath was loudly roaring. The wind sighed in Moulin's ears as his brows curved upwards and as his lips parted in wonderment

The teleportation platform was situated at the center of a vast circular courtyard. The massive arched entrance lowered over them and the stone pathway stretched far enough to see the end of the walkway where doors as black as the night awaited them. The golden symbol of the Leonile guild held at the center above the doors is displayed like a warning to anyone who may want to enter than a welcome plaque.

More than a manorial, the place was probably as great as the imperial palace. He wondered why Lord Hadrian would not be bothered to place the Headquarters within the Imperial circle. Turns out it was because the man was as wealthy as a king.

The sound of water made Moulin curious. Where did it come from?

As Moulin turned to look behind him he stopped. More accurately, he stiffened in his place.

"Young mas-" Varick flinched as a rush of wind flew right past him.

As quick as a fox Moulin ran towards the stones railing behind him, silver eyes sparkling wide. The sprinkle of water touched his face as he looked down. The steep sprinkling curve of the waterfall met his eyes. Water plunging from hundreds of feet into a large river. The water, gorgeously cascading down with force and beauty. A cloud of mist forming magnificently, a layer of a faint rainbow was reflected in Moulin's eyes. Under the brightening sky, it looked absolutely majestic as though it was a river of golden fire.

When the youth's eyes shifted to his left side where the railings extended even further, he could not help but press his lips together. Miles from the sides of the manor where bridges were built over the far-extending waterfall were forested with towering trees.

The manorial was built on a waterfall!

Moulin didn't dream that he could witness something as amazing as this!


Moulin flinched and turned his head back to see a grimacing Tessley crossing her arms impatiently. Varick helplessly smiled and gestured Moulin to follow him.

Aware of his unelegant behavior, Moulin sheepishly apologized before following Varick as he leads the way. Tessley only ignored him as she headed further away from the two of them. Moulin glanced back at the railings behind him before turning his head.

They walked towards the entrance of the manor silently, allowing Moulin to freely assess his surroundings. Tessley opened the doors swiftly and the bright-lit foyer entered Moulin's view. As grand were the view beyond the walls of the manorial. The inside was simple yet elegant. There weren't any luxurious chandeliers where giant crystals hanged as though a touch would make it snap and fall or any diamond embedded furniture.

Moulin sighed. The place was breathtaking yet refreshing to the eyes. For a moment, he was preparing to shield his eyes from blindness once again.

"Call me if you need me..." Tessley glanced at Varick before walking towards the halls by their right.

Varick turned to Moulin with a smile, "The other two recruits will be arriving later. You'll introduce yourselves once they arrive. For now, let me show you around."


Suddenly Moulin felt an oddity. He unconsciously shifted his head to the side. A sharp object cut through the air as it flew past his cheek.

Moulin narrowed his eyes as he glanced behind him. A little knife was embedded on the polished floor. Moulin could tell the force of the throw when he noticed the deep cracks around it.

Varick was stunned as he whipped his head towards the attacker.


A merry voice spoke followed by a laugh.

Sitting on top of the railing of the staircase on the upper floor of the foyer, were two men heartily sharing a plate of chocolate cake. Moulin curiously assesses each of their looks from below with a glare.

The two men were twins judging from their identical height, hair, and physique. Each of them had curly blue hair, as deep as the depths of the ocean. They wore the same black uniforms and their faces were vulpine and charming as they stared at Moulin and Varick from below.

"Tyve! Troid! Are you out of your mind?!" Varick hissed at them, scowling.

Both of them chuckled with a fork in their mouth. Their eyes were smiling as they looked at Varick, "Relax, Varick. See? He wasn't harmed." The one with green eyes pointed at Moulin with his fork. "Although if he reacted a second late, we'd have to send his corpse back."

Moulin stared at the plate of cake in their hands, "I won't die because of a mere knife"

"Oh?" The green-eyed twin grinned.

"Enough, Tyve." Varick glared at him. "Why do they always do this?" He muttered to himself.

"You want a piece of cake, Sweetling?" Troid, the blue-eyed twin smiled at Moulin. Lifting the plate of cake in his hand. "You would have to repay me though. I risked my life for this. Pay me with your sweet little plump ass-AAH!"

The two almost fell off the railing when someone smacked them from behind their heads. The twins desperately worked to balance the plate with their hands as they planted their feet on the ground. Their foreheads were sweating as they glanced at each other before sighing in relief.

Moulin but his lips to restrain a laugh. He looked at the

"Go..." A deep authoritative voice sounded. The tone was so heavy it brought a sense of fear if one wouldn't follow his orders.

