A Former Hero’s Journey : I just want to live peacefully!

Chapter 22: Foreboding

Chapter 22

After Arthur had composed himself he looked at her. He could not believe it but one of his creator was in front of him. He nodded.

“It has been quite a while Master.”

Kimiko nodded not minding the ‘master’. After all he was always like that, referring her and Solomon as that.

“It has been.”

“Exactly 160 years 2 months 12 days.”

Kimiko looked at him incredulously.

“You counted?”

“Well, just a guess. But how? How are you still alive? I saw your body chained up, which still is atop that tower. I…. couldn’t find the others however.”

Kimiko eyes grew listless for a while before nodding and replying.

“I can tell you a few things.”

Kimiko recounted her journey from her rebirth, then to her summoning, Ranga village and then at Aron city.

“Ah, rebirth it seems and not by those Gods but by some other entity? Hmm…And to think the Hero summoning is the reason you were back and your fight with the [Cult] as well as those eyeball things…. I find it fascinating how the Heroes were summoned months ahead of you as well. I will also have to ask the others Guild Masters to be wary of those eye-things….”

Arthur seemed to think for a while. Kimiko was surprised seeing his mannerism. It seems he has been adapting quite better than she had thought.

“So, I am curious to know what happened after we died? Did the world gain peace?”

Arthur just sighed.

“I tried doing what you had suggested to me; to open an Adventurer Guild. It was successful and its popularity grew back then. We had peace. The few remaining kingdoms grew in population and size. That was until….”

He looked away in shame. Kimiko was curious as well. However, she had a feeling that she won’t like the answer. She asked.

“What happened, Arthur?”

Arthur looked to the distance, his eyesight allowing him to see far off things. He looked at the children happily playing with each other.

“It was peaceful but then …..war. War happened.”

Kimiko just listened carefully. But one could tell she was having a mixed feeling inside. Who wouldn’t? She had died so that in the future people would lead their life without fear in peace. So had fulfilled the purpose she had been given the moment she was summoned. She just sighed as another of Solomon’s prediction came true.

“Forty years after the relative peace and expansion of territory there were….. friction and tensions grew worse. Without Amrita empire to keep them on line they finally started an all-out war after years of skirmishes. Few countries that kept their neutrality were also forced to fight due to invasion. It was a massacre. Body count reached millions and still they fought. Only the kingdom of Posat was left alone due to the fact that they had the fear of the Artifact left by Master and of me. But we had our hands tied as well.”

Kimiko just raised her eyebrow. Arthur replied to satisfy her curiosity.

“Demon invasion. After the defeat of the Demon king the new appointed de-facto leader drew a ceasefire. Some… were not pleased and detached from the demons to fight Kingdom of Posat as the Royal family was connected to Master. Not the best of decision but they had enough firepower to cause destruction. The war with the demon lasted for quite a while and there was also hell in the outside world. Even the Temple of Origin Gods, had to stop involving in the war between countries lest they get destroyed. The temple’s influence had grown weak after the Demon king destroyed their main temple and killed hundreds of thousands of their forces and were still recovering.”

Arthur kept his finger on his lips, as if thinking a bit.

“The history is blurry as to how the conflict ended. By the time we won against the Demon invasion the war had entered in its last phase. We could only rescue survivors of the war. By the time we reached the last battlefield where armies of various standing countries remained, only to find nothing but corpses and it caused the end of the war. Nobody knows how they all died but there are rumors. New kingdoms came to existence. After that there were some other incidents, but the most prominent one is the emergence of the [Cult]. 20 years after the war, the [Cult] were sighted. Quickly the Adventurer Guild declared the [Cult] to be a terrorist group, a sentiment shared by many emerged countries and other Guilds. And here we are, Master. We are suspecting that the [Cult] may be planning something here in Posat but without hard evidence my hands are tied.”

Kimiko just sighed and nodded. Solomon had predicted that a conflict should occur in the future once there was no common enemy.

‘That was why they were trying their hardest to survive, so that they could stop the conflict in the bud but unfortunately none survived…. Even I had to sacrifice my life in the process.’

