A Gorgeous White

Chapter 396: || || Bored and Wanting

Moulin's lips parted. Delicate bubbles escaped his mouth. A liquid haze blurs his vision like a drunkard's eyes, heavily navigating the busy streets. The world is dark and blue, feeling as though he is swallowed by a giant serpent and left to slip into its grinding stomach. The water around him trembles and pulls him deeper into the depths. He doesn't struggle, letting the darkness swallow his body. Chest tightening. Lung squeezing in a struggle but he could bear it. 

His limbs moves, drawing him to the dark bed of sand underneath. Glowing rings of silver adorned his eyes.  There are faint shouts tickling his ears although the only thing he hears is the rumble of dark waters around him. Moulin narrowed his eyes and kneels on the sand, secretly aiming to entrap him. It moves slowly licking his calves and knees. Moulin swiftly takes out a metal stake and plunged its pointed end into the sand.

In an instant, the dark sand transforms. Its black grains morphs into tiny pearls, glowing as light spreads out beneath Moulin's legs. Silver eyes reflects its magnificence. Gravity finally lightened and the youth's body slowly floats towards the surface. 


Moulin gasps for breath and leaned on the pool's stone edge. His wet appearance is enticing, like a mermaid's first seductive appearance on the rough seashore. 

A shadow moves and Moulin looks up at the hovering face above him. An amused but not so impressed expression faced him. The dark armor she wore, looked tight around her fit body but it met her curves perfectly. 

"Any second later and I would have called your brother," Ghana mused. She glanced behind her where multiple mages were making a little crowd in the distance. "You didn't need to take your time under there. These noisy sheep would have been more grateful if you had picked up the pace."

"No! Please take your time." One mage bravely told Moulin.

Ghana shot him a frightening glare. "Loud." 

"...!" They hastily quieted and scattered.

The aphrodite cocked an eyebrow at her. Was that really necessary? 

Chuckling, the female warrior helped Moulin out of the pool and waved her hand, calling the nearby mages to bring them towels. Many rushed towards the pair at once. However, Ghana was never pleased with dealing with a crowd of civilians. She snatched one towel and drove them away with a frightening shout. 

Moulin accepted the towel, sighing helplessly. A day ago, he couldn't bear to stay within his quarters and strolled around all day. His brothers were busy with their duties and his father could not accompany him quite often. They were adamant in letting him rest. But week had already passed since their return! With nothing to do, he was bored to death. Thus, when Ghana requested that he help purify the pools of the districts within Helios, he agreed in a heartbeat and snuck out with Ghana.

Seeing that all the other purifiers had already resurfaced, much earlier than him, Moulin realized his job was finished. The pools were purified and clean water continued to circulated throughout the towns. Ghana dismissed the sentinels, not caring what they'd do for the rest of the day as long as they'd return obediently tomorrow. Together with Ghana, Moulin left the building and blend in with the people in the streets. 

He raised his head and gazed at the skies. The gigantic bubble which kept them from the murderous elements of the outside world was invisible to every living thing's eye. However, Moulin and the sentinels could feel it, thriving with power and impenetrable energy.

Moulin didn't favor the idea of returning to the Three Towers just yet. However, Ghana resolutely rejected his desire to explore the district. But it didn't mean they wouldn't stop by a shop or two. An hour later, Moulin found himself walking into Jagra's residence. 

What greeted them in the foyer was limitless silence and darkness. The only source of light came from the open entrance doors behind them. A gloomy aura seemed to coat the walls of the abode.

"Jagra?" Moulin called. 

His voice echoed but received no response.

Ghana drew her brows together didn't think twice before searching the rooms Jagra usually stayed in the day. She returned to Moulin with a confused face. 

"He's not here. Perhaps, he's back in the Towers." Ghana spoke scratched the back of her head. 

"Maybe..." Moulin whispered as he slid a fingertip on the banister's surface. Dust has accumulated. Then images flashed within his mind. "Had Jagra not returned to his house even once since we arrived in Helios?"

Ghana shook her head and urged him towards the doors. "Come one, there must have been a reason. Pola knows him well. She'll know where he is."

Moulin felt it was strange. He didn't hide his expression and Ghana relentlessly assured him as she took him back home. He wasn't sure if Ghana was only trying to get him to return or was really reassuring him.


"Young master, you're back!" Pola's eyes shined. The freckles on her cheeks made her look pure and full of life. 

The woman's delicate figure stood at the center of the garden. She turned to call Snow but a flash of white whooshed past her feet making her lose her balance. She fell with an 'oof!.' 