The twins flinched and they quietly lowered their heads, "Yes..." They scurried away with their forks in their mouths, giving Moulin one last glance before disappearing.

"Forgive them. They tend to fiddle with recruits quite often." The taller man nodded at Moulin and Varick before walking away with heavy steps.

Once again, silence descended in the area. Moulin chuckled softly before clearing his throat.

Varick turned to him with an embarrassed expression. His mind silently cursing, planning to report everything to Lord Hadrian after his task was finished, "Let me give you a tour of the place..."

"Please..." Moulin nodded with a smile.

Both of them began to explore the place with Varick as his guide. As they walked, Moulin noticed they were not so many people within the guild. There were only a few servants and the people in uniform didn't even reach forty as Varick explained. Moulin was confused. He read that there were about thirty guilds in Azuran, where seven were disbanded and three were dissolved from their rights as a guild. Each of those guilds carried hundreds of members. The three predominant guilds reach almost a thousand.

Moulin listened carefully as they walked down the outdoor hallways. He sketched a map inside his head, memorizing every walkway as the tour continued.

"Here is where you will be staying..." Varick opened a door in one of the Guild Quarters.

Moulin uttered a thank-you before entering. The room wasn't so bad. The interior wasn't too extravagant with three large floor-to-ceiling windows, curtained with long silk curtains. The floor was neat and the bed at the side was just the right size. He noticed his luggage on the far side of the room. His brows lifted in surprise. He turned his attention to Varick who was beside him.

Before Moulin could speak, Varick interrupted him. "We had your luggage moved here. There were some problems we had with your brother before we-"

"My brother?" Moulin furrowed his eyebrows. "What problems?"

There was hesitation in Varick's eyes as he shifts his gaze away. He felt uncomfortable remembering the scene.

"He... refused to accept your decision to join the Leonile guild so we had a slight confrontation." Thinking his words would affect Moulin, he waves his hand in front of him desperately explaining, "But no one was hurt so don't worry! Your brother wishes to speak with you once you come back to Azuran. I'm afraid you will have to face him."

Moulin turns his gaze to the windows. Concern waves inside him. He didn't have the chance to talk to his brother because of the Selection. Maybe he should've left him a note before he left.

"Thank you for telling me. I will have to talk to my brother once I go back." He turns his attention back to Varick and he bowed respectfully. "Thank you for the tour, Senior."

Varick blinked and smiled, eyes watery. Finally, someone who acknowledges me!

He cleared his throat and with a stern face, he spoke "Call me if you have any questions. There will be a guild assembly for the recruits tonight, make sure to attend. Your uniform is in your wardrobe as well as other clothes the guild provides."

Moulin bowed his head. "Yes. Thank you, Senior."

With a big smile, Varick waved his hand as he left the room.

The sound of the door closing sounded in the room and silence engulfed the area. Moulin sighs.

He walked towards where his luggage was and he squatted on the floor. He moved each trunk and bags until he found his favorite satchel. Thankfully, they didn't forget to bring this. Moulin would race back to Azuran and flip over every room to find it.

He dug through the contents of the bag until his fingers felt a familiar shape of a small book. He took it out and stared at it for a while. There were a lot of papers sticking out between the closed pages of the book. He turned it to examine the clasp of the book. No one opened it. Good.

Moulin unlocked the clasp after speaking the password. With a click, it opened.

After the incident with the child's voice, speaking to him through Alsander's mouth. Moulin had Pola bring him a small journal which can only be opened with its owner's voice and the secret words enchanted on it.

Although he was busy with the Trials and the Selection, he had never forgotten his goal. Opening the journal, he flipped through the pages silently. His eyes were unusually serious.

"Estavian Gurhdel, Azuran Guild's Historian..."

Moulin didn't know that the Leonile Manorial was far from Azuran. It was unexpected. However, there was nothing he could do about it. Emlen didn't know a thing about other people in Azuran except for the Elder guild so it was utterly useless asking him.

Perhaps he could ask someone. Varick may be knowledgeable about the historian.

Moulin sighs. He didn't know anyone here except Varick, Ghana, and...

Moulin stopped. His silver eyes narrowed as he closed the book with a snap.

"Lord Hadrian..."

A deep chuckle entered Moulin ear making Moulin's frown deepen. With a glare, he turned around.

He froze in his place.

Golden eyes were staring closely at him and the handsome features that Moulin incredibly loathed were facing him. The shameless Lord was standing audaciously close to Moulin that their faces were only inches apart.

Moulin heart almost stopped beating out of alarm. Fortunately, he was able to calm himself. He narrowed his eyes at him.

"How are you such a lurker, Milord."

Hadrian smiles. His eyes gleaming, intrigued.

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