A Gorgeous White

Chapter 394: || Special Chapter || FOREST (part 1)

Under the orange skies, a bus halts beside an empty bus stop. A young man steps out, and the few passengers left murmured, curious about the young man who looked as though he carried all the world's despair. The fresh cool air brushed the tiny tendrils of hair underneath the hood, and the bus departed behind him. 

A sigh escaped his lips, and he put on his earpods while he began to journey towards the nearest convenience store. Moulin gazed at the clouds. The dark bags under his eyes were exposed, but he couldn't care less. A new start in an unfamiliar country with unfamiliar people. He shifted his bags on his back and silently walked.

It took him almost half an hour to reach the store, and he was worried it would turn dark before he reached the house. 

"You new here?" The old woman behind the counter spoke as she punched in his items. 

Moulin blinked, keeping his head lowered. "Uh, no… but I-I'm staying here for a while…."

"I bet someone had you stay here to… 'freshen up.'"

"How did you know?" Moulin raised his head, surprised. It was his editor who offered Moulin to stay in his house.

"There aren't many young people around this valley, boy. They'd always choose to live in the big cities than the rundown towns here." She faced Moulin with a wrinkled smile while placing his stuff in a paper bag. Her eyes were hard to meet. 

Taking the chance, Moulin hesitantly asked for directions to the house. He couldn't trust himself enough to go off clueless. 

"Ah, you live in Wolf Wood. It's a long walk from here to there. Take this map. You will need it. I tend to keep some copies for ignorant visitors. Take care, and whatever you do, don't fool around with any animals there."


"Boy, it's called Wolf Wood for a reason." She scoffed, "A feral black wolf roams the mountains, and if you do something stupid, it'll come for your throat. Are you terrible with animals?"

"Um… I don't know…."


Moulin lowered his head in embarrassment. The woman cocked an eyebrow at his silence before tossing him a lollipop. She sent him off, and Moulin thanked her with a confused face. 

The walk towards the house was arduous and exhausting. He climbed up a few stone steps before reaching the pathway leading to a big clearing within the forest. A wooden house stood at the center of the vast space, and it looked majestic, dazzled with sunset rays filtered by the trees around it. The sound of birds sang in his ears as Moulin took out the key and entered the house. Dust filled his surroundings, and Moulin wallowed in regret for not coming earlier. He could only depressingly clean the bedroom and kitchen first before collapsing on the dining chair. 

Moulin took out his phone and read a few messages from his supporting editor, replying with an 'I've arrived safely and a 'Thanks'. Honestly, if he didn't have anyone during this time, he wouldn't know what to do with himself…

His heart ached from the betrayal he'd received from his lover a few days ago. And it was too much for him to bear. Luckily, there was someone who was there to cheer him up. Like what his friend suggested, it would be better to go somewhere and relieve himself from the stress and pain. Somewhere calm and new…

But… he doubted it would be easy to forget the pain. At least, he should try a bit. Moulin turned off his phone and went to his bedroom. Maybe, he should go exploring for a little while tomorrow. 

The next day, his morning alarm woke him up. He worked to be cheerful and went out with his camera into the woods. He captured multiple breathtaking views and stunning wildlife. It was a wonderful experience. But at the end of the day, the ache in his heart returned, and he suffered silently. Ah, indeed, it isn't easy. He should try again tomorrow…

It happened again. Moulin fell asleep staring at the skies with a painful chest. The squirrels in the trees were cute. I had almost forgotten, but why does it still hurt?

He'd try again… And again.

Day after day, he tried. But he was still hurting.

On the fifth day, Moulin sat on a rock beside a river and stared at his phone instead of his camera. He stared at a smiling face that used to face him and another unfamiliar person's smile beside it. Tears welled in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth.

Why? Am I being punished?

I gave him everything! Why am I always abandoned? Why am I always the one suffering?! 

He abruptly rose from the ground and raised his hand to hurl the phone into the rushing river. However, his arm paused in midair. Moulin stopped. His eyes were wide-open and moist.

On the other side of the river, a large creature slowly stepped out of the shades. Shiny fur as black as midnight and eyes are glowing in burning gold. Moulin gaped, fascinated and shocked.

It was a wolf. A majestic, beautiful wolf.

Moulin unconsciously raised the camera hanging on his neck and snapped a picture. At the sudden noise, the wolf narrowed its eyes at Moulin and fled. Moulin muttered a wait, but the animal had already disappeared.


Moulin furiously wiped his tears dry and stared at the shot he took, mesmerized.

The following day, Moulin arrived at the river, but after waiting for so long, he doubted the wolf would come back. Dejected, he traveled further into the woods and snapped pictures. Finally, he stopped and browsed his photos for a few minutes. Moulin sighed. Nothing was as heart-stopping as the wolf picture. When he raised his head, realization came like a bomb. 

He was lost.


Moulin jerked back, startled. He gasped when he spotted the same black wolf from the river a few meters away. The wolf's golden gaze stared at him deeply, and Moulin turned uneasy, worried about being attacked. However, the wolf only turned around and swished his tail. He glanced at Moulin as if telling him to follow him.

Moulin blinked before dazedly following the large wolf. The pair silently journeyed through the forest. A warm ambiance surrounded them. The sound of nature eased Moulin's heart to the point that he started comfortably talking to the wolf.

"I'm sorry for scaring you yesterday. I'm Moulin…."

"Do you usually roam around this area?"

"I'm not that fond of the forest, but I find it beautiful."

The wolf only huffed in response, and the last bit of fear in Moulin's heart dissipated. Not long after, Moulin found himself back on the path leading to the house. His heart swelled, and he turned to thank the wolf, but the creature only turned away and left. Moulin chuckled and waved at the departing animal. 

The following days were somewhat comfortable. This time, Moulin had someone to talk to. He'd visit the river, and surprisingly, the black wolf would be there, sitting beside the rock where Moulin would sit. When the wolf rose to leave, Moulin would follow him with his camera and notebook ready. Then they would venture into the warm forest together. He knew that in the end, the wolf would lead him back home when it was time for lunch or dinner. 

Sometimes, the wolf would wait on his porch when Moulin prepared his meal. During these times, Moulin would take out an extra serving for the large animal and sit on the porch. They would eat together. However, these moments were rare, but Moulin cherished them. 

'It's not so scary when he's here.' Moulin thought with a smile as he stared at the creature wolfing down his meal.

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