Moulin who just entered the garden cautiously faced the sudden quick attack. 


In the next second, his hand caught the naughty furball before its body could knock him down. Snow huffed, limbs flailing in frustration, struggling to get his claws on Moulin's shirt. 

The youth sighed, glancing at the chuckling distinguished people sneaking a peek at them. Moulin turned away, scolding Snow for a short while. Afterwards, he placed the naughty fox in his arms and smilingly observe Pola hastily rising from the grass. 

"Forgive me, young master. Snow wanted to find... Kier." Pola frowned, unable to get used to calling the frightening beast with its true name. "However, the beast tamers are currently examining him. Snow... would have caused trouble..."

"I see." Moulin narrowed his eyes on Snow. The cunning animal blinked his beady watery eyes, whining adorably. 


Moulin exhaled, shoulders slacking, and Snow's tail wagged underneath the youth's elbow. He has successfully captured his master's heart. 

"Young master?" Pola tilted her head. 

Moulin glanced at her and shook his head. "Take Snow and Kier to the training grounds to play when Kier is finished."

"I u-undertsand." Pola nervously fiddled with her skirt.

Moulin gave a reassuring smile, "You'll be fine. These two won't cause any trouble as long as I have someone watch over them." Silver eyes met Snow's confused ones. "Do you understand, Snow?"


Snow: Tch...

The little pure-white fox yipped softly, reluctantly promising. But... does that mean, he'd have to control over that huge dark beast by himself? A chance to dominate that creature? The sparkle in Snow's eyes returned in an instant. 

Moulin unhurriedly dropped the mischievous fox on the ground and calmly watched as Snow perked up when a yellow butterfly flew past his eyes. He immediately gave chase. 

"Young master, are you going somewhere?" Pola softly asked as she walked to stand beside him. A gentle breeze brushed past. Leaves rustled and trees swayed. 

Moulin lowered his gaze. "Yes. But before that, do you know where Jagra has gone?"

The woman blinked. She furrowed her brows and shook her head lightly. "I... do not. He's not in his house?"


"Then... perhaps, he went to visit Colahn." Pola guessed. She continued when Moulin met her eyes. "I heard he's visiting him and Lady Phaelona quite often. "

"Oh... I see..." Moulin's brows rose. "Ah, I planned to visit them as well."

"You might meet him there."

"Thank you, Pola." Moulin smiled at her and patted her shoulder. "Please, keep an eye on Snow and Kier..."


Pola's nodded slowly with reddening ears. She watched as her master's figure grew smaller as he left the garden. Ah, the young master is growing more and more handsome in each passing day...

Suddenly, she heard a faint yell, snapping her trance. Snow was furiously biting the hem of a lady's skirt. Pola rushed towards the scene. 

Within the wide and calm hallways, Moulin walked with ease and silence. Gazes were thrown at his way but he spared them not an ounce of attention. His footsteps clicked along with others. At his right, the windows gleamed as he passed. 

His mind is empty as he walked. It was when a dark shadow passed the window did his steps paused. His gaze slowly drifted past the glass. 

A portion from the haunting ring of black clouds filled his vision. The cloud is denser than before as though it would rain ink in the next second. Dark wisps of its seemed to moved like tendrils, licking the pure air. It was ominous...

Moulin turned away. He should find Hadrian. 

Footsteps halted before him. 

"...?" Moulin lifted his gaze. 

A big man with golden paint adorning his frown stared at him. He was heavily built like a man born for the battlefield but from the accessories hanging neck, resting on his bare chest. A noble but not from Aurona. He's... a beastman. But which kind?

His brown eyes are like the rich soil of Meian before its fall. There was a gold tinge shimmering within his irises. Behind him are two young male servants with gold silk concealing their faces. Moulin found the nobleman's face quite familiar. He met him during the first assembly he attended in Helios.

However, this strange person didn't seem to have any intention of talking to him. He's just...staring...

Then, why is he blocking my path? Moulin calmly scrutinized the man.

Moulin lets a few seconds pass before deciding that this was a waste of his time. He drew his gaze away from the man and shifted direction, walking straight passed him. 

When he left, Sarion of the Morfaers, the winged clan, raised his brows the moment Moulin passed him. He turned his head slightly to glance at the expressionless aphrodite's departing back. Ha, how rude...

"I expected him to be a bit more aggressive. I wonder what the High Lord sees in him?" Sarion shrugged. He continued walking with an unimpressed smirk. Well... perhaps, he'll find out more in the next mission. 

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