Arthur continued.

“In fact, I will soon be going to the capital soon to attend a meeting. Will you be coming, master?”

Kimiko looked at him.


Arthur just shrugged his shoulder.

“Maybe you can see the capital yourself. To see how much of it has grown from a small town. After all you had once seen it. You’d be surprised to see the small fishing town has been developed. Also you can gleam information on the [Cult] from the meeting. But I do want to know what is your current objective?”

Kimiko thought for a while and glanced at the maids towards her back. All five of them were there with the exception of Mira who was still in the hotel.

‘Maybe a residence wouldn’t be bad…’

Then she replied.

“Maybe I’d like to buy a residence, as a base of operation as well as to stay at first. Somewhere secluded, full of greenery as well. Then my second would be to find a way back to my home. If I do find a way, then can I leave your sisters in your capable hands?”

Arthur looked at her before looking at the maid, they all looked the same but he could see some sadness in their eyes. He thought for a while hesitating to say something before nodding.

“Of course, anything for my sisters. In fact, master, how about you use my residence as a place of base. It is enormous. It is situated at the eastern region of the city where greenery thrives? How about there?”

Kimiko thought for a while before shaking her head.

“I can’t do that. I need to be anonymous but you are a person of high profile. People will take notice of whoever is going in and out of your place but can you find a place like yours?”

Arthur just nodded and said.

“Of course Master, there is in fact a mansion even more spacious than mine. It has 4 storey mansion surrounded by forest. High walls surround it and it has lake inside of it as well. It has no owner currently and with the amount of money I have accumulated it is but a cinch to buy it.”

Kimiko replied, feeling a bit guilty.

“I wouldn’t like to impose but wouldn’t that raise suspicion on to who bought it?”

Arthur just shook his head and replied.

“It wouldn’t, after all it has many such building like it, there. In fact, the whole neighborhood is that big. Mine is the only one that is small because I chose it to be small. Only few eyes will be raised, nothing more.”

Kimiko nodded.

“I’d like to help in buying it then. How much does it cost?”

Arthur just shrugged and said,

“1 billion golds.”

Kimiko’s eye twitched, thinking about her meager saving. She absentmindedly murmured in a small voice.

“Maybe I need to sell many Amrita coins…”

Her murmuring seemed to have been heard by Arthur who just quirked an eye.

“Master, I reconsider you to not to do that. It could bring about suspicion among the people you sell to. The sudden appearance of so many Amrita golds from the same source WILL raise suspicion. My money is more than enough for you to buy it. After all you are my master and all that is mine is yours to use.”

Kimiko just looked at him and said in gratitude.

“Thank you, Arthur.”

Arthur just replied.

“It’s all right master. I will buy it straight away using anonymous sources. Then, you can all go to see the mansion. Just outside of the Guild there is a crossroad, follow the east road and you will reach there. There will be my assistant, an elf there. I will also send some renovators as well as interior decorators from the Craftsman Guild. Maybe take a refreshing tour of the mansion. It could get your mind off from the things I have said.”

Kimiko nodded and stood up from the chair she sat on, thanking Arthur and went out silently as she came. The maids decided that it would be best to retreat as Arthur still had works to do after looking at the mountains of paperwork on his desk. Arthur grimaced when he found out that he had spent almost 1 hour with his master but it was worth-it to find out that his master was alive. But she would, without doubt, try to return back to her world. There was nothing more he could do about it. After all their first and foremost concern was the well-being of their creator. Sometimes he lamented and cursed in his indecisiveness to speak out, showing that this world had more to offer.

Maybe, just maybe hope her to stay. Was that selfish of him to ask his master to stay? But could he? After all she had given up her life for a cause that she was forcefully brought for from her home world. Could he ask her to stay? After all, it seemed that she was happy where she was. He sighed deeply before slapping his face with both of his hand at the same time. This issue he will figure out in the future, but now was the time to buy the place as well as do the paperwork to ease his assistant. His assistant…. when talking about the war he could still remember when he had found Alma in the middle of the field of corpses in those wars. It had taken some time to break her out of her shell but still he could feel that she had not healed all of her wounds.

