A Gorgeous White

Chapter 353: You Must Understand

"M-My Lord."

A trembling voice spoke out, echoing towards Moulin's ears. The room was too cold. If it were another person, their toes would be frozen stiff, their bones creaking and their bodies frightfully shivering from the cold. Thus, Moulin was alarmed when he heard the young voice. His eyes turned towards the doorway and sighted one of his elven attendants who was in charge of delivering his meals every day.

Moulin was aghast. The poor boy was frozen stiff. The frozen floor swallowed his feet and Moulin was certain the flesh of the boy's bare hands were stuck holding the metal tray. A pitiful breath escape the youth's lips and Moulin was doused with infinite guilt.

But just when he was about to thaw the ice, the temperature rose abruptly. The snowfall stopped and the ice dissipated into the air. Within a second, the room was cleaned and warm air finally circulated within the interior. The trapped young elf could finally move. His body staggered as warmth enveloped him at last. Relief flooded his heart and the tray within his hands almost fell to the floor. He slowly let himself drop on the rug, heaving and sighing.

As quick as a fox, Moulin removed himself from the bed and was instantly at the elf's side.

"Are you alright?" Moulin worriedly asked. Gorgeous silver eyes shimmered beautifully.

"Ah, I..." The elf swallowed, dazedly staring at the aphrodite's eyes. "I-I am fine. T-Thank you, My Lord. S-See here, I have brought you your meal! B-But...I'm afraid it has gotten cold. However, don't worry! I'll send another one right away!" His eyes are full of enthusiasm, immediately, forgetting that he almost froze to death a few seconds ago.

Moulin furrowed his brows and sighed in relief. Fortunately, the lad was alright. From the redness spreading throughout the elf's cheeks, it seems his temperature returned to normal. Thank goodness...

However, Moulin's comfort was cut short. His ability was once again triggered by his emotions. Perhaps, if he won't find a way to control it, he'd be endangering more lives. For a moment, fear struck his heart. What should he do about it?

Unfortunately, this issue was one of the least of his worries. The spine-chilling vision he just saw in his sleep aroused his cold shivering anxiety.

The scenes continued to cling to his mind as he ate, bathe, and dressed.

The doors of his quarters opened and he trudge out, lost in his thoughts, thinking of the splattering blood and the terrifying face of the hooded man leading the sacrifice. What did it mean? Was it all real? The vision was certainty too detailed and clear as if he was truly experiencing it in real life.

Moulin's confused figure passed through the halls, oblivious of the stares directed at him. He was too immersed in his questionable mind that he failed to hear and notice the people walking before him.

Hands immediately grasped his shoulders, abruptly ceasing his steps and startling him. Moulin's eyes widened cautiously but then realized it was none other than his dearest brother before him, stroking his shoulders gently.

With a worried expression, Emlen examined Moulin, noticing the brief vigilance and surprise that his brother wouldn't normally show in front of him. "Moulin? Are you alright? I called you but somehow you didn't hear me. Tell me what is bothering you, I will help you solve it."

"Brother..." Moulin mumbled as he met Emlen's eyes. His heart pounded erratically. He wanted to spit the words out his mouth but could not. He could never...

"Yes?" Emlen spoke, not breaking eye contact and dismissing the few people waiting for him.

"I'm..." Moulin took a harsh grip on himself and forced out a small smile. "I'm... fine. I'm alright..."

It sounded as if he was trying to convince himself but fortunately, it was enough to persuade his elder brother.

"I see. You know you shouldn't lie to me. However, I won't force you but you'll have to tell me if it is unbearable for you. Rely on your elder brother."

Moulin nodded, "Okay..."

"I came to see you. You have the nerve to ignore your elder brother for days. I'm starting to think you prefer spending time with that 'man'." Colahn smirked with Moulin shook his head with a red face. He continued. "Colahn and that Lady elf who worked for our family before- I forgot who her name was. Phaena? Polina? Pha- "

"Phaelona," Moulin muttered.

"Yes, her. They told me you have something to discuss with me. Or are they just trying to mess with me?"

Moulin blinked. The gears in his brain creaked at his words before he finally recalled it. Nodding, he spoke. "Yes, they are right. We... have important things to discuss about. I believe it is better if we discuss it in my quarters."

"Then please lead the way." A smile graced Emlen's face.

During the trip back to Moulin's room, he took the time to calm himself, pushing back anything unrelated to the topic he and Emlen were about to discuss in the back of his mind. Just thinking about the decision they were about to decide themselves squeezed Moulin's heart. He didn't know if he would have the courage to do it. But if there we a chance to release his beloved mother, then there was hope.

... ... ... ...

"Please have a seat, brother," Moulin said as he poured tea into Emlen's empty teacup. He sat across his brother and waved his hand to dismiss the servants within the room.

