A Dragon’s summoning to another world

Chapter 8: Volitaire’s University

Chapter 8: Volitaire’s University


"The late duke Arnold Volitaire of the Adion Kingdom, was a man of many talents, whether that being in swordsmanship, magic, hunting, or even archery. He would always strive to do something productive, no matter how mundane it is. The kind man died at an age of 153, but before that he vowed to put his name in the history books. Creating one of the most famous universities in history, it stands to reason that he accomplished his goal.”



Professor Rottendale, Master of Scrolls

Year 912


--POV: Laurence—

--Place: Grand Hall of Volitaire / Time:12:00—

“Starting today, I congratulate every one of you who has made it here. You should all be proud of your accomplishments, and we wish you luck in the upcoming Entrance Tournament, Thank you and take care.” I have never heard so much lip service in one speech, more than I heard today.


The person who everyone in this hall is applauding to is the current headmaster of Volitaire’s university, Michael Von Volitaire, the great grandson of Arnold Volitaire, who is the founder of this university.

From what I heard, this university used to be a place solely for teaching and learning knowledge, no matter what kind of knowledge it is. But decades of corruption and bribery, has led to this university being funded and controlled by big shot nobles and merchants.

For example, if the Great Library of Volitaire, contains some knowledge that may harm one of the funders of this amazing academy, it will be immediately censored and removed. Thus, over the years, this great place turned from a haven for those who seek knowledge, to a political battleground, where those with the most money and influence dominate.

Despite these setbacks, the university has retained it’s popularity, due to it’s highly esteemed reputation of teaching the best magic and swordsmanship. As well as, holding the necessary facilities to do that.

In simple terms, this university is the go-to spot, for nobles to send the children they deem talented and worthy of this university, as the costs to live here are very expensive.

This is what I don’t like about this. Why is it only the rich mortals who get access to this? I have came across many poor mortals on my journey to this university, who are more talented than half of the rich kids in this hall.

This is a waste of resources, and is why humanity is stagnating. It is very infuriating, to see how stupid these mortals can be.


Who is that?

The headmaster steps down from the podium, and a black haired kid, no older than nineteen, with brown eyes, and weird shaped glass, takes the headmaster’s place.

“Ahem! Nice to meet you all, my name is Koichi Ryuta. My family name being Koichi and my first name being Ryuta. I can not tell you all how honoured I am to be here standing among the men and women of the future. I hope we can be friends along this hard journey to the peak of power, please treat me well.” And with a final bow, the kid steps down from the podium, as another ring of applause takes the hall.


I can’t put my finger on it, but there is something WRONG. I can’t tell what it is, but when I looked at him, I had a strange desire to kill him in cold blood, despite having no reason to.

I don’t kill mortals for no reason, I mean if an ant doesn’t bother you in any way, why would you kill it? But still, he has a very weird name, along with the fact he said his family name before his first name, and to add to this he is very short for a human.

There is something off, and I need to find out what it is.

With this in mind, I follow quietly behind Clarissa, who leaves the hall, after the speech is done.

I never realized that being a butler, is a pretty simple job to do.

--POV: Clarissa Chamberlayne—

--Place: Clarissa’s Dorm Room / Time:17:15—

Talking with a fake smile, about stuff I don’t care about, to nobles I don’t care about, can be pretty tiring. However, I must keep up with etiquette and appearance, as well as, make some connections to some of these nobles, no matter how much I dislike them.

“What is your opinion of today?” I ask my butler Laurenc- Lance actually, can’t forget he goes under a different name now. I want to see his opinion, on what we’ve seen today, see if I missed something.

“The headmaster is a spineless coward, who would give in under some money and pressure, the easiest type of person to corrupt. While all the other nobles that were talking with you today, were either trying to suck up to you, court you, or probe you for any information.” He doesn’t mince words, does he? “The only truly unexpected thing I found today, was the valedictorian of today’s speech, Ryuta Koichi.” I see, so I’m not the only one who found him suspicious.

“He gave a speech, so he is definitely important. According to gossip of some nobles, he lives in the king’s palace. Those same rumors also state that he came today with the first princess of the Adion Kingdom.” Lance knits his brows at my words. “These are rumors however, but it’s believable enough”

Lance then proceeds to rub his chin with his right hand, something he often does when he is deep in thought. “We lack information, I’m going to go get it.” He then takes a transparent crystal out of his pocket. “This is a communication crystal, as you can’t use telepathy. Use it to contact me if something happens”

Lance then proceeds to exit the room. Even though, he is usually cold to me, and everyone around him. I can tell, he is worried about me. And somehow, that makes me…….

Incredibly happy.

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