After all some wounds inflicted goes beyond physical one, more spiritual in sense.

Arthur sensed the maids had left the Guild before he called out to his secretary.

“Alma! Could you come here for a moment?”

After a moment or two, his elven secretary opened the double door and peeked inside.

“Yes, do you need something, Arthur?”

Arthur nodded and smiled childishly.

“I know you are currently busy with another paperwork but could you be a dear and run an errand for me? After all it is a very important one and I can trust no one but you. So pretty please?”

Alma just rolled her eyes. No wonder wondering about how the people would react if they found their cool and awesome Guild leader was such a child at times.

Sigh….What is it? Make it short enough to complete it in….. half an hour please.”

Arthur just smiled.

“Thanks! Please use my anonymous sources to buy the property just at the right side of my home as well as to hire the finest craftsman from the Craftsman guild and send it there.”

Alma just quirked an eye at that.

“The only one property that is left in the entire neighborhood? The one highest price tag of 3 billion golds?”

Arthur just nodded, it was 3 billion not 1 billion.

“Yes, exactly that. Please hurry it fast, the guests should be arriving soon. Just take the key after you bought it and give it to a girl who is followed by other group of ladies. She will be unique, believe me.”

Alma looked at him funny.

“With just that information how will I find them?”

Arthur just nodded sagely.

“I leave it to your impeccable ability to judge people. Like I said, she will be unique. Chop-chop, use the teleporter to go to the [Merchant Guild] immediately to purchase it.”

Alma’s eye twitched. As she went inside the room and pulled a specific book out of the shelves containing hundreds of books. The shelves rumbled before sliding, revealing a small room with a teleportation circle drawn on the floor. She stepped in and the circle glowed. She had set the destination to the VVIP room of the Merchant Guild. Then she was teleported. Then room was silent with the only sound of Arthur doing his paperwork.

Kimiko Pov

A lot of things was said and done, the maids were following behind her quietly, atmosphere was heavy. They still wore their normal clothings (which was not maid clothes), which did not draw some eyes from the crowd like before when they wore their maid ones. A little while later, Leticia seemed to speak in a small uncertain voice.

“Mistress….. why won’t you take us to your world? Did we do something wrong?”

Kimiko just sighed knowing that the question would arrive one day when Claire had spoken to her.

“It’s not because I won’t…. it is because I can’t. If you all were like Arthur, then there would be no problem but…. you all are not. Tell me what you all lack when compared to Arthur? Not your fighting capabilities but in other aspect? How is he unique compared to other golem?”

Leticia looked on sadly before thinking. In fact, all of them started to think before Annie spoke.

“It’s because he can produce his own mana?”

Kimiko nodded.

“Exactly. The place where I come from is devoid of mana, it existed but seemed to have disappeared long ago. Golems require magic core to be filled with mana from their creator. After using the mana from their core they need to be replenished by their creator in timely order. Even now all six of you are passively drawing mana from my MP to fill yours. The drain in MP is very small because of the materials that were used in creating all of you were extremely rare but compared to Arthur? He is leagues above. That is why you all can’t produce mana to sustain day to day function.”

Kimiko glanced at them while speaking.

“If you fight, you lose mana but it is eventually filled by siphoning off of my [MP]. But in my homeland, mana is non-existent. Humans can’t re-fill their mana in a place with no mana nor can he produce mana like a monster core can. As Golem like Arthur is unique, he is first of his kind to produce his own mana, functioning till now despite being over 160 years since we were gone. That is why he can function in my world while you all can’t after consuming all of my mana. If he can produce mana, then he can give you mana in my stead when I am gone.”

The maids, especially Leticia, looked sad. Then, Claire hugged all of them in a group hug and spoke aloud.

“Look at the bright side of things. Let us make sure, until the mistress is in this world, she is given the best service from us. Let us make fond memories before she goes back to her world. Let us enjoy every moment we have with our precious Mistress.”

