A gamer in Rwby with reverse morals.

Chapter 7

Sorry this chapter got out a bit late, I'm going to be much more busy for the foreseeable future so the upload speed will probably be around 2-3 days. Also this chapter might be a bit sloppy, I hope it being long makes up for it


Waking up Blake felt incredibly sluggish, opening her crusty eyes she felt an unfamiliar warmth laying on her chest. Looking down she saw a mop of white hair in between her breasts, causing the memories from last night to flow into her head. Grinning like an idiot she looked at Matt's sleeping face, ‘He's so cute when he's sleeping’. She knew that was kind of creepy but looking at his relaxed face she couldn't help the thought. Bringing up her arm she started to run her fingers through his hair, occasionally rubbing his cat ears. She was surprised when she started to hear a deep rumbling coming from him, ‘Is he purring?’ she thought in surprise. While all cat Faunus can purr, it's rare as they have to be extremely comfortable even subconsciously they won't do it if they aren't around someone they don't trust completely. These thoughts caused Blakes face to heat up with a smile.


Eventually Matt started to stir, sluggishly sitting up, causing the blanket to slip and reveal his chest to the open air. Blake ogled him shamelessly while he rubbed his bloodshot eyes. Yawning he started to stretch, popping his back a couple times. Opening his eyes he looked around and noticed Blake staring at him, not caring about his nudity in the slightest he gave her a smile, “Good morning Blake, last night was great. I didn’t expect my first time to feel that good.” While he always expected sex to feel amazing, last night blew his mind. He wasn't sure if this body was more sensitive or if Blake was just that good. He was thinking it was the former, because from Blakes own admission she had only dated a girl.


Blake felt a swell of pride in her chest after hearing that, a big grin on her face. Honestly looking back at last night she was shocked at how much Matt was able to cum. Most guys only cum once or twice and then get soft, and it takes forever to get them to cum. Matt however came at least 15 times, it was really arousing to Blake. “I had a great time as well, maybe we can do this again soon?” she asked hopefully.


Matt gave her a sly smile, “Ok, but first you have to do me a favor. Can you unlock my aura?” Matt would probably still have sex with her frequently even if she said no, he just wanted to see if he could get away with it. Not to mention he needs his aura unlocked at some point.


Blake gave Matt a contemplative look, “You know, it's risky getting your aura unlocked, not to mention it's not exactly legal for a civilian to have aura so if we do this, say you unlocked it yourself during a moment of desperation. Aura brings part of your soul out of your body to protect you, making your feelings become more easily projected. Because of this, Grimm are more likely to find and attack you if you're feeling negative emotions. That's why everyone doesn't have it unlocked, because if everyone was projecting their emotions, Grimm would swarm the kingdom and wipe it out in a matter of days.”


While this was news to Matt, it didn't change his opinion. “I accept the consequences of doing this Blake, and I need to be able to defend myself.”


Blake sighed, “Alright, hold out your hands.” Matt did as she said and Blake put her hands under his, cupping them. She closed her eyes in concentration and Matt felt something foreign entering his hands, the sensation expanding to all of his body making him shiver. After about a minute of this sensation Blake opened her eyes and dropped his hands. “Alright it should be unlocked now, try to bring it to the surface. It should be as easy as breathing, we instinctively know how to do it.”


What the fuck? “That's it?” He asked in confusion.


Blake blinked, “Yeah?”


Thinking back to the beginning of the show when Pyrrha unlocked Jaune's aura he asked, “What about the mantra? Or chant?”


Blakes face took on a confused look, “What chant?”


Huffing Matt shook his head, “never mind”. Deciding to ignore that he tried focusing to bring his aura out, and before he knew it he was glowing blue. Hearing a familiar ding he looked at his menu.


For unlocking your aura you have be rewarded 1x rare token and 2x uncommon tokens.


Would you like to use them?




He mentally clicked the no button and instead focused on Blake, right as he was about to thank her he saw the digital clock out of the corner of his eye.




“OH SHIT, I’m late for work! Thank you for unlocking my aura Blake but I need to leave right away.” Jumping up Matt quickly got dressed, and started running out the door.


“Your shirt is on backwards” Blake said in amusement. Matt let out a string of curses as he fixed it, exiting the door and closing it behind him. Blake sighed in exasperation, “damn, I was hoping for a morning quickie”



Matt entered Captain Comics, nervous he would get in trouble, it was only his second day and he was already late. He was slightly out of breath having run here, but he felt unusually light. Typically if he ran that far he would be out of breath but now that he had aura he was slightly stronger. ‘Stats’




Name: Matthew Artendale 

Race: Cat Faunus

Aura: 192/200

System note: when activated aura increases all physical stats by 3x

Semblance: Locked

Magic: Locked


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 8

Constitution: 3

Charm: 25

Luck: 12


He had been able to raise his strength, dexterity and constitution by one each during his time here. Although not much, he hoped his stats would rise quicker after he signed up for a gym. His charm had just gone up even without him doing anything and he’s not sure how his luck went up.


