A Gorgeous White

Chapter 391: || || A Cordial Banquet

"Bring forth the tables! You! Don't just stand there! Clean up that mess!"

"Where're the roses? The roses!"

"Yes, that's Perfect! Now, the next one!"

The shouting goes one and one until it was all that the rushing servants could hear. Preparations endlessly poured into the banquet hall, and more elves worked to create a perfectly humble yet noble ambiance within the area despite the royal chamberlain's ceaseless nagging. Many warriors heaved hundreds of debris to clear the surroundings. Although it was tiresome, it was better than fighting in the middle of a malibreed swarm.

Accomplishments filled their hearts when they were able to finish several hours early.

Soon, night came…

Within a certain maeruthan's quarters, the wind gracefully swept the balcony's translucent curtains. A delicate leaf floated into the room until pale, slender fingers caught it with a pinch. Silver eyes blinked as he brought the green leaf closer to his face. Golden marks of his pearly white skin glistened under the light of the chandelier.

Gauze-like sleeves embroidered with gold. Clad in fine white silk, gracefully draping above his ankles. His waist is embellished with chains of silver and sapphire, while his hair is braided on his scalp, decorated with soft ribbons and a bit of jewelry. Altogether, he looked not too extravagant yet flawlessly stunning. Just the way he liked it.

However, he wondered why he was dressed so intricately when in the end, all his comrades would drag, and they would end up drinking the night away with boisterous laughter. But perhaps with the presence of the royal king and the princess, they'd restrained themselves a bit and kept a decent appearance. Maybe, Emlen would be there checking up on each maeruthan in the room with hawk-like eyes.

Moulin hummed a sound as he looked at the leaf with curious eyes. Ah, it was rare to see such healthy green in Corahn nowadays with the Kron engulfing the lands. Fortunately, these islands were spared… barely.

Suddenly, a strange ache pierced Moulin's head. His narrowed eyes winced. Images flashed in his mind. A tiny little leaf was plucked by the wind, circling the islands until its journey ended between Moulin's fingers. When his vision returned, Moulin heaved a breath and stared incredulously at the little green thing stuck between his fingers.

"What in the world?-"

Knock! Knock!

The sound of Emlen's voice reached the aphrodite's ears. Moulin hesitates before letting go of the little leaf between his fingers and turning around to face the parting doors, unaware of the leaf sticking unto one of his sleeves.

Emlen sighed. "We're going to be late."

Suddenly, he paused. Eyes widened.

"You look breathtaking." Emlen praised with proud eyes. Ah, his little brother was so adorable when he was little. Now that he was all grown up, no words could possibly describe him. The reluctance in Emlen's heart grew even more.

Moulin chuckled with a roll of his eyes before he walked his elder brother towards the doors. "And you look quite dashing."

"Ah, we're brothers, of course. We share the same grace and handsomeness…." He smirked, pridefully raising an eyebrow, making Moulin laugh softly.

'Handsomeness, huh?' Moulin puffed up his chest as he relished the word. For a moment, he forgot his previous confusion.


Vibrant and lively music flowed throughout the halls. Elves strummed and blew on their instruments, warm and bright light danced within the crystals at the ceiling, and people garbed in light and elegant clothing filled the halls. There was nothing wholly extravagant about the banquet, but the warm atmosphere and the smiles on the people's faces were enough to satisfy their hearts. Most of the people in Artheia remained mourning. Thus, the court was discreet about the banquet. However, they could not miss the chance to express their gratitude to their dear maeruthan friends.

Inwardly, the banquet likewise served as a celebration for the recovery of the Tree of Gala'En. With the core restored, the malibreed swarm would think twice before paying the islands a visit. The pure boundless mana, surging within the roots, tying the islands to the Island core, was enough to scare off even the mightiest flying malibreed. The very thought of it brought infinite relief to the people of Thundralln.

The scent of delectable food almost had the maeruthans rushing towards the table like a violent tidal wave. However, they remained poised and dignified, using all their willpower not to disappoint their Esteemed High Lord in front of the Royal family and the Elvin court. Speaking of which, Lord Hercullio has yet to arrive…

Suddenly, the doors opened. Moulin and his brother emerged from the entrance looking particularly eye-catching. Their elegant figures ambled towards the banquet hall, greeting those who came near them. One brother was tall and distinguished in both looks and rank. He was handsome with his piercing grey eyes and looked fierce yet gentle at the same time. The other brother exuded outstanding air and pious beauty. With one look, he caught each person's eyes within the area. Silver white eyes dazzled like diamonds, unforgettable and devastatingly beauteous.

Elmen's face scrunched up slightly as he noticed countless gazes eyeing his little brother. Moulin gave him a deep stare which made Emlen force himself to pretend to be ignorant of the attention around them. Silently, he led his little brother to greet the Royal family.

Eilhara's eyes brightened at the sight of them. Her eyes were particularly fiery as she examined Moulin. She couldn't help but want to faint in satisfaction.

"You look fascinating!" Eilhara beamed, approaching Moulin with bright eyes.

Moulin chuckled with a bow, "I thank Your Highness for your kindness."

"Nonsense!" Eilhara shook her head, "I would give everything to uphold your looks! Honestly, my brother looks like a scarecrow when compared to you."

Moulin choked out a cough earning King Nordehl's laughter, which immediately deflated under the searing gaze of his precious sister. Emlen hurriedly passed a drink into Moulin's hand.

"Ah, please. Enjoy the banquet, my friends." The Elven sovereign revealed a soft smile, feeling cold sweat down his back as he brought his little sister away.

Soon after, the councilors gathered around the brothers, exchanging pleasantries and small talks before the conversation ended pleasantly. Moulin swirled the drink in his hand as he gazed towards the crowd. Silver eyes silently searched for a certain man who hadn't arrived.