The other maids seemed to smile at that and nodded. At least the heavy atmosphere was cleared away. Kimiko just looked at the maids chatting with each other, a genuine faint smile appearing on her face. She seemed to wonder.

‘Am I forgetting someone? Someone other than Mira?’

Ranga village

A cloaked figure of Lara was seemingly sipping the tea given to her by Rin. A small table was there with Rin on the other side smiling happily.

“So how was the tea, Mrs. Hoody?”

It was too damn spicy and bitter for her but she could not speak the truth to those cute puppy eyes.

“It was…. Exceptional!”

Rin pumped her fist in the air.

“Yay!! I will make some more then tomorrow!”

Lara’s face paled beneath the hood.

‘Damn it! It was a stealth mission and I was caught by this little angel within first hour. I don’t know how it was possible!!’

Kimiko Pov

‘Guess it’s no one important. But then there’s Mira in the hotel. Guess after we reach the mansion I can ask Claire to bring her there.’

Kimiko just shrugged and walked onwards to the direction told by Arthur. She wanted to walk, see the Adventurer city in its glory. She looked at the streets, filled with bustling sound of people going on with their daily lives. Vendors selling their products openly in the area with a crowd forming haggling for the price. Bakers shop that was filled with fresh baked goodies. Clothing store with models outside the shop flaunting out their newest cloth trends. Weapon shop with little kids with pointed ears, Dwarves, who made the weapons. Those Dwarves were excellent Blacksmiths despite their small stature and child-like faces. Adventurers smiling and pointing at the heart of the city, towards the building that made this city a haven for adventurer, the Adventurer guild.

Not to mention the children of different races that were seemingly playing with each other, before looking at her and smiling, waving their hands. Kimiko smiled slightly, sometimes it was these moments that made her glad that she had done what she did in that ‘tower’. The little boys blushed while the little girls had twinkle in their eyes, no doubt wishing to be as beautiful as Kimiko. She looked up to see clear blue sky, the deep blue where the sun hung lazily as she closed her eyes and basked in its glory. She inhaled the fresh air as her maids dutifully stood behind her. She looked behind, towards them and smiled.

“Let’s go.”

The maids too nodded.

Alma Pov

It was nearing her time limit and so was the patience of the people behind her. She counted every second and minutes with pin point accuracy to pass the time. It was 26 minute 45 second……. 46 second…….. 47 second. Of course she had hidden herself using an illusion as her employer had said to be careful. She scanned the crowd once more before finding someone that looked to be the mystery guest. If it was a mystery guest of Arthur, then they could surely look through her disguise. After all, the standard of people Arthur met was always of high caliber.

A plain looking girl who was followed by other girls acting respectfully around the girl. She tried to [Observe] them but ALL of their status were hidden.

Interesting, then they must be the Mystery Guest. But there was…. This weird atmosphere about the girl in front. The other behind her are following the girl in front showing a demeanor as if of a maid. They walked behind her as they were talking about something. They were talking to each other as well as also vigilant of their surroundings. Interesting as they seemed to sense her if the blonde looking at her was any indication. She approached them with a key on hand.

Kimiko Pov

Honestly Kimiko could feel herself getting a tad bit better than the earlier depressive mood. It seems she was to visit the capital today as well if Arthur was planning on taking her. Back then it was just a middle sized town that had just been established. Further she went along the road, the fewer people seemed to remain. Arthur had mentioned that the neighborhood was built to be a type of ‘Holiday resort’ for the rich to spend some time enjoying the city. As she approached closer to her destination the whole quality of the place seemed to ‘up’. The streets were big and spacious lined with maroon stone at the side with grey stones in the middle. There were many walls with vegetation grown on top. Few people were there so it was likely to draw some attention when a group of people seemed to be present in front of a locked gate.  

The elf, who was mentioned by Arthur, seemed to have noticed them from the crowd. She seemed to be using some illusion skill as well to mask herself. She then approached Kimiko. The elf stood in front of her and nodded curtly.

“I am Alma, Assistant of Arthur. It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss.”

