A Gorgeous White

Chapter 382-383: || || Protect The Core

The mind-boggling depths within those cursed eyes aimed to lure Moulin into the endless darkness. They are deep red—the color of blood, satisfied with imminent doom. Even the air around the demon seemed dead, devoid of life. Moulin felt as though his soul was thrown back in time where this creature kept tailing him, speaking things he could not understand. The curse of his resurrection and the reason behind it all.

Within the desolate area, snatched away from hope and life, Moulin felt the lingering life source within the Treant's mangle bodies. They slithered within their cores, holding unto the bit of hope left within them. They could not accept perishing from failing their task. Their master awaits them. He needs to be protected. 

"Na'El..." His name came out as a whisper from Moulin's mouth. Silver eyes shook, burning. It was then that Moulin realized how much the demon's presence had shaken him. However, he should not be distracted. Within that monster's grip was Phaelona's brother, the great oracle. 

The maeruthan steeled his mind, forcing determination into his heart. Beyond his fingertips, wisps of ice slithered around his skin. Sharp white, thrumming with the frigid cold. He straightened his back and embellished himself with fearlessness. However, he already knew that the demon could see through him as easily as looking through glass. But Moulin did not let this thought perturb him. 

"Let him go..." Moulin spoke filled with spite. His eyes are dark and threatening. Anger coursed through his veins."I have had enough fooling around with your kind..."

"Our kind?" Alha raised his gaze. His irises glowed a deadly light. He slightly lowered his arm, barely setting Na'El's toes on the scorched earth. His features morphed into something filled with ruthless and silent rage. "You know nothing. We are strong, defeaters of kings. Mongrels like you should crawl on their knees before us. But you aren't even one of these people, are you?..."

Moulin narrowed his eyes. "Shut up..."

"You don't belong anywhere." 

A vein pulsed on Moulin's forehead. His emotions ran chaotic, and the temperature dropped a hundred degrees. He was unfeeling to the appearance of falling snow. Pure white fluttered all over the ground as though curing the darkness within it. 

The sight made the demon raise his brows in surprise. 'He has gotten stronger...'

But he's overwhelmed. Quite the child against his emotions. Vulnerable.

Moulin truly despised the look on the demon's face. As every second passed, he felt as if something horrible would happen to him. A foreboding feeling poked at the back of his mind luring him to distraction. Moulin wasn't having any of it. When he sees him, all that came was the devastation of his home and people. 

"Yes, anger will reshape you." Alha leaned forward, intrigued by the emotions he scented. 

Na'El paled and struggled with all his might, choking out breaths. He gasped with bloodshot eyes. "D-Don't listen to him! Do not b-be Influenced!-Ack!"

"Silence you..." The dark-skinned demon bared his teeth. His choking hold tightened, completely restricting the elf's throat. 

Na'El scowled, grabbing the fiend's wrist and releasing his mana. Smoke arose between the demon's skin and his palm. The pungent smell of burnt flesh surrounded them. Skin became scorched, and the meat underneath became charred black. 

Displeased by the irksome thing within his grasp, Alha's patience within thinned. He raised a strong arm, fist unclenching, nearing the oracle's glowering face. Fear sank in Na'El's gut, sensing the dreadfully potent ambiance of malevolence. His eyes turned wide, enshrouded by the shadows of the beast's fingers. 


Alha abruptly paused and stepped back, barely dodging the razor-sharp ice blade aiming for his arm. Expressionlessly, the demon faced the stubborn maeruthan in the distance. 

Na'El gritted his teeth and gasped when the brute's hold loosened. Seizing the chance, he held the wrist with both hands, conjuring a quick spell. 


Alha threw the infuriating elf away, letting him crash heavily against the withered trees in the distance. Afterward, he lowered his gaze to his solidifying wrist. His flesh turned into stone. Holy mana began poisoning his veins, spreading outwards until it covered his whole hand. In less than a few seconds, his whole hand became stone. 

"Bothersome pest..." Cursed the dark man. He unsheathed the saber from his back and severed his stoned wrist. With a loud thud, his hand fell before his feet. 

"Na'El!" Moulin hastily ran towards the elf, cutting through the debris. His knees fell before the elf as he checked Na'El's condition. 

Na'El winced, coughing as he spoke. "T-The fragments... I've offered them. You mustn't let him near the gateway. He'll destroy the core."

Moulin's expression hardened, he nodded and hurriedly carried the oracle towards somewhere safe. "Stay here... don't move."

"Be careful..." Na'El gnashed his teeth, feeling the creaks and snaps on his bones. There were malibreeds outside the core walls. Indeed, they are trapped and vulnerable. 

Such a powerful opponent, will Moulin be able to handle him without any aid? Na'El feared that it was impossible. Moreover, it seems Moulin was familiar with this demon...

Silver eyes narrowed. Moulin doesn't know what would happen to him. He was vaguely aware of this creature's strength. This murderer... this fiend. However, it wasn't the first time he faced Alha. The man's bulk, brimming physical strength didn't intimidate him. Instead, the chaos the demon brought with him shook Moulin's soul through the depths of his being. 