Although many wished to speak to him, Moulin didn't have any interest in them. His solemn and serene countenance only provoked more to approach him. Their eyes are filled with mirth and admiration. Emlen had a problematic time shielding his brother from their strange attention-seeking looks.

Shortly after, Moulin separated from his brother, who reluctantly went off to entertain one of the elven generals he was acquainted with. The music turned slow and harmonious, blending with the easing audience. The voices became audible.


At the sound of his name, Moulin turned his head. He saw a blonde woman in crimson red. Her golden hair cascaded down her back. One would find it hard to tear their gazes away from her seductive figure as she moves.  Moulin's eyes softened, and a smile graced his lips.


The beast woman's eyes gleamed teasingly, "Where's your brother?"

"Off to join boring discussions." Moulin offered her his arm, which she gladly held while wearing an amused smile. The two slowly walked towards the silent balcony. The music faded as they left.

"Pity, I wanted to play with him for a bit." She chuckled, eyes glistening mischievously. "However, I doubt he'd have the time for the rest of the men or me when he's always hovering around you during most of the day. A man like that needs a bit of restraining."

Moulin shook his head, "He's just worried. After what happened to my arm, I doubt he'll stop 'hovering' around me."

"And…" Moulin faced her with furrowed brows, "I heard you two have often been bickering lately…."

He heard it from Na'El when the oracle did his daily examinations with the maeruthans. It wasn't the first time Moulin had heard of it. However, his knowledge of his brother's interactions with other people was quite vague.

Malyana laughed softly, nodding admittedly. "He's so stubborn. It's charming."

Moulin chuckled. Silver eyes gleamed stunningly in the night. The woman beside took in his smile and the amusement lingering within his eyes.

"How is your arm?"  Her gaze landed on Moulin's white limb adorned with divine golden swirls. "Does it still hurt?"

"No, its… fine." Moulin lowered his gaze. His fingers touched the cracked stone surface of the railings beneath his hands. A little green sprout grew within the cracks and caught his eye. Tiny leaves trembled, brushed by the cold breeze.

Moulin stared in curiosity. Such a small thing was able to grow within the flaws of the finely carved stone.

Malyana continued to speak, but Moulin had turned deaf to her words, staring in a daze at a trifling plant between the split of grey stone. The sprout grew a day after the battle of the swarm ended. It burrowed deep into the stone, desperate for a bit of moisture. It is healthy despite the occasional annoyances of strong gusts when eagles pass by the balcony.

"Moulin… Moulin?"

The youth snapped out of his trance and blinked. He turned his head and met Malyana's concerned expression. "Ah… I apologize."

"Are you alright?"

Moulin nodded, straightening his back with a deep breath. "I'm alright. What is it that you want to ask?"

"…" Malyana stared at him for a few seconds before turning her attention to the open doors leading to the halls. "Lord Hercullio has arrived. Best you grace him with your presence."

As her words faded, murmurs swept the halls. Moulin wrinkled his forehead and followed her gaze. He walked with Malyana, following his steps. Gradually, he passed the doorways, slipping through the people silently.

Malyana and he separated a minute after. The woman gave him one last impish glance before disappearing into the crowd. Lively music filled his ears. Delicate clothing brushed against his. Moulin searched around for Hadrian, ignoring deep stares and approaches. For a moment, he's lost within the halls. His expression became uneasy by the second.

Soon the music became livelier, people rose to join the dance. Maeruthans became a bit unrestrained as they took their partners and comrades away from their places, jovially deciding to spend the night truthfully. Smiles surrounded Moulin, and the sound of footsteps was deafening to his ears.

Suddenly, a firm grip clasped his arm and pulled him from the crowd. Although startled, Moulin felt a tingle within his chest and followed the person. Not a few seconds passed, and a smile finally adorned his face.

He is pulled towards a secluded balcony, greeted by the cold wind as it did before. He paused with wide eyes when he lifted his gaze to face the person who stopped before him.

The man's golden eyes looked at him with equal intensity. Both were silent, gaping at each other's presence.

"My Lord…" Moulin swallowed, taking in the sight of the man in black and gold.

His hair swept back like threads of pure gold. Rings of gold adorned the curve of his ear, an extravagant black gold-trimmed cloak draped behind him, and clothing hugged his muscular figure like silk wrapping finely carved stone, further accentuating the strength of his body and the prominence of his status.

He looked undeniably appealing. Moulin prudently closed his gaping mouth before Hadrian had the chance to comment.

"You look good." Was all the youth could spit out, trying hard not to stare too much.

Lord Hercullio lowered his head and approached his nervous lover, taking one slow step at a time. His eyes curved in amusement. "Did I frighten you?"

Moulin scoffed with a roll of his eyes, "You could never… Why were you so late?"

"There were things I needed to attend to. Did you miss me already? But you were too eager to have your elder brother escort you." The gentleness on Hadrian's face transformed into a dark amusing smile.

'Ahg, it was a joke. What? A big man like you couldn't let a trivial thing go?' Moulin internally complained and flashed the lord a glare.

Hadrian chuckled at his expression and suddenly pulled the young man into his arms. Away from curious gazes and murmurs, the pair stood isolated from the boisterous banquet past the doors. Faint music lingered in the air and Moulin found it a bit soothing while being surrounded by Hadrian's warmth.

A few seconds of comfortable silence passed and Moulin finally lifted his gaze. He wanted to talk about their return to Helios tomorrow but before he could speak something caught his eye.

A black mark was exposed a centimeter above Hadrian's collar. To another's eyes, it might seem insignificant. However, Moulin suddenly felt uneasiness sink inside him.

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