A Gorgeous White

Chapter 51: The Mirror Realm (2 )

The sun in Hadrian's eyes dimmed. He had not expected this kind of situation to happen. Truly, it was unexpected.

"What happened?!" For the first time in her hours of silence, the Phioric Guild Lord shouted in disbelief. Her hands clenched on the arms of her chair, irritatingly. Not only her water mirror but as well as the water mirrors intent on viewing Moulin wasn't working properly.

She emerald gaze fixed on the Dragorian Lord as if she was questioning him. Ordan slowly shook his head and ordered the man beside him to check what had gone wrong.

"Calm down, you barbaric woman. The Lord of the Elder Council had mentioned that they have applied a few changes with the mirror realm. Two or three special realms have been cast into the mirror realm. The surveillance inside the realm will be restricted. This Aphrodite, Moulin, will be safely transported out of the realm if his life were to be in peril. So keep your mouth shut." Maiel groaned while he massaged his temples with one hand. Honestly, if she would utter one more annoying word, he will throw her out! Woman or not.

Ilona grumbled in her seat as she leaned back. She had caught a gem. A white diamond shimmering with brilliance! Earlier, while she was monitoring one Maeruthan after another she had come across a beautiful creature with glimmering silver hair. The deadly gaze, the ethereal countenance, and the powerful ability he had used to oppress his opponents. It hooked her soul. She could not help but want to forcefully kidnap him so that he could not catch the attention of the other lords.

However, her excitement had caught the attention of most guild lords., and they curiously began to look for Moulin. The Aphrodite Maeruthan was indeed promising. To be one of the first people to open the portal was already great enough. Most of the candidates have already resorted to robbing other candidate's spirit pearls.

"It seems we have another favorable candidate... " Ordan said, earning him the nods of agreement of the rest of the guild lords. A few had not acknowledged but the majority have already decided.

While others openly shared their remarks, only one remained expressionless. His noninvolvement did not affect the lords as though he was an evil ghost not to be trifled with.

The Leonile lord stared at the mirror as if the youth's figure would suddenly return if he did. Although his face was unreadable, the darkness in his eyes wasn't. If one were able to catch a glimpse of his gaze they would tremble in fear and flee. When he lost sight of the youth and the unyielding emotion in his silver eyes it was as if he had been dragged into the chasm of darkness. If he weren't so fond of the little doll he would have laughed at himself for harboring such unnecessary emotions to a stranger.

"Varick... "

The red-haired knight bowed his head. He had just finished talking to Fhorg. "It is just as Lord Trylle had said, Milord. The third young master might have been transported to one of the special realms in the mirror trial."

As he finished, Hadrian's eyes darkened even more. Varick froze and began to mentally analyze the words he had said one by one.

The Hercullian Lord had heard about the other lord's boastful chatter and when Moulin's name was spoken, he could taste blood in his mouth. Although he found these feeling foreign and revolting, he couldn't help but also find it intriguing.

Moulin was powerful and capable. He was ruthless as well as enthralling. Certainly, he wouldq13 survive the task given to him as he had survived alone in the harsh winters of the northern mountains.

A corner of the lord's lips was raised. Little doll... Little doll... Where are you?


"Have you found him?" The commanding voice of the second young master of the Fraunces Family roared within the room. The people flinched and lowered their heads even more while they scanned through the Trial realms through the small water mirror in their hands.

Their silence and hesitation relayed the answer in their hearts. They have not found the third young master.

Emlen groaned. His forehead was sweating with dread. What had gone wrong?! A few minutes ago they were witnessing Moulin's impressive oppression to the ones determined to rob him of his spirit pearls in the Illusionist's Cave. He along with his fellow guild members of the Elder Council watched the scene, impressed. He had stood proudly cheering his little brother in his heart.

However, as soon as Moulin had entered the Portal to the Mirror Realm, the water mirrors suddenly could not show any monitoring of him. As if he had disappeared on the map. Emlen was dumbfounded. He immediately ordered the men to look for his brother.

"Emlen... " The Elder Guild Lord, who had been silent the whole time, finally spoken. He put his hand on Emlen's shoulder in comfort. "Don't worry. Your brother might have entered one of the special realms of the second trial. He's quite powerful. He'll come back safely."

Emlen hesitated. He could not settle himself if Moulin was not under his watch. However, after a few comforting words from his guild Lord, he learned to slightly ease his discomfort. He looked at the water mirror who's shown nothing but his reflection.

He hoped Moulin was alright. Otherwise, he would never forgive himself.


The light covering his eyes faded but his vision remained blurry. Multiple times, he blinked his eyes.

Before he could adjust his vision, he felt a pull on his hand. Pulling his body to walk forward. The refreshing scent of petrichor entered his nose and the cool breeze caressed his cheeks. He heard the clicks of their footsteps as if they were walking on a smooth, shiny marbled floor.

His silver eyes finally adjusted against the natural light of his surroundings and he could not help but be astonished. They were walking down an old massive hallway. The golden light beamed through the tall and colorful glass windows making the interior warm and spiritual. The large columns were old with a mass of vines growing around them and the floors were as shiny as silver. Moulin could not see where both of them were heading for he could only see the original's back facing him as they walked.

He heard the lively chirps of birds and the rustling of the leaves beyond the windows. Moulin could not help but want to go outside.

"Where are we?... " Moulin asked. He stared at their hands, held together.