Shaking these thoughts off he looked around the store and saw Jane at the counter. Speed walking up to her he started to apologize, “I’m sorry for being late Jane, I had a uh… busy night yesterday and forgot to set my alarm.”


Jane waved him off, “It's fine, I covered for you so don’t worry about it. Just try not to be late in the future”


Matt blinked ‘is this what it was like being a pretty girl in my old world? Usually I’d at least get reprimanded’ “Ah um, thank you for covering. Here let me take over the register” he said walking up. Jane protested for a bit but he managed to convince her, and about an hour later he spotted a bright blond mop of hair opening the door.



Yang Xiao Long was almost the complete opposite of her sister. Whereas Ruby was almost a recluse and socially awkward, Yang was a complete social butterfly. She loved meeting and talking to new people, almost always chatting with someone. People would naturally flock to her so Yang was used to the starstruck look most boys and some girls would get when seeing her, so she wasn't surprised that when she walked in Matt’s eyes widened briefly before relaxing again. Looking at Ruby’s crush she had to admit he was very handsome, although it looked like he had a bit of bedhead. 


Giving him her patterned smile she hoped to charm him. She wanted to see his true colors, if he would put out for a stranger because they were hot. She wouldn't actually have sex with him, It would crush Ruby if she did, but if he tries to put out or shows cruel tendencies she will warn him to stay away from Ruby. “Hey there, are you my pinky toe? Because I want to bang you around on all of my living room furniture” She knew it was kind of crude but some men didn’t care what she said because she was attractive. Although most were put off by it, and she hoped he would be.


Unexpectedly he broke down laughing, and he didn't stop laughing for a good thirty seconds. Finally getting control of himself he looked at her in embarrassment, letting out a cough, “Sorry, I'm not laughing at you. It's just I didn't expect that at all.” He awkwardly tried to avoid contact, ‘Shit, I was never good around confident, direct women’ “Uh.. do you want to buy anything?” He tried to move the conversation along, failing horribly at the subject change.


Yang grinned, ‘He’s awkward like Ruby.’ So far her first impression of him was good. Deciding to push a little farther she started flirting with him. “All I want is you, you're the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t help but walk over and chat with you.” She noticed that he seemed to be getting uncomfortable.


Matt shifted awkwardly. While Yang was hot, apparently in this world she was some sort of fuckboy, or would it be fuckgirl? Regardless he knew in his old world fuckboys would pick up a girl promising them the world, and then after having sex ditch them. While it didn’t really bother him, he would rather not get used, even if it was by a smoking hot girl. Besides not only was he already sex friends with Blake, but this was also Ruby's sister and that just seemed kind of messed up. “Uh…” he wasn’t quite sure what to say ‘this has never happened before’ 


Yang’s grin grew even larger, she could tell he did not want to have sex with her. ‘Good he's not a slut. Matt seems like a good guy, he was also awkward, so Ruby would not get super intimidated by him like she usually does around boys. I approve. Now I just need to ask one last question that I know Ruby would be too nervous to ask’ “You got a girlfriend or something?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.


Matt shook his head slightly and before he could open his mouth Jane, who had listened in, walked over “Listen, he obviously isn’t interested. T-Take the hint and l-leave.” She almost smacked herself because of her stutter. Whenever Jane gets really nervous she stutters.


Yang's grin was almost blinding. Ruby's got a great friend in Jane as well. Giving her a thumbs up Yang walked out, “Take care of Ruby Matt!” She called out before leaving. 


Matt blinked, “What the fuck?”



Walking down the street Ruby hums an anime intro she has stuck in her head. She’s in an especially good mood today because she’s on her way to see Matt. 


Finally arriving she opens the door and walks in, immediately walking over to Matt when she sees him. Waving, she calls out “Hi Matt!”


Matt smiles seeing her “Hey Ruby”


‘He has such a nice smile’ Walking up to the counter with a blush she starts talking with him, “Hey, have you started reading Hero's and Villan's yet?” Ruby had recommended he read the comic because it was her all time favorite. It's one of the only stories where the Villains aren't just evil for the sake of evil. The bad guys have a depth to their characters that makes you sympathize with them. 


Matt shook his head, “I planned to start reading yesterday but I uh… had other stuff to do. I did finish Criminals of Eternity though, I wish there were more chapters out though.”