The cool breeze fondled the translucent white curtains of the balcony, greeting two brothers having a cup of tea together harmoniously. Moulin fiddle with the fabric of his thighs as he nervously lifted his gaze, surprised to meet Emlen's deep grey eyes.

"You look anxious." Worry drenched Emlen's voice. He grew to anticipate the things they were about to talk about. "Tell me..."

Moulin sighed. He resigned in his seat and gently took off the necklace hanging around his neck. "It's about this..."

At the sight of the pendant of the necklace, Emlen shifted in his seat and leaned closer. His throat went dry and a crease appeared on his brow. "Mother's necklace?"

A thought abruptly entered his mind. Emlen didn't hesitate to speak. "Is it about the artifact father told us about?"

Moulin looked at him in surprise. "Y-Yes..."

"What is it?"

"We... We found it." Moulin lowered his head.

Emlen's teacup clattered as he placed it on the saucer. The handle almost cracked from the pressure of his fingers. Although his heart was thudding loudly in his ears, he remained calm which was so unlike him. He came to notice that there wasn't an ounce of joy on his little brother's beautiful face. Instead, Moulin looked as if he was telling him terrible news. This immediately sparked his suspicion.

"You... don't look that thrilled." Emlen opened. "What else is there? Tell me all of it."

A shuddering breath escaped the youth's full lips and the words flowed out endlessly before he even realized it. Not a single detail was left out and Moulin poured all of the information given to him to his dear brother sitting across him. Emlen's face transitioned from calm, anxious, and finally, dread.

The sound of the chair legs scraping against the smooth floor noised within the area. Moulin clenched his fists and watched as Emlen paced on the floor, running a hand through his hair in frustration, and muttering words Moulin couldn't quite clearly hear. He hadn't seen his brother so anxious and scared before.

"We must bring the orb back to Helios." Emlen stopped and finally met Moulin's gaze. A determined fire blazed within those steel-grey eyes, Moulin recognized. But before he could respond, Emlen continued.

"You must have realized it. We cannot decide this with only the two of us. Remember, Father and Maxille are still waiting for us."

Moulin furrowed his eyebrows with a quickening heartbeat. "I am scared too but I wish nothing more than to bring her back. Brother, perhaps, this could be a chance! We could bring her back with us."

"Moulin..." Emlen softly called. He approached his brother and before his seat, he kneeled on one knee, softening his gaze. As he let Moulin try to calm himself, he gently took his little brother's hands into his, giving a reassuring squeeze.

"I miss her too. However, you must understand. It is too dangerous and it will be too late for regrets. I agree that this might be our only chance in bringing our mother back to our family, but you must know that this means it will also annihilate her very existence. I, too, am eager to see her, hug her, and hear her voice again. And because I miss her and yearned to return her to us is the reason why we should be careful and decisive."

Listening to Emlen's soothing voice, Moulin felt his heart break. However, none of his brother's words were false. Moulin then realized how he was always drawn to his emotions nowadays even to the point of acting too desperate and making rash decisions. Truly, he was desperate and he had thought of Emlen's words before but the yearning in his heart gripped him tightly.

He wanted to see his mother again and yearned for her words of advice so much. However, he should remember the dangers of his yearning and the outcomes after the deed was done.

'How stupid, I've become...' Moulin silently thought.

"There are only the two of us here..." Emlen smiled faintly. "Our elder brother once told us that if we were to lose then we'll have to lose altogether. No matter what, we will be in this together..."

Moulin's eyes were hot and he couldn't help but blink away the moisture. He squeezed Emlen's hands and nodded.



The smile on Emlen's face widened. "Good."

Emlen rubbed Moulin's head dotingly. "Somehow, it's endearing to think that you're all so fierce and powerful but so fragile and delicate inside."

Moulin snorted at his teasing and poured another cup of tea into their teacups. "Five seconds ago, I thought elder brother Maxille had possessed your body. You weren't so rational and gentle before."

"If you must know, a man can change!" Emlen returned to his seat and grumbled. "That ugly brother of ours did really knock some sense into me though. Although it hurt, it did really help before I actually committed the stupidest thing ever after your disappearance."

Moulin breathed deeply. Intrigue and calmness replaced the heaviness in his chest as he leaned closer, eager to listen to his brother. "And what was that?"

Emlen stared at Moulin for a few seconds. He cocked an eyebrow and his eyes darkened significantly. "Gutting the hateful Lord Hadrian Hercullio and burning his body until only his ashes would remain."

Moulin almost choked. He coughed staring at Emlen as if he was an idiot. 'That is the stupidest and the most impossible thing to accomplish, dear brother. I understand why our dear elder brother had to beat you up.'

Emlen chuckled at Moulin's expression and continued to narrate his story, slowly extinguishing the heavy atmosphere. Soon, the birds sang joining their pleasant discussion. And behind the doors of Moulin's quarters, a particular Lord listened. A corner of his lips rose.

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