"A memory... " The original stayed silent after those words.

Memory? Moulin knitted his brows together. Certainly, it couldn't be the original soul's memory. No matter how much he tried to search his memories, this place wasn't related to the original. If not, who's memory were they in?

"Stop thinking so much and come walk by my side... " As if the original knew what he was thinking he pulled Moulin to his side. Silence descended between them.

Moulin then could see where they were heading. At the end of the hallway was an altar. Laid on top of a high-stoned platform was a table gilded with gold. It gleamed under the colorful beams of the windows. It looked abandoned but the glory remained. A figurine, half the size of a man, was placed on top of the table.

From the moment Moulin laid his eyes on the figurine, he immediately knew who it was. The ruby droplet pendant rested on her forehead, white robes carved delicately, and the long curls of her hair fell on her waist as her hands held a blue orb on the center of her chest.

"Ethowna... " Moulin unconsciously blurted out making the young man beside him look at him in surprise.

"You know her?... "

"I-I read a bit... "

The original chuckled. His amusement echoed in the hallways. "My family might have thought of you as strange. I have never even finished a single book in my life."

Moulin scratched his cheek in embarrassment. "I'm not used to the life of an aristocrat. Everything was so foreign..."

"I believe it was... " the original nodded. His gaze lowered and he watched the movements of his feet as he walked. "I miss my family..."

Moulin flinched. His steps stopped as he looked at the original who also stopped a few steps away from him. "T-then... I will-"

"Moulin... "Deep grey eyes were filled with sorrow as he looked as Moulin. The original sighed as he shook his head. " I cannot go back... My soul is slowly withering as we speak. I can only spend the few minutes of my time with you and no one else. My body and your soul have become one and I'd rather fade away than steal the life of another... "

"I cannot accept this..." Moulin was reluctant. Although he was only swept with the flow of his fate, the guilt in his heart was still there. He couldn't just let the original soul die away...

A faint smile graced the original's face. His grey eyes carried a reluctant sorrow and his hand holding Moulin's tightened. His other hand reached out to touch Moulin's face. His fingers gently caressing Moulin's cheek. "While my spirit endures at this moment, I've carried the memories of your past. You are quite extraordinary... to be able to live with a strong heart. However, at the last moment, you were foolish. Extremely foolish, incredibly foolish, outstandingly foolish. How... could you throw away your life like that... "

Moulin lowered his head swallowing the disappointments in his hearts.

The original smiled, "At least with this new life given to you, I know you will be able to learn from your previous mistakes. You are stronger than me, Moulin. There will be hardships along the way and you must not act recklessly. Overcome it with your strength... and... love my family in my place."

Moulin closed his eyes and slowly nodded. "I will... "

He felt the warmth of the hand on his cheek fading away and for the first time, Moulin felt helpless. He refused to open his eyes and watch as the soul in front of him fades away. Afraid he might be broken if he did.

The original's hands were becoming transparent but it did not faze him. Instead, his grey eyes calmly scrutinized Moulin's calm face. He leaned in with a smile. With the touch of their lips, faint and gentle, he gave Moulin the blessing of protection.

Growing transparent, the original whispered as his lips hovered over Moulin. "If you wish to find the child you must listen carefully under the moonlight of last day. When the trees shed their leaves and the earth embraced cold... "

"You must be patient... He will come to you soon... " His grey eyes glanced over Moulin's shoulder as if his eyes had met the gaze of another. He smiled warmly, embracing the freedom of his soul returning to the heavens. Before his spirit could completely vanish, he pulled Moulin in a tight embrace and sighed peacefully.

Moulin could feel the warmth of the embrace but before he could return the gesture, the warmth was gone. As he opened his eyes, he was the only one standing in the great ancient halls.

The original was gone.

The clues he had left to Moulin sank into his mind. The questions he wanted to say roared in his mind like the sounds of hungry beasts waiting to be fed. He kept the original's words in his heart.

Moulin was left staring at the figurine on the table. Alone with the sound of birds and the rustling of leaves which echoed throughout the halls. When he looked around he realized the once warm halls had vanished, replaced by the dull air surrounding him, the crumbling grey pillars on the floor, and the dim moonlight beaming through the shattered windows.

The marbled floors underneath him were dusty and cracked. What stayed as it was before was the statuette of the Goddes Ethowna. The ruby pendant on her head glowed brightly along with the moonlight, giving an unusual light to the dark hallways.

Moulin knitted his eyebrows in confusion. Before he could check his white bracelet, a sound entered his ears.

'I've found him... I have.. found you...'

A broken voice seemed to whisper at Moulin and it echoed all around him. Its words were clear but it sounded as though its throat was maimed heavily the sound of liquid dripping was evident as well. Moulin was frozen still. He had felt it. The feeling when he was surrounded by the corrupted flowers of the midnight garden and the malignant gazes of the assassins burrowing into his skin.

He felt that he was in danger.

Suddenly rapid footsteps rushed towards him from behind.

Moulin turned around but he saw no one yet the sound of footsteps kept coming. He knew he could not stay here any longer and instantly narrowed his eyes as he stared at the stretching darkness of the halls in front of him.

He summoned his sacred weapon in his hand and immediately positioned himself. He aimed the tip of his arrow in front of him as his grip tightened. Steadying his breathing, he eased his anxiousness.

'There... You... Are... "

Within the darkness where the moonlight failed to reach, large red eyes glowed hauntingly.

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