A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 34: (2)

The archers were a kind of ambiguous unit that was strong in offense but weak in defense. That’s why they needed soldiers to protect them.


Uncle Max continued to answer the soldiers’ questions and passed on the knowledge necessary for survival.

Although it seemed like nothing special, sharing one’s know-how with others was a truly praiseworthy act.

Who would easily share the experiences they had gained through hard work?

“Uncle Max, Uncle Jeff, and I are here, so it’s probably because of the three of us that so many soldiers in our unit are still alive.” Kaiyan thought.

This wasn’t arrogance, but reality.

Especially if Uncle Jeff and Kaiyan weren’t in the 7th Special Unit, their unit would have suffered casualties like other units, with new soldiers filling their places.

To say it was arrogance… well, too much had been done with Uncle Max and Uncle Jeff.

While having a simple meal and talking about survival, Derian, who had guided them in the beginning, came to find them.

“Everyone, get ready and come out! The war is about to begin.”

“Is it already time?”

“Ha… it’s getting tense.”

“Don’t be too tense.”

Finally, the first battle on a new battlefield.

They had made a lot of preparations to catch those creatures, but it was natural to feel a bit nervous. They had never seen or fought against airborne monsters. But that didn’t mean they felt fear towards those creatures.

“I’ve grown too much to fear monsters now.

Monsters were nothing more than stepping stones for my growth.

As long as there’s a player system, I won’t be afraid.”

Even the giant and ferocious Minotaurs in front of him are nothing more than mere prey. The same goes for airborne monsters.

Carrying the bow received from Tarien, Kaiyan along with the 7th Special Unit moved to the position they had to defend, following the guidance of the soldier.

“Oh… I expected it, but it really is the bottom. And it’s quite far down.”

“Ha… didn’t Max say that being at the bottom is not good?”

“Are we in trouble?”

As the soldier leading the way continued to descend, sighs were heard among the soldiers.

It wasn’t good news for those who knew through Uncle Max that the lower part of the fortress was more dangerous.

“Well, here we are.”

The place where Derian stopped after a long walk was a location situated so low that the surface could be seen clearly through a wide protrusion.

“The 7th Special Unit, you will defend the 12th position from now on.”

“The height from the ground is only about 20 meters…”

The distance was much closer to the ground than he had thought.

Although 20 meters could be considered high when thinking of it as a castle wall, this was Panielun, where the entire canyon, extending for hundreds of meters, served as a fortress.

“It must be extremely dangerous. It’s fortunate for me, but…”

Just the thought of numerous monsters rushing in already made his heart pound with anticipation.

But that was a story that only applied to Kaiyan.

“Uncle Max, are you okay?”

“Ha… No. Nothing is okay at all.”

Since arriving at the 12th position, Uncle Max’s expression hadn’t been good. One could even say his face looked like that of someone who had given up on life halfway.

Uncle Max let out a heavy sigh.

“Ha… the 12th position. It’s really bad news.”

“Is this place really that dangerous?”

Although he had heard that the bottom was dangerous, it was difficult to understand exactly how different it was from the top.

Even if the monsters’ target was the magic circle underground, ultimately, they would be trying to enter the fortress. In that case, wouldn’t the upper positions be equally dangerous from the intrusion of the monsters?

“Kaiyan, did I mention which position I was at before?”

“No, you didn’t mention it.”

“It was the 339th position. I almost died multiple times there. Endless waves of monsters… But to think it’s the 12th position…”

It was the face of a soldier who had fallen into despair, a face Uncle Max had seen many times on the battlefield in Gami-an.

Now that face was on Uncle Max.

“…Stay strong. Uncle Jeff and I are here. If it seems dangerous, hide behind me.”

“Puhuhu, that’s fine. It must be that way. Don’t worry about me. I don’t have any intention of dying easily.”

Although it was a face that eased worries, he didn’t say anything more because he knew Uncle Max’s skill with his shield. He didn’t think Uncle Max, who could block the strike of a Minotaur, would easily be overwhelmed by airborne monsters.

Clang, clang.

At that moment, the sound of armor clashing echoed through the passage of the cave, and as they turned their heads in that direction, Tarien and the knights were walking toward them in plate armor.

“Khehehe! Is everyone here?”

One difference from the plains was that Tarien wasn’t on a horse.

“Well, if he had appeared riding a horse here, he would be a lunatic.”

Unlike the plains, there was no place to ride a horse in the canyon fortress.

“Yes, everyone is here.”

As Jeff answered Tarien’s question on behalf of the group, he stepped forward, wearing a bored expression.

“Haam… It’s a really frustrating place. Subordinate, how much time is left until the war starts?”

“Yes, it’s estimated to be about 10 minutes.”

“10 minutes, huh? Very good.”

When Tarien gestured, the knights placed a small platform on the ground, seemingly from somewhere. Once the platform was prepared, Tarien climbed on top of it, assuming a strange posture, and looked at the soldiers.

“We will establish a tremendous achievement here! Everyone, follow my command well! Understood?”

If someone saw it, it would be the perfect picture of Tarien being a brilliant general.

It was true that their unit had gotten great achievements on the plains, but that was only possible because they had Uncle Jeff and Kaiyan, who commanded the soldiers.

“But why does that guy have to act like that?”

“Yes, understood!”


“Thanks to Tarien-nim!”

However, different words came out from the mouths of the soldiers behind Kaiyan.

It wasn’t because they truly believed Tarien was a great general, but because of the ominous glances from the knights, who looked with hostility.

Unaware of that, Tarien seemed satisfied with the soldiers’ response and continued to speak, wearing a pleased expression.

“My goal is the Harpy Queen. Remember that catching the Harpy Queen is more important than defending the 12th position! Remember that you must not let other units take that achievement away from us!”

Tarien was blind to anything other than the achievement.

Kaiyan wondered what would have happened if Tarien had taken all the achievements from the Orc Lord. In that case, they wouldn’t have to come to Panielun.

It’s good to hunt the Harpy Queen and earn 1000G, but Kaiyan didn’t want soldiers to lose their lives in vain because of that.

“But… it’s already too late.”

If he can’t turn back time, he can only do his best to catch the Harpy Queen to save at least one soldier.

“If my best is not enough, then even if I have to break my limit, I will catch the Harpy Queen.”

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