A Gorgeous White

Chapter 57: A Button?

Moulin's silver eyes glanced at the man kneeling below him at the corner of his eyes. His gaze was indifferent but a hint of amusement flickered in his silvery pupils. It quickly diminishes as he returns his attention to his food. His tongue savors the flavorful food in his mouth and he could not help but close his eyes in elation.

Hadrian was not bothered by the fact that the youth sees him as nothing but amusement and insignificant at the same time. He only smiles in interest as he stroked the end of Moulin's heel to the rosy tips of his toes with the warm towel.

Moulin with eyes closed, flinched at the tickling feeling of his right foot. His spoon stopped, inches away from his mouth. He furrowed his brows as he opened his eyes to glare at the lord. His questionable eyes were filled with irritation and annoyance. Clearly urging to the Lord to stop whatever he was doing.

As if he didn't see the look on the youth's face, Hadrian didn't meet Moulin's gaze and focused his attention on cleaning the youth's foot.

"Hmph..." Moulin narrowed his eyes as resumed eating.


"The lord must have been experienced, to acquire the skill of cleaning one's foot" Moulin began as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. His tone was dripping with impatience and mockery. He had long finished eating and had to wait for the golden-haired man to finish his task. The man took his time without sparing Moulin a glimpse as concentrated on rinsing the youth's feet.

Moulin propped his chin on his hand as he languidly stared at Hadrian. His eyes narrowed once again as he felt a slight tickle from the soles of his left foot.

This was already the ninth time. He was growing annoyed about what was going on in this man's head. Was he trying to fish out a swooning response from him? A corner of Moulin's lip turned up. How bold of him!

Without warning, Moulin lifted his foot and daringly pushed at the man's robust chest. His pink toes pressed provokingly on the dark shirt, just slightly below the man's clavicle. Moulin could feel the heat of the man against his toes. It only made him push harder with a smirk on his face. His whole act was ought to be intimidating.

Hadrian raised his brows in surprise. Something flashed in his eyes as he gazed at the blushing toes of the foot pressing on him. The beautiful ark of the bridge of the foot and the delicate ankles were exposed under his gaze. Intrigued by Moulin's provoking actions, the lord abruptly closed his rough fingers around Moulin's ankle. A captivating smile adorned his face as he felt the soft skin beneath his fingers.

Moulin frowned, silently gnashing his teeth, "What are you doing?"

"I should be the one asking you that. If this is your way of expressing your gratitude to me then forgive me but I must decline." His eyes roamed over Moulin's form, from his feet to his thighs, waist, neck, and finally his grimacing face. "... I prefer a more appropriate setting. Such as a soft bed... to lay upon your-"

"I thought of no such thing!" Moulin scowled. "As perverted as ever I see. Truly, no man would be on par with your perverse nature. Honestly... " He tried to pull his foot from Hadrian's grip but failed. The man's grip was like steel bands shackling his feet! In the end, he threw Hadrian a pitiful look.

"Please let go... "

A few seconds passed and Hadrian made no move to comply with Moulin's wishes. Instead, he pulled Moulin's feet closer until Moulin's foot was flat on Hadrian's chest. Moulin was unaffected by the sudden action. Of course, he was no virgin man to act like a sheepish blushing maiden. However, the lord's looks were too godly that Moulin's cheeks had reddened a bit.

Truly, beauty is a sin. This man should be imprisoned for life or who knows what he might do in the future. It would probably doom the whole kingdom.

"What if I refuse?"

Hadrian was taunting him.

An eye twitched in response. Moulin sneered. This little-

He released a fraction of his mana into his foot.

The lord's eyes flashed for a moment before he immediately released Moulin's foot. To his expectations, there was indeed a hint of redness around Moulin's ankle. The milky skin was tinted with a hint of red. Hadrian's rough fingers had a tight grip and the result was indeed what Hadrian had expected. Truly, it looked alluring.

Moulin instantly lowered his foot the moment it was freed from the grasp of the man. A sheet of frost had layered on the surface of the lord's clothes from where Moulin's foot had been. It glistened under the warm light of the chandelier. Moulin regretted nothing. He raised an eyebrow at the Hadrian. "Are you done playing?"

The golden glare in the lord's eyes deepened. Finally, he raised his hands in surrender before standing up from the ground. Moulin witnessed, wide-eyed, as Hadrian wiped the frost off his shirt as if he was just wiping off dust. The frost instantly melted from the touch of his fingers yet it only moistened the hand of the lord, not a drop of water had fallen.

Moulin narrowed his eyes. If this man wasn't such a twisted pervert, he would be a great asset and ally. Such a pity strength was given to a man like him.

Rubbing his ankle, Moulin watched Hadrian wipe his hands with a spare towel.

As Hadrian placed the towel on the table, he lifted the basin from the floor as he spoke, "You need to learn how to control your mana... "

Moulin frowned, "I know how to do that. I don't need your conduct."

The Lord stopped his movements. His gaze lowered on the frozen water inside the basin. The ice was as white as the ice frozen ground of the arena when the youth had left victorious. A corner of his lips turned up as he pushed the basin aside. He glanced at Moulin who was curiously looking around the room with inquisitive eyes.

"Where am I?" Moulin finally asked. His eyes, staring at the priceless figurines of little wolves in the glass cabinets. There was also a floating crystal ball, the size of his palm, at the corner of the desk. It was exquisite.