Kimiko just nodded. The elf looked at them intently for a while before handing her the key. The elf, whose name was Alma, said.

“My work is done here. The men behind are responsible for the interior of your new home. Please consult with what you want inside your mansion.”

After saying that she promptly left, disappearing after using simplified version of [Teleportation]. The people who were behind her guided them to their mansion. Kimiko looked behind to her maid and said.

“You all can decide how to decorate the place and where it needs maintenance. I have to visit somewhere.”

All the maids looked at her, intently. Anya asked.

“Mistress, does it have anything to do with your ‘Disastrous taste’ in fashion?”

Kimiko looked away and started counting the leaves of a tree. The other maids smiled. They all bowed.

“As you wish, Mistress.”

Kimiko thanked them and went on. She followed the path that led to the forest. She followed it until a huge lake was seen in her vision, morning hazy fog still lingering above the water. She sat comfortably, her back supported by a giant tree trunk as she meditated.


A light was emitted as she willed her soul weapon, Ea to came into existence in her mind. She would also make out outlines of other weapons as well. Then Ea shined and she was brought into a world which was pinkish and purple in color. The landscape was also filled with hills and mountains which had pinkish and purplish hue in them. Even the clouds were purplish in color.

Then she looked forward to see a seiza sitting old man in front of her. He was huge, even sitting in seiza he was at least 10 feet tall. A rusty 20 feet big broad sword was stabbed on the ground beside him, a chain hanging loosely from its pommel. His clothes were in tatters, lazily swaying in the winds but it was enough to cover him. He was showing his back to her with his eyes staring at the distance, before she spoke.

“It has been a long time.”

She waited for 10…..20 second before the figure spoke to her in raspy voice as if he hadn’t spoken for years. She could feel the winds swaying in response to his voice.

“It has been. Thou do know I can see the world around thou, brat?”

Kimiko sighed, it seemed he still called her brat.

“I am not a brat. Besides I think I have improved quite a lot than the last time I came here.”

The man spoke, unperturbed.

“Me know, I hath seen. The gall of Solomon and the other brats, t’was bold and daring. Ultimately, me prefer Solomon more than thou.”

Kimiko just stared ahead, recalling her dreams about the future.

“The visions shown to me are leaning more towards destruction and death in the future. Know anything about it?”

The man just stared ahead.

“T’was warning. Of the inevitable clash. Thou fate hath been sealed the momenth thou took my place. Thou art facing enemies in the future. Be stronger, train harder. That’s all I can give thou. I can openth this place for thou training but thou must be at least double the strength thou have now. Otherwise thou art too weak to handle it.”


Kimiko was alarmed. The man chuckled.

“I understand thou disbelief. Thou views art limited by this barren world. The strength thou have now is barely acceptable for thou ‘job’ I had bestowed. Back then people with thou strength was as common as sands in a desert. But, thou hath no time. Thou enemies have already invaded the world you live in. It is still trying. Thou must not let it.”

Kimiko just stood in silence, processing what he had said. She asked.

“What about the entity that gave me the chance of rebirth? What do you know about them?”

The giant man closed his eyes for a while before replying.

“Those are the relics of ancient past, long before this ball of dirt even existed.”


Kimiko thought. The purplish cloud above them was getting darker and darker as if to showcase the dark future or to magnify the solemnity of his voice.

“Wraiths of long immemorial past. I respect them, thou should too as they are the barrier between thou and thou’s enemies. But I know that they don’t know thou true value. Thou got a chance at rebirth on a mere whim of theirs. That’s all I can say.”

Then magenta lightning cackled in the sky as his eyes opened suddenly.

“But I can feel it, in this era, a conclusion will cometh. Otherwise, [{DEATH}] is the conclusion. The seal thou placed art crumbling fast. Now leave, the time hath come for you to go back. Also before you go back…”

Then she found herself back in the woods five minutes later. She sighed and kept her hands on her face.

‘Why can’t everything be as simple as going from A to B? Also I guess ‘he’ is still alive then…’

Edited: 27-Nov-2020 Grammar Improvement

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