“Yeah the creator is only able to get one out each month so they come out really slowly. I can recommend some other good manga's or comics to you though” She said with a grin, and as they continue to talk time seems to go by at light speed for Ruby. Looking at the clock she sees that it's already 4:00 pm, closing time. With a frown Ruby looks at Matt and tries to build up the courage to ask him something, “Hey Matt?”


Looking up he sees ruby's nervous face, “What's up?”


“Do you uh… I was just about to go to an ice cream place I like, do you want to come?” It was a good temperature for ice cream since it was currently early Fall.


Matt grinned “Sure, i'd love to” 


Ruby felt her heart skip a beat and then a bubbling feeling of happiness built in her chest. She couldn't help but grin so hard her face hurt.



Sitting down on one of the picnic tables outside of the ice cream store, they started to eat their cones. Matt had gotten two scoops of chocolate chip cookie ice cream while Ruby got six scoops of strawberry with whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate fudge, peanuts, and finally a cherry on top. It was honestly impressive they managed to get all of that on a cone. “Are you sure you can eat all that? It's taller than your head.” He said with amusement dancing in his eyes.


Ruby blushes slightly, she didn't want to seem gross in front of Matt but she had actually eaten much more than this in one sitting before. “Um yeah, Hunters can eat a lot more than regular civilians.” She came up with that excuse on the spot and hoped Matt would not call her out on it.


Grinning, Matt decided to ignore the obvious deflection, “You know you didn't have to pay for my ice cream. I'm the one with the job after all.” Ruby had been very insistent on covering the payment for him, he tried protesting but before he could try and convince her she had already paid.


Waving him off Ruby said, “It's fine, my family has a couple hunters in it so we're pretty well off. I get an allowance every week and I usually don't spend it all.” The only times she has spent all of it was either when she saw a bunch of weapon parts she wanted or a new figurine from a show she liked, they were usually pretty expensive.


Right as Matt was about to reply, two large women sat directly to his left and right. “Hey cutie, how about spending a night with us? We’re willing to pay if you need some motivation.” The left one said leaning in close to Matt. She seemed to be on some kind of drug as she was sweating, twitching, and had dilated eyes. Looking over at the one on the right he could tell she was also high, it was easy to tell as Matt had spent a lot of time around druggies.


Ruby looked shocked, although Matt was rather unaffected “No thanks” he said and then started ignoring them, not only was he not interested as they were rather ugly but they could also be a part of a gang, luring in men and then drugging them. Turning to Ruby he started the conversation again “Well thanks for paying then. This ice cream is real-“ 


Before he could finish the right one, looking pissed, interrupted him “You just gonna ignore us you bastard? You have no idea what you're missing out on, we are willing to pay up to one thousand lien.” 


The left woman nodded with a grin, “You don’t want to pass this up, hell I’ll pay up to two thousand lien for a good time with someone as attractive as you”


Ruby was seriously considering telling them to fuck off, but before she could Matt spoke up looking bored, in an apathetic drawl he stared into the left lady’s eyes “I already said no you ugly bitch, your gonna have to stick to the STD infected whores you see on the side of the curb” Matt caught himself before he threatened their life, ‘my actual personality started to come out, I need to be more carful’ Matt thought. 


The left woman seemed rather shocked at the apathetic look in his eyes although the right girl didn’t see it. The right woman’s face started to turn an ugly shade of red from anger, and before Matt turned to look at her she grabbed his head and slammed it down on the table. “THAT'S RIG-“


Not even thinking twice Ruby launched herself from her side of the table, punching the woman on the right so hard she knocked several teeth out. Now on the ground and moaning in pain, Ruby didn’t stop, kicking her over and over in rage. Feeling the bones break under her each of her kicks only sent satisfaction through Ruby. Eventually the woman passed out, bleeding and broken. Ruby still looked angry though, she wanted to keep beating the shit out of her but knew she would die if she took anymore damage. Looking for another target for her anger Ruby looked back at the bench for the other woman, but what she saw shocked her.


Matt was beating the shit out of the woman with a glowing blue light surrounding him. She was trying to fight back but failing miserably. Even untrained a civilian with aura can easily beat someone without aura, no matter how skilled they are. ‘How did he get aura though?’


Finally knocking the woman out, Matt felt like he could go on for another hour without getting tired, although he knew he couldn’t looking at his stats.




Name: Matthew Artendale 

Race: Cat Faunus

Aura: 173/200

System note: when activated aura increases all physical stats by 3x

Semblance: Locked

Magic: Locked


Strength: 3(+1)

Dexterity: 8

Constitution: 4(+1)

Charm: 25

Luck: 13


For winning your first fight you have been gifted 1x uncommon gacha token. 