"My old study... " Crossing his arms, Hadrian replied nonchalantly.

Study? It looked more like a child's playroom with all those little figurines.

Moulin tilted his head with narrowed eyes, "How did I get here?"

"Why don't you recall, Young master." Hadrian smiled briefly as he neared Moulin. His steps slow yet intimidating.

Moulin furrowed his eyebrows, unaffected by the man's imposing aura as he thought deeply. His curved lashes delicately created shadows as his gaze was lowered. His silver hair fell on his shoulders like waves of water. Moulin was oblivious of how he looked, only the other person in the room found his appearance quite enchanting and adorable.

"The willow tree!" Moulin's eyes gleamed in surprise. The moment he lifted his gaze, he froze.

He could feel the warm breath of the man and see the sun in his golden eyes of the man towering over him. Their faces were only an inch apart like how they were back in their second meeting within the midnight garden.

Moulin jerked back, his back pressing against the back of the chair as his eyes turned vigilant. He seemed, "You and your tricks... "

Hadrian only picked up the tray beside the youth, placing it next to the basin as though nothing had happened. His eyes held amusement even though they weren't locked in Moulin. "The willow tree is a secret portal to my study. Only I can activate it. I wonder how the young master was capable of triggering it..."

"I was only resting beneath it! I didn't do anything. If you are the only person who can activate it then perhaps you must've done something." Moulin raised an eyebrow. "When I arrive you were right before me."

"Hmm... " His reasons were even adorable, Hadrian thought. "Perhaps there was a mistake." He ended.

"Then... " Moulin hesitated, "... How can I go back?"

There was a silence that stretched for seconds. Moulin pulled his brows together as he waited for a reply.

Hadrian stared at him with a slightly narrowed gaze. As if he was contemplating whether to help the young man or not.

Muolin sighed, "I'll repay you. "

Hadrian gave him a look of interest, "You don't know what I want... "

"I know It's not money. I'm quite sure it isn't fame either."

"How does this young master know that I'm not that kind of person?" Hadrian pressed.

Moulin held the lord's gaze as though keeping it from turning away, "Though a person's hands are rough that doesn't mean he is violent. I could tell by the kind touch of your hands. No man as powerful as you would kneel to someone he only met twice." A frown suddenly replaced his blank face "... Unless you are truly a philandering man whose expertise involves cleaning his lover's feet to drag them into his bed."

Hadrian smirked after chuckling briefly, "You prick me after you compliment me? ..."

"Can you help me?" Moulin was getting tired of the man's wordy counter attacks. After a long day of exerting himself, he was tired. He was getting sleepy after a full stomach as well.

Seeing the drowsiness in Moulin's eyes, Hadrian finally consented. He walked over to Moulin's seat before utilizing the floating crystal ball to send someone to clean and collect the dishes and the basin in his study. He opened his palm out to Moulin with a faint smile. "Let's go... "

"How are you going to help me without anyone noticing us?" asked Moulin as he placed his hand on Hadrian's. He stood up with questioning eyes.

"Oof!" Moulin was held by the waist a second later, suddenly pulled by the man a bit of force. He instantly removed his cheek from the man's clothed chest and looked up. "What're you-"

Moulin felt a strong wind rushing past him and light flashing before his in the next second. It only lasted a second before he felt the familiar dimness of the area.

The room was dim with only the lamp he forgot to turn off before he left the room.

He was back in his room.

Moulin blinked. Teleportation...

He had forgotten t the man's ability to teleport. However, doesn't that only apply if the user knows where the location was? Moulin's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "You-"


A finger pressed against his lips, ceasing the words that were about to come out of his mouth. Moulin glared at Hadrian, eyes smoldering with annoyance.

Hadrian only glanced at the bed before them, "Your little pet is sleeping... "


Moulin shifted his gaze to the bed and stopped. There was a particular little ball of white curling itself on the sheets, not bothering by the plain touch of the sheets that the little fox wasn't used to. Moulin looked in surprise. How was Snow here? Wasn't Emlen taking care of him?

"What a loyal fellow... " Hadrian stared at the sleeping fox darkly.

Confusion etched Moulin's face before he realized the tightening grip on his waist. Ugh...

He instantly pushed the man's chest away with a dark face, "Stop treating me like a woman... "

Watching the youth escape his embrace, he watched Moulin walked towards the bed, bending down to caress Snow's little form.

How cruel...

He was instantly forgotten because of a mere beast. How was his existence more insignificant than a lowly mystic beast?

"Thank you... "

A whisper escaped the youth's mouth. Moulin didn't turn to face Hadrian unwilling to witness the possible intrigued expression the man always gave Moulin. "Thank you for helping me... "

"You said you would repay me" Hadrian glanced at the delicate hand caressing the little fox's white fur.

Moulin flinched.

Of course...

With a sigh, Moulin faced the lord. "What is it that you wish?"

Hadrian said nothing but tossed something to Moulin. Moulin caught it with one hand and curiously looked at it.

"I hope you make the right decision..."

With those words, the Leonile Lord disappeared with a flash, leaving Moulin stunned.

He stared at the little round golden thing in his hands that looked smaller than the size of a coin. It shined against the light from the lamp along with the sun-like symbol carved on it.


A button?

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