Moulin didn't like being scared. But he'd have to be conscious about it later. 

The ground beneath Moulin's soles exploded, and he's charging at high speed, bursting through the air. In the next second, he is in front of Alha, a wave of ice coated his being. Moulin brings down a torrent of frigid blades, levitating in the air as he moves swiftly. Alha avoids the attack. He moves as if he's teleporting, heavier yet faster. He bangs his saber against the blades and is surprised. They don't break. 

Moulin leaped back. His eyes glowed, driving the blades into swirls and carrying on multiple attacks towards the dark-skinned demon. They are like bees swarming around Alha. Meanwhile, he summoned his sacred weapon, pulling the string in the same instance. Sweat covered his forehead as he struggled to balance between controlling the blades and fueling his arrows. 

"RAGH!" Alha swings a heavy slash, finally shattering Moulin's blades. When he lifted his gaze, Moulin lets go. 


The air chilled drastically. And the arrow made its mark. 


A giant explosion filled the area. Smoke spreads. Giant crystals rose from the ground, close to piercing the ceilings. Then there was silence. 

Moulin heaved. His limbs trembled, and his mana seeped away. However, he doesn't lower his bow. Silver eyes flashed, and he bent his legs slightly. 


The ice cracked, shattering. Moulin held his breath and positioned himself. 



The ice coffin exploded into sharp shards, whizzing through the air. Moulin flinched. In the next second, something bursts out from the mist. Moulin could only see a blur. However, his mind screamed, and he was quick to dodge the hand that aimed to grab his face. Everything slowed as the creature's fingers barely caught his hair. 

Moulin avoided his grasp, but Alha did not stop there. His steps are large, and he easily changes his position in a blink of an eye. At each attempt, Moulin dodged, and the distance between Alha and him grew lesser and lesser until Moulin felt the caress against his arm as he slipped away once more. 

"Stay still..." Alha spoke. Deep and authoritative. 

Moulin leaped further backward, his foot almost slipped, but he maintained his cold expression. He didn't respond. He panted heavily. "What do you want?..."

The question slipped out from Moulin's mouth as he straightened his back. A wave of cold wrapped around his body. 

Alha paused and looked through Moulin's eyes. The youth's determination is as sharp as a knife. 

"What I want..." He lowered his gaze briefly as though contemplating the maeruthan's question. His blood-red eyes glowed ominously. "... to end his purpose of living."


Moulin swallowed. 

Intrigued, Alha's eyes flashed. Then he vanished. Moulin froze and cautiously searched the area. Suddenly, a burst of wind behind him catches him off-guard. Moulin hastily turned his head, spotting a blur charging towards the niche. 

Dread blared in his heart and Moulin gathered his might within his palms and slammed them on the ground. 


  A quick flash engulfed the earth, swallowing it with a terrifying layer of white. It reached the niche first and humungous thick barrier of ice rose from the ground, bursting towards the ceiling. Something outrageously heavy slammed against the wall creating a giant web-like crack. Alha detaches himself from the ice with a loud grunt. The brightness of the crystal burned his vision and he could feel the sizzle of his bare skin, scorched from the mana.

Such tremendous purity... 

"How irritating..." He spoke lowly, cradling rage behind his words. He stared at the ice, knowing he couldn't carelessly touch it. In the end, he turned his attention to the panting maeruthan in the distance. Silver eyes gleamed with utmost resolution as though he'd lay down his life for the safety of thousands. 

Alha narrowed his eyes. 

Moulin gnashed his teeth. "Step away, demon. You... will have to go through me first... before you even think of touching it..."

The demon scoffed at his laughable words. "How heroic of you..."

Moulin's expression darkened. 

Ah, that look. Alha briefly basked in his warm memories. His weighed his saber within his heavy palms and lifted his head. "Since, you've proven yourself. I shall reveal my other intentions..."

The youth furrowed his brows, sensing a trap. He refused to let his guard down, letting his palms thrum with mana. 

"I... have come to deliver a gift." Alha grinned. 

"A gift?" Moulin snapped. "We want none of it."

Alha shook his head and unhurriedly began his approach towards the silver-eyed maeruthan. The saber within his grasp gleamed dangerously as he walked. The glow of his eyes traced something in the air. 

Uneasy, Moulin summoned his bow and aimed. His breath stuttered but he forced his body still. There was no plan within his mind as he watched the demon walk towards him. 

Alha grinned. His intimidating features heightened within Moulin's vision. However, the youth was unperturbed. 'Let him come and I will shoot him down.'

"A little bird told me of your beloved."

This time, Moulin froze. His heart pounded eratically. He felt as though his innards were twisted excruciatingly as he absorbed Alha's words. 

Suddenly, Alha's steps ceased. "Bounded souls... Do you know what it means?"

"Shut up..." Moulin gritted his teeth. Tiny sharp icicles began forming around his hands. 

The demon slightly raised both of his hands. His devious grin faced Moulin. 

"It means, Our God shall be fed two at once."

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