Matt smiled slightly, excited to use all of his tokens later in the night. He would use them now but if he gets a bunch of items he has nothing to store them in. Interrupting Matt’s thoughts Ruby rushed up to him, she looked like she wanted to check him for wounds but was too nervous to touch him “Are you ok Matt! Oh brothers Gods, of course you're hurt. She slammed your head into the table! I’m so sorry I let that happen! Even though I'm training to be a huntress I was still useless.” 


At this point she just seemed to be babbling, calling herself useless and other nasty things. “Ruby, thank you for punching that bitch in the face. It was really satisfying to see” He said with a grin.


Ruby seemed baffled he was so casual about it before puffing out her chest, her mood doing a complete 180 “It was nothing, I'm training to be a huntress so a civilian was nothing” She boasted


Matt grinned, “A huntress huh, how impressive.” He said, causing her to blush at the praise. Looking over to the two broken and bleeding women he nervously asked, “So what do we do about them?”


Ruby waved it off, “Just leave 'em, this kind of thing happens all the time. The cops don't give a shit what happens to criminals, they can't afford to.” 


Matt was kind of shocked, although thinking about it he realized it wasn't that surprising. He had read online that cops were greatly outnumbered by criminals in Vale, so they won't have time to focus on getting small-time criminals to a hospital. Looking at the time he decided it was a good time to head back to the hotel. Deciding to mess with Ruby a bit he did something he knew she’d love, walking up he gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you Ruby, it meant a lot to me seeing you help me without hesitation.” 


Ruby was frozen in shock, feeling her cheek. She felt like her brain was shutting down “Y-y-you j-j-just… what d-did… w-why did..” 


Interrupting Ruby's stuttering with a smile Matt said “I have to head back to my hotel Ruby, my friend is probably wondering where I am. I’m sorry this outing got ruined by these bitches, but we can always do this again” 


Ruby looked at Matt before a giant grin lit up her face, “YES!” She said with a fistpump before her face heated up in embarrassment, “Um I mean… of course! I’ll take you out anytime. I mean uh not like take you out out but take you out to a place, just the two of us. Um well not that it HAS to be the two of us but you kno-“ 


Interrupting Ruby before she short circuited, he smiled in amusement “I’ll look forward to it Ruby. Take care” he said with a wave. 


Watching Matt turn the corner she couldn’t help but shout out in excitement. Although afterwards she walked away in embarrassment after noticing pretty much everyone on the street looked over at her.



Matt walked into his room with an excited look on his face, he was really looking forward to using his tokens. Starting with the rare one he had, he gave the handle a tug and watched it spin.


Received System skill function


Matt blinked before immediately checking it out ‘skills’


Welcome to the skills tab! From now on any activity you do will cause a new skill to show up here. Under the tab ‘important skills’ are all the skills you subconsciously believe are the most important, under the ‘common skills’ are all the basic skills you deem unimportant, such as writing and reading. Anything you have already practiced will be taken into account and the levels will be provided accordingly.


For unlocking this feature you have been gifted one free skill.


Important skills:


Telekinesis: lvl 1(0%)

Singing: lvl 97(57%)

Hand to hand combat: lvl 1(19%)


Common skills


Opening the important skills tab he checked them out and was shocked at the level of his singing ‘am I really that good?’ Ignoring that for the moment he looked at his new skill in shock which quickly turned to excitement. Focusing on a pen he had in the corner he tried to use his new skill and was barely able to make it float an inch off the ground, letting out a breath he stopped focusing. ‘Holy shit that’s difficult’ It felt like his brain was being compressed, ‘I guess I need to practice it and level it up’


Looking back at his other tokens he saw he had three uncommon tokens. Deciding to use them all at once he noticed the slot machine was slightly different, instead of one slot there were four. Giving the lever a tug he watched as they all spun.


Received 1x bullet proof vest


Received 1x soft pillow


Received 1x switchblade knife


Received 1x box of cookies


Looking at all the stuff on the ground he was slightly disappointed, although the vest and knife were somewhat useful. Putting the vest and knife under his bed with his weed he checked out the pillow. He had to admit it was probably the softest pillow he had ever felt ‘ok maybe it wasn’t that bad’ putting the pillow on the bed he focused on the cookies. ‘Hmmm, chocolate chip cookies. I’ll probably just give them to Ruby’ deciding to give them to her some other time he focused on his new skill, trying to level it up.



Ozpin sat in his office at the top of Beacon's tower doing paperwork. Right as he was about to sign a document he felt a wave something wash over him causing him to stand up in alarm. Focusing his senses he tried to pinpoint where the disturbance came from, although by that point it was already gone. ‘That was magic again, it felt just like the wave I felt a couple days ago. This is either really bad or really good’ he sat back down at his desk ‘it didn’t feel like a maidens power, I hope to the brothers Salem does not have a new pawn’

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